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1Negotiations [Private/NK] Empty Negotiations [Private/NK] Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:57 pm



Tamago rarely ever practiced calligraphy. In her opinion, there was nothing wrong with her handwriting. The fact that others couldn't read it clearly was completely on them. All resulting misunderstandings were their fault, not hers. But still... There was an important guest coming to the mansion and she couldn't afford any mistakes, even if they weren't her own.

The brush glided gently against the piece of paper, leaving trails of black ink behind that formed the kanji for "negotiate." It was appropriate, to say the least, and in no way accidental. The young heiress had spent the past hour writing several business-related kanji on now discarded scrolls. She would rather be using them to draw, but this needed her attention. Tamago took a good sip from her cup of tea before resuming her task.

The sun shone brightly overhead, as it usually did in Konoha. She enjoyed the weather here. Out of all the places she had traveled to, her home country was definitely the most welcoming. The Land of Lightning was far too cold, the Land of Wind too hot and the Land of Water too humid. The Land of Earth was alright, she supposed, but the lack of greenery made it so that she couldn't appreciate the sunlight as much. With its caves and crevasses, the country was far too dark.

She sat on an ornate chair that stood on the porch that overlooked her backyard. The pool extended far into the sides of the property and was decorated with fountains and the like. The grass was perfectly trimmed and the trees beautifully kept. It was a mansion befitting the Yasuda name.

"You work most diligently, madam," her butler said. She nodded in response. He knew she was grateful for the compliment, but had no time to write or sign it out. He had been with her since she was a child, after all.

Tamago sipped her tea once more and found the cup to be empty. She frowned and looked at the older man, standing in front of the glass doors that led inside.

"Right away, madam," he said and left with a short bow. It was nice not to have to literally spell out what she needed every once in a while. It took no effort, sure, but silent communication was an art.

Looking down at the scrolls in front of her, she decided it was enough for now. She would have her butler be rid of them once he returned with her drink. Having her guest see such a mess would start things off the wrong way. Tamago had no desire to be seen as a child doing her homework.

With her new drink now in hand and the table in front of her cleared, all she had to do was await her guest - the Hokage himself.


2Negotiations [Private/NK] Empty Re: Negotiations [Private/NK] Sat Apr 14, 2018 2:15 pm



The first step. Gravel shifted under his boot. His carriage lifting slightly from the separation of his weight. His tall form lined with muscles even under the suit he was wearing. No Kage hat adorned his head and yet his snow white hair framed his face. Hanging loose down to his shoulder yet brushed. His blue eyes lifted from behind the snow white bangs like a clear sky above the winter plains. He studied the estate before him even as the Carriage doors were closed by the driver before he climbed back into the seat. He had been requested for this appointment personally. Some pull by these people suggesting he shouldn't deny them this visit. He wasn't a fan of being summoned even politely though. If not for the fact that he had need of them it would have been ignored entirely. Another face faded from his view. Someone who didn't control him due to some birth right. He ran his village within the daimyo's allowance but he did so with his own discretion in mind. He supposed if he hated anything the most it was anyone who thought they could demand something with political threats. He wasn't one to bend knee so lightly.

The second step. Once more gravel crunched under foot as he approached the front door. However it was nearly drowned out by the sound of the carriage pulling away. The horses were to be rested and fed with water available to them. If he wished to depart soon they should at least be refreshed for the trip back to the village. His suit was a dark one. Black slacks over black polished boots. A black suit coat with a black button up shirt tucked in and a crimson vest and tie. All lined up and all buttons closed. He didn't have any weapons on him and yet somehow he looked like the most capable man for miles. Still a breeze caught his hair as it shifted to the side. He would glance into the breeze towards the village. He would need to be patient here. To give them a chance before assuming who they were. This new invention would bring about a whole new world of trade. Economics would sky rocket and while he could fund it himself, if this particular family invested his own clan might gawk less as their coffers slowly draining. Perhaps once returns started coming in the rich bastards would stop calling for his head so often.

The third step. He had arrived at the base of the steps leading up to the door. He could see the staff bustling to greet him. More servants than he personally had at his own estate but he supposed it was a show of wealth. He would wait at the base as they lined up to either side of the door. Only moving once they bowed to him. No servant of his own accompanying him. Still he would be informed by one of them where to find his appointment. A balcony to the back of the house. One servant would guide him and he would walk behind them calmly. Arriving a couple of minutes later as he was announced as "Lord Hokage Chi Rippa." To his surprise a young girl was awaiting him already with her own tea prepared. The mess of her practice long since cleaned up. No evidence of anything less than perfection. Still he was surprised. Still, he would stop in the doorway. His blue eyes looking over her as if he could see everything for miles. The eyes of an archer. Piercing and yet open to everything. He was of course towering over the servant. His hands folded behind his back comfortably. When he spoke he did so with a smile.

"I prefer Doctor Chi Rippa actually when outside of the administration building."


3Negotiations [Private/NK] Empty Re: Negotiations [Private/NK] Sat Apr 14, 2018 7:11 pm



Shiro guided the Hokage through the halls of the large mansion. As head of the house's staff, it was his duty to attend to all household guests, no matter their rank. He could have taken the long way - the passages with priceless artwork that the young madam had collected, the rooms with high vaulted ceilings and modern furniture from all corners of the continent. No, such a thing would have been needlessly ostentatious. The young madam disliked bragging so outwardly and considered it cheap. She would rather be straightforward, especially when it came to business. Shiro followed her directive. After all, he was the face people saw before hers. He needed to make a good impression to pave the way for her interactions.

He bowed respectfully to the Hokage on arrival. Walking through the halls and approaching where his mistress was, he thought it prudent to explain a few things to the current visitor. "It is a pleasure to have you here, your excellency. The household takes great joy in you having accepted our lady's invitation," he began. Although his words were flattering, they were quite sincere. "I should take the time to warn you. The madam... she cannot speak. She can hear perfectly well, but if your excellency knows sign language, it would greatly facilitate things. If not, she will adapt. However, I beg of you, please do not act surprise at her lack of voice. She is a tender soul and feels self-conscious of her disability," he said. With that, they came upon the balcony where Tamago sat.

"The Lord Hokage, Lady Yasuda," he introduced.


Tamago waited patiently for her guest. She adjusted the dress she wore, making sure it had no visible wrinkles. It was a lovely garment that she had picked up for the occasion, venturing into town herself for it. The sleeveless dress fit the current weather nicely and suited her youthful figure. Small details of lace and frills decorated the light blue fabric. She adjusted the brimmed hat on her head that shaded her from the sun. She was ready for her guest.

As if on cue, Shiro arrived alongside the Hokage. She immediately stood and bowed. As always, her manners were impeccable. She nodded at his request to be called doctor and looked at her butler. With a small motion of her head, he understood what she was trying to say. "I will be back shortly with food and refreshments. Is there anything the Doctor would prefer?" He asked and would leave after receiving the answer.

Tamago motioned for Rippa to sit. She wouldn't take a seat herself until he did. Afterwards, she would grab a small brush from the table and write in the air. "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Chi-hakase" she wrote, using his last name. While she would answer to his request, she wouldn't dare call him by his first name. The letters floated in the air like black ink frozen in place. The handwriting was somewhat clumsy, but legible. "I would like to discuss a business proposal, on behalf of the Yasuda Conglomerate - specifically Yasuda Metal Industries," she began. It was always best to go straight to the point instead of wasting time on small talk in such cases. "I understand that you are trying to bring a new industrial age to Konoha. I would like to provide the materials you need - at a discounted price, of course."


4Negotiations [Private/NK] Empty Re: Negotiations [Private/NK] Thu Apr 19, 2018 11:51 pm



Rippa would move to the seat obviously meant for him. Glancing at her and the table before looking over his shoulder to the butler. A question of refreshments was brought up. He supposed after the carriage ride he was fairly parched. However he was unsure as of yet what this meeting as for or if it was conducive to his health. This young lady might appear innocent but she had a file as shinobi trained. Not only that but to top things off she was from a prominent family that had been after his current position for some time to garner influence as his own clan had done. If they wanted to remove him from power it would be ideal to lure him under false pretenses. However it was too early in her career for that to gain them as much as they wanted. They were businessmen after all. They would wait for their investments to take root. For now he was likely safe and was adept at detecting poisons anyway. So he would take the seat left open for him and speak in return to the inquiry. Having decided his time running from his uncle had left him pessimistic of the wealthy.

"Water is fine thank you. Nothing fancy."

The butler would leave to do as he was bid and Rippa would turn his attention fully on the young lady with a smile. She was educated and brought up to deal with situations like this. To barter and bid as needed. Dealing with someone in his position might be nerve racking but he was sure she had mentally prepared for it. Still he studied her with interest. What the butler had mentioned before had brought his attention to subtly studying her neck. Damage to her vocal cords? An inability to speak, such things were not as easily healed with the medical arts. Having been that way likely for years if not since birth. It had become a part of her and he only risked further damage exploring solving the discomfort. Still, while as a medical professional of his level he had learned sign language a long time ago as a courtesy to such patients. However he would keep that to himself at first as he wished to see how she had adapted to her disability. His eyes studied her as she picked up a brush. Infusing it with energy as she lifted it to draw in the air. It wasn't long before their drinks were brought and served. Giving him time to consider her words.

He would wait until the servants had stepped back. Not leaving in case more was asked of them but still he would take a sip of water. Such an offer was generous with what he considered to be the future of the entire world. Investors perhaps? Likely they sought to profit heavily from this. However they could have offered only a slightly lower bid than anyone else. To contact him directly with the term discounted price insinuated they would more than beat anyone else's offer. Likely they wanted something in return. Everyone always did but that was just the way of the world. Still he would set his glass down. Cool to the tongue and the touch with a hint of lime. No poison to be smelled or tasted. He would assume the best for now. Still he would lift his hands as he prepared to sign. For any ninjutsu specialist that could memorize hand signs for jutsu sign language should come easily. For him it was no different. However his signs were likely slow in comparison to what she was capable of.

"Of course I appreciate the offer. I am honored to be invited to your clans house hold as well. With that said, I will not underestimate you simply due to your apparent age. You have begun the negotiations with a tantalizing offer. Bated me with it. My question becomes what is the hook beneath the bait? What does your clan seek to gain from such an offer? We can of course come to an arrangement but I will not undermine my village or my office. Keep that in mind progressing forward."

5Negotiations [Private/NK] Empty Re: Negotiations [Private/NK] Thu Apr 26, 2018 12:29 am



The Hokage knowing sign language was a pleasant surprise. A small smile graced her features and stayed there begrudgingly despite the words that followed. Internally, Tamago was appalled at the suggestion that she would put her own interests ahead of her country. To her, they were one and the same, simply as a logical conclusion. She was the first to recognize that she was not a charitable soul. Sure, she occasionally engaged in philanthropy, but only as something that was expected of her status. Simply put, the fate of the Yasuda Conglomerate was tied to that of its base country. If the economy succeeded, so did the company. If it failed, so did the company.

There were ways to profit from its failure, sure, but they were convoluted and filthy. There was no need to resort to such things. Maybe in the past, the Yasuda had resorted to such measures, but her father was different. She was different. It may bring them power to do such a thing in the long run, but power for power's sake was empty and useless. She had no interest in being the lord of ash. When she ruled, it would be over the greatest power that the world had ever seen. The day she became Hokage, Konoha would prosper under her name. The way she saw it, it was the only way to properly show power.

With a smile still on her face, her hands began to move, the brush now resting on the table. She had no need for it now. "If that is your concern, then you need not worry. My father believes that if the Land of Fire prospers, so does the Yasuda Conglomerate. By extension, I believe the same. Therefore, our interests align as long as you continue to serve Konoha as you have until this day," she stated. Implying that he may one day stop being the kind of man he was now might have been crossing a line. However, she felt like it needed to be said. He may have been the highest power in the village, but that didn't mean she didn't have something to negotiate with. Quite the contrary, she had quite the deal to offer.

Gracefully, her hands moved after a brief pause. "You are right, however, that this is by no means a gift," she began. "In exchange, the Yasuda Conglomerate would be your exclusive supplier and we would own a 30% stake in this venture. This is what my father requires of this deal. However, my parameters are slightly different. I wish to be your student and successor as well. While the other clauses are negotiable, mine is not," she explained, letting the words linger in the air between the two of them. She was confident that she had offered enough to balance her demands.

In one hand, she took the cup of tea and took a sip. while she waited for his answer. She expected some push-back. It was only natural that he would. She knew it was a basic part of any negotiation to overstate demands and meet in the middle. She had meant what she said, though. She was determined to be his student and successor. That said, if he accepted her other demands outright, she would be pleasantly surprised.


6Negotiations [Private/NK] Empty Re: Negotiations [Private/NK] Wed May 02, 2018 2:09 pm



She would reassure Rippa through her signs that her father believed that when Konoha prospered so did her clan. Or their business. Neither seemed exclusive to the other. However he wondered just how much free reign she was given with her own thoughts. Children were often conditioned to think as their parents did. The sins of the father passed onto his kin. Rippa doubted she was one to run from any challenge presented to her but at the same time for the moment she came across as more of a surrogate for the family. Someone who wanted to become Hokage because it was what she was born to do. In his experience surviving to that point out of obligation was a difficult thing to accomplish. At some point she would have to either become an individual with interests for her family instead of under their thumb or she was going to find herself in a dangerous position. However her words also came with a warning. Suggesting that if they thought he was no longer a benefit in his office to Konoha and by their own words an extension to them, they would no longer support him. How fickle their loyalties were. One might wonder just what they considered beneficial.

Rippa would collect his glass of water into his hand. It was cold to the touch. Perhaps the glass itself was chilled in order to cool the water within. Or to keep it cool at least. Still his blue eyes would glance at her over the top of the glass. She was signing so even as he sipped at the liquid Rippa would have to pay attention to what her hands were doing. Observing her words and considering them. She would put up her price as he had expected. Her fathers price was considerably high. However with her earlier words she had backed herself into a small corner within the negotiation already. However he would keep from smiling as he set his glass down before leaning back in his chair and looking her over. She had lofty goals. Especially for someone with a disability like hers. The hokage required a great deal of communication skills. Few of the people she met with would know how to sign. Still taking her on as a student wouldn't be too much of an issue. He could push her and see how far her will would take her. For now business was at hand.

For now he would speak. He had revealed he could understand sign but she was clearly just mute and not deaf. He was calm and quiet. However his blue eyes would watch hers as if challenging her. As if those eyes would not waver and he would not be bullied in this deal. She was asking a lot for a little after all. It was time to press back and see about any give. "Let us review then, For a discount on materials to build the tracks we need, in return your clan and company wants a thirty percent stake in the project. Along with that your company will be our exclusive supplier and hold the rights to pull out of the project at any point in time. As a personal requirement you wish to be trained by the Hokage himself. I must say your prices are steep. However with your discount as of yet undefined I have a counter offer. While keeping the rights to be our exclusive supplier and the right to remove yourselves from the project at any time, essentially you force whatever percent you have to be a controlling interest. Without putting forward anything of your own funding beyond the lost product, I would offer you ten percent. I still have to purchase the trains myself, the coal, the workers in the mines and the tracks. All of the cost is still placed upon the Chi clan. If your conglomerate wishes a higher stake they need to have something invested to put on the line. As for training you, well, If you can keep up thats fine. However if you don't have the ability to negotiate below your fathers requirements, perhaps you will need to consult him and come find me next time?"

7Negotiations [Private/NK] Empty Re: Negotiations [Private/NK] Mon May 07, 2018 9:34 pm



Tamago was unsure of what to think of the Hokage's smile. Polite as it was, it didn't appear genuine. And was she right to detect a hint of condescension from him? It was nothing new to her. Many a times she had been looked down on by the people she was negotiating with. In most cases, underestimating her was their undoing. Still, it was particularly frustrating to be seen that way by someone she genuinely respected. However, formalities had their place in negotiation, as did small gestures. Like his, her own smile didn't falter. Her hands continued moving with grace as she spoke - if it could be called that. She laced her fingers together, waiting for an answer. It kept her from fidgeting, she found, and any sort of anxious movement could be seen as weakness. That was something she refused to show.

The young heiress listened to the Hokage's voice. Patience was key. Mimicking what he had done before, she took a sip from her cup of tea as he spoke. Often people felt subconsciously at ease when they saw others with habits similar to their own. Moreover, it was a subtle way to show her attentiveness and shrewdness. Nothing you do escapes me, her actions said. Maybe it was presumptuous of a mere genin to think that way, but in this situation, Tamago viewed herself as a negotiator first and a kunoichi second. In this venture, she and the Hokage himself would be partners - equals. Outside of that, they could go back to being commander and subordinate.

She nodded at his review of what she asked. For a split second, her smile turned into a smirk when he agreed to train her. The young girl had what she wanted the most. She could allow her impassive mask of pleasantry to falter for less than a second. Pleased with the situation was she was, the Lord Hokage had his own demands to make and she would have to answer in turn. His counterargument made sense, as did his concerns. If he wanted reassurance that they wouldn't back out of the project in an untimely manner, then that was something she could give. Lacking a piece of paper in front of her, she made a mental note to add penalties for withdrawal to the contract - not that she was planning on abandoning the project at any time. Tamago had made the projections and financial calculations. This project had the potential to be bigger than anything that the Yasuda Conglomerate had ever been involved in.

The young girl had a way to address each concern and was about to go into detail, but his final sentence managed to get under her skin - final proof that he saw a child, mouthpiece for the Yasuda Conglomerate and not someone worth doing direct business with. Her gaze narrowed. Her smiled vanished. If she could speak out loud, her voice would have gone eerily cold and soft. Instead, her signs became more harsh and punctuated. "I have my own authority to act. Whatever becomes of this project's connection to my family's company is under my full control. Do not make the mistake of thinking otherwise. In this venture, I report to no one," she stated. Her hands remained still for a moment, allowing the words to sink in.

Tamago took a deep breath - a cross between a sigh and a huff - and continued, her movements more relaxed but not quite the same as they were before. "Now, you make valid points. The contract will include clauses imposing penalties on the Conglomerate's withdrawal and will re-open the project to any new supplier. That being said, you say the price is ambiguous. Then let me clear that up," she said, and looked to her butler. A slight tilt of the head and he understood what she wanted. Promptly, he left a series of papers on the table, each with a series of graphs and calculations. "The usual profit margin for the wholesale of raw materials we will provide is of 30%. We will reduce that to a mere 5%. In other words, we are cutting our own profits by 25% for the foreseeable future. Your project will take a great deal of our output and capacity, meaning that our sales will also be largely restricted to what you buy," she paused her motions momentarily to point at the sheets of paper that illustrated her points.

"However, I believe that this industrialization project will yield long term benefits that make such losses bearable. We can provide the coal from our mines as well, for a similar discount. Moreover, you will have the researchers and engineers of the Yasuda Conglomerate at your disposal for consulting purposes and any aid you may require in designing these trains, which we can provide the means to fabricate. In exchange, 30% ownership on the project and any related earnings," she stated. "You may review my calculations yourself, but you will find that they are flawless." She flipped her hair over her shoulder as she finished. She was fully confident in her abilities and in what this project would become.


8Negotiations [Private/NK] Empty Re: Negotiations [Private/NK] Thu May 10, 2018 12:05 am



Rippa would set his water down as he watched her. He seemed to have hit a pressure point. Knowing his allies pressure points was better early on. Such trespasses were far more acceptable at the stage of strangers. Her father having sent her and set conditions as she herself had mentioned perhaps had left a mark within. She was young and prone to reveal these emotions. Still his blue eyes would simply read and observe. She was talented in chakra control. Likely being forced to develop that chakra wording she had displayed at a young age. Even younger than she was now. A sleeping lion waiting to wake up. She would make a decent student he was sure. Even if it was a condition set in the way of further progress for both clans and all of Konoha. Still he would relax himself. Not showing his thoughts on the matter more than to observe and make eye contact. She was in control here. At least she held the illusion of that. It was likely why she had brought him to her home for the negotiations instead of his office or home. A power move to dictate the pace of the meeting as she liked.

Still the venture was to be cleared up a little more. Assurances in phrases more or less. Pretty words and numbers. Still he could appreciate purchasing steel at five percent above manufacturing cost. Not to mention they would include an early withdrawal penalty and open him from his contract with them. In the event they pulled away anyway. An assurance that if nothing else his project could not be stonewalled by them. Still the thirty percent was a steep price. Even if he had their engineers, researchers and coal. All a boon for Rippa and his clan. He wondered if they were trying to gain favor with him or if they had seen his projections. Perhaps even made some of their own. Still there was something else they had that he wanted. Something he needed to push forward quickly. Even as Kage he hardly had the Daimyo's ear for anything beyond shinobi business. He had influence in the military aspect but little outside of it. The daimyo considered the hidden village as a military asset. Not an economical one. So he would keep himself measured as he stroked his chin. They were putting a great deal on the table. He mustn't seem needy. If he showed his need for them and their offer they had him by the balls.

Still he would idly shift through the documents on the table before him. Holding up one page in his hands quietly letting the silence drag on before glancing at another. They had the production levels to push the venture forward rapidly. With the discounts provided they would start seeing enough profits from it to cover the cost within the first year for the expansion of the land of fire alone. However there was the threat that this production would be viewed and stolen by other countries. Rather than them having to buy into it themselves. He intended to sell it above cost by about thirty percent as well. Not to mention that people would essentially purchase use of the trains from point A to point B. A large wagon train worth all in one load overnight to another country. Too fast for typical bandits to intercept. However patrols would have to be added to the tracks as they had been to major roads. Still Rippa would finally collect the stack together and set it back down before speaking in a calm tone.

"Your offer is considerable even for such a large portion of the industry. I won't turn my nose up to it. However I will have my own team of analysts look over these documents before I sign. Precautions in business of course. In the meantime perhaps you would like to demonstrate your capabilities. As well as protect your own interests. The patent for these trains is still pending the Daimyo's seal. As your family has influence, Push that through and even I could hardly argue against thirty percent."

9Negotiations [Private/NK] Empty Re: Negotiations [Private/NK] Fri May 11, 2018 11:40 am



Hearing the Hokage's request, a wicked smile crossed Tamago's features. This couldn't have played out better if she wanted it to. Being experienced in negotiations as she was, the young heiress had done her job and researched this venture beforehand. Before coming to Konoha, she had asked several people about what they knew of the Chi Clan's new industrialization project. After all, those numbers in her projections hadn't been drawn from thin air. In her quest to find out all she could, she came across the pending patent. At the time, she had thought it was only a minor factor in the project and didn't think much of it, but decided to try to intervene and quicken the process as a small favor. She maintained correspondence with the patent office and had the Conglomerate's lawyers give it another look. Of course, it had been perfectly filed but needed an extra push to go through.

"You mean this?" She signed, before grabbing a sealed envelope from her skirt pocket and sliding it across the table. The Lord Hokage would see the Daimyo's crest imprinted on a scarlet wax seal. "It arrived by mail this morning. Perfect timing, for this meeting, wouldn't you agree, Rippa-hakase?" She said. Inside the envelope, he would find the approved patents he needed to prevent theft of his intellectual property. Tamago felt elated, as if an insignificant move in a game of chest had come to secure her victory much later. Her smile was confident. She was sure that with this, she would prove her worth both as an entrepreneur and as his future student. She was resourceful, clever and learned quickly. The envelope was accidental proof.

"Take this as a token of my good eill. Is there something else I can do for you, Rippa-hakase?" She asked. "I will have the company lawyers draw up a contract - a draft, of course - with the terms we have discussed, including my apprenticeship. They will forward it to you and your team as soon as it is ready. I look forward to learning all that I can from someone such as yourself. Medicine has always been an interest of mine and you are by far the most reputable medic of the Shinobi world," she said. Though her words were flattering, it was clear they weren't empty. She meant what she said and looked at him in high regard. She bowed respectfully, as if to emphasize her point. "I will report to training as ordered," she added. If he wished to train her now, she was fully ready to show him the extent of her combat prowess. If he had other things to attend to, then so be it.


10Negotiations [Private/NK] Empty Re: Negotiations [Private/NK] Tue May 15, 2018 1:54 am



He would watch her eyes light up and some sort of victorious expression spread across her appearance. Something had been said in order to take that type of reaction out of someone. No poker face needed. They had won at something and were sure of it. If this were more of a competition and less of a boost to his goals he may have been irritated. Instead he would watch her closely. His words had little meaning in most scenarios that played out in his head. Still he would only let his fingers tap along the top of the table in a rolling pattern once. A single sign of discomfort. He didn't have any doubts this clan would attempt to take over his new company in time. Thirty percent still left him with a huge margin of controlling interest but that could shift quickly. They were out for profits. If that meant ridding themselves of him or the creators of the locomotive he had doubts they wouldn't consider it. He himself wished to protect the inventor. He had only placed the false identity the engineer had chosen in any papers. However he doubted that would stay secret for long. Not with these people.

Still as she pulled out a sealed document and signed what it was or rather implied. Continuing as he collected it from her as it was handed to him. Speaking about how it had arrived by mail just this morning. He had conflicting emotions over that statement. Even as he broke the seal and pulled the document free to examine it, it all looked to be the same as when filed. However that meant this family had access to what should have been private records. They had the ability to take over them. They could have taken it and altered it to their own. Which there was a chance now that they had done so before. They had the opportunity. On the other hand they had not done so here. He supposed they could have simply not done so as to not cross the Hokage. However they had high demands for him now so he doubted that. For now he would assume they preferred Legitimate business opportunities. This one being a purely profitable one. Not at first but just by what was tested so far it would expand trade ten fold. Perhaps this deal would expand his business to other countries. Ones that would face legal teams if they took this technology now.

Still he would put the document, neatly folded back into the envelope and tuck it into his inner coat pocket. If one trusted the mail man to keep it safe they could trust the Hokage to protect it too. Still she would continue signing to him. Covering about documents being written up and sent to his office to be reviewed. A normal procedure. A quick meeting for a capable partner. He supposed he didn't mind the meeting all that much. Whatever traps had been laid in this deal his legal team would look over. Still she continued to speak or rather sign. So long as he was looking towards her he would see it about the same. She would bow to him and speak about coming by when summoned to train. His blue eyes regarding her as he would rise from his own seat. Nodding his head before looking off into their extensive yard. His attention turning back to her for a moment. She had complimented his medical skills but he doubted that was a true statement. Still there was time to kill. Business to attend to. So he would speak once more.

"If you would like to show me your capabilities I would be happy to accompany you to the nearest training grounds. I assume you have a place within your property?"

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