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1Hikari(Standard Combat Pet) Empty Hikari(Standard Combat Pet) Thu Dec 07, 2017 4:27 pm


Name: Hikari
Species: Komodo Dragon
Rank: E(Standard Combat Pet)
Specializations: Taijutsu

-Height: 11 ½ ft long
-Weight: 240 lbs
Personality: Hikari is a princess. Royal blood flows through her veins, corrupting her mind in seeing humans as nothing but playthings and single-minded creatures. The beings register nothing more than a bleak on the grand scheme of things. Fragile, easily breakable through words and violent acts, Hikari finds some amusement in tormenting them, but quickly grows bored when they break. Just like children finding amusement in watching ants devour insects, watching the insect struggle to survive, knowing it is futile, so does Hikari when it comes to humans. However, her attitude does not fully extend to Daremo, and his mate(Kaia-Mai). She pays close attention to those two, sometimes tormenting them more so than others, knowing full well they can handle it. When not tormenting them, she gives them words of wisdom benefiting her age and experience in a haughty tone. Manipulative she is, trying to get others, humans, to do her bidding just to see the discord cause. Finding nothing wrong is using those beneath her for her own amusement/pleasure. To say she is evil is not true. For, she is an animal, and within the kingdom, such word is non-existence.  
Fitting her royal status, Hikari has never shown any techniques to those them lesser than herself(humans). The find using anything besides of claws, teeth, tail, causing negligible damage at best, something no one has been worthy of.

2Hikari(Standard Combat Pet) Empty Re: Hikari(Standard Combat Pet) Sun Dec 10, 2017 8:05 pm



Daremo wrote:Name: Hikari
Species: Komodo Dragon
Rank: E(Standard Combat Pet)
Specializations: Taijutsu

-Height: 11 ½ ft long
-Weight: 240 lbs
Personality: Hikari is a princess. Royal blood flows through her veins, corrupting her mind in seeing humans as nothing but playthings and single-minded creatures. The beings register nothing more than a bleak on the grand scheme of things. Fragile, easily breakable through words and violent acts, Hikari finds some amusement in tormenting them, but quickly grows bored when they break. Just like children finding amusement in watching ants devour insects, watching the insect struggle to survive, knowing it is futile, so does Hikari when it comes to humans. However, her attitude does not fully extend to Daremo, and his mate(Kaia-Mai). She pays close attention to those two, sometimes tormenting them more so than others, knowing full well they can handle it. When not tormenting them, she gives them words of wisdom benefiting her age and experience in a haughty tone. Manipulative she is, trying to get others, humans, to do her bidding just to see the discord cause. Finding nothing wrong is using those beneath her for her own amusement/pleasure. To say she is evil is not true. For, she is an animal, and within the kingdom, such word is non-existence.  
Fitting her royal status, Hikari has never shown any techniques to those them lesser than herself(humans). The find using anything besides of claws, teeth, tail, causing negligible damage at best, something no one has been worthy of.

Approved for 1500 ryo. Please see admin request thread for deductions.

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