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1The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Empty The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:05 am



Was he looking for a fight? Was he looking for revenge on the man who'd opened up the scar upon his chest and caused more damage to it, widening the center? No, the man stood in the slums of sunagakure no sato with his back against the wall of a rundown shack, simply because he was less likely to run into agents of the elder council here. Hardly anyone would come to the slums searching for someone, due to the dangers, and it was even less likely that they would do so to cause trouble in the middle of the day. There were many good things about coming to the rundown district of a village that was surrounded by desert, these reasons being what drove the ANBU, no, the ninja: Syekren to hang around such a rugged place.

The man had his hair cut and slicked back just enough to keep the bangs away from his forehead, the jet black locks matching his clothing. His eyes, each a different shade of blue looked around the multiple places an ambush could come from contrasted his porcelain skin with the one blemish upon his face. He wore the scar over his left eyebrow that reached down to his right cheek bone without so much as a twinge of shame of it. His black long sleeve netted shirt, the sleeves being blacked out to hide his arms, was not accompanied by a gi today, but was still matched with his black shinobi tights and tabi. He wore normal black soft step shoes and really just seemed to be begging for the sun to drop all of the heat upon him. On his forehead he wore a hitai-ate with the sand gourd and a bar over it, signifying himself as a ninja.

Remembering the last time he was in this location, the man pulled his headband off and pushed it into his pocket, bumping the hilt of a tanto the was attached to the back left section of his belt. Syekren moved his fit and muscular form from the building he leaned against, sauntering down the street, ignoring the stares of those he passed by. He eventually came to a bar of a name he did not bother reading. When he stepped inside, voices that were once talking and laughing grew silent, eyes upon the newcomer, the intruder. Without bothering to look around, he made his way to the bar, sitting quietly and waving for the bartender. "Firebrand." That was all he said and the bartender brought him a bottle and a shot glass. With a pouch of ryo and a wave of his hand, the man was left the bottle, with which he used to pour himself a drink, taking it in one quick swig. Soon, he'd look for the reason he came, very soon.


2The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Empty Re: The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:08 pm

Ryu Myugan

Ryu Myugan

Ryu hadn't really left the bar in a couple of days. Not during the day that was. If anything he had been out late through the freezing nights to test out the gloves and primarily sleeping during the day. Getting accustomed to their new provided power. After all it wasn't every day one was granted weapons of such caliber. He was still often shocked at the result of a good hay-maker to a stone boulder he had conjured up here and there. Shattered rocks covered by the blowing sands of the dunes. He couldn't help but feel glad with the new ability in hand. At the same time though each time he went out he would catch glimpses of that grey coyote watching him. Never entirely sure if it had an interest in him or if his chakra attracted it somehow. However what he did know was it came closer every night. Lately it was only at the top of the dune he was practicing at the bottom of. Just laying there and watching him with one red eye and one blue eye. What was more, he could feel it out there lately as well. Feel it hovering near him and feel its chakra reaching towards him. Molding with his own.

So it was that he was just waking up a little bit and leaning outside his apartment above the bar. His bar aptly named a hounds heaven. He looked different now with his hair no longer dyed but instead just black and still lengthy but hanging loosely passed his shoulders. For the moment it was cold so he was in boots underneath some midnight blue robes with shinobi pants underneath. A long dark coat with ropes decorating the shoulders hung from his own shoulders. His eye patch had a Jackal head with a crown hanging above it emblazoned with a thin metal over the leather. Covering his right eye as his blue eye stared over the roof tops. A cigarette in his hand rising to his lips as he enjoyed the heat of the sun during the day. It felt peaceful but he couldn't help a feeling of unease that had kept him from simply rolling over and going back to sleep. His reason for being on the fire escape outside of his window to begin with. Something felt different about the day and it didn't feel right. Like bad luck was coming his way for all the bad things he had done. Which was odd since he had been behaving as of late.

Of course it wasn't long before there was a knock on his apartment door. His eye shifted as he tilted his head to glance at the wood. There it was again and this time more frantic and at the same time hushed. He would sigh and put out his smoke on the railing before flicking the halfie into the alley. Someone would smoke it at least. Still he would move passed his counter. Grabbing the B rank dagger as he passed it and slipping it behind his back with his right hand. Using his left to unlock the door and pull it open a crack. One of his own was outside the door causing Ryu's eyebrow to raise. The man looked scared and kept glancing over his shoulder. "Boss man...that ninja you fought a few weeks ago. He is back and he is here drinkin at the bar." Ryu would feel his eye widen and then narrow before he nodded and closed the door. Taking a breath as he considered his options. He could make a break for it of course. The window was open. But his men would lose faith. He couldn't run from an enemy even in his own bar. Even an Uchiha of all things.

Ryu would take a deep breath to steady himself before cracking his knuckles and his neck. He needed to at least put on a show of not being intimidated. That of course didn't mean he wouldn't be armed. Quietly he collected the dagger and the kunai. Slipping one up each sleeve into his forearm holsters. The dagger up his right sleeve and the kunai up his left. With that done he slipped into a pair of dark gloves with metal joins running along the outside. Satisfied with that he moved from his apartment and down the stairs into a quiet bar. A couple of customers were leaving already. Predicting the outcome. Though he noted the man didn't seem to be wearing his head band. He knew that face though. Still he knew even with the hair dye as soon as he spoke the man would recognize him. He needed to be chill about this. He took another breath and approached the bar before settling into a bar stool only two away from the man. Speaking to the bartender.

"I will have a shot of whatever he is having."
Nailed it.


3The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Empty Re: The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:01 am



Syekren noted a few people moving behind him, looking on with glares. They seemed to recognize him, a few in the bar were relieved to see he was alive and well, as he'd taken out a second killer in their streets, doing his duty of protecting Sunagakure no sato and her people. Still, there was always going to be the distrust from the hardest of those to convince. He could see a group muttering among themselves, staring in his direction. One of them was fingering a large blade on his skinny side, nodding in Syekren's direction to his buddy's.  Syekren silently poured himself another shot, lifting it with one hand in a sort of 'cheers' to the group while his other hand came back to pull his tanto out from the sheathe a bit. The bright blue glow hinted dangerously of the lightning within, shining in the dimly lit bar. The blade's blue hue looked menacingly on at the group while the bearer took his shot. Almost daring them to try anything with the measly blade they had. Seeing this, the whispers stopped and the hand moved away from the weapon on the skinny man's belt, the group going back to silently staring away and drinking.

With that matter settled, the ninja quietly pushed his weapon back into the sheathe, pouring himself another shot. There were a few customers of the pub who were leaving for some reason or another, it wasn't until he turned to hearing a familiar voice that he realized why. The 'coyote' had made an appearance in the bar not two stools from his location. Syekren smirked quietly to himself, noting that the man had asked for something that Syekren himself was drinking. So this was their ace in the hole? The men who were whispering before continued once more, reinvigorated at the sight of their leader. The skinny man began to thumb and finger his blade once more, itching to take it from the sheathe. It was amusing, to say the least. When the bartender when to look for another bottle, Syekren tapped the bottle he had, staring at the purveyor of drinks. "I've paid for the bottle, just slide another glass this way and we'll do a bit of sharing. That's only polite yes?" The bartender looked a bit flabbergasted and looked between the two men before nodding and procuring a second glass.

When the glass was set down in front of the ninja, he promptly poured two drinks, one for him and one for the Coyote. When this was done, he slid the new glass down the bar towards the other man. Hopefully his hand would catch it in time for Syekren to raise his glass in silent 'cheers.' He'd hold it for a few seconds before taking the drink quickly. The firebrand whiskey was one of his favorites, not for the namesake or anything, but because the whiskey was made to test the man. With a blend of cinnamon and other spices, being aged perfectly, it was quite the prize. What really made it such a good drink was the infusion of Katon chakra that made the liquid burn just right as it descended to one's gullet. It was like literally drinking a flame. With a yawn, the man stood and grabbed his glass and the bottle. He himself was used to such drinks, only because he'd been drinking it for years now. Not only that but he had a high tolerance for alcohol and his clan was known for their affinity to fire. He wondered just how this man would take the drink's potent flavours?

Not dwelling too much on it, he moved his form to the stool next to the coyote, which could be a risky move on his part. the group that had been muttering watched him warily and the blade wielding one made to stand quickly, reaching for the weapon. "I never caught your name, you know. That day we had our disagreement and you made off with a trinket of mine. I'd like to have a conversation, but I'm afraid your friends don't want this to happen. If you'd be so kind, we could have a pleasant talk should they not be so.. threatening." His voice was cool and collected, calm even. They both knew he could kill any of the minions he might have in the bar, his body was leaning close to the other on the stool, closer as he talked in almost a whisper. His right hand set his glass down, pouring them both another drink should the other have finished his, while his left hand silently slide the tanto from its sheathe. The blue glowing blade infused with raiton chakra was but a flash at it came to be pointed towards his kidney, aimed to pierce it should the cronies in the back make any sudden moves. He didn't want to bother with bloodshed, only to have a drink. "I assure you I came here peacefully, I have enough on my plate without looking for a fight. The council is corrupt and I'm sure they'd have us all killed should they learn I was here. You can imagine why I'd like to keep a low profile then."


4The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Empty Re: The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Thu Nov 09, 2017 6:14 am

Ryu Myugan

Ryu Myugan

Ryu would glance at the bottle the man offered to him. His blue eye taking it in. There was no label on the bottle but he could smell the ingredients. He took a breath in through his nose and smelled the fragrance he had grown accustomed to. His own mixture designed to resemble the katon designer drink. One could say they could feel the heat of the flames when they drank it. It had taken him five months of experimenting to match it. In the end he had used a slow roasted cinnamon and infused it with chakra during the roast. Letting the heat transform his chakra while he reinforced the cinnamon to keep it from burning. It was a complex drink to mimic. Much more so than the bottom shelf whiskey people normally purchased around there. What people could afford to drink to their hearts content lined the shelves but there were a few more advanced drinks there. Something that showed his skills beyond a fighter. He was a brewer too. Having been born into the trade. Honestly the idea of drinking something for taste appealed to him since he couldn't get drunk anyway. Still the bartender hesitated before Ryu nodded.

With his acknowledgment to her the woman would place down another glass and allow Syekeren to pour the drink. A scrupulous eye watching him closely. She wouldn't allow the precious drinks Ryu crafted to be tainted by some roofie here. The air in the room itself was tense. One man was even fingering his blade. He wasn't great with it but he was above the basic ass thugs that might try this place. Accurate enough with a throw. However he was only this ballsy against a shinobi with Ryu there. Still a glass was slid down to him and Ryu considered it an act of peace. In his clan growing up a member with a dispute with another member would bring out their own brew. Each tasting the others best mixture in order to determine who was better. Settling disputes with crafting skill rather than fists. This was of course a different setting but all the same it was done with peace in mind. Ryu would reach out and lightly catch the drink with a clink against his gloves. Metal on glass was audible. Still he would pick it up and raise his own glass before drinking the delightful alcohol.

Still even as he lowered it the man who until that moment had been a thing that haunted his dreams began to saunter over. Having enjoyed his own drink. Ryu would watch him and only glance at the bottle as it was poured for him again. However he barely caught the movement before feeling a pressure against his side. When had the man managed to get so much faster than him? His mind was catching up to the rapid draw and placement. His eye narrowed a moment as the man spoke in his ear. Speaking of how him being there really was peaceful. Something Ryu didn't really sense with a blade against one of his organs. He supposed he could react violently but repairing the bar would be needed. If this guy meant what he said Ryu might as well hear him out or give him the option to speak. Weapons were being drawn from every direction though. The bartender grabbed a bat, the man drew his knife and pool sticks were being pulled violently off the wall. It was one step away from a brawl. Still it would all stop as Ryu slammed his hand flat on the table. Everyone stopped what they were doing. Listening to him now.

"Close the bar and go for a walk. Now."

There was a hesitation there at his words but the woman sighed and put the baseball bat down. Motioning for everyone to get out. There were grunts of disapproval but no one disobeyed. There was a command to be followed. They were not the brightest lot or talented in any way but they knew when they were out classed. It wasn't the first time there had been a dispute with a talented jutsu user. They knew by now Ryu was the only one that could handle it. So they cleared out and a door closed behind them. Pool sticks left laying against tables here and there. At last they were alone in the bar. Ryu would pick up his second glass and down it as well. If he was about to lose a kidney he might as well enjoy a drink first. Still he seemed awfully calm for someone in his position. However there was a small spark that could attract the eye. His right glove was starting to glow with energy. He hadn't used any hand signs or anything but it was dangerously close to activating something. Ryu would look to Sye then and meet his eyes. Speaking up.

"Now Imma assume you didn't know this. But my name is Myugan Ryu. The clan used to be based in Suna but let me educate you on one thing. Sharing a drink is an act of friendship and peace in that clan. In my clan. To draw a blade so soon after sharing a drink is like spitting on that. So you get three seconds to put away your knife or your gonna be in a world of pain son."


5The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Empty Re: The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Thu Nov 09, 2017 9:55 pm



When the bar was cleared out at a word and a slam of the hand from the Coyote, Syekren looked around to ensure they were truly alone. His eyes wandered back to meet the steely gaze of the man he sat next to, taking his words in. It wasn't so much a greet as a threat, but the name was given and it was that of Ryu, a Myugan from Sunagakure no Sato. So he was originally a citizen of the village? Interesting. At the mention of the threat however, Syekren's eyes flashed to their three tomoe state for just a moment before becoming their different shaded blues again. He withdrew his blade from the side of Ryu and twirled it around his hand, setting it on the bar away from the two of them, the blue glow shining brightly. He wouldn't resheathe it just yet, but leave it for the other to take a gander at. "I'll have to ask you forgiveness on that one then, just being careful. As I'm sure you remember, the last time we met, that being the first, it didn't go over too well. I'm sure we both know that when canines have their alpha in sight, they tend to get more aggressive and well.. brave. I couldn't have another altercation or any bloodshed at this time. After all, wouldn't want the council coming to this wonderful part of the village to have us both put to death now would we?"

He silently poured himself another shot and did so for his companion. This time, he took a whiff of the liquid brought to his lips and paused before taking the drink down. So there was something different about this brew then, but the man couldn't tell exactly what. "The firebrand isn't as I remember it here. It's not so much weaker as it just has a different smell and flavor. I suppose I could just be mistaken. Or this isn't bottled in the brewery here in Sunagakure? In any case, Ryu, I am Syekren. As you may have guessed by my eyes I am an Uchiha. I'd ask you to keep that to yourself though, as the last time someone learned who I was, they took something from me which caused me to need to take on this wound for a new one." At that, he pointed up at his face, touching just gently on the large scar he bore. There was no way that he could currently rid himself of it and it would live with him for the rest of his days. A mark, a reminder of the time he failed to protect himself or the secrets of his clan. What little secrets he knew that is.

"I do have a question, if you'll indulge me. My original plan coming here was for some information. I'd recently gone to my parent's home and found them gone. With a bit of my own 'investigative work' I tracked one or both of them to the slums here. I've had a personal problem with them lately, ever since  I started gaining the power the Uchiha are known for, and I believe it isn't only  the Elder Council that wants my head now. I suppose my question is.. What does the Great Coyote, lord of the slums, know of two wayward Uchiha?" His eyes turned back to look into the gaze of the man he was sitting next to. Syekren's eyes became a hawk like stare. There was no animosity in the stare, but coupled with his words it gave a serious nature to his gaze. As though he was searching for answers in this person that he hadn't found himself. It wasn't normally good drinking conversation for one to hold a knife to another and then ask a favor, but the Uchiha was running out of time and out of leads. This was the best he could do at such a time.


6The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Empty Re: The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:50 pm

Ryu Myugan

Ryu Myugan

Ryu would watch him quietly and tilt his head. For a moment the man held the blade there. Waiting to clear the bar out before his eyes met Ryu's and flashed for a brief moment to a three tomoe. Ryu felt himself almost flinch at the sight of it again but held himself this time. He was growing more accustomed to the power now that he was beginning to experience it for himself. His one tomoe gave him more insight than he had before even though it was limited and he was still training it. Learning how to use it was just the beginning. Still the man spun the blade and set it down. Just within arms reach of either of them. How odd a thing to do. Was he tempting him? Testing him perhaps? The man was faster than him he knew that. If he went for the blade he wouldn't reach it in time. So perhaps it was a test to see if this shinobi was dealing with a fool. He wasn't a fan of being tested. But he would sit through it for the time being. Still the mention of the council involving themselves in the slums brought a grunt of sarcasm from him. Highly unlikely.

The village had no interest in their slums. It was just a trash heap not worth the fire they would have to use to cleanse it. The people in the slums held together only by their own laws. Enforced from within. At least on this side of the wall that was the case. The other side of the wall was just a sheer warzone. No one standing a chance in hell within it of surviving if they were below Ryu's level. Still the man mentioned how the bottle tasted slightly different and Ryu would click his tongue in irritation. He had put forth a great amount of effort and time as well as resources to mimic the flavor. As he had done with each brand in the bar. Cheaper to make his own than to buy by the bottle. Even as the man continued on about his bloodline and how he wished to keep it private Ryu was already well aware. Still he would pick up the bottle himself and pour himself another shot. Trying to detect once more any obvious after taste. The guy had to either really like his booze or had a very refined pallet. Either way Ryu would finally speak up again.

"A pity. I tried to mimic the flavor myself by roasting the cinnamon over coals. Seeing as I don't have the Katon element. After all I brew everything in my bar. That you could detect it brings me back to the drawing board. What a pain."

He would finish his glass and turn in his stool to face the guy entirely. His gloves hummed but it was gradually dying down. Like the charge had to be carefully released to prevent what it could do. Still he was paying attention to the man that had virtually held him hostage for a drink? Not really since he paid for it. He certainly wanted something. Could he tell his eye was in Ryu's skull? However as the man spoke it became clear what he was after. So he wanted information on someone close to him, a danger too him within the slums. How interesting and fortuitous. That someone of this mans position, a ranking shinobi of Suna, and his power would need something from Ryu. It brought a sly smile to his face. It was quiet a moment as he met that stare a moment. Before speaking up once more. Confidence ringing in his tone now.

"Ahh I see. Well I can tell you they aren't within my territory. However the lack of information is in itself information. See, I only know of one person in one place capable of making people disappear. You could try and force it out of me of course but I assure you it will do you more harm than good. See boyo, what I want is a simple trade. Information appearing for, well information fading."


7The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Empty Re: The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:43 am



Quietly, Syekren noted the grunt of sarcasm from the man who sat next to him and spoke a bit, just loud enough for the other to hear, in case any eavesdroppers were outside. "They have their hands in more than you believe, Ryu. There were three people I visited.. told they were crime lords here. Only thing I know of them are code names given to me. There was Kaze, Kami, and Illian. I've no doubt the names we chosen so they could not be traced back to who owned them, but believe me when I tell you that they're paying off the council. There were three places I visited not long ago,  the 'Disgruntled Snake', the 'Drunken Boar', and 'Mary's Menage de trois.' At these places I collected envelopes of what I could only guess were small fortunes of ill gotten gains. It would seem that our enemies have a mutual interest in each other, much as you may not want to believe it." With that, Syekren sighed and scratched his beard a bit, watching the man's eyes that had drifted to the tanto within arms' reach for a moment.

Syekren listened silently, surprise on his face before it came to be audible in his voice. This man brews everything on his own within the bar? Quite the talent for drink this one had, then. It would be something to remember for a later date. "That's impressive. To be able to replicate it so well even without the proper element for it. I was sorely mistaken in thinking that your talents were only of the criminal nature. The criminal part being an item I happen to be missing now. Not that it's needed anymore. But if you ever felt the need to learn the ways of flame, I would be able to teach you how to coax an ember to a roaring inferno. It's simply unheard of for a resident here who can use chakra to not have the katon element or something to do with our natural surroundings. But that can be for another time, no?  In any case, truly a remarkable skill you have there, where did you learn to craft these drinks? Is it something you picked up on your own, or did you work at a brewery before?"

Truth be told, Syekren was getting off target and was going off on a tangent. He'd nearly forgotten what he came here for and that was most unlike him. When the man had turned to face him completely, Syekren did the same, picking up on the humming from the gloves the man wore. He had almost not noticed the sound, but now that he was paying attention he found it rather.. odd. Regardless it was time for the conversation to move along. If anything happened, Syekren was quite sure he could use his reflexes to avert disaster should he need to, with ample time to grab his blade once more. A sly smile played on the other's face as he sat quietly for a bit, apparently relishing in the satisfaction of a chance to have a shinobi within his debt.  He spoke again and this time he seemed to want to strike a deal. Information for information being destroyed, or for it to just disappear? Such a thing was not uncommon in the shinobi world and Syekren sort of had a knack for making things.. disappear.

A smile played across his lips as he nodded, filling their glasses once more before grabbing his own. "Then I suppose we're both in luck. As I happen to be in the business of making unwanted things disappear. The only question of course, is what you want me to make disappear? Someone with intel on you? A building of scrolls that could be dangerous to you way of life? Or perhaps some competition's ledger for business so they go under? Whatever is needed, it can be done with ease." His eyes bore an intensity of a predator circling prey, waiting for the correct moment to strike. He had done this type of rope a dope many times, and knew that a job like this was right up his alley, he would approach it with the fervor of a lion approaching a gazelle in the latter's final moments. His smirk disappeared only for a moment as he took in the drink to his mouth then throat, tasting the sweet aroma of cinnamon and flame that was replicated almost perfectly in his drink. When he set his glass down, he reached into his pocket, the one on the opposite that held his head band, and procured a scroll with information on the people he was looking for: Maeva and Kusoku Uchiha.

OOC: If needed I can link both missions I wrote to give sufficient information on both of the NPCs.


8The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Empty Re: The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:09 am

Ryu Myugan

Ryu Myugan

Ryu found that particular information disturbing. So three of the locations to the west were either knowingly or unknowing of their involvement together. If they were uninvolved directly that of course would be far better.  He wasn't looking to fight a bunch of good kids with personal issues. However if they found out they were being used than it could be turned against them. Besides these weren't kings. He knew the names of these locations as he knew to avoid them. Had heard rumors of the lieutenants of three of the kings presiding over those locations. Second in commands each as brutal as the last running the day to day operations while the kings oversaw the lot of it. If they were working together though it was only a matter of time before either the kings fell or the kings were in on it and the kings were this much closer to taking over the entire village. That aside the man had collected visible proof the council was under their thumbs. He had seen the backside of the village for what it truly was and it turned out he wasn't suited to it. A man with principles in their ranks? How fortunate.

Still he would pour Ryu another shot and himself one. Of which Ryu would take back once more too deep in thought to enjoy the taste. It was this much closer to being involved in a war. Where he stood on it could tip some scales but it could also burn down everything he had made. He didn't feel safe at the moment. Still the offer of teaching him how to use katon was an interesting one. Teaching a thug like him how to summon forth fire? What if he used it just for funsies? He figured the shinobi was confident in his own skills anyway. Still he would take a deep breath as it was inquired of him where he learned his skills. An abandoned factory just outside of the slums a monument to his fallen clan. Scattered to the winds. "I was born into the Myugan clan before they scattered across the nations. Back when they called Sunagakure home. It used to be that if you wanted good booze you could go to the shops you go to now. But if you wanted incredible alcohol, the kind that an entire shot is enough to knock one full grown man on his ass you ordered from us. That was the clan I was born into. That said your offer to teach me the basics of Katon is generous. If you decide to do that, I might just provide you with one of those bottles. Once I make it of course."

With that said the other didn't seem to mind his request at all. He was in need of help so of course equal trade wasn't something he was averse to. A part of him considered asking the man to try and take out one of the kings. Clear a little bit of path for him. However he quickly squashed that thought. If his goals were being influenced by the gangs on the west, if his parents were partnering with them than he would have to fight the kings eventually anyway. If nothing else it would be a waste for Ryu to use the favor to go and do what they were bound to handle anyway. His drink was filled once more but he held off drinking for a moment as he stared into the amber liquid. Clean as was almost unexpected for a bar in the slums. When he spoke he did so with a calm tone but one with some hope. Something he didn't have access to himself.

"No one needs to die, If anything only a part of me does. A legend held within a criminal record. Lost within the masses of the records of the village. If I am being honest I miss the legitimacy of what I could have been before the incident. What I want from you, what I need in return for me helping you win the fight against anyone you want, Is for you to eliminate any trace of me after graduating the academy. I want my criminal record completely gone. That way I can gain access to more resources from the village. After all I have less than a year....a year before that woman comes looking for my head. That's all the time the snake gave me to prepare."


Perception B-2 ~> B-3, 900
Speed B-1 ~> B-2, 800
B-2 ~> B-3, 900

600 left over

Last edited by Ryu Myugan on Sun May 20, 2018 3:25 am; edited 2 times in total

9The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Empty Re: The Return of A Hero [Open|No Kill] Fri Dec 01, 2017 7:33 pm



"Ya don't want to tell me that, I might just hold you to it. I enjoy firebrand more than any other alcohol anyone has out there. It's potent and full of flavor. You do the name justice. But this is definitely the first time I'd heard the name 'Myugan' I suppose it could be my own fault for not looking too much into the clans around this area. I haven't heard of your criminal history either, as your name hasn't graced my bingo book at this point. A year is what you've been given and this will be the start to our partnership, perhaps more than that should things go well. I don't have many friends but I suppose this isn't too bad of a way to start a friendship." With a chuckle again, the man moved his arm in a fluid motion to grip the hilt of his tanto, spinning it around his hand before he sheathed the beauty of steel and raiton chakra once more. He had the information he needed for the time being and he had his assignment. There was not much else to speak on at this point other than to tell his new companion where he might be found in the future when the job was done.

"Three days. I will have your job done in three days. After that time, find me at a secluded shack here in the slums, over by where the first serial killer I took down would haunt. There were a few people there nice enough to set me up with the extra materials I needed to build myself a shelter. I made sure to keep it modest so that none would know who stayed within. It's the perfect place for meetings and things of that nature should that be what you fancy. Otherwise, I can come back to the bar, whichever works. Should you wish me to come back to the bar, do not show up on the fourth night, and I will find you. I'm just certain you're anxious to have your problem dealt with so we can move on to the next stage.. Quickly." With that, the man stood from the stool, moving away from the bar. His hand with the scroll guided itself to sit the information down upon the bar for his counterpart to read over at his leisure. With their business concluded, the man waved and sauntered from the building, passing by the eavesdropping slum dogs that had tried to listen in to ensure everything went smoothly. A few looked as though they'd challenge him but made no resistance as he went on his way to begin the mission he was asked to do.

OOC: Ending our business here until after my plot thread of cleaning your record.



Training Hercules Flame Bomb: 3,000/5,000 (Continuing Training Elsewhere)

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