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It had been a long afternoon in the woods.

After looking for the first signs of the monolithic beast, Hanbei had thought to himself how he had managed to get to the point that he was now stalking a bear in the middle of the woods. The thought had been an interesting one to say the least but the more he had dwelt on in, the clearer the picture inevitably became. It had been in the early morning that the chuunin had awoken, accumulating his belongings and saluting the sun and the mountains in an hour of prayer and offering to the spirits that stared at him as he went about his daily morning routine. It seemed that they reveled in his praise more and more by the day, a human that saw and interacted with them. The warm breeze bought on by a passing inugami, hanging aloft above a group of pups at the inuzuka compound was happily playing, the pups barking up at it as it darted to and fro, teasing them while the inuzuka children laughed at the dogs' supposed hysteria.

Such childish beings spirits could be should they wish it, but, as the morning moved on, Hanbei knew it was time to be productive. Standing up and moving out he linked up with a couple of genin who had all intended to go to the village mission boards that afternoon and see what there was to accomplish amongst them. The morning was busy with sunrise markets selling their wares. Tempted, but not overwhelmed, Hanbei would take some fresh bread from one of the stalls and munch on it happily as he would approach the ninja compound at the foot od the hokage estate. Reading the notice board it seemed there were a host of missions that needed to be done by the resident village ninja, of them all one of them seemed to stand out head and shoulders above the rest of them. Hunting was not something that Hanbei was very keen on, as a medic he had a deep respect for all life.

Mission: Hunting Required, Rampaging Bear.
Reward: 300 ryo
'A bear has been identified charging and attacking merchants and innocent people in the forests of Konohagakure to the west just outside the boarders of the village. Details can be attained from the hunters lodge outside the village or from the ninja outpost to the western wall.

Hanbei didn't like the idea that nature in some area had gone out of balance, and there was usually a reason behind these kind of happenings, so, it was without further adieu that he ripped the paper from the board and charged to the ninja compound at the west to get more information on the mission. He didn't want to overthink the fact that a bear had gone feral, but, were the black bear to have become sapiacidal, there would have had to be a reason for it, whether it was a mother protecting its children from human ninja, who the bear now considered permanent threats due to their strength and previous hunts? Or there could be a more spiritual imbalance to the whole issue. Whatever the reason, Hanbei would make his way there. And it was there in among his peers, that he would consider the response that he was met with overall strange for a ninja of his calibur.

Rabid, was a word that was thrown around a lot, Hanbei had asked if the bear seemed to have any health issues petaining to it, whether ninja who had tracked it had seen that it was bleeding or mangy. Of if they had seen it foaming or drooling far more than it should have, if its eyes were discoloured or there was any other identifiers to the bear suffering from a medical condition. It seemed that the answer was in overall negative. Ninja didn't seem to care about a natural threat, nature was simple, easy to contend with, when a dog needs to be put down because it is attacking people, no-one looks into why it happened, the dog simply went crazy... as opposed to if the shoe was on the other foot, and it was a ninja defecting... leading to full scale investigations into the circumstances that could have possibly led a ninja to take that course of action...

'people were silly.'

But while ninja were one group of people, perhaps the labourers who worked near the forest would have some better insight, they worked closer to nature, and no doubt would have some deep resptect for its care. So, with some renewed vigor he would make his way to the mills on the outskrits of the village territory. Meeting with two men there, Hanbei would ask many of the same questions he had asked the ninja about the bear... it seemed that the men were interested in the bears response, the creature in question was a female bear, who was apparently very sensitive to outsiders once, and would shy away from even noises that were too loud. But, something happened, and the bear had attacked and killed a villager. Many at the time had thought it to be a horrific accident, but, the villagers had sent hunters after the bear at night...

'then everything went to hell.'

The people had been warned not to hunt a black bear at night, bears were fast, and this momma was large and fast. It ripped the hunting party to pieces, though had not come out unscathed. It was then that it was posted on the ninja boards, a few squads of low rank ninja had gone after the bear, but, bears had thick hides, too thick for E rank Genin weapons and low ranking jutsu that could barely hurt another person, yet alone a bear. Adversary after adversary the bear had battled away its attackers, and while doing so, grown to hunt humans that were in her territory... Not for food, but rather for her own protection, so the mill worker figured. The other man chimed in, that the bear had likely grown to consider any human within her territory a threat, and had become completely hostile to humankind out of trauma, but also adapting to the hunting style of people... she'd gotten good at it, and that's what made her dangerous.

Hanbei nodded, this was exactly what he needed to hear, the fact that the bear was now hunting people who wandered into its territory was not something that he was able to let slide, simply because the bear was an innocent creature. No, she'd developed a taste for human blood and now sought it, making her a threat to people that needed to be dealt with. Not that the whole ordeal was not sad, as it was, it was more the fact that what else could be done about it? Had it been something simpler, Hanbei would have attempted to undo the problem there, but, seeing as it was simply a matter of nature and developed skills and frames, there was not much Hanbei could do save for attempt to donate the bear to a zoo. Yet even then, a man killing bear would never be approved even to the most liberal sanctuary. It simply was not possible.

'this left only one option.'

Hanbei opened his eyes and looked at the broken twig he was thumbing, he knew he was in the creatures' territory, it was simply a matter of either him catching up to the creature, or it catching up to him. Hanbei had made an effort to leave a scent trail for the bear to follow if it needed to. If the bear was territorial, he was sure that it would attempt to hunt him down just as it had hunted down all the humans before it... Doing this, it wasn't long until Hanbei had finally gotten what he had wanted. There was a rustle behind him, and raising out from the forest a large bear rose up on its hind legs, bellowing loudly enough to shake the trees around them. Frozen in place, Hanbei couldn't help but freeze, not knowing what to do for a moment until he picked up the courage to whirl around and with a dazzling display of needles, he would cast handfuls at the form of the bear, activating his medical sight so that he would be able to see the nerve clusters hidden all around her body.

Striking true, the bear would fall paralysed from the rapid cluster, relying solely on its thick skin and near invulnerability to low ranking ninja, it wasn't prepared for the first blow of the chuunin being B rank, and more than able to penetrate it as if it were nothing. As Hanbei knelt over the bear, he could see in her eyes one thing, fear. Hanbei felt guilty for knowing what had to come next, there was little he was able to do, so, petting the bear and putting her at rest, he would draw one of his healing techniques, reversing the healing nature of the needle and slip it painlessly into the back of the bears' neck while he stayed in clear view, stroking her long black fur as he did so. The process took a few minutes, and the boy stayed there for every moment of them, consoling the large bear as she knew that this was the end.

"It's ok, it's ok... it's all over now, no-one is going to be able to hurt you anymore. You're ok." He would speak calmly... and with that... the deed was done.

1674/1500 mission complete.

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