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1Written in Blood [Kusa - B] Empty Written in Blood [Kusa - B] Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:35 pm



Mission name: Written in Blood
Mission rank: B
Objective: Find the killer before they strike again.
Location: Kusa
Reward: 300 ryo
Mission description: There has been a serial killer running about, murdering entire house holds of families. The oddest thing is the man or woman is obviously a psychopath as he or she poses their victims doing normal daily routines (like sitting at the dining table, posed as if they're enjoying a good meal). The only sort of intelligence gathered on this individual is that they are larger in stature, and possibly have blond hair given that a blond hair was found in a household of people who have black hair. What does point to all these killings being related is the fact that the killer will use his or her victims own blood to sign their name on the wall of whatever room they leave the bodies in.
Mission details: The killer is a young male, whose own family was slaughtered years back due to their behaviors and refusal to leave the village. He's seeking revenge on anyone he believes is responsible in some way, even if they just turned and looked away while the killing was going on. He's not afraid of being caught, as he obviously signs his name in his victims blood afterwards, his goal however is to instill fear in everyone in the village. He will fight to the death, as he won't go quietly, and will more then likely attempt to harm anyone he comes across, though his skills are those of a lowly revengeful citizen, lacking any sort of actual ninja-like skills.

Name: Yang Sumiki
Age: 21
General Appearance: Usually wears a white shirt (sometimes splattered in blood if he's done with a fresh kill), with white pants with it. Usually can be found bare foot. He's a larger fellow, with a great deal of blond hair that hands down to about his chin.
Personality: He's your average sociopath. Doesn't speak much at all, but when he does it's usually to go on a rant about how everyone needs to die and feel the pain he's felt. He also doesn't like to make eye contact with anyone, so he comes off as very untrustworthy.
Motivations: Killing everyone he believes is involved in his parents murder, though he hasn't thought far enough ahead to figure out what he's going to do after everyone is dead.
Fears: Not finishing his revenge plot, and he has a very irrational fear of the darkness ever since his parents were murdered, as that is when he's most susceptible to flash backs of his parents murders.
Other: /


[b]Mission name:[/b] Written in Blood
[b]Mission rank:[/b] B
[b]Objective: [/b] Find the killer before they strike again.
[b]Location:[/b] Kusa
[b]Reward:[/b] 300 ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] There has been a serial killer running about, murdering entire house holds of families. The oddest thing is the man or woman is obviously a psychopath as he or she poses their victims doing normal daily routines (like sitting at the dining table, posed as if they're enjoying a good meal). The only sort of intelligence gathered on this individual is that they are larger in stature, and possibly have blond hair given that a blond hair was found in a household of people who have black hair. What does point to all these killings being related is the fact that the killer will use his or her victims own blood to sign their name on the wall of whatever room they leave the bodies in.
[b]Mission details:[/b] The killer is a young male, whose own family was slaughtered years back due to their behaviors and refusal to leave the village. He's seeking revenge on anyone he believes is responsible in some way, even if they just turned and looked away while the killing was going on. He's not afraid of being caught, as he obviously signs his name in his victims blood afterwards, his goal however is to instill fear in everyone in the village. He will fight to the death, as he won't go quietly, and will more then likely attempt to harm anyone he comes across, though his skills are those of a lowly revengeful citizen, lacking any sort of actual ninja-like skills.

[b]Name:[/b] Yang Sumiki
[b]Age:[/b] 21
[b]General Appearance:[/b] Usually wears a white shirt (sometimes splattered in blood if he's done with a fresh kill), with white pants with it. Usually can be found bare foot. He's a larger fellow, with a great deal of blond hair that hands down to about his chin.
[b]Personality:[/b] He's your average sociopath. Doesn't speak much at all, but when he does it's usually to go on a rant about how everyone needs to die and feel the pain he's felt. He also doesn't like to make eye contact with anyone, so he comes off as very untrustworthy.
[b]Motivations:[/b] Killing everyone he believes is involved in his parents murder, though he hasn't thought far enough ahead to figure out what he's going to do after everyone is dead.
[b]Fears:[/b] Not finishing his revenge plot, and he has a very irrational fear of the darkness ever since his parents were murdered, as that is when he's most susceptible to flash backs of his parents murders.
[b]Other:[/b] /

2Written in Blood [Kusa - B] Empty Re: Written in Blood [Kusa - B] Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:47 am



Ignoring the "He's your average sociopath." part since what you described isn't right except in movies and such... I'd say he's not actually that dangerous. It seems to me that since he's only a revenge crazed citizen he won't be able to stand up to a single genjutsu or any jutsu C rank or above... I suggest making him stronger.

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