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1King, Destiny [D-Rank Tracker] Empty King, Destiny [D-Rank Tracker] Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:37 pm



D Rank Progress

Interactions 4/6

  • Breakfast in Konoha~ [Jinx Uchiha]
  • Breakfast in Konoha: Part 2 [Jinx Uchiha]
  • Shopping Trip?! [Jinx Uchiha]
  • Questions and Answers [Daremo]

Missions 0/1 D | 0/2 C

Jutsu Trained 2/1 D 3/2 C

  • Silhouette Technique (C-Rank)
  • Basic Recovery Method (C-Rank)
  • Reflection Clone Jutsu (C-Rank)
  • Wind Release: Stream (D-Rank)
  • Fire Style: Misty Flame Dance (D-Rank)

Items Obtained

  • Kunai x3 [E-Rank | Starter Freebie]
  • Shuriken x5 [E-Rank | Starter Freebie]
  • Scrap Bō Staff [D-Rank]

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