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1A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:45 am



The village was unbelievable even at night, the symbol of the Hidden Cloud Village hung on banners throughout the village every street he walked down was lined with them as far as the eye could see. He understood that it had been weeks since the destruction of the village hidden in the sand, but to him it was only yesterday, and to see so much joy in the wake of that Horror made his stomach turn. He pushed the thought of the hidden sand from his mind, the village was no longer relevent and was now nothing more than a memory and there was no reason to dwell in the past. Besides he left his tides to the village behind as he had left his headband back in the desert, to anyone who would question him of his homeland he would just be a traveller, a boy with no home, a Ronin and that was ok with him. He smiled slightly as he saw the children playing and running through the streets, at least this village had not had it's light extinguished forever as the former sand village had, here the darkness was kept at bay. He stopped at the ramen shop he had come across during his walk, choosing to take a seat and enjoy some food, after ordering a large sum of the menu and placing his ryo on the counter he sat down and awaited for his meal to be prepared. As the boy sat there he listened to the different conversations of the other customers of the shop gathering some information on the villagers as well as some rumors of this and that, and the general goings on of the village. Raphael made a note to return to this shop in the days to come during his stay here in the village as it was a good source of information that could come in useful. He had only arrived in the village earlier this morning yet after the day he had he felt like he had been here for weeks, he had seen most of the historical sites of the village and had already taken the tour of the more know sites it was time to take a stroll down the roads less travelled, thanks to a particular conversation he had over heard in the ramen shop his interest was spiked to take a look around the parts of the village he had not already seen before the night was over. As he finished his feast he heard the the man behind the counter, "Kinda late for a kid like yourself to be out alone isn't it?" the man asked giving the boy his change, "Nonsense my good man, for the night is yet young, and so am I," the boy responded with a wink, leaving a generous tip before standing from his seat and leaving the ramen shop heading for the parts of the village that most tourist don't know about, perhaps it would be less crowded than the main roads.


2A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:28 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Miku had just barely made it to the tournament stage as he felt some level of disappointment in himself as he could remember it like it was yesterday, because it was yesterday that he took that unbelievable blow to his back. His tail ached with pain, his ears were ringing like crazy as he felt like he could collapse from the pain and fatigue alone. He had felt defeat in the jaws of victory and found victory in the fairly large jaws of defeat as he learned that while the Hokage was strong because of his experience and skill, Mitsuo was strong because he had risen to a level beyond a normal shinobi should ever reach. However the thing he learned to understand most of all was that in this world he was a weakling among the weak and had to find a way to get much stronger then before as he began to wonder around in the night.

He felt underestimated when he realized that the hunter could have easily beaten him by using the fire clone ninjutsu not only to scout him out, but also to keep track of all his actions making the decoy almost useless. However he still could have escaped even that, as he kept replaying it in his mind to think if there was nothing he could have done better. He wanted to do so many things and he was allowed to skip the first round due to luck, while others call luck a skill he kept feeling like someone was looking out for him as he bashed a small dent into the wall of his room that he was sleeping in for the night. He got top class medical treatment for the exams since the fights were a test of skill that required seeing the full potential of both opponents.

The symbol of the village was rather beautiful as he made his way through the village area at night as he was not sure what to do as he was now in his casual wear. So many village banners, in Konoha you saw a lot of leaves and trees as he kept on walking through the streets. After a while the crowd was bothering him as he made his way to where the crowd was smaller and saw some stranger as he began to simply go with the flow, while not being close enough to pose a threat but also not far enough to be avoiding the person. He was simply heading to a secluded area and as coincidence dictates he would feel a bit sleepy as he would close his eyes every now and then, his cat like ears twitching just in case someone tried sneaking up on him as his tail swayed from side to side.


3A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Fri Feb 16, 2018 3:36 am



The night sky was hard to see due to all the lights and decorations scattered across the streets, it was sad in his opinion as he loved the view of the night sky. Raphael walked for a ways working through the crowds trying to find the street in which the men from the ramen shop spoke of, it took a while but he was finally able to find the side road that the men had spoke of. Looking down the road from where he stood on the main road he could see that though this road was still decorated, it was less than that of the main street which confirmed that it was the road the two men were talking about. Without another thought the young boy headed down the side street looking for a place where he could see the night sky, there were much less people on this street than that of the main road. Raphael concluded that most if not all of these people were villagers and not just random tourist, mostly due to the fact that the further down the road he got the less decorated it was so it stood to reason that the village had not excepted many if any would travel down this road and so they were not decorated. With the decrease of decoration also came a decrase in the lighting of the stree, though it was still lit up enough to see clearly it was noticeably dimmer than the main street which he had ventured off from. Raphael looked up into the night sky though the lighting still blocked a clear view of the sky, he did see the faint glow of stars with this he increased his pace slightly trying to hurry his journey down the street in hopes of finding a perfect view of the night sky. As his walk continued Raphael got a strange suspision that he was being followed, or at the very least watched, without having to make any handsigns or other noticable effort Raphael let his chakra begin to flow from his body and saturate the air around him. Anyone in the area would feel a gently breeze when the chakra was first released but nothing else about his jutsu would be noticed unless whoever was around him had the ability to sense chakra. With this jutsu Raphael would have a sense of anyone moving with a thirty meter radius of himself, and would give him some warning should anyone suddenly make a move to attack him and he would not have to show signs of him knowing someone was there by having to look all around him. Raphael could sense seven other people in the area as he walked, three of them was walking in the same direction as he was and the other four were walking in opposite directions away from him, so it wasnt those four that was watching him. The one downside to the jutsu was the he could not sense things the did not disturb the air around him, therefore if the person watching him were stationary he wouldn't know where they were. The only thing he could do now was focus himself on the three he could sense walking behind him. He could not see who they were but got a general sense of where they were by the disturbance of the air as they moved two of them were walking together and the third was alone. It was possible the two were merely a couple walking home or something and of course the single person could just be walking home too he could not be sure but it was better to be safe than sorry and he would treat all three as a potential threat.

He would continue down the street until he came to a small open area with random stones placed all around it, and the remnants of a battle that took place here. This place had no lights around it though the light of the moon and stars still lit the area enough that Raphael could still see and he reveled in the sight of the night sky it brought peace to the young boy allowing him to calm his mind. He wondered around the area until he was far enough in front of the followers that he could dart around the corner without being seen and began focusing on the air disturbance getting closer to him. He could only sense one now which meant that the other two had either stopped moving or was out of his range, but it did not matter to the boy right now as the one was getting closer to him. Once the person was just a few meters away from the corner the boy had slid behind he would move out from behind the corner, "why are you following me?" He would call out to the figure to probe their intention and in hopes to intimidate them should they have ill intentions against the boy.

Chakra: 160/170:

4A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:06 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Miku did not fear the sky of the night as his eyes were more accustomed to the unusual sight in a world so full of light. He did not really know why there were so many lights, but the sky was still beautiful in Miku's eyes, he kept following the intended target for whatever reason it was that compelled him. Though he got a bit worried as they went down a side road, he was simply letting his curiosity lead him or so it was that he was actually trying to find a secluded area and was not actually following the boy to begin with. This coincidence was perhaps a fated destiny meant to be as he remembered how alone he felt now that he was on his own and no longer staying with his family.

Miku felt happy there were finally less decorations as they were actually ruining the ambiance of the beautiful city, when beauty is too bright, one can not see how beautiful it truly is. Miku could hear two men and his unintended target that he was not following, but seemed to be following as his tail swayed some more, he could not get enough of his tail swaying. The decorations decreased and the empty nature of this secluded area began to creep up on a purpose as Miku felt fear along with a mixture of excitement as he kept on going.

Miku looked up to the night sky as he saw some stars, but he knew deep down in his heart that Airi was more beautiful then any star, his mom could shine brighter and Megami was still someone in the corner of his heart as his first crush. He began to day dream of that time he ate together with her as his tears began to flow remembering that one stormy night in the rain. He can not remember what she said that time, but the feelings he felt hurt more then being stabbed in the chest. Well at the very least it was worse then being stabbed in the first place as he kept on heading to find his quiet spot.

Miku's ears perked up and his eyes blinked for a moment as he felt like he noticed something and as he looked around there was some chakra in the air, he held his breathe for a moment as he silenced his breathing wondering what it was that was going on, he looked around him to make sure he was not being followed. This gentle breeze was strange as he wondered if it was similar to his stream technique which was used for sensory purposes. Out of curiosity he kept following, he wanted to know what was giving off this aura like breeze. It also felt a bit refreshing as he liked the wind blowing through his hair as his ears twitched a few times, his cat's tail swaying around maintaining his balance as he sometimes got lazy and leaned to the side while walking.

They finally came to a secluded place as it felt like he was going closer to a nice secluded place with no lights around as the light of the moon was more beautiful then the eye could see. He noticed the chakra seemed to move suddenly as he felt it strange, but it did not really seem to be avoiding him or more like it just shifted quickly like a rat going into hiding as a cat he felt he just had to follow. Then he noticed he could smell someone as they came out from hiding to ask him why he was following him as he did not take too long to think about it and gave his honest answer.

"I was just curious about that windy technique of yours" as he looked down. "Sorry if I am bothering you" while he fidgeted with his one foot, his cat's tail swaying behind him, his cat ears twitching a bit before facing to the sides lowered some what. He was not sure what it was, but he felt like he was in trouble and getting scolded by this strange boy.


He has a passive clan sensory in case you wondering why he can see the chakra

5A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Sun Feb 18, 2018 3:11 am



Raphael was taken aback by the appearance of the boy, not just because he looked like a terrible experiment gone wrong, but also because of the size of the boy he was more than a foot short than Raphael and looked to be around his age if not younger. This boy was not the one I felt watching me, Raphael thought to himself as the boy answered his question. Windy technique? Raphael thought to himself, how on earth did that boy know I had used my wind sense? His jutsu shouldn't of been noticeable, "What do you mean? What technique?" Raphael said trying to deny the fact that he knew what the boy spoke of, after all he can't go around tell everyone his secrets what kind of Shinobi would he be. He had trained for many years in the art of deception as well as seeing through deception as part of his clan training, his face was calm and composed showing no signs of lying, though his mind was racing with questions about the boy, who was he? How did he know about the wind sense? Why did he looked like a cat? But there was something else on the young shinobi's mind as well, he had not forgot feeling as though someone was watching him, and if it wasnt this boy than who was it and where were they now? Before Raphael had a chance to ask the boy any one of the questions that was running through his head, his attention was drawn to his left someone had just entered his wind field and was moving at a fast pace towards the boy and himself. Raphael turned his head in the direction of the disturbance, but with all the pillars and rocks of this ruined part of the village he could not get a line of site on the person or thing moving towards them. Suddenly he sensed two more moving in from another direction, and another two until soon there were seven in total all moving towards them. "It appears we are not alone, I am sorry it appears I mistook you for one of them," he said to the boy before grabbing a Kunai out of his pouch. He quietly scolded himself for being so distracted by the boy following him that he had walked right into a trap, the young Shinobi looked around as four masked men stood on the ground around them blocking normal means of escape while the other three stood on top of pillars of remains of buildings looking down at the pair of boys chuckling. Raphael lowered into his fighting stance ready for the fight ahead, his only hope was that he was right about the boy and that he was not apart of this group and that the boy would be able to help him against these low life thugs.


Chakra 155/170:

6A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Sun Feb 18, 2018 11:31 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Miku began to realize that he could see jutsu in a sense that their chakra was visible, it was not an ability he had always had but one he just naturally acquired. However it came at a price as he found things had changed, while he had some form of senjutsu he did not have as large a chakra pool as other users of the art in question. He also understood that people sometimes kept their techniques a secret as he began to wonder why the boy was playing dumb when he already pointed out that he noticed the technique, though he did not want to bother the boy too much about it even if he was curious.

As they stood there the other boy turned his head as Miku simply followed with his eyes as his ears picked up a sound closing in on them from the distance, his cat-like ears would not miss something like this as he just decided to keep a minor guard up just in case something happened. He did not need to see the target, but he knew the target was out there somewhere as he began to wonder if he should ask about the jutsu again, or about the stranger approaching them. The boy mentioned that they do not seem to be alone and that he was sorry he mistook him for one of them as he just listened to all the noise they made, he was not sure since he was being a bit lazy with counting. However he knew there were at least around five of them so he began to focus on being ready.

He looked at the four blocked exits and the three guys on the pillars and thought to himself that this was a rather simple trap, if either one of them new some form of earth technique this would have simply been a reverse trap.

"Close your eyes"

As he through something that looked like two bells into the air there was a massive flash of light as you could hear mild cries of pain, as the light pierced into the eyes of those who were not ready. While some shielded themselves, two of them had not prepared in time, which is when Miku tossed three shuriken to those two targets as it hit them in the neck the eye and randomly on the chest as they began choking on bits of blood at the throat wound and their bleeding eyes.

While it would have been more lethal if he was more skilled or had better weapons, they were at least not in the state to continue fighting as he looked towards the other boy tilting his head to the side.

"Do you need help?"


Items Used - Flashy Flash, 6 x Shuriken

7A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:30 pm



Huh? What did the boy mean close his eyes why would he close his eyes when they were in the middle of a trap, just as he turned around to ask the boy what he meant Raphael saw the boy toss something into the air. Quickly he turned his back and shut his eyes as the boy had said Just as a flash happened, Raphael could hear cries of pain opening his eyes just in time to see two of the men coming at him. Without a second thought the young Shinobi went to work,  taking on both men in a hand to hamd fight. It was clear to Raphael that these men did not have any form of formal training what so ever, if it had been single combat he would of easily dispatched his opponent with little effort however with two opponents his attention was split making it harder on the boy to connect enough to subdue them. Raphael smiled as he dodged the men's attacks and connected a couple of shots of his own, it had been a while since he had been in a fight and it was nice to see that he had not lost his edge. Raphael's mind wondered back to his days of training at the Kozai's temple, in those days he was weak but the years he spent training had made him stronger. Raphael cracked a smile as one of the men lunged forward the try and deliver a Hail Mary, leaving himself open for a counter after stepping to the side to avoid the strike Raphael brought his elbow down hard on the back of the man's neck knocking him to the ground and eliminating him as a threat before turning his attention to the second man. Now that his full attention was on the man the poor fellow did not stand a chance, yet instead of finishing the man quickly the young Shinobi chose instead to you around with the man even going as far as letting the man land a few punches.

Raphael was snapped back to reality by the other boy's words, realizing that there were still more to deal with he dispatched the man with a quick jab to the throat causing the man to fall to his knees gasping for air, before Raphael delivered a kick to the back of the man's head. "Nope all good here," he said with a smile now turning his attention to the three men on the pillar, "it doesn't have to be like this, there is still time for you to learn from your comrades mistakes. Just leave we will not follow you or try to stop you." The young Shinobi called to the men standing on the different pillars as he blew into the palm of his hand shaping the wind into a ball in his hand, the two on the outside looked to the man in the middle as if looking for their answer. "You will die this night boy and so will your friend," the man bellowed as he signaled for the other two to attack the young boys. Raphael's eyes darkened, he recognized that voice, "Well you had your chance," Raphael stated throwing the sphere of wind at the man on the left as he leapt down from the pillar towards them hitting the man in the head midair, he was unconscious before he hit the ground. Raphael looked to his partner in defense, "you can take care of that one the leader is mine," he said leaping into the air and landing on the wall as though it was solid ground and ran up the wall towards the leader of this ambush.


Chakra 135/170:

8A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:48 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

The mischievous Miku was not really one for straight up fights, he was fast and he was frail, but in most cases he was in no condition to fool around to much in the back streets of the hidden cloud village. These men reminded him of the poachers back in his village, just with no real training and really more bark then bite as he felt a bit underwhelmed by how weak they were. Though even a trained shinobi would have trouble with his flashy flash since it was on a level far beyond that of any ordinary flash. You see these men were not dealing with the average flash anymore, they were dealing with a flash crafted on a level beyond a regular flash. Soon Miku would want to create the flashy flash two, and then when he had mastered that he would create the flashy flash level three and beyond.

He was a bit worried that this boy seemed to be having trouble, taking so many hits was worrying as he began to feel like things were dangerous and only held back to keep an eye on the other three. Though it was not as if either of them could do anything at this point, he watched as the legendary throat punch was followed by a kick to the back of the head. This seemed more like he was fooling around then just taking hits, as he felt it was a bit foolish to fool around in the dark. Though they had moon light so it was not too dark in the first place, not that it even mattered to him at all.

Miku wanted the leader but it did not matter as the guy shouted out, "Die!!!" as he took that chance to toss a metsubishi at high speed towards the mans face as he cried out. "Argh!!!" as he coughed rolling around on the floor the man was about to say something but got kicked in the ribs as he coughed and then Miku began to kick the guy over and over as he would keep doing this as the man cried out in pain.

"I'm bored" as he kept kicking the guy, the man wised up and grabbed his foot. "I got you now..." as the man looked up at the glaring eyes of the cat boy. "Let go" as the guy just let go and played dead. "Don't ignore me, you started this" as he was in a foul mood as he kicked the guy again, it was not just the glare it was the fact the guy noticed from up close the boy had a sword that meant right now being kicked was far less then what the boy could really do.


Metsubishi used, sword visible and ready to be drawn if needed

9A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:48 pm



Raphael made in up the wall in a matter of seconds to find the man had already jumped down on the other side and was attempting to run away. "Oh no you don't, you had your chance," the boy said though it was mostly to himself since the man was not close enough to hear his words, Raphael reached into his leg pouch pulling out his Kunai and throwing it at the man's before jumping down to chase after him. The Kunai soar through the air striking the man in the shoulder causing him to both call out in pain and stumble before tripping himself and falling to the ground. "Damn my aim must be off," Raphael said as he came upon the man pulling the Kunai from the man's shoulder causing him to cry out in pain again, before kicking the man in the ribs to make him roll over on his back. "No. No. No please I'm sorry please dont kill me," the man pleaded begging for his life, "your nothing more than a coward, you did not seem so sorry before we dispatched your friends now did you?" Raphael asked calmly as he bent down over the man and used the man's shirt to wipe the blood off of his Kunai. "No please I am... I am sorry," the man continued to plead, Raphael looked at the man with a smile that would send a chill down the man's spine, the kind of smile you would get from a psychopath just before they killed you. "I know who you are," Raphael said to the man pulling his mask off his face, it was one of the men from the diner that he heard talking about this place, "you intentionally lead me here, why?" He asked the man as he took his Kunai and stabbed it into the man's left leg, the man cried out in agony "no I didn't I don't know what your talking about." The man said reaching out towards his leg just to be pushed back by Raphael, who then began twisting the Kunai in the man's leg causing more pain and more crying. "You know there is not a lot that I forget, I remember every voice, every face, every word," he said his voice laced with anger, "I heard you talking to your friend in the diner, I know you saw me just as I saw you. Are you saying that it was not you, that I am a liar?" Raphael asked the man as he continued to twist the Kunai within the wound of the man's leg. "Alright, alright, it was me, I'm sorry. We saw you listening to the conversations and we saw that money pouch of yours and thought that a kid would be an easy mark, that's it we werent gonna hurt nobody I swear we were just trying to get your money." Raphael pulled the Kunai from the man's leg before wiping it on the man's shirt, "werent going to hurt anybody? You are a terrible liar, but it does not matter any more because your not going to make this mistake again." The young Shinobi said, "does that mean your gonna let me go?" The man asked as he geabbes his leg to stop the bleeding, "no it doesn't," the boy answered taking his Kunai and slitting the mans throat and watching as he began choking on his own blood before wiping his Kunai on the man's shirt one last time before putting it back into the pouch on his leg and heading back to where he had left the boy. Despite the threat now being over Raphael continued to saturate the air with his chakra just in case there was more trouble.

As Raphael approached where the boy was he waved to show the boy that it was him as he was unsure how good the boy's eye sight was he did not want the boy to think he was another attackes and try to attack him. Once he got closer to the boy is when he would speak, "terribly sorry about all this, it seems this was all my fault they were after my money dis not mean to get you dragged into it as well," the boy stated patting his money pouch on his hip. "I did not get the chance to introduce myself earlier the name is Raphael its nice to meet you," Raphael finished extending his hand out to the boy to shake it.

-5 chakra for maintaining wind sense 130/170

10A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:46 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Miku watched as the boy scurried up the wall, it was most likely the super natural walking practice as the guy beneath his foot was no longer saying anything having passed out after taking a punt kick to the face.
He wondered how it was going as he decided to start tying the other men up with his combat wire as he made it as tight as possible, the one guy moved and then realized the wire was actually sharp as it left small cuts on his body as the two who were conscious still made soft cries, as he looked to them and said. "Be quiet, you ruined my stroll"

Miku had to watch over them for a while as he sat down and began to think back to his home and what Airi had said to him back then. She told him that while some cats were simple like a house cat, some were strong and agile like the wild cat able to do remarkable things. From the stalking prowess of a leopard, to the brute force of a lion, to the survival instincts of a lynx. Miku missed Airi and in this absence of flowers and running rivers he began to miss the beautiful forests of Konoha. However he was here in Kumo to prove himself and to make everyone acknowledge his strength, as well as to attain that which he was seeking. A title unlike any other, the title of chuunin exam winner or in some cases the Champion who ruled over all his peers in the tournament of genin power.

Miku looked on as he heard the sound of foot steps, he could also see that windy aura of the boy's again as he approached. Miku waved back politely as the boy got close and apologized since they were after his money pouch. The boy introduced himself as Raphael extending his hand out which was always something that bothered him, but he sighed and just shook it and said. "I am Akito Miku" after saying that he looked down.

"Don't look up" as he aimed his other hand to the air he focused chakra out of his two fingers and shot a bright flare into the sky as he then said. "It's okay, the authorities can deal with it, do not really want to waste time killing people this weak." as he was actually trying to sound cool rather than saying he did not like killing.


Chakra = 150-15(C-Rank Jutsu) = 135

Jutsu Used:

11A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:23 am



Raphael was happy to see that the boy had taken care of the ones that were not dead by tying them up so they couldn't get away. When Raphael extended his hand out to the boy he noticed from the body language of the boy that he did not seem too comfortable with it, but nevertheless the boy shook his hand. Miku was an unusual name Raphael thought after the boy gave his name, but it was a very unique name, one that Raphael would be able to remember should he run into the boy again later in life. When the boy said to look down Raphael wondered why, but he did not question the boy and did as instructed. The area was lit up by a bright light as Miku said the authorities could deal with the remaining thugs, which was fine by Raphael he killed the man who lead them they were just doing as they were told he saw no need in punishing the men just because they were moronic enough to follow the man. "Sounds good to me," Raphael said in reaponse to the boy crossing his fingers as he put them behind his head in a relaxed position so that his elbows were up in the air. Raphael felt his stomach growl quietly cursing himself in his head, why is it every time I do just the littlest bit of a work out I get hungry. Raphael let out a sigh, "hey Miku, if you want your welcome to accompany me to this ramen shop I know not too far from here, my treat of course for helping me with that whole mess" Raphael offered as he put his arms back down.

If the boy accepted his offer he would lead them back to a main road and to the ramen shop to order their meal. Along the way Raphael would get better acquainted with the boy, despite having just met him, and first thinking he was after him, now having fought next to the boy Raphael felt as though they had some kind of connection even if it was a small one and Raphael would like to see where it goes. If the boy asked personal questions he would avoid them especially about his past, but if he asked about Raphael's jutsu again he would explain it in general terms without giving away too much details on the actual workings of it.

If the boy declined his offer he would bid the boy good night and depart to the ramen shop alone.


Chakra 130
Wind Sense ended

12A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:52 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Raphael said that it sounded good to him as he watched how that pose reminded him of something some boys did when they were just going with the flow, relaxing or chilling so to speak. Miku's ears twitched slightly at the sounds of a growling stomach as he wondered when last he had eaten himself. He stood there as he heard Raphael then let out a sigh, that seemed to sound really loud as he was still getting used to mastering his new ears.

As it turned out Raphael then invited him to accompany him to a ramen shop not far from here, he really liked ramen. It was not his favorite food, but he did enjoy a good ramen bowl at times. Also it was free ramen, what ramen could beat free ramen as he decided to nod slightly and said softly so that most would not hear, but within earshot of Raphael so he could make out his soft voice.


Miku thought back to that time he met with Nayoko, the kind shinobi who had treated him to a mountain of ramen on their first meeting. He began to wonder if the bowls of ramen were like the threads of life, linking us together like noodles in an ocean surrounding by various shinobi of many different flavors. He was walking along the way with him as he decided to see if he could speak a bit as he asked Raphael.

"That jutsu you used seems like chakra stream, but a bit different. Is it okay if you tell me a bit about it, if you okay with that"


13A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:41 am



The boy spoke in such a low voice that Raphael almost did not hear him when he said he would accompany him to the ramen shop, they walked for a little ways in silence before the boy asked about his jutsu again. "Alright I guess there's no point in lying about it now I owe you that much at least, I don't know what chakra stream is but its called Kaze Kanchi, Wind Sense its a Hiden of my clan." Raphael said takingna pause as he was unsure how much he should tell the boy, of course no matter what he told the boy he would already be in trouble with his clan for even telling the boy the name of the technique. Despite his Clan's fascination with gathering information they hated sharing information, but his clan was unknown in this land and this land was unknown to his clan so it was unlikely that they would know what he did here. "Its pretty simple really we can saturate the air with our chakra then anyone or anything that moves with our range we can sense it, alerting us to movement it was how I was able to know about those thugs surrounding us back there." Raphael stated as the reached the ramen shop, as they sat Raphael would take the honor of order their meal, as they waited he decided he would ask his own question of the boy. "So tell me how did you know I was using a jutsu? Its power lies in its ability to be unnoticed and undetectable by normal means so I am assuming it's some other kind of sensing ability, maybe that chakra stem you were talking about or something?" The waitress brought them out their ramen and drinks and asked if there was anything else they needed but Raphael waved her on as he was more interested in the boy than what the shop had, once she left the table he would grab his cup of tea and take a sip as he waited for the boy to answer his question.


14A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Thu Feb 22, 2018 10:34 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

As he finally spoke to his new friend or acquaintance Raphael he wondered if he was asking too much as his eyes seemed filled with the sparkles of curiosity as his ears twitched with the fervor of excitement. He seemed to give in as he said that there was no point in lying about it, and that he owed him even though Miku felt the ramen would have been more then enough to make up for having him waste time kicking some people. It seemed whatever jutsu this was it had a name other then chakra stream as he heard him call it Kaze Kanchi, a kind of secret wind sensory technique of his clan.

That pause made it seem like Raphael accidentally blurted out a secret technique, though a wind sensory was not that rare of a technique. However they seemed so similar he felt that even he could learn it if he really wanted to, not that he would ask to learn it if it did not do more then what he already knew how to do.

Miku had known for some time that a shinobi had to usually gather information which he enjoyed doing, however they usually were meant to never share their information with outsiders as in some clans it can result in death, imprisonment or in some cases a dynamic kick to the face and a week in the hospital. It was something that was not always consistent with all the clans, however villages prided themselves of controlling this information as best they could.

Just when Miku thought he was done, it seemed Raphael got back to talking again as he said it was rather simple, oh and how simple it was when he heard the description. The first part of the technique was to saturate the air with your chakra as he thought to himself, that this was just like chakra stream so far as he wondered if it was a clan secret technique, or if people just rarely developed this kind of sensory. He mentioned how if anything moved within his range he would sense it, which once again was exactly the same as his technique. He began to wonder if he accidentally developed a technique from their clan, or if the clan just ripped off a basic technique and called it a secret technique.

They finally reached the ramen shop as he sat down with Raphael, though he had to climb up the seat a bit to get a good sitting as well as re-positioning his tail in order to avoid sitting on it. A mistake he made horribly when he had more recently acquired it. He asked him how he knew he was using a jutsu since apparently it was suppose to be undetectable, but he felt it was more obvious then he realized. While not everyone could see chakra, the other thing was that some would simply feel the air pressure or the saturation itself.

"Well, it's not that undetectable. Anyone who can see chakra would know about it, well any sensory skilled sensory shinobi would know. I can even smell the chakra as well, so it would not work on me."

He made this declaration so that Raphael would learn something, it might be a bad idea to share information, but sometimes sharing information was another method for gathering information. The technique was not really undetectable, it was just hard to notice by ordinary shinobi. In other words this technique might help Raphael sense the enemy, but it can also reveal his location at the same time.

"You should be careful, that sensory technique will give away your location if you just use it in the middle of nowhere"


15A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:14 pm



The boy was able to see chakra, that much was obvious but Raphael was more than a little surprised to hear that the boy could also smell chakra. He had heard of those that could smell chakra and those that could see it, but he had never met one let alone one that could do both. This boy was turning out to be more interesting than he originally thought. The young Shinobi could not help but smile when the boy offered warning about using the jutsu as it would give him away, "that is true but only to those gifted as yourself, had I known what you were capable of I probably would of done things differently." Raphael said with a chuckle as he began eating the ramen placed in front of him, "so Miku what bring you here to the hidden cloud? Did you come to watch or participate in the exams? Of which village do you hail from?" Raphael would ask though giving pause between the questions so the boy would have time to answer him and not feel as if he was getting barraged by a bunch of questions all at once.

The two stayed at the shop and talked more as Raphael probed for information amd the boy did the same he did not ask the boy too personal of a question and he would not answer any if the boy asked them instead choosing to change the subject or say "I'd rather not talk about it" in response to said questions should they arise. After a few more hours of talking and more bowls of ramen Raphael placed his ryo on the counter to pay for their meal, "well Miku my friend I am afraid I must go, however I do hope our paths cross again during your stay here in Kumo." Raphael stated choosing to bow to the boy rather than extend his hand as the boy did not seem comfortable with it earlier. As he reached the door he turned back to look at the boy, "until we meet again my friend," before he left the ramen shop and headed back to his room to get some rest after the very long night he had.

{Exit Thread}

Taijutsu trained from A-Rank to S-Rank: 4000
382 words discarded.

16A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:01 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Akito Miku listened as Raphael told him that things would have been different if they had known, but he did not want to point out that you could simply come prepared for it just in case. He also asked him a few questions as they began to eat their orders of ramen. He asked Miku why he was here as he was busy eating his noodles he took a gulp and then replied. "To win the chuunin exams"

He also got asked what village he was from as he thought it was obvious as he raised his head a bit so that you could see his forehead protector clearly around his neck indicating that he was from Konoha, the hidden leaf village. They would focus on eating their ramen and every now and then Raphael would ask some silly question about his appearance, though nothing too personal as he would also ask Raphael about hair among other things. The conversation seemed to go on forever and ever

After some long conversation in which it had shifted to a question and answer where Raphael would ask and Miku would silently reply in nods, head shakes or dumbfounded confused facial expressions. It was then that he bid him farewell apologizing for having to leave as he had hoped for them to meet again, Miku felt the same way though he was worried his lack of conversational skills may have left him out. That bow as he returned a small nod which was a light form of a bow as he watched his new friend turn back to look at him from the door, before saying something along the lines of meeting again before leaving the ramen shop.

After some time had passed as he was resting a bit in the ramen shop as his stomach was more full that it had ever been for a while. He began to think on this as he realized there were others with sensory techniques as well as he felt his sensory advantage was simply an advantage in available chakra, he sat there swaying his feet back on forth from his seat as he spun around slowly for a bit as he thought back to the fight they had earlier in the alley way. He began to realize that even if you wanted to go to less crowded places, they were actually rather dangerous in an unknown village. Back home he could just go into the forests with Airi as he began to wonder what else he could do later on.

The truth is that he felt scared of himself, if he did not hold back he could have kicked that one guy to death. However a part of him began to understand that the world is dark, the world is not all beautiful landscapes, exceptionally large trees, with running rivers and playful animals. This place seemed darker then his home, only because he was not so privy to that which went on underneath the surface. Being a genin he had only learned so much, in the end none of it really mattered as he realized the truth of what was going on. He began to look up and then towards the staff at the ramen shop as he got off his chair and bowed slightly. He thanked them for the meal and then went outside and looked up to the moon as he got up on a roof top for some alone time as it seemed the shop was more or less empty now and the noise from earlier was much less now.

"Mom..." as he thought back to his mom in Konoha and wanted to cry, in the face of his lonely nature he began to cry as tears flowed across his cheeks like a river bursting through the walls of a dam. He missed his mother, his family, his friends as he thought about it. He had to win, to make up for the pain he felt now as he fell asleep on the roof of the ramen shop.


Exit Thread

Training Futon Element S - SS

17A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Empty Re: A Voice in the Night (Open/NK) Wed Feb 28, 2018 5:21 pm



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