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1Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Empty Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:43 pm

Akira Fantasy

Akira Fantasy

Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Kl0l6sM

Tonight was a perfect night to drop by in the Shushaya Pub and have a drink. The sound of excited chattering spread throughout the low-litted bar with the occasional howl of laughter. The atmosphere was relaxing. So far only one fight had broke out among two bulky drunkards who had been arguing over a game of cards. One of them had sworn up and down that the other guy cheated and wanted his money back. The result of the bickering was a broken table and wrinkled cards scattered all over the wooden floor. Ending with both of the drunks kicked out onto the streets by the red-faced bartender. At the front of the Shushaya Pub was a long bar table of polished red wood. The bar table was about eight feet long and was lined with five cushioned stools on the outside. Behind the bar table itself was shelves decorated with various bottles of alcohol. Some of the bottles collected dust among its glassy surface. A fetching female occupied one of the bar stools. She possessed fiery red hair that stopped at the middle of her small back with golden eyes of a fox. Her pupils slitted down the center. 

The female was Akira Sakkaku, but she went be the name Fantasy for personal reasons. Fantasy was a marvelous sight to behold as she was clothed in a vibrant red silk gown that hugged her tiny waist and attention drawing curves. The silk gown was of thin material and was almost transparent against her milk white skin. The gown was rather short and was pretty revealing of her figure. Nothing really seemed odd about Fantasy, besides the fact that she was bare-footed and seemed apathetic about it. She would seem to be a flawless individual with a shot glass between her delicate looking fingers. Tipping her head back as red liquid was drained from the glass. There was so much red about her. Red hair. Red dress. Red liquor. 

Even red coloring was now rising upon her cheeks as the sensational fire of   hard alcohol scorched it's way down her throat. She breathed in the sharp spicy fragrance of cinnamon that was wavering around her. The cinnamon was coming from the other two shot glasses of Fireball that lined up on the bar table.  Fantasy wasn't even the age of 18 but  had already earned her title as the "lush" from the bartender himself.  

Heated yelling erupted from the back room from behind her and for a moment Fantasy felt excited. She heard someone roar out the word thief, and immediately moved from her stool. Her fiery buzz made her movements to be a little sluggish as she made an attempt to advance to the exit. She had a bad feeling that the shouting was because of her and that maybe she had been caught. She was far from innocent and was quite a sinful spirit. She didn't get far when she suddenly fell into another person. She had clumsily tripped over her own foot and let out a small "oof" as she made contact with something solid.

WC: 518
WT: 518

Last edited by Akira Fantasy on Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:23 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Forgot word count)



The darkness of night symbolized an end and a beginning that was soon to follow. For the average worker it was the relaxation offered up by bars at the end of a long day, only to be followed by the duty of waking up early in the morning for another day’s work; for Akashi Hibana, the night called to the end of his long journey and as for the beginning? He had yet to find out. The red haired shinobi looked to the colossal gates that protected Konohagakure no Sato. The last time he had ever seen those gates was when he had been a toddler. While it would have been nice to reminisce about his childhood spent in the village, in truth, he had no memories of Konoha, in fact the only link he had to this village was the duty given to him by his father… a duty to become Konohagakure’s Hokage. The travel had taken Akashi three days and two nights, yet through the entirety of his travel his mind lingered on a single thought. Hibana Masaomi had raised him for a singular purpose, from birth becoming the Hokage was the duty given to Akashi, just as to one day claim the throne of the daimyo was the duty given to his elder brother. Yet, unlike his brother who was properly educated in many vocations, Akashi only knew one thing. Like a wild animal who only knew to survive, Akashi only knew to fight for it was the only thing ever taught to him. Failure was unacceptable, not only for his family, but also for himself.

Slowly the voices of crickets faded into the bustling streets of Konohagakure. Compared to the silent household and formal parties he had been accustomed to, everything seemed so lively. The streets, even at night, were vibrant with families walking the streets, lovers having dinner dates in restaurants, and bars filled with shinobi letting off some steam. Akashi was taken back by everything, while he considered himself an adult, this had been the farthest he had ever been away from home and the first time he had no escort out in a public setting. Plain and simple, Akashi Hibana was lost...  Refusing to admit this to himself, he began walking with the flow of the crowd in hopes of finding lodging for the night.

As he wandered aimlessly, Akashi gained the attention of the civilians. The two symbols embroidered on the white cape he wore over his shoulders separated him from the crowd. While the sigil of the Hibana clan immediately distinguished him from the average shinobi it was the crest of three flames that garnered the attention of all. Only families who have members within the Fire Daimyo’s court were given the privilege to bear the crest. With the crest on sight, people began making way for the red haired shinobi. While he was already accustomed to the special treatment, it saddened him that even in Konohagakure he could not escape the clutches of his father’s reputation.

Hearing his stomach grumble, Akashi realized it had been four days since he last had a proper meal. As fate would have it, the undirected steps he took led him to the Shushaya Pub. The aroma of cooked meat drew the red haired shinobi inside. If he had a weakness it was meat, the smell of it simply took his breath away. Akashi’s arrival was greeted by the bawling of customers. A thief had apparently made its presence known. Akashi cared not of this matter. He was here for food and food alone. Before moving to a table, however, a small child clumsily tripped towards him. Akashi caught the little girl, holding her on her shoulders and helping her regain her footing. The child smelled of alcohol, which made Akashi think she wasn’t a child at all. Before he could get a good look of her or say anything, a man pointed a finger to the two.

“Those two redheads! I bet they were the ones who took it. Look at them headin’ for the exit... chase them!”

Unamused by the baseless accusation, Akashi was prepared to unsheathe the katana strapped on his waist, but the sight of the man’s attire halted him. The drunkard and his comrades were part of Konoha’s military police. Unless Akashi wanted to spend the night in a prison cell, the only course of action was to flee.


3Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Empty Re: Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:57 am

Akira Fantasy

Akira Fantasy

Fantasy looked up into the eyes of a red-haired shinobi that had caught her fall. For a moment her cheeks darkened to an even more deeper of a red as she felt his hands on her shoulders, helping her to regain her balance. Fantasy almost cursed at herself and shook her head violently. She was not allowed to be so easily flattered. She blamed the alcohol for making her act so soft and embarrassed. Hoping that the shinobi who caught her mistakens her blush to be caused by the alcohol and not by him being so close. 

By now, Fantasy could hear more angry shouting behind her. She quickly turns her attention to the men who was making their way towards them. She recognized the main one as the one who she had bumped into before coming across the Shushaya Pub. During her encounter with him earlier she has sneakily snatched his coin pouch from his pocket. Only doing so for the fun of a chase to brighten up her boring day. By now her day had became even more exciting at the sight of the delicious man that was standing in front of her. For the first time she had no intentions of causing chaos for an individual. But she did intend to steal him away with her and get him involved for the short time being. 

Excitement ran through the veins of the intoxicated female. She could hardly keep up with hiding her unique features of a fox while the alcohol took its toll. Her fiery eyes counted three konoha military along with the main drunkard from earlier.  It was time to make her leave and she had decided to bring this red-head along with her if possible. She was already enjoying the day far too well. 

The excited female grabbed onto the shirt of the red-head and tugged him along with her. Hoping that in this situation he would be obedient at the intention of escaping with her instead of choosing to turn her in. 

"Come on! I know a way" 

She would have darted for the door while tipping some of the chairs over behind them. Hoping that the obstacles would help slow down their chasers. Fantasy tried to take extra care in not falling over as she clumsily ran through the Pub. Be this time a devious smile had crept across her lips. She was having far too much fun. 


4Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Empty Re: Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Wed Feb 21, 2018 10:33 am



The red haired Hibana had landed himself in a predicament. What was supposed to be a nice meal turned to member’s of Konohagakure’s police accusing him of thievery. For a brief moment Akashi thought of turning himself in, were he to do so, proving himself innocent was a simple task if he used, his father, Hibana Masaomi’s name. He discarded the thought as quickly as the idea had come to him. Relying on his father even once was unacceptable, and at the first place, why would he have to explain himself to fools making baseless accusations? Akashi was so focused on the angry men that he had nearly forgotten about his supposed partner in crime. Only now had he gotten a good look at her. Unlike Akashi’s first assumption of the lady, she was anything but a child, the luscious curves on her body proved to that, still he didn’t believe her to be older than him. She was beautiful. Her long flowing red hair was similar to that of the young Hibana; with the dress the lady wore she appeared elegant and of nobility, nothing matching the description of a thief. He would have been certain of her innocence had it not been for the look of pleasure that was so clearly written on her face. She was enjoying the situation at hand. He hoped that the look she gave was only that of a happy drunk, who was completely unaware of what was happening.

Akashi decided it was time to leave. A quick exit from the bar was the only option he had. Before he could move, the red haired lady grabbed Akashi by his shoulder sleeve and dragged him along with her. Not wanting the only piece of clothing he had on his upper body ripped off, he went along with her momentum. Akashi followed, yet, grabbed her wrist with his hand at the first opportunity presented. He was about to force her grip away from his shoulder sleeve but stopped when he heard her speak.

“Come on! I know a way.”

Instinctively, Akashi followed the red haired stranger. Had he fled the scene on his own with the military police chasing him, he would have undoubtedly gotten caught. Akashi knew little of Konoha’s streets and alleyways, so when the lady offered to help him he ignored the doubts in his mind that she had actually been guilty of the crime. The two red haired shinobi broke their way out of the Shushaya pub and into the bustling streets of Konohagakure. The lady led the two while Akashi watched their trail. Unsurprisingly the drunk men followed behind the duo. Akashi saw their pursuers reach for their shinobi pouches clumsily looking for shuriken in their drunken state. Still being pulled away from his shoulder sleeve, Akashi freed himself from the lady’s grip with his hand that still held her wrist. Up until this point, he allowed himself to be dragged along by her so that he wouldn’t lose her along the streets, but he needed to move freely for what he suspected was coming next. The shinobi pursuers launched shurikens from behind. With one hand holding the wrist of the red haired stranger he was following, Akashi, with his other hand, grabbed a ripe watermelon from a fruit stall the two had passed and tossed it to the mid-air shurikens, halting the drunk police member’s attempted assault and feeding Konoha’s street animals.

The situation had clearly gotten out of hand if their pursuers were opening fire on the duo in a populated area. Hopefully his 'partner in crime' new where they were going.

616 | 1363

Akira Fantasy

Akira Fantasy

Fantasy felt the man's hand on her wrist as he removed her grasp on his shirt. She didn't object to his action and would look up at him in curiosity. Wondering what he planned to do. Did he plan on going his own way? Was he planning on turning her in to the military drunks? She couldn't blame him for doing so if he was to. She had dragged him into  one of her chases without even introducing herself yet. She was only a drunk stranger to him with a secret dark side. 

But she didn't want him to turn her in or to leave. It's rare for her to come across someone that sparked an interest in her.  An interest that didn't involve her wanting to cause that person pain so that she could take pleasure in it. No, she didn't want this man to know her twisted side. She wanted him to know her good side if possible. For the first time she would like to have a comrade that didn't hate her or fear her. 

What would he do though, if he was to see what she can be. He would probably not want anything to do with her and would call her crazy. He may call her evil and not human at all. But she didn't want to think if that just yet. She would do her best to contain herself. To be normal. To not lose herself. And see what tonight will become. 

Fantasy was still watching the red-head. Waiting to see if he was to turn on her or leave. She wouldn't stop him. It turned out she didn't have to stop him either way. He had surprised her by doing neither. She watched as he grabbed one of the watermelons by a food stall and tossed it in the air. Shuriken buried themselves into the hard shell of the fruit as the military had taken action into attacking. It was time to lose them. She had lost interest in the chase. She was more interested in the stranger she had dragged with her. 

The female knew where they was. She had finally sobered up enough to think more accurately. They was right by the blacksmith and it just so happened that she was on good terms with the blacksmith. Just like how she's rather close to the bartender at the Shushaya Pub, being a common costumer there and rather open about herself. 

As the watermelon shattered against the dirt in messy wet pieces, Fantasy dug her bare heel into the soft ground. The day had been rather hot and the dirt was rather dusty underneath her feet. It would prove to be a perfect distraction. Fantasy twisted her body as she swept her foot through the dirt. Kicking up a large cloud of dust and dirt. If the attackers was to attempt to rush through the cloud then the dust would gather in their eyes and causing temporary blindness. If the chasers stayed back then the cloud would be too thick for them to see past. 

The female shinobi took this opportunity. She tugged on his sleeve again but only for a second. Just to get his attention. Leaving him the option to follower her or not. Then she would head over to the blacksmith in swift movement. Not as graceful as she could be as she had just sobered up. Then she ducked behind the large stone forge in the back. It was somewhat uncomfortably hot but she wasn't complaining. The forge would be large enough to hide both her and the man from sight and she knew that the blacksmith wouldn't give her away. She made sure to remember to be in debt to the blacksmith.

WC: 625
WT: 1548



A cloud of dust filled the area between the duo and their pursuers. For a brief moment there was an opportunity for the two to lose the drunkards on their trail. Akashi thought of getting to the rooftops; it would have been easy for the duo to lose the drunk shinobi with the high ground on their side. The red haired lady tugged on his clothing once more. She urged him to hide behind a large stone beside a forge; it wasn’t necessarily the perfect hiding spot, but at this point he might as well have gone with her… they had gotten this far together and he at least wanted to know the lady’s name. Akashi summoned a clone beside him which would serve as a distraction to ensure the two’s safety. The red haired Hibana followed behind the lady after conjuring up a distraction. Like her, he ducked behind the large stone. Crouching beside the lady, his eyes were on the roads, checking to see if the clone had done them any good. Upon the fading of the dust cloud created by his partner, the clone ran down straight down the streets. The first drunkard to regain his eyesight yelled after the clone and chased it, causing his comrades to do the same. Monkey see, monkey do. The fools completely whizzed by the duo, not even bothering to notice the lack of shadows a simple clone jutsu possessed. Akashi questioned the capabilities of Konoha’s Military Police, but pardoned their actions due to their drunken state.

Akashi relaxed a few seconds after their pursuers passed them. He dispersed his clone jutsu creating a poof of white clouds at the area his clone had reached. The thought of the drunkards being confused with the disappearing clone on their sights gave the Hibana a mild amusement. With the threat of being sent to jail out of the way, it was time to find out who this lady was. The Hibana turned to the lady that he escaped with. Being so closed to her face allowed him to smell the aroma of alcohol that came from her. Given the whole ordeal of being chased and escaping, he figured that she had sobered up by this point and was capable of conversation.

“You actually did steal what the man had been missing, didn’t you?”

Akashi was brash, and he knew this. While his intentions were simply that of a curious man inquiring, the act of accusing someone without concrete proof was exactly what the drunkards had done to him, yet here he was doing the exact same thing. The expression on her face before they left and her experience in handling herself in pursuit situations had given him the idea that she was actually guilty of the crime. Given that the man and his friends had accused him without warrant, Akashi didn’t mind the fact that she had pickpocketed the man’s belongings. Without warning, Akashi’s stomach growled with hunger. The reason he had been in the Shushaya pub in the first place was to have a meal, he was reminded of the fact that he hadn’t eaten yet.

“Forgive me if I’m mistaken, but if I am indeed correct, then the least you could do for an innocent civilian caught up in this is to treat him out to dinner.”

The red haired shinobi got up from his crouching position, there was no longer any need for them to hide behind the small rock. He wiped the dust off from his body and gestured his hand toward the lady. He offered to help her up and if she allowed him, Akashi would shake her hand as a sign of respect upon introducing himself.

“I am Akashi Hibana. I’m unfamiliar with Konohagakure, so I’d appreciate it if you could bring me to a place with good food.”

654 | 2017


Akira Fantasy

Akira Fantasy

Fantasy felt sweat gathering along her brow as they hid near the hot active forge. She wiped it away with the back of her hand and watched as her dust distraction fade away. She would look amused as she watched the red-headed shinobi summon an identical clone of himself to rid themselves of the drunk pursuers. He had surprised her by staying in her company, and that made her even more interested in him. 

She didn't understand what made her feel so excited being near him. Maybe it was his red hair, or maybe it was the fact that he had followed her, a total stranger, in a situation that she had planned out. He didn't leave or turn her in. He stayed to the very end and here he was introducing himself to her.  

Fantasy had to admit that she was taken by his features and after hearing his name, she was astonished to find that he held a strong title. She was intrigued by him. Her favorite color was red, for many reasons, and she wanted to run her hands through the threads of his hair, and mark his fair skin with crimson cuts until his ruby red blood- No. She did not want him to be a victim to her twisted side. She was not going to reveal herself as the sadist that hid in the dark side of her mind. 

Fantasy pushed away the horrifying thoughts that tried desperately to invade her. She dug her nails deeply into the white flesh of her arm. Bringing herself back into control. 

She looked up at him while they hid. Watching as he had stood from his place after the military chasers where now gone. She was flattered as he offered her his hand and happily took it. Allowing him to shake her hand after he had helped her to her feet. Her expression shined with bliss as she heard his words of taking him to a place to eat. It excited her how straight forward he was with her. Not hesitating for a moment to express his thoughts to her. She thought of not introducing her name as a way to tease him, but she decided otherwise. 

"My name is Akira Sakkaku, but I like to go by Fantasy, and you've caught me red-handed." She purred the words like a seductive kitten as she pulled out a little coin pouch from inside her dress. Twirling in between her fingers like a new toy. "And I'll be treating you to a date." 

She didn't even wait for him to object or say anything about it. She turned on her heals and strutted through the dirt with confidence. Her head held high as she grinned with enthusiasm. "I know a perfect place!" She would call out to him with joy. The place she had planned for them was the famous Ichirako Ramen, a nice hot steaming bowl of noodles sounded delightful for her hangover. 




The two shinobi introduced themselves to each other after Akashi had helped the lady get up on her feet. They shook hands and finally got to know each other’s names. Akashi was correct in assuming that she had stolen from the man, to him, all that really meant was that he would be treated to dinner. He had no qualms of her thievery, yet he couldn’t deny the fact that he was curious. Why was this woman wearing a lavish red dress resorting to pickpocketing? Akashi had already made the assumption in his head that, like him, she too was a shinobi. He understood that not necessarily everyone who live in Konohagakure was a shinobi, but her movements gave it away. He wanted to test his abilities against her or see her in combat, but that was for another time. The night took a turn when she told him that the dinner would be a date. The Hibana showed a small curve on the corner of his lip. He couldn’t help but give a small chuckle at her words as he nodded in agreement.

“I suppose it wouldn’t be fair for you to simply treat a stranger out to dinner without it being a date.”

As if already knowing that Akashi would agree she began walking back to the streets of Konoha, without waiting for his response. Akashi followed and the two walked beside each other with Fantasy taking the lead. Again as Akashi walked the streets, people gave way to him upon seeing the sigil at his back. Akashi wondered if the lady beside him knew of his family or who he was, but the fact that she had dragged him along a chase proved otherwise in the Hibana’s mind. In truth, Akashi did not want to be treated like nobility. He couldn’t deny that the short instance that the two had been together, even whilst being chased by Konoha’s military police, was fun.

Once again a grumbling sensation filled Akashi’s stomach, this time it was audible. He was starving, and the ever-growing aroma of broth and noodles only helped to fuel his hunger. The smell came from the direction that Fantasy had been leading him to. ‘Ichiraku Ramen?’. The restaurant was filled with people. It was clearly popular and Akashi knew why. To those who had read their history, Ichiraku Ramen was a place that the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, frequently visited. The restaurant itself had become somewhat of a tourist attraction known even to those who had not stepped a foot within Konoha. A line of people formed outside the restaurant’s door. Unlike what it was back in the history books, this Ichiraku Ramen seemed high class and luxurious. Not one to usually flaunt off his heritage, his hunger made Akashi impatient and he would not be made to wait in a line for a meal. The Hibana took a pin bearing his family’s crest as the two approached the restaurant. In its captivating glow, the waiter managing the line couldn’t help but look at the pin that Akashi held from afar. As if forgetting the line of customers behind him, the man opened up the Restaurant’s door for Akashi and Fantasy. Gesturing for the two to enter, the man nodded and greeted the red haired duo.

563 | 2580

9Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Empty Re: Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Fri Mar 02, 2018 10:20 am

Akira Fantasy

Akira Fantasy

Fantasy was absolutely ecstatic when she found the red-headed shinobi following a little ways to the side of her. Her lips curved into a smile of joy and confidence as they made their way closer to the destination. By now she would assume that her red-haired companion would possibly recognize the place as the Ramen. If not, then he'd probably be able to recognize the wavering fragrance of the broth. Beside her, she could hear the faint rumbling of his stomach and was glad that they had finally made their way there.

She had noticed that on their way over, people had parted to make way for them. She knew for sure that despite her appealing appearance, she had no popularity amongst the villagers, besides the bartender and the blacksmith. She was far from royalty and only looked so lavishing because she loved the attention. She finally guessed that it must have been her partner that had caused the people to at like so. She had noticed the symbol on his back earlier and already knew it must have resembled his clan. She had to admit that she didn't have much knowledge about his clan, but she now knew that they must be well-known and we'll acknowledged. Something she herself sought to be.

Even after guessing that her partner was possibly part of a very noble clan, she didn't want to act any different with him. She always found it hard to submit herself to the higher ranks or shy away like a mutt with its tail tucked. She liked for them to notice her as an independent and stubborn woman.  For that was what she was. Someone who's ego was to the roof and who constantly radiated with confidence.  Someone who only submitted herself to people who puts her in her place.

Finally, they had made their way to the table. The place would be found somewhat empty due to it being quite late. Fantasy took a seat in one of the cushioned stools and turned to face the man that ran the place. "I want the usual." She spoked smoothly, trailing her fingers across the bar. Her usual was a bowl of shrimp ramen with whatever spice tea that was available.  She was certain that her and her companion would have plenty to talk about after he took his order. Of course she'd pay for the orders before they leave.

She turned her attention towards the man who had been in her company. Waiting after he took his order before moving to ask a question. "So... the way the people was avoiding us. That has something to do with you doesn't it? You really are fascinating." Her words would end in a velvety purr.


10Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Empty Re: Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Sun Mar 04, 2018 11:04 am



The waiter allowed Akashi and Akira to choose their own table; Ichiraku Ramen boasted a variety in dining experience, allowing the customers a luxurious meal at one of its tables, or a more casual experience at the stools. Leading the way, Akira made her way to the stools. The Hibana followed his partner and sat beside her. The ambience of the restaurant was serene. Despite a line piling up outside its doors, Ichiraku Ramen only served a select few that they deemed important enough to keep the restaurant open for, even past the closing period. The restaurant was filled with some of the most important people in Konoha, which made the two red haired shinobi stand out. Among the public figures, celebrities, and famous shinobi who were all seated upon lavish tables; two genin were the center of attention among the restaurant’s staff.

Without much knowledge on Ichiraku Ramen’s menu, Akashi ordered the same dish as the lady who sat beside him. After taking their order, the man behind the counter allowed the two their own privacy as he prepared their meals. Akira took the opportunity to ask the Hibana a question. She had asked why the people on the streets were so eager to make a path for the two. As he had suspected, Akira didn’t know much— or anything— of his family. It was rare of Akashi to meet someone who would know him first before knowing of his family. The Hibana nodded once, as he took the pin he had earlier shown the waiter. Akashi placed the golden pin on the table for Akira to see.

“My family… my father specifically, he is the Fire Daimyo’s second in command and most trusted advisor. This crest is given to members of the Daimyo’s council and their families. I wear the same crest on my back beside the sigil of my clan. The people from the streets must’ve seen the crest and thought that I was royalty. It happens often.”

The aroma of broth filled the air once more, this time the scent was stronger. The food had finally finished cooking. Served with a glass of tea and metal chopsticks, the bowl of ramen found its way in front of Akashi. Unable to help himself from hunger, the Hibana took a sip of the broth and began to eat his ramen. After relieving himself of his hunger and finish the bowl of ramen, the Hibana returned his attention to the lady in red beside him.

“Thank you for the meal, you chose an excellent spot to eat. I apologize for eating hastily, but I had yet to eat anything for the evening. With that aside, it’s my turn to ask. Who are you, Fantasy? I don’t think I’ve ever met a thief like you, nor do I think that the common thief in Konoha is  associated with beautiful ladies and red dresses. Why did you do it?”

Despite having put his trust on her earlier ago as they were being chased, she was still someone Akashi knew next to nothing about, and while he didn't see her as a bad person, he still wanted to know what kind of person the lady beside him was.

546 | 3126

11Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Empty Re: Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:44 am

Akira Fantasy

Akira Fantasy

So~ he is the son of a rather acknowledged man. No doubt, Akashi must be impressive as well. Fantasy would be over-joyed to have the opportunity to see what he can do, to experience the pain he could inflict on her. Fantasy knew that the Sakkaku clan was not well-known and was certain that her clan wasn't as impressive as the Hibana. This shot a spark of jealousy through her, but she didn't show it. She didn't dislike Akashi for this. No... She was all too fascinated by him and his fiery hair, and the personality he possessed. 

 Fantasy had listened to his words as she glanced down towards the pin he placed on the table. She nibbled on her finger in wonder, taking in the last bit of information he gave her about himself.

"How intriguing. I would love to see what your capable of, to see what this clan is all about."

Suddenly the delicious savoring smell of shrimp ramen taunted her nose. The waiter had placed their orders on the table, the two red-head shinobi sharing the same choice, and left behind two sets of metal chopsticks. Fantasy was a sucker for seafood of any kind as well as spicy drinks and alcohol. She breathed in the fragrance as she delicately picked up one of the chopstick sets. Carefully eating about half the bowl of noodles before realizing that her partner had already finished his up. 

"No need to apologize~"

She set down her chopsticks and moved over to the glass of tea beside her bowl. Helping herself to a few cubes of sugar before lifting the cup up to her lips and taking a sip. Peppermint, not exactly what she had in mind, but it will do. The essence of the mint tea seemed to make her feel a little more refreshed. After taking a few more drinks, she set the glass back down on the table. She couldn't help but give a roguish smile when she heard his next words. 

"You are right, I am no ordinary thief. I don't care about the money. To me it was just a fun game. A game where I test myself and entertain myself, nothing more. I don't like taking things so seriously and I like to imagine most serious situations to be entertainment."

Fantasy's words were both playful and mischievous. She gazed at Akashi as she spoke, trying to ignore the way her body heated up at the way he mentioned her as beautiful. Not many people could cause such a reaction from her. She has became soft and she didn't understand why. She handled the coin pouch from her dress once again and tossed the whole little pouch on the table. Not even caring if there was more then what was charged.

Her eyes continued to watch her red-haired companion. From this close it was obvious that her pupils was slitted  almost like a feline, and her eyes was an unusual golden-red. She was growing so excited and it was complicated for her to contain herself. Her lips curved into a wicked smile as she purred once more like a kitten. "Now~ for who I really am, that's a secret that you have to find out on your own. That's if you think you can handle it. I'm not exactly what I seem, there's more to me then what meets the eye."


12Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Empty Re: Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:28 am



Akashi believed that his entire being of existence was for the sole purpose of becoming the strongest shinobi the world would ever see; his upbringing only supported the notion that it was indeed his destiny to one day stand on top of the world. He possessed an immense pride in his capabilities as a shinobi, and saw everyone as a rival for his position of becoming number one. The night had been a great pleasure and distraction; for but a brief moment Akashi abandoned his natural instinct to compete, unknowingly making the decision to simply enjoy the occuring events and the companionship the red-haired lady gave him. That fun was over. The Hibana felt as if he was slapped back to reality; a wild flame that lay dormant when he left Hibana Masaomi’s household lit up and burned fiercely inside him once more. He remembered the reason he was in a village he had never set foot in, at the first place. Akashi Hibana was not here to make friends; he was here for one purpose alone… the throne of the Hokage. Anyone he met was simply a rival who stood against him, for every shinobi coveted the title of unrivaled under the sun.

Akira Sakkaku allowed a flame to rekindle within him, and that made her the center of his attention. A shift in his demeanor was palpable in the atmosphere; the look on his face changed, becoming cold and expressionless, while deep inside, listening to the words of his companion had roused him. The words of Akira were the words of a challenger who believed herself to be superior. Akashi had never turned down a challenge in his life, and right in front of him was a challenge. The opportunity was perfect. He sought to prove himself against a shinobi from the hidden leaf, and he assumed she wanted to prove herself against a member from one of Konohagakure’s better known clans. Had the setting been perfect, he would have challenged her to a duel right there and then; instead, he was forced to calm himself down. Akashi took a sip from the warm cup of tea beside him, yet still the excitement refused to die down. Unlike the challengers who had previously come before him, Akira was an unknown; she was not some pawn brought in by his father to test Akashi. What stood before him was an actual rival. Unable to contain himself any longer, the Hibana got up from his seat and faced Akira. He unstrapped the sheathed blade tied to his waste and placed it on the table.

“I’m more than certain I could handle whatever unexpected secrets you may bear. And as for what I’m capable of doing? Why don’t we find out right now? Although not a conventional place to spar, I believe Ichiraku Ramen is as good a place as any.”

With his challenge spoken loudly for everyone in the restaurant to hear, the worried looks of the restaurant’s staff and Ichiraku’s few customers could be sighted. Akashi faced the restaurant’s owner, the man who had prepared his— and Akira’s— meal; he pushed the golden pin, still sat at the bar, closer to the worried entrepreneur. Using his father’s influence once more, Akashi reminded the owner of his status and with one gesture, he assured the man that all damages to the restaurant— along with possible loss of business— would be paid in full by Masaomi Hibana. Despite the assurance, the worried looks of those around the two shinobi wouldn’t dissipate. At this point, Akashi no longer cared about the people in his surroundings; all of his attention was focused on the red-haired lady in front of him. From her smile to her ever-so-increasing feline features, he noticed everything about her and anticipated her every move.

650 | 3776

13Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Empty Re: Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:30 am

Akira Fantasy

Akira Fantasy

Akira watched as her red-haired companion changed completely. Curiosity sparked within her fiery-foxy eyes as Akashi's composure went from friendly to closed off and cold. She had not expected such an immediate response, not one like this. Suddenly her partner was a whole different person. Maybe calling him her partner was a little off. She couldn't make a decision  what to consider him as. Did he see her as a rival all of the sudden? Maybe she had accidently insulted him without realizing it. Which was something that happened quite often with her around others. Either way her expression did not alter, not in the slightest. She remained flirtatious as she finished her meal. Not bothered at all by the sheathed weapon that had been laid on the table. 

She took her time taking a sip from her bowl of broth. Taking care to not make a mess of herself as she let her tongue glide across her bottom lip. Licking away the rich brothy taste. "Mmm you've suddenly fired up! Are you trying to make me excited?" She purred the words as she softly bit at her lip. Playing seductive as she twirled her hair around her finger. 

For a moment, she lowered her lashed as she gazed up at the man before her. The one that was now challenging her to fight right here and now. "Well, I'm not really dressed appropriate. As you can see..." She gestured to the silk dress she wore. The fabric was obviously thin and would easily tear of not handled carefully. "But I will accept your offer under one condition. We shall not fight as rivals. We will fight as allies, testing one another to know each other. To know each other's strengths and weaknesses. With the possibility to shed each other's blood." 

Akira wiggled her eyebrows as she grinned like the she-demon she was. "If you don't think you can handle such a request, then we shall part ways here and now. Because if we become enemies, then you may never know my secrets either way." She paused for a moment. Shrugging her shoulders as she pushed back her hair. "Besides, I've found a liking to you.... Akashi.  I'd only want to fight you for the fun of it,  nothing more. I don't care about rewards remember."


14Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Empty Re: Cinnamon and Spice (Open/Non-Killing) Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:05 am



Unlike Akashi, who failed to contain his eagerness to fight, the red haired lady remained seated and simply attempted to finish her bowl of ramen. Despite his brash actions and challenge, she remained unbothered; it was a strange scene for those around the two who had only heard Akashi’s challenge. Here was a man who had brazenly challenged someone inside a restaurant, and here was a lady who simply finished her ramen broth despite being challenged so brazenly by a sword wielding shinobi. Despite the lady remaining so quiet, Akashi expected a fight to start at any minute. The Hibana expected a surprise attack from a rival, yet instead was instead gifted with the words of a friend. His partner talked him down with a sense of maturity that he had failed to show. The usually calm and composed Akashi had lost himself in the heat of the moment. There was always the fire of competitiveness that burned within him, it was a fire that came with his pride as a shinobi from the Hibana clan; nonetheless, there was no excuse for his rudeness. The worried eyes of staff and customers remained locked on the Hibana. Akashi released a sigh of disappointment, and sat back down beside the red haired lady. He was disappointed and embarrassed in himself. Having calmed down he gave Akira a quick and small bow.

“I apologize, I seem to have forgotten my manners. You are right Fantasy, this is hardly the place nor the time for a fight; you aren’t prepared, and I wouldn’t be able to call that a proper fight… besides, you did say this was a date. As for your proposition... I accept. Despite my impulsive actions, I do not wish for you to be an enemy… I like you too Akira. Instead of fighting here and now, how about tomorrow? Anytime will do, I have a private training grounds where I reside… maybe we could continue this date after we spar.” Akashi took the golden pin laid down on the table and slid it close to the red haired lady. “The Hibana clan have a district of their own within Konohagakure, my house is naturally among them. It's impossible to miss, but if you have a hard time finding where I live show this pin to anyone residing in the district and they are sure to help you out.”  

The sound of a clock striking twelve, marked the Hibana’s time to leave. He was expected to arrive a few hours ago, but he had no regrets. While the night had somewhat been spoiled by his actions, he had something to look towards for tomorrow. “Thank you for the meal, I must take my leave. I apologize once more for my rudeness, and If you don’t mind I will be calling by your first name, Akira. I shall see you tomorrow” With his final words said, a white cloud of would take the place of the Hibana, leaving only the golden pin as a mark that he had ever been there in the first place.


513 | 4289

Stats training:

Strength: E-rank  > D-0

Speed: E-rank  > D-0

Endurance: E-rank  > D-0

Perception:E-rank  > D-0

Reaction Time: E-rank  > D-0

Remaining word count: 539

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