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1The first meeting (Supaku-Invite Only) Empty The first meeting (Supaku-Invite Only) Tue Nov 28, 2017 2:01 pm



Rippa had assumed the seat without so much as a festival or large announcement. He hadn't the time for it as the office had immediately demanded his time. He didn't mind so much. He was happy doing whatever work Konoha needed to progress and to actually have a say in how it progressed gave him a certain sense of satisfaction. Not to mention a swell in his pride. Of course he had to give up his position as captain but that was just another position he would need to see filled. Along with the other captain positions at that. Each one in need of distinctive leaders. The sword division, the medical division and the sealing division. Even the ANBU needed a new captain which again was something that saddened him. Aside from the sealing division which had never had a captain as of yet he had been close to the leaders of both the medical and the ANBU at some point. He couldn't help but feel like he was fighting on his own for so long as they abandoned Konoha and their posts. One a criminal and one simply faded from the memory of the village. Once his left behind as well.

Still he was merely scribbling out certain orders to be taken out as he sat behind his desk. A fire crackling off to one side of the room in a stone fire place. Battling the cold of the outside. Next to it was a single couch facing the fire away from the door with a chair on either side of it tilted slightly more inward. Comfortable looking cushioned chairs at that. Red in color for the lot of them. The fire and the scribbling were perhaps the only sounds in the room. Rippa was sitting behind a large wooden desk in a large, high backed red chair himself. A bookshelf filled with scrolls behind him. Above it was a pair of repeating katana crossbow known as Adam and Eve. Crossed in holsters on the wall. Easily accessible but hung for decoration. His long red coat was hung on a coat rack closer to the door along with his ammo belt with only eight bolts within it. Across from the desk was two smaller black chairs for anyone he might meet with. Not expecting more than two at once that he might invite to sit. On top of the desk itself was simply the papers he was currently working on, one file and the Hokage hat with the symbol pointed to the door at his right hand.

Rippa himself was hardly dressed in the robes befitting that of the seat of Hokage however. Instead he seemed rather comfortable in a black turtle neck coming up to just under the white stubble on his chin. A ring on his right hand rested on his middle finger with the symbol of his clan in a red crystal on it. His white hair was tied back into a top knot for the time being and his dark pants hung about him as comfortable as jeans usually were. Tucked over polished black boots. He looked formal but certainly not regal. Less palace party and more house warming middle society. He wasn't really ever one for suits or traditional robes. Instead he enjoyed what he felt comfortable in as he expected others to do the same. Still he had decided he should do a meeting first with a genin perhaps. Someone with little influence he could ruin with accidental words but still someone he would like to speak with. So one name out of many had been the first placed upon his desk. Word requesting her for an audience had been sent to one Supaku Hyuga. A clan he had interest in at the very least. His secretary had been informed to expect her and should she arrive that day by elevator or stairwell she should be allowed down the one hall to the double oak doors of his office. No one was to halt her in the lobby.


2The first meeting (Supaku-Invite Only) Empty Re: The first meeting (Supaku-Invite Only) Wed Nov 29, 2017 11:36 am



Supaku was beside herself with excitement, today was the day she would get to meet the new Hokage. It had been a quiet affair, the passing along of the position, and were it not for her intense interest in obtaining the honoured title herself, the knowledge of such may have passed by her notice. She wanted to make a good impression, she had not had the opportunity to meet the previous Hokage which was something she deeply regretted. And seeing as her goal was to one day be the Hokage herself, she thought it prudent to begin the long journey of making connections and learning what she could through observation. She took extra care getting ready for the meeting that morning. Her shower was long, as she with a disciplined amount of tolerance to pain she scrubbed her skin near raw. While it was highly unlikely that her level of cleanliness would be subject to any scrutiny, it mattered to her that she was in as pristine a condition as possible. She spent a more than usual amount of time plaiting her long lavender coloured hair into a thick braid before coiling it around itself into a bun at the base of her neck. She wanted to look as professional as she could, and having her hair flying all over didn’t seem the way to do it, at least in her opinion.

Donning a crisp grey blouse, buttoned up to her neck of course, she tied her yellow scarf under the lapel of her shirt, giving a hint of colour to her otherwise monochromatic attire. Her tight grey slacks were pressed, without so much as a single wrinkle in them, rolled up just once, allowing the gunmetal hooks holding the laces on her dark grey boots to catch the light just a bit as she walked. Once dressed, she took one final look in the mirror, turning her head this way and that as she examined her appearance. It was hardly a secret to anyone that knew her that she valued her outward appearance insofar as it was a significant part of her reputation. While she did not consider herself vain by any means, she had understood from a very young age that the way you looked told a story about yourself to those you interacted with. And sometimes, it was the thing people remembered the most about you. She leaned in close to her reflection, pressing her fingers gently around her eyes, looking once more for any evidence of scars or damage. It was a thing she had become near obsessed with since regaining her sight, although there was no way for anyone to tell unless they were highly trained in the medical arts, she was self conscious about it nonetheless. “You’ll be fine Supaku, this is your chance to make an impression. And from here it’s only up. You can do this.”

With a quick hug and peck on the cheek to her mother and father, Supaku rushed out the door, throwing her grey three quarter length coat on in the process. It was colder now and even though she felt she didn’t need it, she knew she would waste precious time arguing with her mother about wearing a coat. As she hurried along to the towards the large building, she got goosebumps as she reviewed why she was headed there. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine that the Hokage would send out a request to see her. Only briefly did she entertain the idea that perhaps she was being summoned because of some wrong she had committed. After going through her recent actions in the near past she could not think of anything that would warrant direct intervention from the Hokage themselves. So with a small shrug, she straightened her spine and held her head high as she pushed open the large door to the administration building. There were people mingling about, going about daily business as one would expect, and spying a man seated at a desk she walked over and cleared her throat, asking her question in a clear voice. “Which way to the Hokage’s office? I’ve a meeting with them today, Supaku Hyuga.” The man nodded and gestured with his hand towards an elevator. “Through there Miss. Or the stairs if you prefer.” Supaku nodded her thanks, and walked over and into the elevator, pressing the button to take her to the top floor. It was mildly disconcerting, the sound of machinery, but soon enough she found herself on the correct floor, the door opening with a whoosh. She was met by yet another desk with a secretary, who smiled up at her. “Good morning, you must be Supaku. Welcome, if you’ll just head down the hall, you’ll find the Hokage’s office at the end. He is expecting you.”

Until that moment Supaku had been almost entirely confident about this meeting, but as she started down the hallway and towards the large double doors, she began to feel a bit nervous. Was she prepared enough? Was she, in fact, in some sort of trouble? Taking a deep breath in through her nose and letting it, and her anxiety, out through her mouth she stopped just outside the doors. You’re fine Supaku, just breathe. She would bring her fist up to the door and knock, waiting expectantly for permission to enter.




Rippa had been studying a particularly interesting history on the accomplishments of the Hokage of the past. It appeared a great peace had been held over the lands for a couple of centuries and only within the last couple of decades had their been a flush of interchanging Hokage within the office. It seemed as of late there had been far more assassination attempts, wars, or simply Hokage fading from view with no knowledge of where they had gone. It certainly gave him a great deal to consider as the new hokage present within that chair. How much he had just possibly decreased his own life span. His gaze turned to look at the drawer the book now sat in as he took a break from the paper he was scribbling on. Taking a break from having to settle such petty things. The book suggested he would be in his seat less than a year before something would attempt to dethrone him. Before someone would take his life or he would fade into memory as well and be replaced. A slight smirk crossed his face however at the thought. He wasn't at all new to the idea of someone gunning for his head. Truth was he had been a target for assassination since well before he had realized it. Even as a child he had hardly had a moment where that man had not been after his head. Had he known earlier he may have fled but instead he grew in strength and now sat as Hokage.

Still an interaction down the hall drew his attention and his gaze back to the double doors. It appeared his secretary or as she preferred to be called attendant was addressing the first meeting of the day. Idly Rippa would run one hand through his long white hair before letting it fall back to frame around his face. Hanging at shoulder length as a small mess. His stubble showing he perhaps had only shaved once that week. Yet at the same time his stature was strong and almost imposing. Wide shoulders with a thicker neck under a chiseled chin. Even his arms were considerably large. He was after all until recently a sannin and captain of the now sword priests. His body was one of his weapons with him having trained in taijutsu recently. Still what drew attention most might be his sky blue eyes. Filled with warmth that matched his smile. As the foot steps approached the door he noted how light they were before a knock echoed from the doors. Oh? How polite of someone to knock before entering when they were expected. Luckily there was a delightful little device for just occasion. As she finished knocking his right hand would lower under the desk to hit a switch once up and then once down after a second before leaning back. There would be a slight mechanical wine before the doors would shift and swing open. Rippa would nod his head and smile as the doors were still opening before indicating with the same right hand one of the chairs across from him.

"Welcome Supaku-san. Please just call me Rippa while we are talking in private. Have a seat."

With that said the doors would finally fully open and he would hope she had begun to move. Because as soon as they fully opened something would mechanically click and slowly the doors would begin to close once more. The heavy oak clinging to a metal bar as it slowly bent at the top before sliding the doors fully closed. Should she take a seat his eyes would study her. Noting the professional look about her but also the mostly hidden scars over her eyes. An eye brow would rise as he picked up her file. Flipping it open before his left hand would reach up to rub the white stubble on his chin. Examining it before looking over the folder to her. Smiling as he closed it and slid it over to her. A history of everything about her she had ever reported. Giving her a chance to look it over as he spoke.

"A young but promising member of the Hyuga clan. I must admit your taijutsu interests me and yet it appears you have had your own troubles with your bloodline. Have you been recovering well?"




As the large oak wood doors opened of their own accord, Supaku paused and observed their movement. It was fascinating to see that no one was holding them open for her, and although she could clearly hear the soft ‘whirr’ of the mechanisms responsible she couldn’t help but to feel as though it was a touch magical. She would nod nervously as the Hokage addressed her. Rippa. He said to call him Rippa. She was taken aback by the lack of ceremony. Although she hadn’t necessarily expected this meeting to be extremely formal, she was surprised that not only was she being told to address him by his first name, but that also he was not wearing the traditional Hokage garb.

As she moved into the room, noticing the doors closing once again, she would gingerly sit herself down in one of the chairs opposite the imposing looking figure. She sat carefully on the edge of the seat, obviously nervous in her positioning as she watched the white haired man flip through a file. “Thank you very much for inviting me here today Hoka- . . . Rippa.” She chided herself mentally as she reached forward to accept the file he handed her. She had been given only two instructions since she entered the room, and already she had nearly ignored one of them. She was trying very hard to appear more comfortable, currently ill at ease with the familiarity requested from the paragon seated across the desk from her, but was finding it difficult with her inner voice insisting that she be viewed as infallible. She had only recently begun to be more friendly and sociable, and now that she sat here desperately needing those skills, she thought that she should perhaps have spent more time making friends and a bit less time reading books and training.

She would flip through the file she was handed, and was intrigued by what it contained. The usual things such as where she lived, who her parents were and the like, but also her grades and a few of her more extraneous accomplishments. These were all things that she had made public of course; her attendance and subsequent win at the spelling bee, her extracurricular activities while she had attended the Academy. The picture of her within the file was not one of her favourites, but it was passable in her opinion. Her fingers trailed idly around the photograph as she thought about the person she had been when it was taken just a few years ago.

"A young but promising member of the Hyuga clan. I must admit your taijutsu interests me and yet it appears you have had your own troubles with your bloodline. Have you been recovering well?"

The tiniest of sighs escaped her lips as she closed the folder and placed it on the desk in front of her before answering. She considered that she had two options when it came to answering Rippa’s question. She could either give him the answer that most people seemed to want, ‘Yes, I’m doing quite well, thank you.’ Or she could tell him the truth. Weighing her options it did not seem that either way was very pleasant for her, as she hated the idea of having to talk about her injury and continued symptoms, however she hated lying even more than the thought of that. Deciding that honesty, no matter how miserable, was the better course of action, she raised her eyes to meet his gaze as she responded quietly.

“Physically I believe I’m all but fully healed. However there have been . . . issues, with the recovery. Which I’m dealing with. I think it won’t be long now until everything is back to normal, or close to at least. I’m curious though, did the Elders tell you? I didn’t think it was news worthy of the Hokage.”




Rippa would study her a moment. She was a picture of magnificence and grace. Something he had come to expect of the hyuga over time. Though truth be told he had only met their clan members once or twice before having taken the current office. His sky blue eyes seemed to study the woman before him as she seemed taken back by his question. Nothing of her injury or her encounter was in her file of course. However Rippa could tell even as the scars were covered up that there had been an encounter. That she still had her eyes meant likely it had been unpleasant but she managed to leave it rather intact. The marking were of course faint and though he had little detail of what had occurred he could almost sense it affected her in her day to day. Often trauma did to his patients. He was of course surprised with her poise all the same. She wanted to move beyond it that much was clear. Her very manner of dress suggested a refusal to allow herself to dwell. An impressive thing. Still her answer would bring a smile to his face. Inquiring on if the elders had spoken to him. They had little interest in meeting with him unless they needed something or there was something to be gained by knowing him. Still he would return her inquiry with an amused tone.

"My dear we all have our origins. Before I was the leader of the sword priests or a sannin of this village I was a med nin. I would go so far as to say a rival to the captain of the medical division when we had one. I can see even old wounds some would prefer remain hidden. Though it is good your moving passed them."

With that said he would flicker her a warm smile and rise from his seat. It was then that she might realize his stature. He was a taller man standing at almost six two with broad shoulders. His mass wasn't enough to limit movement but there was enough physical power there to suggest that he very much didn't need the two swords on the wall. If he were to come at someone bare handed he was still highly capable. Still he would reach out his hand and touch the top of her folder before indicating to return it to the desk. With that he would nod towards the fire before moving towards it himself. He would walk calmly to it and pick two logs from a rack of provided wood. Tossing them in neatly and yet nonchalantly. If anything she should easily be able to tell he was a calm and warm man. Around the time he finished with the wood however there would be a knock on the door. Shortly after his secretary would enter and set tea down on a small table she brought with her between the two chairs on the fire. The smell of mint filling the room as she poured two glasses before making her exit with a bow to both of them.

With that Rippa would indicate one of the chairs to young Supaku. A simple shift of his hand directed to the one to the left of the fire before he would turn back to watch the flames. Collecting a poker with his right hand while leaning against the stone frame with his left. Quietly he would shift the wood until it caught fire evenly. Waiting until he heard her either sit or choose to stand before putting the poker away and turning to lean against the wall next to the fire. Studying her again as he did with everyone who he came across. His eyes as blue and endless as the skies. Still he would cross his arms comfortably and speak.

"I honestly have a couple inquiries for you. However, business of the office first. I would like your opinion on the village as a genin here. Your true opinion if you please. I can not improve anything if all I receive is news of how wonderful the world is. Sugar plumbs on every street corner and puppies for everyone is just; well there is only so much of that I can handle."




As Rippa explained that he was a med nin, she was both relieved and worried. Relieved that it was not word of mouth that had alerted the Hokage to her troubles, but also worried that if he could see her injuries so plainly, who else could? In one part it was vanity of course, the idea of being scarred or somehow disfigured as a result of Sugita and his madness was upsetting. But also she was concerned that if it was visible that someone else would eventually try again, she could almost hear the imagined reasoning of her would be future eye thieves, ‘If it worked before. . .’ Still though, it was kind of him to not lie about it. If she had found out later that he had known since their first meeting and chose not to divulge that information, it would have concerned her all the more. “I am trying to move past it. I don’t think it would send the right message if I hid after all that.”

So far she liked the new Hokage, he was calm and friendly and had a smile in his sky blue eyes. As he stood she was impressed at his physical stature, he had clearly been a warrior before his arrival in the chair of Hokage. She idly wondered, if they fought hand to hand, could she win? She would like to think so, as a Hyuga she had been taught that not only were the techniques she had access to superior, but also the clan itself rested on the pinnacle of elite Konoha nin. She was not entirely sure that was true given recent experiences, however the idea was thoroughly embedded in her subconscious and difficult to push aside as she studied him. She thought that if she were able to surprise him, she might last for a few seconds, or longer if he was feeling generous. He looked decidedly stronger than she, and realistically, one didn’t become the Hokage on good looks and charm alone.

She followed the nod of his head with her eyes and looked over at the fireplace. It was a beautiful piece of architecture, and she would stand and move over to the seat he gestured towards, curious about the change in locale. It was true she had not been comfortable sitting in the chair across from his desk, but she hadn’t voiced a complaint. She presumed he was again either very observant or this lack of formality was simply his way. Other than texts she had read from ancient Hokage, she had no basis of comparison. As tea arrived she was quiet with the exception of a murmured “Thank you.” as it was poured for her. She was not overly fond of being waited on, and she would fidget a bit until the woman left. Picking up the hot cup of tea and leaning back in the much more comfortable chair by the fire she looked around the room at the weapons hanging and portraits placed. This room was old, and full of history. A history that she would love to explore in greater depth, but unfortunately this did not seem like the time as Rippa spoke.

“My opinion on the Village. As a Genin. Well if you want the truth, it’s fine enough. Hardly any crime, a reasonable amount of activities to participate in that keep the youth out of trouble. I’m sure you’ve heard all this before though. Honestly? I think it could use something more exciting, it’s as though Konoha was not built with the young or inexperienced in mind.” She would take a sip of her tea and then hold the cup cradled between her two hands, seemingly absorbing its warmth into herself. “Please don’t misunderstand. I adore Konoha, and I couldn’t imagine a more wonderful place in the whole world. But, there are so many young Genin with, well, not a lot to do.” She would set her tea down on the table in front of her and clear her throat softly, smiling up at him with a mischievous grin. “Unless you want the other answer, in which case; Everything is lovely.”




Rippa would listen to her explanation of just how boring the village was for those of lower ranks. He would smile with amusement as it filled his eyes. His finger tips brushing his arms in a slow tapping motion as he listened. While it was true there was little that could be done at the rank of chunnin and under it was mostly for their benefit. The game changed dramatically once one hit special jounin. If they were bored for the time being they were safe. It meant there was little need to send inexperienced children off to war. Something he had never really been a fan of to begin with. Still they needed experience and guidance. Too many fell because they didn't know the world as the harsh place it could be. Chunnin thinking that after getting out of being a genin they were ready for it. Perhaps it was true they needed something to occupy them. Something other than the more basic missions. His eyes would study her as she made a comment about the other answer meaning everything was tip top and actually gave out a snort sort of laughter. Short but amused and certainly not gentlemanly.

Rippa was a strange man. Regal and yet relaxed and with the habits more suited to a fighter than a lord. He seemed to have mixed the behaviors of both and yet the ambient air around him was a comfortable one. As if it was alright to be relaxed around him as he was going to be relaxed one way or another. Little in this office was designed well enough to phase him. Not the paperwork, the politics or the people. He was a calm and rational man without leaning on his power or pride as a support beam for his personality. Somehow even in the office he sat within he was calm and comfortable. Perhaps in time he would grow weary but for now his smile was genuine. He would of course leave the side of the fire to move to the seat across from her and settle within it. Collecting his own cup of mint green tea and settling back. His right ankle settling on his left knee as he grew comfortable. Certainly not the position of a man ready to defend himself physically. He was letting his guard down around her. Still he would sip his tea before speaking.

"Ahh yes. I suppose the chunnin and genin of this village might be finding it difficult to reach out and accomplish more within the village. While we are not prepared to lower the standards of the divisions, I would like chunnin of the village to take on a genin shadow. Not a squad as that right is reserved for a rank higher of course. However one on one training sessions with someone almost their level could benefit them both. Your thoughts?"

He would sip his tea and watch her quietly. He wasn't concerned with her rank when asking these questions. Ones perhaps usually reserved for talk among her elders. However he wanted her to actually consider some politics and give her opinion from a much different perspective. After all she was very nearly a chunnin herself. This new shift would certainly affect her directly. The elders would simply put it in place as a direct contribution to the village itself however a chunnin to be might need to be reasoned with first. They themselves having fought to get where they were so far. Would it be to much to ask them to consider the future of the village through those behind them as well?




Supaku was relieved that her comment had drawn a laugh from the Hokage. She was also very pleased, as it told her something about him after all. That he didn’t take life too seriously and that he was humble enough to share in laughter with a lowly genin. She liked him all the more for it. She appreciated how relaxed he was, he seemed completely comfortable in this space and even went so far as to sit in a position that presented clear openings for attacks. Which either meant he didn’t view her as a threat of any kind, or was baiting her. Since she deemed the latter explanation fairly ludicrous, seeing as she had no reason to want to attack him, Supaku settled on the idea that he was truly comfortable. Confident in his own abilities, or in the lack of hers. Either way it helped her to relax somewhat and she allowed herself to lean back in her chair and let go of the tension in her spine that was holding her straight and stiff as a board while speaking with him.

As he explained his idea for Chuunin shinobi to take on a Genin ‘shadow’ she considered the implications of such an arrangement. It would mean, as far as she could tell, that the Chuunin of Konoha would end up with an extra responsibility which wasn’t altogether a bad thing. There was so much responsibility at higher ranks that being responsible for the welfare of a single person seemed like a good stepping stone. It would also mean that the Genin in question would have some much needed guidance, she knew from her own experiences that having someone to watch over her was one of the most useful things in the world. Of course some might take offense to it, but she figured that those were likely the ones that needed guidance the most. She certainly had. It had taken a very serious injury for her to realize that she couldn’t do everything on her own, and that she actually needed other people to be successful. Leaning over and taking her tea cup back in hand she would sip on it thoughtfully before returning it to the table and turning in her seat to face Rippa and comment on his proposal.

“Overall I think that’s a wonderful idea. I’m sure that most people would think so as well. As a Genin currently I know I would appreciate having a mentor of sorts. The life of a Shinobi is well, more dangerous than the Academy teaches. Or maybe they did warn us, but we were too young or too convinced of our own immortality to take notice. Either way I think it’d be very helpful to both parties, and on top of that it would go a long way to encouraging a strong and close knit community within the shinobi of Konoha. Something that I have come to learn is more important than possibly all the training in the world.”

She would smile and then blink rapidly, reaching her hand up to massage at the area around her eyes as the colours in the room shone and sparkled and sharp phantom pain drifted through her. Just thinking about the incident with Sugita even now so many weeks later still caused her distress, she sincerely hoped that one day soon it would go away. As the pain subsided she would take a quiet deep breath and lean forward to look at the fire crackling away in the fireplace, before continuing in a more subdued tone.

“I very much appreciate you taking the time to speak with me. I know you must be busy with all the work that is required of a Hokage. Not that I know exactly what that entails, but I can imagine it is a lot of paperwork and meeting with people. And, although I’m sure you don’t require my validation, I’m thoroughly confident in your ability as Hokage. I never got the opportunity to meet the previous Hokage, however you seem like a perfect fit.”




Rippa would smile and lean back a little bit. Taking in the woman before him. She seemed awfully wise in comparison to what her age should suggest. He rather liked that in an individual though. Sleeping lions though they may be they were more likely to choose their battles. There was a difference between those who survived and those who thrived. Konoha was a profiting empire but that brought on enemies that wished for their own wealth and power to be taken by force. He would need these sleeping lions to wake up. When Konoha was threatened in the past they had either risen or fallen together. He was a powerhouse in his own right but he knew better than most his own mortality. As invincible as he might seem to those of lower ranks. Still his blue eyes reflected nothing of his worries. Instead they would shine with a hope for the future. Because she was part of that hope. Of course this talk of shadows had him thinking though. There was a need to increase the rank of shinobi. New laws on missions and ranks in effect. He would have to consider how they might be even more rewarding with more responsibility.

Rippa would still watch her quietly as she went quiet and began to rub her temples. Apparently there was still some residual damage from the cause of those injuries. He wondered if it would cause her to falter in a mission. She was close to being chunnin which meant she was close to leading a squad. A frightening amount of stress and responsibility came with that. He was going to have to trust her with the lives of others. Still he would smile and listen as she spoke again. Complimenting him in ways that had him divert his eyes and smile bashfully. One hand raising to cover his lips as if to hide his pleased smile. A fairly common trait but perhaps surprising for someone in his position. Many thought people in that position had done whatever it took to make it there. The amount of walls they must have broken through having dulled them. Rippa was not the same though. His very presence seemed to be filled with warmth and kindness while still feeling like he radiated power. It was an odd combination but one thing that could be said about Rippa, the world had not broken him yet.

Still he would finish the thought and turn his attention back to her. For a first meeting it had gone rather well. He had learned a lot from an outside source as he had hoped. Of course now the meeting was coming to its conclusion. They had a few moments though so he was interested in his own self indulgence for a moment. The Hyuga clan was so fascinating. Their taijutsu considered the pinnacle of all taijutsu. An unstoppable force in hand to hand. Of course he was taking a risk here but still he would rise from his seat. With his right hand he would indicate for her to follow him to the space between the door and the desk. The most open floor space in the office. With that he would turn and face her. His Right foot forward and his left foot turned slightly outwards. His hands were open but the fingers were bent inwards. His right hand slightly above his left in front of his face. He spoke to her than. Speaking with an amused tone but still serious.

"I was hoping before we parted ways you might indulge me in something. Taijutsu has become a recent fascination of mine. I would appreciate it if you were to come at me with a single basic attack that embodies everything you have learned so far. Let us compare taijutsu so we both may grow."


10The first meeting (Supaku-Invite Only) Empty Re: The first meeting (Supaku-Invite Only) Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:06 pm



Supaku watched with growing concern as Rippa crossed the room from where they were in front of the fireplace and to a relatively open spot in front of his desk. As he turned to face her and settled himself into a taijutsu fighting stance she grew even more concerned. When he had first left the comfortable spot by the fire, she was worried that she had perhaps said something wrong and was now being shown out the door. This however, was far worse than her initial worry. It looked to her as though he intended to fight her. And while she had idly been considering the idea earlier, she had not thought for a moment that such a scenario would end up occurring.

"I was hoping before we parted ways you might indulge me in something. Taijutsu has become a recent fascination of mine. I would appreciate it if you were to come at me with a single basic attack that embodies everything you have learned so far. Let us compare taijutsu so we both may grow."

So he did want her to attack him. It was not a pleasant prospect for her, as while she enjoyed the thought of a spar, she could only see this going one of two ways with present company. Seeing as Rippa was the Hokage after all, she imagined that he was very skilled and powerful. Beyond just his physical appearance, it seemed doubtful that someone would rise to the rank of Hokage without significant effort. She on the other hand, was only a Genin, and not an especially experienced one at that. She could hold her own against people of her own rank, but beyond that? The pain in her eyes mere moments before was testament to her failure to keep up with higher ranking shinobi. So since she didn’t have a hope in hell of actually beating him, or even posing a threat, she could see him either being disappointed in her for her lack of skill or she would end up being injured again because she was trying too hard. She didn’t believe he would hurt her on purpose, he seemed so far to be kind and thoughtful, and it didn’t make sense to her that a kind and thoughtful person would intentionally injure someone without cause. No, the person’s actions she was concerned about here were her own. She had a near fatal habit of pushing too hard and too fast, attempting things that were far beyond what she knew she was capable of. She was always so concerned with being viewed as competent and ‘the best’ that she sacrificed far too much for it.

All her ruminating aside though, her Hokage had asked something of her, and she was happy to oblige his request, even if the request itself was not something she was pleased with. So she would stand, smoothing out the wrinkles in her slacks, and walk calmly towards the readied man, a look of intense concentration on her face.

“Alright Rippa, I’ll try. I am pleased that you know taijutsu. Had I known that I would be sparring today however I would have come better prepared.” She would smile as she spoke, finding the idea of fighting in these clothes fairly amusing. She usually fought in looser attire.

He had asked her for a single basic attack, which was unfortunate as most of her power as a Hyuga came through the use of her chakra, and more importantly interrupting her opponents chakra. But she had at least attempted to fight people as large as him before, and her being on the small side had given her an advantage, a slight one mind you, but an advantage all the same. Her fighting style was more heavily based in using her opponent's power against them, so she would need to be as close to him as possible. She was much shorter and smaller than Rippa, and his biceps looked pretty close to the size of her head, so getting inside his reach would be her best bet at actually landing a hit while avoiding one from him at the same time.

She would move closer in, close enough that if Rippa were to reach out he would likely be able to grab her, and she focused on letting her bones and tendons and muscles remain relaxed and fluid. Placing her feet firmly on the ground and turning her toes inwards ever so slightly, she would ‘sit’ in her stance about an inch, allowing the soles of her feet to be her anchors and the rest of her to bob gently, ready to twist or turn out of the way of any incoming attacks. Her arms would come up in front of her, held close to her body, fingers loosely extended yet still held together, her left hand just in front of her right at her chin. Remembering her time spent blind, she would close her eyes and use her other senses, listening for the creak of the floor as he shifted his weight, the feel of pushing air should he make a large movement, the change in temperature where she knew he was, and where the fire and windows were. It was almost as though she could see with her eyes closed, she had spent a long time having to see like this and it was almost comforting. But not quite.

She would snap her eyes open, looking straight into his sky blue eyes and then would lower her gaze briefly to the right side of his torso. She was hoping that he would follow her gaze, and ready himself for a strike in the spot she had ‘marked’ with her eyes. Her true target was beneath his jaw, which if he went to block her feint would just as hopefully be left unguarded. It was a long shot, but she’d had it work once before and it was the best she could think of at the moment. She would allow the span of a heartbeat to pass after attempting to regain eye contact before moving in as quickly as she could, towards his right side. Her feet slid across the floor, body curled minutely as she would extend her left palm towards his ribs, her right palm coming up under where she expected his jaw to be. She didn’t expect her left hand to hit a thing, and if she did connect with either palm it would be barely more than a tickle.


11The first meeting (Supaku-Invite Only) Empty Re: The first meeting (Supaku-Invite Only) Sun Dec 17, 2017 3:38 am



Rippa would watch her with a bashful smile. He knew the challenge was particularly unfair to her. Likely had she been closer to his rank he might not have been so forthcoming with a challenge. In truth he wanted to come off as impressive to the first few to have a meeting with him. Both of mind and body. People would ask them their impressions and make their own from them. An indomitable but kind and wise Kage was his goal of course. So he would give off the impression of such if he could. He was not who he once was but that man had been nearly blind. His new position seemed to have opened his eyes and brushed away the sleep within. Konoha was already beginning to take the steps it would need to flourish again. These meetings were propaganda in a way. To impress the masses with the opinions of the few. Still this woman herself seemed to impress him. A potent Hyuga to say the least. For a genin she had already found one trial waiting her. She had survived it and was overcoming it. So he would hold some confidence in her. Not to mention she was remarkably close to being considered for rank up. Naturally at this rate she would have his recommendation. Which carried enough weight that it was fairly guaranteed. That aside he doubted there were many who would doubt him. Not with such a clear and cut case which was optimal for his first few rulings.

Still he would smile at her jest about her clothing. His own was comfortable at least. As should any shinobi remain when moving about. One didn't live such a life without making enemies. The idea of dressing in a manner that limited movement was almost absurd. Less on had guards or was that confident in their abilities. Still hers was not outlandish. Simply more formal than shinobi gear. He certainly wouldn't mark it against her for choosing to look so professional for a meeting with him. Still she would assume her own pose. A lower one than his own but that was to be expected since she was lower than him to begin with. She was experienced with fighting those of larger stature at least. He could read it in her movements. Even her eyes seemed to judge where best to hit him. First glancing at his chin and then making a point of looking elsewhere. It was almost comical how much she wanted to direct his attention to his right torso. It was only a second though but for taijutsu users it was like announcing your intentions out loud. Still she moved into his personal space and followed through in a two pronged attack. A part of him wished to allow her success but what would that say of his limitations? Instead his hands would seem to slide into her open palms with a gentle stroke. Redirecting the blows with almost no force behind them and lightly gripping both wrists. Spinning her forcefully if he could or if she allowed him but much like a dance. Turning her away from him while holding her arms crossed over her chest. Allowing his words to remain warm on her ear just to the side to avoid a headbutt.

"Impressive. I dare say if not for our difference in physical ability I would be in a great deal of danger against you. Without even having activated your Byakugan at that. I shall have to keep the Hyuga clan in high esteem for their arts."

He would smile and if she allowed it would spin her back around like the second step to a dance and released her so she was standing comfortably. No stumble offered. His grace was practiced and for all his power the entire encounter had been nothing but gentle. Not even a bruise would form on her wrists from where he had held her. Simply the remnants of his warm touch. He would smile and brush his white hair from his sky blue eyes and watch her a moment. Judging if she were angry or pleased before bowing his head to her. Speaking with a smile once more.

"I apologize of course if this meeting left you at all uncomfortable. However for the time being I must prepare for my next meeting. You have my thanks for indulging me and are free to leave at your leisure Ma'am."


12The first meeting (Supaku-Invite Only) Empty Re: The first meeting (Supaku-Invite Only) Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:11 pm



Had she been expecting to win this small bout, then likely her failure would have been taken that much harder. As it was however she would have been pleased to simply land either of her attacks and yet she never got the opportunity. She was prepared to receive a blow from the Hokage, sparring was something she was used to after all, but instead her hands were deftly swept away from their trajectories and with a spin she ended up facing away from Rippa arms crossed against her chest and securely restrained to boot. It was difficult for her to resist the urge to fight back viciously, Supaku felt her temper rising and the white hot fire of anger was just begging to be released. She didn’t like to lose, it was one of the things she hated the most. However this was the Hokage, and despite her increasing indignation she found that she loved being ‘perfect’ more than she hated losing. So rather than fight back tooth and nail she allowed herself to relax in his grip. In her eighteen years she had come to expect a certain amount of pain and force when it came to sparring or training, something that she currently felt none of. It was odd being beaten, or rather IIprevented from her attacks, by such a gentle touch. Observing Rippa earlier it had been her assessment that if he had wanted to, anything standing before him he could probably break in half with his bare hands.

"Impressive. I dare say if not for our difference in physical ability I would be in a great deal of danger against you. Without even having activated your Byakugan at that. I shall have to keep the Hyuga clan in high esteem for their arts."

Her shoulders would shake just a bit as his words touched her ear, as she tried desperately to contain her mirth at his sentiment. It was not anything he said that she found amusing, but rather the irony of what it implied. Yes she agreed that the Hyuga, her clan, were renowned for their taijutsu, but the part she had found most entertaining was the mention of her Byakkugan. It hadn’t even occurred to her to use it, she had spent so many months without it that not using her clan’s doujutsu had seemed more natural.

“I assure you Rippa, it will be some time before I can claim that I am a danger to you. Though I appreciate the compliment regardless, you have certainly appealed to my vanity.”

As he released her, twirling her away to rest at arm's length from him, she felt a soft blush creep across her cheeks. It had not felt like a physical contest what had just occurred. It had seemed to her more like dancing, and she would glance up at him with a look of feigned suspicion. He was very charming, this new Hokage, or Rippa as she had been instructed to refer to him as. A ready smile, impeccable manners, a gentle touch. On the surface it would seem that he was a very learned diplomat. However looking closer she could also see the strength and skill that came from hard won experience. While she didn’t believe her opinion on the matter counted much for anything, she believed that a good choice had been made in elevating Rippa to the position of Hokage. He was all the things she hoped to one day be in order to fulfill her dream of becoming Hokage.

“I’m fine, thank you. I am very grateful for the time I enjoyed today, you must be very busy and taking the time to meet with a Genin is very gracious. I won’t keep you from your next meeting however, again thank you so much for your time.”

Her words were spoken with the utmost politeness, grace and sincerity. She couldn’t help thinking though that one day she would beat him, she would train all the harder to be able to do it. She knew that planning to be able to beat the Hokage in physical combat was probably not the most appropriate thing to be thinking at the end of their meeting. However he had, probably unintentionally, presented her with a challenge. Her attacks had been stopped so easily and without much apparent physical effort on Rippa’s part, it had pointed out to her that significantly more training was required. Not that she hadn’t been aware that she required more training, of course she was only a Genin, but now she had something tangible to strive for. And more importantly, it was not a goal that would involve her being dismembered or nearly killed. Certainly her mother would approve of that part, it had been difficult to convince her mother that anything she was doing nowadays wasn’t dangerous. And to be fair, that was not an unreasonable reaction. She imagined that if she were to have children of her own one day that she would be very overprotective of them, especially after they nearly died.

All her musings aside however, she didn’t want to hold up the next meeting. So she smoothed out the wrinkles in her clothing and carefully swept her violet hair from her eyes, trying her best not to look overly embarrassed about their interaction. It was a struggle, since her pride had been bruised a bit. So she did the only thing she could think of to ease her own discomfort, practice impeccable social protocol and then follow up with a cheeky statement. She would bow formally and move towards the door, turning one last time before exiting the room as a sly smile lit up her features.

“I would like to come back at some point, maybe have a rematch? Who knows, maybe next time I’ll win.”


{Exit Thread}

Jutsu Training: Vacuum Palm (C-Rank) - 1000wc + 150 ryo
Specialization Training: Ninjutsu (C > B) - 2000wc
Element Training: Fuuton (C > B) - 2000wc

32 words discarded

13The first meeting (Supaku-Invite Only) Empty Re: The first meeting (Supaku-Invite Only) Fri Dec 29, 2017 11:09 pm



Rippa would smile as she seemed to mention how his words were too kind. It was true that she wasn't at a level to be much of a threat to him yet. However the hyuga fighting style was impressive using both arms to strike at once. If nothing else he would commend them for having to avoid them touching you a single time. Even at her level she was nothing to laugh at. Still she would straighten herself out and adjust herself accordingly. Modest but proud. He could see her in one of the division uniforms. Though he wondered which she would apply herself to. Still she thanked him for his time and he would nod before watching her head to the door. Just before the door however she would mention a rematch in the future. She was eager to grow and he could appreciate that. However she needed to grow some what considerably in order to do so if he was being honest. He wouldn't discourage her though. Speaking in return with a smile. Challenging her in his own way before she was gone.

"Perhaps I will grow stronger in the meantime. Push yourself hard young lady and reach me in your own way."

With that she was gone from his office and he was left waiting for his next appointment. She had been his first but he had others coming in due time. His blue eyes watched the door she had left outside of before he would settle into his chair. Reaching into one of the drawers with an idle hand to pull out a bag of tobacco and a rolling paper. Dumping some out into the center of the paper before rolling it up and licking one side in order to close it. A dirty habit smoking but to hell with it. He was a medic capable of healing the damage it did over time. He would hold up his right hand as he placed one end between his lips as he placed his thumb and his index finger on the other side of the smoke. A brief arc of red raiton surged between his fingers as he took a drag of the lit cigarette. Sitting back in his chair and smoking as he blew out a couple of smoke rings. She was certainly the example of what he expected from someone so close to chunnin.

Exit thread

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