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Kahou Karisuma

Kahou Karisuma

Mission Details:

Kahou was walking down the tall wide halls of the Mizukage's office building, preparing herself to take the next assignment or possibly talk to the Mizukage herself and maybe ask her to train the Karisuma.

As usual the blond stopped in front of the mission board with the currently available assignments, most of which were recurring events in the city. The common family reunion gone bad with a dead body. Injured people in the hospital... what a surprise! "Common, common, hmmm... not so uncommon, common... wait" she came back to the "not so uncommon" one in the list. She was overwhelmed by a series of flashback, after which she finally realized why this seemed more common to her as it actually was.

Making the Rounds:

Into the ER:

Taking Care:

All the books she had read, all the stories she had experienced and yet she still forgot the most important and common rule - every story has two sides. "Can it be?" she asked herself re-reading the description a few more times before taking the decision. She entered the Mizukage's office with her mind already set on what her next assignment will be and Kahou was not going to take "no" for an answer. Not after she was the one to treat the fatally injured boy.

WC: 464

Kahou Karisuma

Kahou Karisuma

Kahou closed the Mizukage door behind her and put her back against it. A faint smile appeared on her face for she was really glad to receive this mission. The Karisuma took a deep breath and pushed herself away from the door and started walking down the halls once again. This time her objective was not the Mizukage's office, but the Academy.

"I do not think the bullies act at school. They probably wait for some unsuspecting victim to wander off alone and catch him somewhere unguarded. But they must be picking up their prey at the Academy!" she was drafting her initial action plan for she had no clues to the bullies whereabouts. There was some vague description of the perpetrators but "short brown hair, brown eyes and about meter and a half tall" was the description of ninety percent of the academy.

Kahou had just stepped out through the front door and was now on the main street. As usual, dark gray clouds had enveloped the city in their embrace, always ready to start their weep, colored with lightnings and accompanied by thunders. The girl sighed at the sight before her eyes... for once she would have liked to have a pleasant clear-sky day, full with sun and happiness and not this sadness and sorrow that the rain always implied.

"Iku zo!" she said out loud for no reason and initiated her Supernatural Walking Technique. Running and jumping from roof to roof, Kahou was taking somewhat a shortcut to the Academy, while in the meantime scouting through the city for either the bullies she was looking for or any other criminal activity she could prevent on her way.

A soft distant thunder echoed through the city, reaching Kahou. "I knew it..." she thought to herself realizing that she would most likely have to deal with the bullies under Kiri's heavy rain. The tapping of her geta on the rooftops was rapid and continuous as she drew closer to the Academy uninterrupted.

WC: 336
TWC: 800

Kahou Karisuma

Kahou Karisuma

The day was slowly passing by and Kahou was standing on the rooftop of the closest to the academy house, patiently observig the surroundings. The said bullies usually picked up on easy pray and what easier pray than new academy students, especially if the latter had decided to be a man and stand up to them at school. The weather was worsening with every second and was on the verge of unleashing the torrent from the darkened sky.

"Maybe I made a mistake..." she started doubting her conclusions from earlier today. Kahou started feeling uncomfortably on her spot as if she was spending the day in vain. "If not here, then where..." she began wondering and searching for other answers that could help her find the bullies. A loud bell ring brought her into reality once again as the academy students started leaving the building and scattering across the city streets.

The Karisuma had her attention split to a zillion different subjects trying to find the perpetrators. "Where are you, bullies... where are you?" she continued looking but soon she felt overwhelmed by the quantity of information she wanted to process. "Ugh!" she closed her eyes and put her hand on her eyes. "Think! Think!" she was banging her head until a sudden realization was what hit her next. "Not the bullies, do not look for the bullies! Look for the victim!"

With a quick scour through the crowd she found a lonely short boy that split from the crowd on a quiet street. Nothing. He entered one of the nearby houses and was already home. Next. A girl waiting alone in front of the school and a bunch of boys looking at her. "Gotcha!" she thought but then a tall black-haired woman appeared and picked up the girl from the Academy. "Damn! Still, it might be them." she started suspecting them but soon the three boys split and all went home.

Soon everyone had scattered and Kahou was left empty-handed.

WC: 333
TWC: 1133

Kahou Karisuma

Kahou Karisuma

"Bummers!" Kahou realized the highly unpleasant situation she got herself in. Now what? She panicked and started looking in all directions, standing up on the roof to get a little more height for vision. "Ugh! Things can't go worse now, can they!" she got pissed for having the trail run cold.

A loud crackling thunder echoed through the city acompanied by small dips of water signalizing the beginning of what the Karisuma describes as the end. Well, not the end of all things but the end of the bearable part of the day. "I spoke too soon..." she sighed as an almost constant stream of water poured over her. This "natural disaster" was what Kiri knew as daily rain.

"I better get going... but where to... " she started considering her options but since no good choices came to mind, she decided to start patrolling around the Academy. Chances were she missed the perpetrators in the whole mess of kids after the last bell ring. The streets were becoming even muddier and emptier as people rushed to get back home, while Kahou was doomed to search for a bunch of bullies that most likely had gone home, deciding to search for pray on a sunnier day.

"Leave me alone!" she heard a child yell somewhere to the left.
"What is it, Naibu? Don't you wanna play with us?" a big for his age boy pushed the first kid.
"Yea! You did tell me you like me today, so why not play?" a bitchy girly voice followed by a foxy laugh.
"I just want to go home..." the victim was desperately trying to covince them to leave him but to no avail.
"You can go home... after I beat the shit out of you!" the third, seemingly the ill-tonged kid spoke and lifted his hand.

"What is going on here!" Kahou yelled immediately getting the bullies' attention. With their eyes turned to her, their prey took no chances and immediately ran off, the sound of splashing water under his feet rapidly fading away.
"Damn it! You gonna pay for this, stupid!" the big boy clenched his fists and put on a devilish smile on his face.
"Yea, you gonna pay!" the other two kids immediately backed him up and the three started moving towards Kahou with somewhat of caution, splitting in order to surround her. They had recognized she was a graduated genin and were eager to show how powerful they were, even against a real ninja.

The big chubby boy rushed in, coming from Kahou's right and swinged with his left arm towards the back of her head but with ease she blocked it with her arm without even moving any other part from her body. With grace she leaned to the left, freeing her right foot, kicking him in the stomach and throwin him a few meters backwards.

"You bitch!" yelled the ill-tongued long hair boy, who had started making hand signs.
"I will show you!" the foxy blue-haired girl had taken the initiative, sliding in towards Kahou's left foot trying to execute a sweep kick but the blonde was too experienced for the genin. The Karisuma jumped making an air flip above the academy student, turning with a side low kick that hit the youngster in her chest, pushing her backwards in the nearest wall where she temporarily lost conscious.

"Suiton: Mizurappa!" was the sound Kahou heard from her back but it was too late for her to react. The stream of water hit her and she lost balance, feeling the pain in her back.
"Doton Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu!" a hand appeared under her foot and grabber her, pulling her downwards until she was buried to her neck.

"Hehehehe, you are going to pay now for your mistakes!" the bigger boy laughed happy for capturing a bigger fish but his smug smile soon started dissipating, along with the clone he had captured. "What the..." was all he could say before being knocked out from the back by the real Kahou.


The fate of the bullies was already decided when they had put an innocent kid in a hospital. They were expelled from the Academy for wrong usage of acquired skills with a note that next time they will be facing juvenile imprisonment. Of course, what they feared most were their own parents that were definitely unhappy with their children who had almost become criminals and were "pardoned" only thanks to the environment that the Mizukage created - tough but forgiving.

WC: 758
TWC: 1891

Mission Completion: 1891/750 (using this for D-rank Jutsu)
Jutsu Training: 1141/1000 (C-rank)
Additional Ryo: 141/100 (+25 ryo)



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