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1Fishing Day [Kari | NK] Empty Fishing Day [Kari | NK] Sat Feb 03, 2018 4:59 pm

Senju Airi

Senju Airi

No training for a change. Or rather, no training again. The sun was out bright, with just here and there a white tuft of cloud passing in the bright blue sky. A soft breeze made sure it wouldn't be too hot outside, playfully stroking the leaves and the grass on an irregular base. Birds chirped happily, crickets played their song hidden from prying eyes. A good day to be out.

For the occasion, Airi had taken a fishing pole with her. As on a day such as this she didn't quite feel like putting too much effort in whichever task that awaited her. Taking a brief glance at the forest in the distance, she thought to herself that she had done a good job restoring quite a few of the overly harvested herbs, and the monitoring of several critical areas had resulted in a noticeably good recovery.  It had quieted her worries. While her work in the green garden of Gaia was never truly over, it was a fact rest was just as important as hard work. So now standing on the river side, she cast out her line into the river, stuck the pole solidly in the earth and sat down as she waited for any fish to bite.

Barefooted as usual, Airi looked at the running water before her and decided to dip one of her feet into it, enjoying the rather cold stream of water. Used to being barefooted as she was, the cold did little more than nipping at her feet whereas others would have sworn it was ice-cold. It probably was ice-cold too, she simply had callouses that could make leather shoes envious of her feet's durability. As her toes played with the water, Airi leaned back a little, resting her hands in the grass as she relaxed and waited for any fish to nibble on her thrown out hook.


2Fishing Day [Kari | NK] Empty Re: Fishing Day [Kari | NK] Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:06 am

Kari Archeon

Kari Archeon

The shock of her attack had frightened her so much that she had distracted herself from the several people around her, had they got her into a trap. This was very bad and she needed to escape to somewhere. Maybe that Chuunin that always came back to their abode. Kari began running for the gap she saw and then ducked under a bar to get to the other side of the small ravine and then leaped into the air as she used her chakra to boost her trajectory. She then proceeded to start sprinting unknownst to her that she was indeed being chased.

She started making twists and turns to divert the chasers and they were hunting her down. But she somehow knew that she was close to the person she needed to get to and then she suddenly saw a pool of water and skidded to a stop as she turned around just as fire was coming straight for her, so she bent slightly backward, letting that hot stream of flame pass over her and then she backflipped escaping the range of the flame. She saw the person and then sighed relieved. But they were still there trying to attack her after all this time.

3Fishing Day [Kari | NK] Empty Re: Fishing Day [Kari | NK] Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:12 pm

Senju Airi

Senju Airi

Humming gently to herself, Airi awaited the nibble of the fishes until some ruckus disturbed the peace from behind her. At first, she paid it no mind as she expected it to be a fleeting disturbance, but as time moved on it only became louder. People were shouting, riling up the prey they were hunting. Mildly annoyed that the growing ruckus chased away her chance to catch a fish, she turned around to see a genin of the Village run up to her as fast as she could. Behind her, four men gave chase.

The girl passed her, back-flipping as she dodged an incoming jet of fire. Rage, disdain, their killing intent was visible in their eyes at this point. As the first one rushed closer to find his escaped quarry, Airi pulled back her cast out fishing line, allowing the hook to entangle in the man's clothes as she stuck her fishing rod between his legs unexpectedly. The man tumbled down ingloriously, and as he wanted to jump back up to turn in anger, the wire of the rod had entangled him in such an odd way he found himself hopping on one leg rather clumsily. Thin as the wire of the fishing pole was, he would not quickly find a proper means to get out of the entangled mess he was trapped in, making him an easy target for the genin.

Airi had little time to finish what she began as the others had come to a halt. Now considered an enemy to their cause, they had yet to discover she was a chuunin of Konohagakure considering she was not wearing her headband. Considering her an easy target, one of them molded the chakra to set her ablaze. In reply, she formed the snake and dragon hand seals faster than he anticipated and allowed the layer of doton chakra to soak up the fire that licked her skin. Not waiting to see his surprise, she formed another series of hand seals before slamming the ground and giving life to three earthen wolves behind them. As the wolves tackled two of them, one of the more experienced fighters was not caught off-guard, instead opting to engage the green haired kunoichi as the new target of his killing intent. The two of them engaged without hesitation.

Total: 709

Chakra 160/190:

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