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1Meeting with the Mizukage(Jurou/No kill) Empty Meeting with the Mizukage(Jurou/No kill) Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:45 pm

Kaguya Apocalypse

Kaguya Apocalypse

Apocalypse bounced along through the sand village, not really giving a care in the world. On his belt, he had a single steel pipe measuring 18" strapped on. On his face, he wore the Face of Dismay. This hid his identity while he travelled, and provided an interesting recon tool. He was glad he had invented it. He went rooftop to rooftop, making sure to remain hidden in the drifting sand that flew about in the winds. Seeing a large building in the distance, his curiousity overrode his common sense, and he made his way toward it. He suddenly jumped forward from a rooftop, aiming to land on the small roof above a window, however he simply flew right through the flimsy structure, and thus through the window into a patient's room.

He didn't even give himself a moment to look around. He simply yanked his head upward, his sinister eyes scanning the room through his mask. He also, during this motion, pulled the pipe from his belt, holding it in his right hand as if it was a knife or a sword. The zoom lenses in his mask slid back and forth as he scanned every detail of the room, while silently listening for any panic in the hallway. He walked toward the curtained off bed that was on the other side of the room, throwing it open, while at the same time forming a knife out of his wrist bones on his opposite hand. He was a rather threatening sight, wearing such an evil mask, carrying a pipe in one hand and a knife made of human bone in the other. However, he wasn't hostile toward the patron on the other side in any manner, he simply took in what he saw.




Ah... peace, quiet and tranquility. Nothing to be bothered about. The kids were asleep together and Jurou was relaxing in his bed, yet his injuries were tended with great amount of care. Nothing could go wrong. Jurou was still injured, but even Rikodou Sennin knows that it will take much more to tire Jurou out. He was sleeping, dreaming about continuing his seat as the Kage of a new village until his daughters get to at least Jounin level so one of them can take his place, where he can become the Sannin of the village he once ruled himself. He would become powerful in the arts of Ninjutsu, and hopefully either Senjutsu or Chakra Flow, or Fuuinjutsu. It did not matter to him at all. The ocean inside his head as he imagined himself back at home, it was never sweeter than what it felt like today, his somewhat second home. He could not say that this was the life, but somewhat close to it.

But all of that would change in a sudden as he heard intense breathing coming near his way. He was able to move in good condition, grabbing the scabbard with Naiya in possesion and his original wakizashi just in case. The kids were in his room still asleep as he got up from his bed slowly to see what was the noise. He stood infront of his kids, as any father's intuition to protect them at all costs. The door was still closed, but then he felt something still in the room. His vision was still a bit blurry, but he saw that the window was smashed and a figure was looking upon him. Keeping the unemotional facial expression, he quickly adjust his hand-to-hand arsenal, removing his wakizashi and placing it on the bed, and sticking to Naiya for now. He saw an unfamiliar face, even more unfamiliar with the metallic mask hiding his appearance. Unsheathing Naiya and holding the scabbard in his left hand, he kept Naiya's handle in a normal-hand grip as he saw the figure with both a pipe and a human-like bone knife. He was a Kaguya at that, and the pipes probably made it more dangerous.

Kaguya Apocalypse

Kaguya Apocalypse

Apocalypse looked up at Jurou, Taking him in. An electronic-zooming like noise would be heard from his mask as he took in every detail of the man and his two children. What exactly had he burst in on? Why was the Mizukage here, and what was he doing in the hospital? Apocalypse slowly lowered his pipe, and his palm re-swallowed the bone knife, a slurping sound beind heard as it vanished within his wrist. He then tied the pipe to his belt.

Apocalypse reached into his pocket, pulling out a key and sticking it into a slot in the side of his mask. As he turned it, the mask let out a hissing sound and a small amount of steam. The mask released, allowing him to slowly pull it off. Apocalypse had electric blue eyes, and hair to match hiding under his mask and hood. He had two red dots on his forehead, and a rather bitter but cocky face. It wasn't like he was trying, it was just how he looked. His face then grinned widely at the Mizukage. He had forgotten he had to do facial expressions after going so long without doing one. On the side of his neck which was previously concealed, there was a kiri symbol tattooed, and under it the words "Always Loyal".

"What's the matter, Mizukage? Get your lunch money stolen?"



Had he remembered the boy... Jurou couldn't make out the mask but when the mask was released, he remembered now. That genin... a Kaguya... Apocalypse. That was his name. He remembered Hikou giving Jurou a file on Apocalypse, as Jurou was somewhat impressed with the boy's abilities, but still needed training. And lots of it at that. But now, Hikou was dead and he saw Apocalypse face-to-face for the first time, yet Apocalypse knew that Jurou was the Mizukage. Strange, but meh; Jurou can take it. He remembered the boy's look on his profile: Sadistic yet with a hint of cockiness, and more importantly, that grin on his face. To what he has now, it was most definitely him at the moment. Jurou smirked at the boy's remark, sheathing Naiya in the scabbard and keeping the scabbard-sealing Naiya on his bed for the time being. The boy wasn't of no harm to Jurou at all.

"Not polite to sneak up on the Mizukage when he is tending to his injuries." Jurou said to Apocalypse as he stood where he stand, but decided to move a couple inches away from the kids to disturb their sleep. He did not want to wake the kids, as they were cranky when they get up. Usually ended with them melting or cutting something, or even both if they worked together.

Kaguya Apocalypse

Kaguya Apocalypse

Apocalypse reached down, pulling a couple of glass fragments out of his thighs, but ignoring the pain of it. He simply tossed it over his shoulder and right out the broken window. He heard rushing footsteps down the hallway to see what the racket was, but he quickly pulled a bo-staff looking object from his back. Bone, of course. He propped it against the doorhandle, keeping the door from being opened. He them placed a finger, running it along the edge of the door. He sealed the door shut with bone that had been hardened to a density that surpassed steel. He then backed away, nodding in approval at his work. He then looked at Jurou again.

"The dog is laying down and licking his wounds, eh? Seems like something you'd do.." Apocalypse looked at the kids again. Definitely Jurou's, or someone he knew's. Why else wiould be babysitting? Apocalypse occasionally stole a glance at the door. "I didn't even know you were here. I was just wondering around on Recon when I accidentally flew in here. Fancy meeting you, though." Apocalypse pulled from his backpack a well-drawn map of a large part of Suna. He held it out to Jurou. "This is what I had done."



Hmm... Jurou had seen what Apocalypse had done to the door. The power of the Kaguya, using their own bone structure as a weapon of offense. But touch them violently in combat, their as good as gone. Which, was why they had to utilize as much offensive maneuvers as possible, so they won't get touched. Jurou shrugged at what he did, and apparently what he said at the moment. Something about... dog and licking... Meh; Whatever. "This dog you speak of... is tending to his wounds from his battle with a very mean cat, with very sharp claws." A good reference of animals nowadays; Way to go Jurou, way to go. "I see you took the trouble of coming here exactly, and I see the map made things much easier. Good." Jurou looked at the well-drawn map of a large part of Sunagakure, leaving minority of it off the map. Maybe useful to Apocalypse.

"So what brings you here?" He needed answers from Apocalypse and to what reason to why infiltrating in a hospital just to see the Mizukage out of all people. It was strange to Jurou, and something he would ponder his mind with later on throughout the day. But for now, it was a time of relaxation. He heard slight moving and shifted his view to Chie and Reiko. They were trying to get comfortable in their little bed Jurou made for them. Still sound asleep. Good. He made sure he kept it that way until all of the commotion died down with Apocalypse.

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