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Thwaxck. Clang. Thunk.

These sounds and any other iterations of the noise associated with a place where warriors, or shinobi, trained metal against wooden dummies and sparred with fellow shinobi. The training grounds were a lovely location this time of day, and as Hanza sat to the side, staring out at the busy field of people, he wondered if he’d be able to choke back the anxiety in order to participate. So many thoughts swarmed around in his mind.

Will I look weak in front of these people? Will I find some way to embarrass myself doing the one thing I was trained to do up to this point. I’m not even the best physical fighter...I didn’t specialize in this. How could they ever witness my strength...wood cannot be healed..

Thunk. Thunk. Clang!

They kept on, throwing shuriken, at the dummies, seeing how many they could hit in one toss. Everyone here seemed a step up, and Hanza was entering the chunin exams very soon. How the hell would he even begin to match up at this rate? Should he have resigned from them when he had the chance? It would be far too socially awkward to drop out at this juncture, so many people were working on the promotion, rosters, paperwork’s. He could completely ruin someone’s day by simply dropping out. There was no way he was going to do that.

He clenched an empty fist and stood up, his slate black genin flak jacket and Kirigakure headband were enough to make him stick out already, only partly matching with the black pants and long sleeved shirt beneath the jacket. His pale skin and white hair didn’t help much either. He lifted himself from the bench at the southern end of the training grounds, and made a stride over to a less populated area with a row of five wooden training dummies, shaped vaguely like humans. They had a large square torso, often a cloth sack of hay, and a wooden sphere plopped on top to represent a head. At the base and up through the center of the entire thing was a wooden post about two meters.

To date, Hanza had never had much luck with the three shuriken he did own. He began to dread the moment he pulled them from his weapons pouch and held one between his index, middle, and ring fingers. As he stood around ten meters from his intended target, being the third dummy from the leftmost one.

Not a single solitary sound.

All three of his basic ninja tools had missed at only ten meters of distance. Things were not optimistic. It would not have required extensive medical training to notice the young Kōri’s hand trembling just before the attempted throw. Or to see his visible distress as he felt he had made a fool of himself. The Hidden mist genin was already getting discouraged as he walked over to retrieve his shuriken.

WC: 501



'Yet another glowing morning on sunlit horizons'

Hanbei had been spending more and more of her time in Konohagakure, but it seemed that there was chatter on the lips of every ninja in this nation, the familiar tweeting of young lips, excited and nervous as genin flocked to the training grounds was a sure sign that the next chuunin exams were around the corner. Hanbei had come third in her own one, but that was neither here nor there. The ninja who had beat her at the time was none other than the person who had rescued her from her entrapment at the hands of bandits in suna, the very same ones that had attacked the shore in konohagakure.

So, deciding to take a stroll into the world, Hanbei would make her way out from her temporary abode to enter the greater world, people had flocked the streets early today, the chatter of merchants and parents as well as intending witnesses to the games to come. Hanbei almost wished that she would be able to enter again, or even proctor, though she doubted she'd be available to considering the estranged circumstances that surrounded her loyalty to a village being somewhat in a state of flux between Kumo and Konohagakure. In leaving to search for answers it seemed, that the Kumogakure special jounin had only arrived at the precipice of more questions.

Hanbei's walk took her to the location of the Genin training grounds, there were dozens if not the better part of a hundred genin here training their hearts out, some struggling more than others while confident prodigies alike would be balking to their collective cliques, their skills on display even now as the winner of the exams could very well be present here somewhere amongst the talent of Konohagakure. Sure enough, moving to one of the dummies, not wanting to stand entirely idle, Hanbei would draw some of her senbon and begin casually launching them at the better part of thirty yards from her target, each of them striking at nerve clusters one after the other, as the slovenly game of darts from the special jounin was beginning to attract some attention from others who began baying for the Special jounin to reveal a jutsu for them all.

'Hanbei couldn't help but chuckle.'

Summoning a single chakra needle, she would hurl it just under the stomach of a dummy, to the disappointed cries of the genin around her. Then, with a sly smirk, as all of the Genin turned away to go about their business, Hanbei would perform several small hand-seals, hidden by the folds of her long silken sleeves as a lightning bolt would be summoned from ten meters above the needle. Striking the needle like a target to be aimed for, hewing the dummy in two with a deafening crack. The genin would spin around with shock on their faces, groaning that they missed it and begging Hanbei to do something else, but she refused. So, pulling away from the large groups as they went about their training, the guanyin would find herself upon the field under a tree, looking over their training, sparring and daily routine. Daji appearing from one side of the tree she was resting up against and baying for attention.

There was one ninja nearby that caught Hanbei's eye, one that seemed to be having less luck than the others when it came to throwing their shuriken, each of them curving off from the intended target. They had a pretty good wrist for throwing a gnarly curve on a shuriken, however, it seemed that they had not gotten used to it yet. So, calling out, Hanbei would address the boy as he became ever further frustrated...

"Shuriken spin when you throw them, that spin is going to cause them to curve, you have to measure the force you're using to create that spin, know how much that will cause them to curve, and predict the location. Place one finger to the side of one of the prongs to control the spin as you throw it, miss once on purpose, and then throw it exactly the same and augment and adjust your aim. "

Little did hanbei know, she was about to get far more involved than she thought she would.



At least in the first few minutes, it was mostly unknown to Hanza that just a little ways away from his current training spot had ventured a special Jounin who could be regarded as one of the best medical experts to ever walk the shinobi world. She was brilliant in her art. A member of the guanyin, a clan known all around as absolute experts in medical Ninjutsu. A master of the senbon. Whether she revealed that information to Hanza remained to be seen. Unless she did, there would be know telling sign that she belonged to such a lineage.

There was a certain part of the young man that would have wished he never discovered her presence. As nerves had an unsavory effect on his performance, which was already horrendous. It would not come to his attention that she was present until a booming crack seemed to strike down a dummy just over a little ways in the field, to his right. He had only looked just in time to catch the flash. It was only a hasty conclusion that the only person walking away from the site with a smug confidence had to be the perpetrator.

Though she was now positioned even more prime for laying down judgment on the poor young medical ninja. As he fetched his weapone and proceeded to try and act natural, a voice arrived from near him. Calling out from across the field that same skillful shinobi who had been impressing the genin nearby was now giving Hanbei a bit of personal coaching and advice. Although his nerves continued to tense and his stomach was now lightly sore, nauseous with anxiety, he took that advice and threw one of his shuriken as an intentional miss. It would quickly fly, just missing the practice dummy. Hanza took a deep breath and once again, tossed a shuriken the exact same way but aimed to hit the dummy. It curved initially as if to miss the target, but then came back in and...


Just where the dummies “neck” would have been. Such a toss very well could have been fatal to a human target. Hanza smiled with happiness, letting fly his last shuriken which also found its mark, settling gently right beside what would have been a set of nerve clusters within a human target. It was intentional but Hanza had no knowledge that his instructions had come from a medical expert. Whether she noticed or not might have changed quite a bit about the upcoming conversation.

Hanza approaches, giving a gentle bow of respect as he had assumed at this point that this was either a higher ranking shinobi or someone worthy of respect if they were his rank. The figure before him was much shorter than Hanza, though aside from that had similar hair, a shade of white not unlike Hanza’s snow shade. In terms of body form, the young woman had a similar muscle build to Hanza, despite the height difference this was easy to see.

Her eyes reminded Hanza of a dojustu of extreme power he had once read about, but he couldn’t remember and decided to dismiss the thought that those violet, ringed eyes were anything more than aesthetic. Otherwise this would have been alarming.

Thank you so much for your advice. Shuriken have been giving me quite a problem since graduation. As a medical shinobi I don’t often get asked to practice in these arts. My offensive capabilities are supposed to be weak, are they not?

Hanza was serious in his question as he stood facing the young woman in front of him, awaiting a response. His eyes scanning across the floral kimono she wore.

WC: 619
TWC: 1120



'It seems progress was to be swiftly made.‘

Hanbei would watch the genin practice from her new location under the nearby tree, the Genin who had once seemed to be having trouble would coil the first of his shuriken like a spring, launching it an arc towards the dummy, allowing it to miss as it cascaded skillfully through the air, getting close to the target, but moving in a graceful arc. It would be the second of the Genin's shuriken that met its mark, and this time, with a bit more skill it landed in a location that Hanbei would have considered lethal on an unarmoured ninja, though, target shooting was one thing, and then hitting a moving opponent was entirely another, the genin would have to get inside the head of an opponent, predicting their movements as well as calculating the speed and the flight path of the shuriken with the movement of your opponent in mind. In many cases, throwing a shuriken or senbon was like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet, but occasionally it worked out.

'But such was battle.'

The genin would look to Hanbei happily, thanking her, but then moving on to have an interesting train of thought. The idea that medics were not good in combat, or any weaker than other ninja was a common misconception, one that she had encountered at the Uchiha compound a while back. Though uncommon it was untrue. Hanbei would think about how to respond for a while, thinking it best to demonstrate the skill of the medical profession with an example, though one that wouldn't hurt the kid, that was key here. So, nodding in response to the boy's comments, hanbei would perform his twin cast jutsu on his pulse needle, however, upon activation using his Guanyin chakra to reverse the nature of one of them, corrupting it into a warped red glow while the other radiated a more pleasant blue from the chakra needle. Being within both of the fields was a strange feeling, even though chakra was flowing over hanbei, it was neeutral, the waves counteracted and neutralized one another.

"I can't help but find it strange that you would think that, as a medic myself, i can't help but think you're undervaluing the power of medical ninjutsu, while true, it won't break any mountains, but our skill comes from augmenting 'life itself.' I'm sure your anatomy classes taught you processes in the body, its structures, the systems from cardiovascular to endocrine. All of that is under your control with your chakra. You can piece people back together yes, but that doesn't mean you can't pull them apart."

And with that, Hanbei would throw the red pulse needle at the dummy, hitting it square in the trachea, but, that's not what did the damage, the red pulsating glow from the needle, while not able to effect the dead wooden dummy, the living grass all around it within the radii began to become sickly and die from the pulse. While now, without the red needle in the vicinity, hanza and hanbei would be energized by the healing needle. Though, even with the spectacle of using both the needles, hanbei failed to think he's probably just displayed her most powerful ninjutsu to the world, however, with the spectacle of what she was saying, she doubted the genin would pick up on it.



Had Hanza been any wiser, or rather, any more familiar with the identity of the individual he was currently being assisted by, he would have never said such a thing. To look toward a guanyin clansmen and question the application of offensive medical techniques was probably one of the poorest decisions a person could make. Fortunately, this practitioner was not the sort to make a bloody porcupine out of a misinformed genin. The pride and joy which had just filled Hanza fizzled away gently as the unnamed shinobi nodded to him and proceeded to work with two senbon.

Two colors radiated, one from each needle. A sharp, antagonistic red glow from one and an inviting shade of blue from the other. Being in the proximity of these radiant senbon filled Hanza with a very peculiar feeling. It was neutral, but yet not neutral at all as what felt like two conflicting forces resting at ease. A speech delivered by the young woman left Hanza feeling very mistaken, and as though he knew very little. Why was it that he was so inefficient at crafting offensive medical maneuvers?

There was hardly any need for offense back in Kirigakure. Not for the young ice user, anyhow. He’d always lived in the more gentle regions, upper class communities. Though, it was something Hanza became aware of more and more, the life of a ninja was not the life of a young boy at home meddling with plant life and preserving the bodies of small animals with Hyōton.

Before he could get a word in, the red needle had been launched faster than his eyes could follow, and it was almost a magical effect, as the needle reached a certain distance from them suddenly the strange neutral feeling subsided and an invigorating sensation seeemd to wash over the inexperienced medical ninja.  

Oh...I see now.” Hanza spoke, a bit broken up with surprise and a bit of shame perhaps. I could only imagine what would be suffered by a biological organism on the other end of the needle which pulsates red. You are well beyond me in skill. It’s my fortune to be in your presence. I am Hanza of the Kōri, or perhaps you’ve heard of the primary branch as the Aisu or Yūki. We are a notorious lot, or so I’ve been told.

He thought carefully over his words, wanting to ensure a good impression in all of them.

With the chunin exams just on the horizon, it would seem I’ve put far too much emphasis in the wrong areas. And I’m essentially out of time. Preparing and learning techniques on ones own is not a task for only a day or so. Perhaps I’ll be wiped clean in my first fight.” Hanza joked, giving a chuckle at the end. He wasn’t being dishonest though. He sincerely believed at this point that he had made a critical error and set himself irreparably behind.

With this, he would give the more experienced shinobi another chance to speak before thanking them earnestly for the assistance they had provided him. He would keep in mind everything he had learned that day and carry it with him into the future.

[Exit Thread]

WC: 545
TWC: 1665

Endurance: D-0 ~> D-3 (1175 + 150 Ryo)
Strength: D-2 ~> D-3 (450 + 75 Ryo)

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