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1Herb Quest(D-Rank Mission) Empty Herb Quest(D-Rank Mission) Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:59 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Mission Details:

Like night and day, the sun rises when the moon sets, and the moon rises when the sun sets. Like sands through an hour glass, so are the days of our shinobi lives. In a world with uncertainty, the one thing we all know is that one boy will always have an urge to gather herb like it was no one else's business.

He bowed lightly as he arrived as usual to the hospital, he had to prepare for the exams and what better way then with missions in order to obtain more resources. Akito Miku began his mission as he took the list of herbs and proceeded towards the location. He felt like many things in this world had changed as he finally got to the area as he sighed for a bit as he closed his eyes for a moment to think.


2Herb Quest(D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Herb Quest(D-Rank Mission) Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:24 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

He looked around the area as his ears twitched at the sounds of crickets and several other small creatures. He found the first herb on the list which was more white flowers, for some reason there was an increase in the need for these flowers, he began to wonder what medical properties they possessed to be searched for so adamantly. He just carefully picked a few of them while also making sure to take some seeds as well, he wanted to help with the restoration of the forest as well.

As time went on many more flowers were appearing as he began to wonder what the reason for this was as he felt he should do a different mission in the future to learn more about this.


3Herb Quest(D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Herb Quest(D-Rank Mission) Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:23 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Akito Miku proceeded towards his next target with his tail swaying from side to side, his ears twitching like a nervous kitten in search of its mother. He kept on walking looking carefully for the blades of grass that would soon line his pouch once more, watching the trees and checking the floor he kept on his chosen path until he encountered what he was looking for. The bladed grass had blades like soft steel that could cut one if not careful as he began to wonder if he should not one day get blades made of this grass for a weapon. The grass dagger or the leaf blade or the grassy leaf blade of intensified cutting prowess. Miku finally collected enough as he sighed at how easy this mission had now become compared to his earlier days.


4Herb Quest(D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Herb Quest(D-Rank Mission) Fri Feb 09, 2018 1:25 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Miku began climbing up the trees carefully as he took in a look at the beautiful scenery as he had to gather a variation of the sunlight herb that grew high on top of the trees, while climbing branch after branch to strengthen his arms more. He found balance was easy to maintain as his tail kept readjusting on his own when he made his way to the top. After a while he felt like gazing at the wild life, from high a top this tree as he viewed some deer grazing the soft grasses and herbs. He noticed a small pack of wolves just passing through on their way to who knows where and some random merchants or adventurers discussing something or another.

Miku then began to collect the sunlight herbs carefully as he wondered if he would have trouble with the last herb on the list, which was the three headed mushroom which was not actually rare, just a bit confusing since it looked like three mushrooms when it was actually just one that grew to look like three. He yawned a bit and slid down the side of the tree before landing on the ground. He felt like his feet felt renewed, they never got callous and hard, yet withstood the pressure of falls and walking as if it came natural to him. He then began checking for trees with hollows in them which were the prime locations for these shrooms.


5Herb Quest(D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Herb Quest(D-Rank Mission) Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:43 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Miku ventured forth as he checked between the trunks of each of the trees, as he passed leaf after leaf of random bush and shrub. He tried to find an assortment of shrooms, but in the end was only finding some strange bugs and exotic grub. He looked around the one side and then circled around the other, the search for herbs reminding him of his mother. He began to work harder with not a care in the world, he just wanted to finish his mission to prepare for the house to build.

He did not understand why things ended up this way, as he tried to find those elusive shrooms on this strange day. With his ears all perky and the quirk of being quirky. He began to look, and had not mistook that when one tree shook, he began to think of a book.

The book he read said that when a tree shook it meant they were speaking to each other. He felt sad as he wondered if he would still get to speak to his brother. He looked over here and all over there, but he could not find the precious shroom anywhere. He then found a hollow and was hopeful for this to be found before tomorrow.

He looked inside and could not find anything as he felt something sticky on his hair as he sighed. He could say it did not bother him, but he felt like in that moment he could have died. His hair was dirty and his ears were all sticky, his hands looked gooey and the stuff on him was icky. He decided to go jump in the nearby river continuing his search for the elusive shrooms.


6Herb Quest(D-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Herb Quest(D-Rank Mission) Sun Feb 18, 2018 11:58 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Miku began to think to himself, he was being rather silly as he felt like he was failing. He reached the river to go wash his face, that was when he realized he had something like a hat on top of his head. Like a legend that never dies, he was a shinobi who never cries. At least that is what he wanted to believe as he was crying near the river as he found the shrooms he had been looking for so long, their three heads poking off from the top of his head as he looked more carefully there were nine heads as he double checked it was three of them as he realized he now had more then enough. Though he was mainly crying because of how dirty his hair was and how he would now have to touch these sticky mess of shrooms which were probably on the upper end of the hollow, which meant he may have missed a whole bunch in his original search in the first place.

He carefully took each of the shrooms from the top of his head placing them in the bag before putting them one side as he took off his dirty clothes and dived straight into the river with a mighty splash. He splashed and splashed like a magical carp as he instinctively started slapping some fish out of the water like a cat who was hungering for a fishy dish. His tail swaying free and his ears getting cleaned out as he fell in the water wetting his face as he laughed by himself, something he had not done in so long as he was always worried about others watching. However he was all alone here in this river in the small southern forests of the hidden leaf.

After a short while he got himself dry by making a small fire before getting dressed in his extra clothes as he took his herbs with him to go hand them in at the hospital once again as he seemed to look cleaner and more refreshed then they had seen him in a while. This was the story of how Akito Miku began to embrace nature even more then he ever did before, his enthusiasm like a light to the world as he became proud of his herbalicious ways.

He began wondering if he should just cut down trees and grab all the herbs and ask Airi if she can grow them back, though he felt he was just being silly as he began to feel it seemed strange that the Senju did not just replenish the herbs of the forest.


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750 (Mission)
+600 (Extra Pay 25[6] = 150 ryo)
1350 Words

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