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1Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Empty Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Fri Feb 16, 2018 2:21 am

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Mokuzai  was walking slowly towards a quiet spot hidden between a trio of trees in the training grounds of Kumogakure, during the duration of his stay in the village it was the equivalent of a safe haven where he could get away from the intense rivalry of all the genin aiming to prove them self and become  the one who rises up to chunin rank. Of course Mokuzai was also aiming for that spot but he decided he would use this opportunity to step back and reflect through meditation.

After no more then a few minutes Mokuzai started thinking about the blade his father left behind as a present to him when he got older, it wasn't a especially good blade in matter of fact it was especially low quality but it wasn't how good the blade look that made him think about it. No rather it was the memory of when he was younger as he watched his father swing the blade hours at a time and each time he got a little better, Mokuzai then envisioned himself swinging the blade right alongside his father making it up in his head.

Two hours had passed before Mokuzai had spent all the time imagining how things would have been had his father survived that mission and was alive today, but Mokuzai sighed to himself as he knew full well his father wasn't coming back but instead he would follow his father's footsteps and learn the path of the blade.

Mokuzai had no plans to die like his father but his mind was set, he would learn the blade not only to honor his father but to also in the hopes to better himself for future conflicts.

Mokuzai doesn't waste any time as he grabs a stick on a ground and pulls out his kunai twirling it around in his hand before he begins to carve out pieces of the wood as he took off one layer then two then three, by the time he had carved out most of the wood he had made the sticks tip into the dull shape of a katana blade.

He then starts swinging it slow and steadily with a keen level of focus as he made sure with every swing he attempted to find the center balance of the katana shaped wooden branch,he kept the same movement up for a half a hour before he needed to take a break. He felt like he had barely even begun to scrape the vert tip of the iceberg when it came to studying the art of the blade.

WC: 438/2000

2Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Empty Re: Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:15 am

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Mokuzai Senju's fifth swing of the carved-wood katana was punctuated with the sound of steel. A flash would strike through the air, colliding with the center of the trio of trees. The steel blade of what would be revealed to be a thrown shuriken had punctured nearly half an inch into the wood and remained stuck fast in its place afterward. It had been thrown specifically to slice into the tree exactly around the height Mokuzai's forehead, making it seem like it would have collided harmlessly with the male's forehead protector if it had been aimed at him. After a second of silence had passed the sound of the shuriken would be followed by a slight rustling in the surrounding foliage. From the bushes a pair of glowing red eyes would emerge, seeming to almost project a slight light that gave their position away. The owner of those eyes would follow in emerging from the bushes: a young male with notably fluffy white hair. The presence of a Kirigakure headband hanging loosely round the male's neck would expose his afiliation with the Mist village immediately, making it likely that he too was there for the exams.

Standing out of the bushes Chigetsu would approach, looming ominously over the other male. He was nearly half a foot taller than whoever it was practicing with the faux-sword, and thus was able to play up the angle of trying to look intimidating better than usual. Not that he had any particular reason to attempt to intimidate the other, but it was just something that Chigetsu couldn't help. Something ugly welled up inside of him upon seeing such a crude imitation of a katana being swung about, back and forth as if it was a suitable replacement for the real thing. It was just a false imitation of what should have had life, with not a single ounce of soul contained within. Chigetsu's brows were knitted tightly together, frustration evident on his face. "If you think that training with that poor excuse for a blade will do you any good, then you obviously don't know the first thing about swordsmanship." He would sneer now, utterly disgusted with the wooden toy. "It's an abomination... How can you even stand to carry a weapon that has no voice?"

Chigetsu's initial disgust would turn to shame. Instead of just angrily sneering at the shorter male he would pull out his kunai from the belt pouch it had been in. The steel blade would shine with a slight glint as Chigetsu turned it around in his hand, the polished metal reflecting the light that shined down through the trees. He would twist his arm, allowing the metal weapon to be shown off to the other. "Practicing with a poor mockery of a katana like that will just lead you to learn bad habits. The center of balance and general weight will never be the same as one made from steel, and practicing with something that doesn't have a sharp edge will lead to you getting sloppy. You need to respect weaponry." Chigetsu would turn the kunai over again in his hands, now pointing the tip in Mokuzai's direction. "You must have at least a kunai or simple knife with you, right? Why weren't you practicing with that instead? Afraid of accidentally cutting yourself?"

[WC: 569/2000]

3Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Empty Re: Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Sat Feb 17, 2018 10:49 am

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Mokuzai after his short break once again picked up the carved wooden sword and took a deep breathe  before swinging it down once, then twice and he kept on going with steady swings until he had reached his fifth swing. It was at that moment where he was about to swing his imitated blade down for the fifth strike, but suddenly the  glimpse of a small metal object flying through the air until it collided with the center tree of the three trees Mokuzai had been close too making a puncturing sound that made him stop his movements.

He then looked over to the tree to see that it was a shuriken that had been thrown at him giving him a startle , judging by the height and closeness it was obvious someone had meant that as a warning shot otherwise he would have been hit he said to himself mentally. It wasn't long before he heard the distant sound of a bush rustling from the movement's of whatever was coming out of it, Mokuzai braced himself just encase it was a enemy.

Mokuzai eye's widened as the first thing he noticed to show itself out of the bushes was a pair of glowing red eyes would came out being revealed by the slight rays of the sun coming down from the cracks between the tree's leaves and branch's, He assumed he was the one who throw the shuriken at him and made notice of every movement that would indicate if he was about to strike. Mokuzai took notice of the stranger's white hair that seemed to fluff out but what he payed more attention was too the headband of Kirigakure hanging from the man's neck, Mokuzai knew the history behind Kirigakure well. Apparently in the pass they had been known for their viciousness and brutality, Mokuzai
didn't know what he wanted but he did not like that he was attacked out of nowhere.

The male now fully emerged from the bushes started to walk slowly towards him but Mokuzai couldn't sense that he was about to get attacked so he let the man walk up to him and once he was close enough it seemed the male was half a foot taller then he was, it was clear that from the way he reacted,walked and was looking at him that Mokuzai had done something that offended him in some way so he would at least hear his words out for the meantime. The man looked Mokuzai in the eye's and then looked at the blade he had forged lazily for the envision of what he would want to be in his near future, it was evident by the man's face that the reason he had attacked him was the blade in his hand made him upset.

The silence between them was suddenly broken as the man begun to spoke ""If you think that training with that poor excuse for a blade will do you any good, then you obviously don't know the first thing about swordsmanship."  the man said with a sneer as he looked menacing at the wooden blade Mokuzai forged  "It's an abomination... How can you even stand to carry a weapon that has no voice?"

The man then continued his frustrations at watching Mokuzai but his voice became filled with shame more than anger as he begun to take out a kunai before twisting it around in his arms as if to show it off to him.

"Practicing with a poor mockery of a katana like that will just lead you to learn bad habits. The center of balance and general weight will never be the same as one made from steel, and practicing with something that doesn't have a sharp edge will lead to you getting sloppy. You need to respect weaponry."

He then spinned the tip towards mokuzai as he finished saying "You must have at least a kunai or simple knife with you, right? Why weren't you practicing with that instead? Afraid of accidentally cutting yourself?"

Mokuzai then lifted up the blade before taking a moment to think about his reply and then looked back at the man "I dont know who you are but you seem to be a swordsmen or a inspiring one, indeed this blade will do me no good in my pursuit of also becoming a swordsmen nor do i know the first thing of how to begin my journey to become one. and im sorry if i have been using the wrong method in my pursuit to teach myself, However..."

Mokuzai then took out the kunai from his the pouch attached to his left leg and spinned it around in his hand before pointing its tip back at the man and left it there for a second,Mokuzai then showed the man his hand before slowly piercing the kunai's tip into his hand and left it there as his hand was starting to slightly tremble as blood started dripping from its new wound.

"Dont you dare question  the path i chose, i  dont care if i get cut up a thousand times if that's what it takes to learn the art of the blade. I will become a better swordsmen than my father ever was."


Total WC: 1,345/2000

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

"I don't know who you are but you seem to be a swordsman or an aspiring one, indeed this blade will do me no good in my pursuit of also becoming a swordsman nor do I know the first thing of how to begin my journey to become one. and I'm sorry if I have been using the wrong method in my pursuit to teach myself, However..."

The response would somewhat surprise Chigetsu. He hadn't expected the other boy to so easily give in to a foreigner, but apparently, the intimidation aspect had worked. Apparently, he was better at scaring other people than he thought. The sharp, knife-like teeth that Chigetsu had probably helped a bit. Mokuzai pulling a kunai out from his belt-pouch changed Chigetsu's expression, wiping the disgust off his face. There was always something exciting about seeing someone pull out a bladed weapon, even if it was some amateur who obviously had no idea what they were doing. The thought that the boy might challenge Chigetsu to a knife fight crossed his mind once, and it very much excited him. He would have very much liked to engage in a knife fight. Watching Mokuzai slowly pierce the kunai into his palm exceeded his expectations though. Chigetsu's eyes would be focused intently on the welling droplets of red that first began to leak out of the broken skin, that would soon be replaced by a genuine flow of blood that slid down his palm. Now Chigetsu would be smiling in earnest, his triangular teeth being shown off like a mouthful of knives. 

"Don't you dare question the path I chose, I dont care if I get cut up a thousand times if that's what it takes to learn the art of the blade. I will become a better swordsman than my father ever was."

Chigetsu would lick his lips now, just barely dragging his eyes away from the knife stuck fast in the male's palm. "Getting cut and sliced up a hundred-thousand times is something you'll definitely need to endure if you want to be a proper swordsman, but that isn't all it takes. It doesn't matter what path you take if you don't even know what your end destination looks like. To become a better swordsman, first you need to know what a swordsman is. It seems like you haven't gotten the slightest clue of it." Chigetsu was bubbly with his words, his earlier scorn completely disappearing. He would twist the kunai around in his hand, swapping to holding the end pointed down at his own palm. Chigetsu would mimic the manner in which Mokuzai slowly brought the tip down into his hand, copying the movements exactly. The only difference would come when Chigetsu actually impaled his palm. Rather than just sticking it into the skin the kunai would be pushed all the way through. The entire blade of the knife would pass through his palm before he would stop, allowing the kunai to stay impaled into his hand up to the handle. Rather than drops of blood dripping from the wound like Mokuzai had, only a few drops of water would leak out from where Chigetsu had stabbed himself. There would be not a single hint of blood.

"Do you understand? It takes more than just determination. Getting cut up for no reason, without any lesson to be learned from it is just wasted blood. Find yourself a teacher that will begin you on your path, and then maybe you'll have a chance." Slowly Chigetsu would remove the knife, with the wound where he had stabbed himself closing up as if there had been nothing there. Not even a scar would remain once the tip came out. The kunai would be placed back into Chigetsu's belt-pouch, strapped in tight. "My name is Chigetsu Hozuki, from the Village Hidden in the Mist. What's yours?"

[WC: 667]
[WC: 667+569=1236/2000]

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

After Mokuzai had piercing his hand with his kunai while giving the strange man a little speech about his true thoughts on his response about not being worthy of wielding a blade with his  blood started dripping from the open wound made by the kunai and the strange mans deamoner seemed to change, his eyes glued to the sight of Mokuzai's blood dripping caused the man to crack a very toothy smile he would even to go as far as to say the man's very teeth looked like they could be weapons.

The man then licked his lips before continuing to scold Mokuzai who at this point was interested enough to see where this was going, "Getting cut and sliced up a hundred-thousand times is something you'll definitely need to endure if you want to be a proper swordsman, but that isn't all it takes. It doesn't matter what path you take if you don't even know what your end destination looks like. To become a better swordsman, first you need to know what a swordsman is. It seems like you haven't gotten the slightest clue of it." Mokuzai had noticed that the man actually revealed a answer to his show-off play of his conviction towards learning the art of the blade, but then he also stated how clueless he was about actually becoming a swordsmen.

The man would then grab a kunai from his pouch the same as Mokuzai did before starting to impale it into his hand but unlike the young leaf he would impale it all the way past his palm until it was poking out the other end, he stopped but he left the kunai imbued through his hand. But Mokuzai notice that he did not bleed as water dripped from his open wound, at that point it was clear that from this mans teeth and water dripping instead of blood ability he was from a special clan from Kiri a rare shinobi indeed.

"Do you understand? It takes more than just determination. Getting cut up for no reason, without any lesson to be learned from it is just wasted blood. Find yourself a teacher that will begin you on your path, and then maybe you'll have a chance." The man said, clearly he took interest in Mokuzai because it was clear from how relaxed the man was he was the stronger shinobi. But feelings of excitement bubbled up from within him at the encounter of meeting such a rare clan from Kirigakure, Mokuzai watched the man slowly take out the kunai he had impaled himself with the wound seemed to actually be closing up before his very eyes which he figured was another ability of the mans clan.

Once he was done the man said "My name is Chigetsu Hozuki, from the Village Hidden in the Mist. What's yours?" Mokuzai answered back "Mokuzai Senju of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, and excuse my rudeness but i have a favor to ask. You yourself said getting cut up for no reason, without any lesson to be learned from it is just wasted blood. So how about we learn the difference of power between us with a kunai fight?" Mokuzai then removes the kunai piercing his hand and flips it around so the bloody tip is pointing at the man known as Chigetsu with a smirk "Who knows, maybe ill pick up some things about what it  means to be a swordsmen from you?"


Total WC:1,946/2000

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu was already feeling bubbly at the moment, and slightly lightheaded. It wasn't just from the sight of another using and having respect for a kunai either. Although that was very nice, Chigetsu definitely hoped he could meet more people like this Mokuzai person. Anyone who wanted to learn the path of the blade was alright in Chigetsu's book. But no, what really gave Chigetsu that bubbling emotion was the fact that he was able to essentially speak down to and teach somebody who was interested in his passion. While Chigetsu obviously had more experience with weaponry than Mokuzai did, he was still a bit of a beginner himself. It wasn't often that he came across somebody who had even less experience than he did and wanted to learn. Being a superior in this situation was something that Chigetsu had never experienced before. It gave him a rush of endorphins that he would never have expected, a delicious amount of power that he could taste in the air. He wasn't thinking straight because of it, too hyped up by the idea that he had found somebody willing to be an underclassman in comparison.  

And then Mokuzai did it. He really did it. The way he answered was in a way Chigetsu would never have expected. "Mokuzi Senju of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, and excuse my rudeness but I have a favor to ask. You yourself said getting cut up for no reason, without any lesson to be learned from it was just wasted blood. So how about we learn the difference in power between us with a kunai fight?" Mokuzai punctuated his words by pulling the bloody kunai from his palm, and then flipping it so that the blood coated tip was pointed directly towards Chigetsu. The poor Senju didn’t seem to know what he was getting into, which was readily obvious by the way he was smiling. "Who knows, maybe I'll pick up some things about what it means to be a swordsman from you?"  

Carefully Chigetsu would reach back down into his pouch. He had already pocketed the kunai he used as a demonstration earlier, perhaps a bit too soon. Apparently, the exaltation he was experiencing was enough that the kunai he was now gripping could feel it. "Remain calm. Getting overly excited about something so mundane is a sign of lacking wisdom. Do not expose any weakness to your opponent, even in a casual training match like this." The kunai whispered a few choice words of wisdom into his ears down from his palm, speaking in the mental language that he knew only he could hear. Or well... Maybe Mokuzai would be able to hear it too? "Yes... Yes, I know. I'll be careful..." He would whisper down to his Kunai, kept all under his breath. "You’re too eager. Don't do anything weird to scare this one away. It looks like you could make a friend if you don't manage to mess it up." The kunai would pipe up again from his hand, it's tone of voice and the subject quickly drawing irritation from Chigetsu. "...And before you say I don't need to worry, you've never exactly been good at making friends in the past. If you mess things up here you may never get a chance like this again." Chigetsu would only respond with a grumble, now slightly embarrassed. He suddenly really wished that Mokuzai couldn't hear what the kunai was saying to him, otherwise it'd be too embarrassing for him to know what to do. "Alright, Mother." He would grumble again in a whisper under his breath, sarcastically responding to the kunai's worries. Quickly he would turn to address Mokuzai, hoping to start the fight before the kunai was able to get any other words in.  

"Alright!" Chigetsu would point the tip of his kunai over towards Mokuzai, just as Mokuzai was doing to him. "This will be a great opportunity to teach you your first lesson in the art of the blade." Chigetsu's bubbly voice would have tempered, refining into the confidence it was now. "The first lesson you'll need to learn about fighting with weaponry is..." He would extend the index finger of his left hand, pointing somewhat dramatically at Mokuzai while still holding the Kunai pointed at him with his right hand. While it may have appeared like Chigetsu was simply pointing towards Mokuzai for dramatic effect, in reality, an incredibly thin string of chakra would extend from his fingertip. It would reach roughly ten meters out, passing over and to the left of Mokuzai's shoulder and attaching to the shuriken that Chigetsu had thrown earlier. The moment it attached to the shuriken embed in the tree Chigetsu would pull his entire left arm backward, wrenching the shuriken from the bark it was stuck in and sending it flying towards Mokuzai's back, aimed to hit him directly under the right shoulder blade with the way Chigetsu moved his arm. The motion of his left arm moving back carried into his right arm moving forward, and from there he would move forward into a run towards Mokuzai. His right arm with the Kunai would be extended, and from Chigetsu's position and the way he was running towards the other made it appear as if he was aiming to run the boy through with his weapon.  

[Chakra: 145/150]
Jutsu Used:

[Total WC: 915 + 1236 = 2151]

Last edited by Chigetsu Hōzuki on Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

7Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Empty Re: Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:50 am

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

After Mokuzai had made his proposal for a knife fight between him and Chigetsu the Kiri-nin would then carefully reach back down into his pouch and started to tightly grip his kunai, Chigetsu seemed to talking to himself and Mokuzai thought it was some weird pre-combat ritual he did to ready himself. Mokuzai patiently and once the man had snapped back into reality from his weird ritual he turned to finally look Mokuzai in the eye, "Alright!" Chigetsu would say as he mimicked Mokuzai move and pointed the tip at him like he had done to him before continuing, "This will be a great opportunity to teach you your first lesson in the art of the blade."The man's demeanor had seemed to turn putting out more of a ninja like confidence. "The first lesson you'll need to learn about fighting with weaponry is..."

Chigetsu must have been a comedian because after he finished that sentence he would then extend his index finger of his left hand, pointing somewhat dramatically at Mokuzai while still holding the Kunai pointed at him with his right hand. Mokuzai had a sweat drop roll down his forehead as he thought "Is this guy really serious...?"

Mokuzai had been thrown off his guard so he was relaxed which caused a mistake he would come to now as Chigetsu suddenly yanked hi entire left arm backward, Mokuzai watched as he did this and a took a few moments before he realized that he was pulling back on something and the only thing he throw was that shuriken from earlier. Mokuzai tried to move out of the way by throwing himself to the right side but it he had been a tad too late as the very tips of the shuriken imbued themselves into the back of his right shoulder blade causing a painful lingering feeling causing him to flinch from the sensation.

Mokuzai looked up to see Chigetsu aiming at his stomach and not stopping as if he was about to rush right throught him, Mokuzai jumped as far back as he could  while taking out the shuriken that was lodged in his back with his free hand. Using the cover provided by  his own body he attached a chakra string to the shuriken, he would then swing the shuriken by doing a overhead swing motion that the shuriken would follow as it was attached by the chakra string and it would curve around to stab Chigetsu in the back as he did to him. Had that move failed he also attached a chakra string to his Kunai and would throw it straight forward in hope's that Chigetsu would have to block both projectile's.


Total WC:2,400/2000

Chakra: 145/150

Jutsu used:

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu would watch the shuriken collide into Mokuzai's back with a grin. That was a success. He hadn't expected the boy to just let it hit him, but this could be adjusted for. It was annoying though, he had expected that the obvious tell of the chakra string flying over his shoulder would be enough to let Mokuzai figure it out. The chakra strings were visible, after all. It was what made Mokuzai's next move so puzzling. Chigetsu could obviously see the chakra string that he put on the shuriken he pulled from his shoulder. The way he threw it made it especially clear, a half-lob that wasn't actually aimed anywhere in Chigetsu's direction. Chigetsu had just used this trick, why did Mokuzai expect him to fall for it? The white-haired male wouldn't make any movements to show that he realized Mokuzai's plans, but as soon as the other threw the shuriken upwards in its lobbed throw he would begin silently counting. The angle and movements of the shuriken would be clearly pictured in his mind as he continued to run. The movement of the taunt chakra string allowed Chigetsu to determine its location, and just as it got to the end of its arc Chigetsu would drop to his knees. The manner in which he dropped to the ground allowed him to continue skidding across the training field, carried by his earlier momentum, while the shuriken whizzed over his head. The arc and carried momentum of the shuriken would send it downwards, by adjusting his outstretched arm Chigetsu was able to continue his thrust right through the shuriken. The tip of his kunai would collide with it, and Chigetsu's body weight and momentum would send it hurtling forward past the two of them. The continued momentum from his knee-slide would be enough to carry him the rest of the short length to Mokuzai, having easily caught up with his little backwards jump. Mokuzai would be in the process of throwing his own kunai, and just as it left his hand Chigetsu would twist his kunai up to meet it. He would do his best to slash his kunai into the other male's from his position on his knees.

His left hand, which he still had wound back from when he had pulled back the chakra string, would be sent forth now. It would be curled into a tight fist, and as he got up close and person with Mokuzai it would be thrown forward. Down on his knees there was only one target on Mokuzai's body that was appealing to strike with a punch, and so Chigetsu would aim his left fist to smash right between Mokuzai's legs at the crotch as he was distracted with the kunai Chigetsu had up aimed to strike against the one Mokuzai had attempted to throw.

[WC: 487]
[Total WC: 2638]

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Mokuzai had made his move by throwing both a kunai and a shuriken towards the Kiri-nin in hope's that it would be enough to distract him as he thought of another plan but he would not be so lucky, Chigetsu was moving towards him and Mokuzai had thought he had not notice the shuriken curving around back towards his direction due to his chakra string attached to it. Just as it was aiming closer and closer Mokuzai thought for sure the shuriken would hit him but just as that thought finished the Kiri-nin would drop to his knees and the speed at which he was already going at allowed him to skid across the field as the shuriken passed by over his head.

He thought the Kiri-nin was done but he was far from it as he would adjust his arms and thrust right through the shuriken causing the tip to hit it thus sending it flying forward passed the two shinobi, the momentum that Chigetsu seemed to continue to carry him until he was right under Mokuzai easily covering the distance of his backwards jump. Mokuzai kunai that he was about to throw left his hand but he quickly reformed his hand around it and tightened his grip as Chigetsu's kunai clashed into his making the sound of two metal piece's rubbing against each other resound in the area.

Mokuzai struggled to hold his ground against Chigetsu as it seemed that their gap in skill also carried over into raw strength as he was losing ground quickly but he had no time to think as he watched the Kiri-nin left hand move back as he enclosed it into a fist form before throwing it forward from their position it seemed the fist was aimed right where it would hurt, Mokuzai was not willing to just let it happen as he lifted his left leg to block the punch aimed at his private parts but instead gained a bruise on his knee causing a pained grunt to escape his mouth.

"Your a lot stronger than i thought you were...but im not ready to give in just yet!!"

Mokuzai would then use the same knee he blocked with to try and kick Chigetsu chin upwards and if that succeeded he would then jump back forming the hand-seals for Water Release: Water Trumpet jutsu before spewing the stream of water towards his opponent, while his vision was blocked he would then pull the chakra string still attached to the shuriken knife back at Chigetsu.


Total WC:2,834

Chakra: 140/150

Jutsu used:

10Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Empty Re: Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:48 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu smiled. His fist had collided directly with the boy's knee, and even if it wasn't towards the boy's crotch it was sure to hurt. It was sure to leave at least something of a bruise, and even the slightest amount of reduced mobility that a bruise would give would be helpful in defeating the Senju. That wasn't the real aim of his happiness either though. Right after his fist collided with Mokuzai's knees he would open his hand and press his palm tight against the knee that was used to block, grabbing it tightly. Chigetsu would pull it to the side with his left hand around it, using his superior strength to wrench Mokuzai's entire leg to the left. The strength of the grip that Chigetsu had on the knee would make any sort of kick or kneeing of him impossible. The difference in strength was something that was clear from the moment Chigetsu collided his kunai against Mokuzai's. While Chigetsu didn't exactly look like it, he had a wiry sort of strength. Even with Chigetsu not being the biggest or oldest, he was still a fair bit bigger and stronger than Mokuzai was. Now that Chigetsu had his hands on Mokuzai, he wasn't very likely to willingly let go either. With his hand on the knee, Mokuzai would be left balancing on one foot. Chigetsu's right arm would be raised up, still fighting back against the kunai Mokuzai held, and with his current positioning Chigetsu wasn't in the best location to push that into a winning position, so, for now, all he did was hold the knife back. If Mokuzai was to drop it or lose his focus on the struggle, such as in an attempt to form any sort of handseals, Chigetsu would easily be able to slip the tip of the kunai between Mokuzai's ribs. Right at the moment that wasn't what Chigetsu was aiming for though. With the knee out of the way, Mokuzai's stomach was left open and unprotected. It was why he had smiled in the first place, and milliseconds after he had pushed the knee to the side Chigetsu would ram the top of his head directly into Mokuzai's gut. In the fluid movement that was him throwing his head forward, the kunai he was holding would be pulled back suddenly. All the force would be released, and Chigetsu would allow Mokuzai's struggle to hold his ground turn into a straight push forward as the resistance was removed. He would use the Senju's strength and momentum against him, and with his hand around Mokuzai's knee, and his head against the boy's stomach as a fulcrum, Chigetsu would wrench his arm up and pull Mokuzai over his head in a pseudo-Judo throw. The force that Mokuzai had been using to try to push against Chigetsu's kunai would be used as well, supplying some of the forward momentum that Chigetsu relied on in order to complete the procedure.

Assuming everything went according to his plans, Chigetsu would quickly step up to his feet and turn around to face his training partner. He would still be smiling, a big dirty grin on his face. The boy would be panting somewhat, looking as if he had put a good deal of effort into the throw. "Great job! You're not half bad for a beginner." A bit of sweat would be wiped off his brow with his free hand, and Chigetsu would give a little nod. "You might even be good with some real training... What was your name again?"

[Total WC: 3259]

11Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Empty Re: Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Sun Feb 25, 2018 11:29 pm

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Mokuzai attempted to kick Chigetsu after blocking his earlier fist with his knee causing a bruise and a twinge of pain but before he could pull it off the Kiri-nin suddenly grabbed his knee with a open hand and pressed his palm tight against his knee completely restricting his movement and causing even further pain from his tight grip on a bruised knee. He would continue as he would forcefully pull Mokuzai's leg to the left side, from their positioning he wouldn't be able to use his knee for any attack nor his hands to weave hand-seals as he needed his hand to keep Chigetsu's kunai at bay even with his lesser strength.

Mokuzai was in a pinch as he was left with only one leg to stand on and only one hand to work with, any movement with his leg would result in him getting stabbed with a kunai and if he moved the kunai he would then be open to even more hits. Once again suddenly he would feel the sensation of a something ramming right into his stomach causing him to cough up spit it was then he realized he had made a fetal mistake in this spar, it was never a knife fight to begin with as both shinobi had barely used their kunai at all.

He's thoughts were interrupted as the Kiri-nin would then continue to push him back while his balance and resistance were broken from the sudden ram to the gut but Chigetsu would then pull his arm up before pulling Mokuzai over his head and throwing him with a judo like technique, Mokuzai was mid-air before he crashed onto the ground with the pain of his knee and now the pain of being tossed like a ragdoll coursed through his body as he layed on the floor for a minute as Chigetsu spoke with the light sound of panting escaping his lips as he smiled "Great job! You're not half bad for a beginner. You might even be good with some real training... What was your name again?"

Mokuzai body twitched as his fist tightened before his body would slowly will itself back onto it's feet alittle shaky before he found his center of balance again as he took deep heavy breath's "Mokuzai Senji, and dont think were done here i still got some fight left in me.." Mokuzai would continue to take heavy breath's but he looked directly into the Kiri-nin's eyes as after their little test out it became clear that Chigetsu was the better making him want to try even harder to fight against him.

He would then hold his kunai steady in his hand as he put his left foot back and his right foot forward as if preparing to go straight in towards his opponent, the Kiri-nin had yet to show some of his jutsu so Mokuzai would be sure to be careful this time around.


Total WC:3,344

Chakra: 140/150

12Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Empty Re: Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Mon Feb 26, 2018 7:51 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

"Still got fight left in you?" He would smile. It was an honest and happy one, despite how intimidating Chigetsu probably looked with his sharp teeth. It was the kind of smile that almost made it hard to remember that he had previously been trying to maim Mokuzai, perhaps only a few seconds ago. It was so much easier for Chigetsu to express himself clearly and be honest with himself when in a knife fight like this, especially when their lives weren't truly on the line. Chigetsu was going at it much harder than Mokuzai was, but he still didn't intend to give any injuries that would put Mokuzai permanently out of commission. It was some good and safe fun, that was all. "You're doing well. He isn't particularly worth your time in a simple kunai fight. Next time maybe you should offer a handicap." He would smirk at his kunai's suggestion. "Either way, you can chalk this up as a victory. There Isn't any reason to make it go on any further. Good job, Chigetsu. I'm proud of you."He would have the urge to respond now, his kunai's praising making a slight rosy blush rise to his cheeks. Chigetsu wasn't used to being praised, and it made him a bit sheepish to hear it in public like this. A slight nod would be the only response he gave to the kunai, which it seemed to be able to interpret. His attention would quickly shift back to Mokuzai, not wanting to let his focus drift too much from the other. There was still the risk that Mokuzai took another rush at him or attempted to use a jutsu or something along those lines, and if he did while Chigetsu had been distracted it would probably end poorly.  

He would rouse from his internal thoughts. "You don't got much left if that's the case. Running around on just fumes won't do you any good. If this was a real fight, this would be the part where I kill you and walk away with your severed head." Chigetsu would chuckle somewhat at the thought of it. "Isn't training great? We can fight without having to worry about that... The point being that you're finished." Chigetsu would raise an arm, pointing his kunai directly at Mokuzai once again. It was a mirror to the beginning of the fight, where they had both been pointing their kunai directly at each other. "I'll give you one last chance though." "Oh? What are you planning? Taking into consideration the handicap I suggested?" Chigetsu would shake his head, responding silently to the kunai. "That kunai of yours. Throw it at me as hard as you can and try to hit me with it without me being able to block it with my own. " Chigetsu would grin now and show off his shark-like teeth again. "I'll make it easier on you and won't even dodge. I won't even move my feet at all. That way you'll have a chance...~" Chigetsu giggled. He was really having fun now, teasing Mokuzai like this. As much as he didn't want it to end there was only so much that Mokuzai could handle. "If you manage to hit me with the kunai then we'll decide you as the winner of this spar. That sounds fair, doesn't it?" "You're really trying to bait him into doing that? Doesn't it seem a little bit unfair?" He would snicker again as a simple response to his kunai, barely able to contain his giggling in general at this point.  

"Well? You can start whenever you're ready. Feel free to take your time to prepare or think of strategies..." He would trail off for a moment. "Just know that if you try to stab me with it physically, I'll gut you like a fish. Trust me, I have a lot of experience gutting fish too."

[WC: 730/3989]

13Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Empty Re: Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:19 pm

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Once Mokuzai had suggested they keep going Chigetsu of Kirigakure would then repeat a portion of what he said before giving him a honest smile "Still got fight left in you?" as he smiled his sharp teeth were on display and Mokuzai thought to himself that if he accidentally bit his tongue it would be really painful but he quickly pushed the thought out of his mind, it was clear by their small sparing session that Mokuzai was clearly the weaker and furthermore it disturbed him to think that if they were not on such friendly terms at the moment by all means Chigetsu could have killed him but thanks to the nature of the Chunin exams he would not be able to do that without causing a uproar.

Waiting for the Kiri-nin answer Mokuzai would once again watch him as he seemed to be smirking and having a conversation to himself and at one point he could see a small part of chigetsu's cheeks turn to a small rosy blush color making him a little curious at what the hell was going on, his small blush would fade as he seemed to nod to himself making Mokuzai more confused and he thought he would ask the Kiri-nin about his weird habits later. Finally after waiting for  his weird moment to pass Chigetsu's attention would quickly shift back to Mokuzai.

He would continue to say "You don't got much left if that's the case. Running around on just fumes won't do you any good. If this was a real fight, this would be the part where I kill you and walk away with your severed head." Chigetsu would chuckle then continue again, "Isn't training great? We can fight without having to worry about that... The point being that you're finished." Chigetsu would raise his arm, pointing his kunai directly at Mokuzai, just like they had done earlier before there small fight.

"I'll give you one last chance though." He would shake his head as if replying to a question and then kept talking "That kunai of yours. Throw it at me as hard as you can and try to hit me with it without me being able to block it with my own. " Chigetsu would deliver a coincident and shark like grin that showed off his sharp teeth. "I'll make it easier on you and won't even dodge. I won't even move my feet at all. That way you'll have a chance...~ If you manage to hit me with the kunai then we'll decide you as the winner of this spar. That sounds fair, doesn't it?"

As much as Mokuzai would hate to admit it Chigetsu was right, his remaining chakra was still pretty high but his body was hurt and exhausted just like he thought if this was a real battle he would have already been killed, Chigetsu however was kind enough to offer Mokuzai one final chance to strike him with his kunai as he would not try to defend himself but would continue to go on to say if he had succeeded in striking him he would declare Mokuzai the winner.

Mokuzai would then say in a angry tone "Dont mess with me Chigetsu! Ill win if i manage to strike you? Such Bullshit, ill win when i truly have beaten you and not some handicap. So you can screw that handicap and defend yourself all you like!"
Mokuzai would then throw his kunai as hard as he can aimed slightly above Chigetsu's head intending the miss on purpose, he would then quickly take out one of his senbon's and jump into the air while the Kunai was still on it's way to Chigetsu and would throw the senbon at the kunai. If it worked the trajectory of the kunai would change and point downwards towards Chigetsu's stomach area.


Total WC:4,027

Chakra: 140/150

14Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Empty Re: Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:28 pm

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Mokuzai had made a mistake.

It surprised him. Chigetsu had expected more. The outburst was perhaps something he should have guessed. What it lead to was another story. He was being sincere in his offer when he gave it to Mokuzai. Even though he had played a trick on him earlier with the entire idea of a kunai fight, this time he truly intended to stay by the rules. Not moving his feet was a pretty serious handicap, even if it was with the intention to lead Mokuzai into a trap. It was almost disappointing that he didn't majorly attempt to take advantage of it. Mokuzai could easily have had walked around in a circle until he was facing Chigetsu's back before trying anything or done so at any angle that he would not have been able to fully rotate his head to see. That would have even been difficult for the white-haired boy to block. The disappointment was clear on his face as soon as Mokuzai jumped. He hadn't even taken into account the angle of the sun. Jumping up with his back to it would have made Chigetsu half-blinded as he dodged. It would have been a good plan. Chigetsu didn't understand. "You can't expect everyone to simply understand immediately." His kunai quipped in those moments when he saw the other hurdling down at him. "He still seems like he has promise." The lightest snort would erupt from Chigetsu in response. It was only a second before he took action. He was able to see the plan that Mokuzai had come up with rather easily. The throwing of the senbon wasn't hidden to him. With his own eyes it wasn't hard to see the angle, or what Mokuzai had planned to do with it. Chigetsu lowered his arm in preparation, holding it down at his waist with his arm crossed over his torso. The clang of the senbon colliding with the kunai would ring out across the training field as they made contact. Just as Mokuzai had planned, the kunai would be sent now flying down at Chigetsu's stomach.

Chigetsu raised his arm. In a single sweeping upward motion he caught the kunai with his own, his held in a reverse grip to provide coverage of his core with the stance he had assumed. In the millisecond after contact a surge of chakra would flood into the kunai, and Chigetsu would flick his wrist. The kunai that Mokuzai had thrown would be immediately thrown back, the surge of chakra and rolling motion Chigetsu used to block it sending it in the direction it had came from. It reversed in direction after Chigetsu deflected it, the point turning to face up at Mokuzai again as it was deflected in his direction. The same process would be repeated, this time with a few additional steps forward. Chigetsu caught the falling senbon in the same manner. The needle that had been used to alter the path of the kunai was deflected in the same way before it managed to hit the ground, being send flying with it's sharp end ready to imbed itself with the kunai into Mokuzai's gut.

Mistakes hurt. The two projectiles were sent flying at Mokuzai at 10 m/s. They were both aimed at him while he was still in the air, in accordance to hit him mid-fall while still taking into account his movement from gravity. After jumping Mokuzai would be on a fixed path through the air – It wasn't as if he could jump a second time. Now with no weapon in hand to block either, it would be particularly difficult to save himself from gaining a few new injuries.

Chigetsu didn't stay to find out. With his kunai quickly deposited back in its pouch he would form a single hand seal. The boy would flash, disappearing with such speed that his physical form seemed to flicker. The moment after he would be gone.  

[Exit Thread]

[Chakra: 125/150]
[WC: 685/4674]
[Learning Jutsu]
[3500/4674] - Learning Hydrification Technique [+500 Ryo Fee]
[500/1174] - Learning Hozuki False Death Technique [+50 Ryo Fee]
[500/674] - Learning Hōzuki Water Breathing Technique [+50 Ryo Fee]
[174 Words Wasted]

Jutsu Used:

Last edited by Chigetsu Hōzuki on Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:35 pm; edited 2 times in total

15Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Empty Re: Senju among the mist[Mokuzai/Chigetsu] Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:24 pm

Mikumi Senju

Mikumi Senju

Once Mokuzai had jumped into the air he bravely throw his kunai and used a senbon to change it's trajectory and he thought for sure it was gonna hit,he was sadly mistaken as when he took a look at Chigetsu's face it had a clear look of disappointment stunning Mokuzai and causing him to lose focus as gravity was pulling him back towards the ground.

Mokuzai couldn't see the action but he felt the almost burning pain of something thick and something thin piercing his stomach,  his eyes slowly moved down as the very same kunai and senbon he throw was now imbued into him. He now landed on the ground on his back with a thud and at the same time coughed up some blood, he layed there for a few seconds feeling dazed he would hear a poofing sound before slowly trying to look up but only to see he was now alone. Mokuzai grunted in anger before it turned to a pained expression, he slowly grabbed the kunai gripping tight  before he begun to pull it out of him since it was only a half a inch into his stomach and not enough to cause any life threatening damage but still hurt more than what Mokuzai body could handle causing him to sweat and nearly faint from the pain but then he would do the same thing for the senbon before laying flat on the ground once the projectile's were out.

Mokuzai begun to laught to himself as he realized he let his confidence blind him from the advantage's he could have taken, "I really shoul..d lea..rn by" Mokuzai would pass out as he reflected on his little battle and meeting with Chigetsu from Kirigakure.

-Exit Thread-


Total WC:4,325

Chakra: 140/150

Perception Stat:
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words (225/225)
E-3 ~> D, 300 words (300/300)
D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo. (325/325)

3,475 Words Left

Endurance Stat:
D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo. (325/325)
D-1 ~> D-2, 400 words and 50 Ryo. (400/400)
D-2 ~> D-3, 450 words and 75 Ryo. (450/450)

2300 Words Left

Speed Stat:
D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo. (325/325)
D-1 ~> D-2, 400 words and 50 Ryo. (400/400)

1,575 Words left

Learning Bukijutsu(Kenjutsu)
D-Rank (1500/1500) + 1000 Ryo

75 Words Left

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