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1Mu, Jihi [D-Rank Tracker] Empty Mu, Jihi [D-Rank Tracker] Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:36 pm



D Rank Progress

Interactions 6/6

  • Escaping from the Past [Sero]
  • Some Unfinished Business [Simikiel]
  • Some Unfinished Business (Part Two) [Simikiel]
  • Stepping into 'Normal' Society [Nozomi]
  • An Early Morning Visit to the Market [Kinzoku]
  • The Beginning of a Vacation [Simikiel]

Missions 1/1 D | 1/2 C

  • Securing Assets [D-Rank | Post #438]
  • Patrol Duty [C-Rank| Post#275]

Jutsu Trained 1/1 D | 2/2 C

  • Weapon Art: Submitting Resistance [D-Rank]
  • Weapon Art: Fleeting Ghost [C-Rank]
  • Weapon Art: Slipstream [C-Rank]

Items Obtained

  • Kunai x1 [E-Rank]
  • Shuriken x3 [E-Rank]
  • Kirigakure Headband [E-Rank]
  • Beginner Bow [C-Rank]
  • Kirigakure Standard Arrows x20 [C-Rank]

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