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1Finding the Mask (Part Final) Empty Finding the Mask (Part Final) Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:02 am



Mission name: Can I Leave Now?
Mission rank: Event
Objective: Get your mask validated
Location: Namahage Festival
Reward: 10 Tickets.
Mission Description: Present your completed work to the ceramist, who will validate it and send you off to attend the Masquerade Ball at your leisure.
Mission Details: The validation process involves the Oni pressing a stamp against the forehead region of your mask, leaving an undecipherable symbol that will glow for several seconds before vanishing entirely. With that mark, he will tell you, the gates leading to the Masquerade Ball will open to you. How you proceed after obtaining the mask is left to the player to decide.

'It seemed all was ready.‘

Taking the cooled mask, Hanbei would place it on her face and look ing the mirror to see if it fit properly. Resting it upon her face it seemed that she had made the mold just right, resting on her nose perfectly it covered her face with a little of the underneath of her chin showing underneath as was customary when wearing a noh styled mask. Looking over at her companion Daji, she would cock her head to a side in surprise. It would seem that she was taken aback that Hanbei would have the skill to pull something like this off. The haunting and usually sarcastic voice that flowed through the girls' mind was strangely absent with something a little more charming and honest. 'I must say Hanbei I'm surprised, the mask you have made pleases me, were it handed to me I would thank such a gift. You have my respect for once it seems... I'll know now that it seems that you don't need to be such a disappointment if you try. So now, there is no excuse.' Hanbei could not help but giggle as Daji vanished. Of course she would say something like that in the end, her pride made it impossible for her to give a compliment without doing so, yet still hanbei would think aloud with her in mind, knowing that she could likely hear it on some level.

'It's ok Daji, thank you.'

Looking in the direction of the Oni who had been dealing with this whole mess from the beginning, entering the main shop the place would look flawless from top to bottom. There was no mess as the oni that was ready seemed to have not only cleaned everything in the shop, but also himself. It was either that, or the illusion that had been cast over the shop had been lifted now that Hanbei had finished with the tests that had led to the creation of the mask in the first place. Looking to the girl the Oni seemed pleased with the mask, taking a poker of some kind with a seal upon it he would charge it with some form of chakra, looking to the mask and pressing it to the masks' forehead as he would claim that the gates to the ball were open for Hanbei now, should she wish to join them in the grand dance. Cocking her head to a side, Hanbei did not exactly understand what the Ogre meant by that, but, the now seemingly much more respectable beast was offering her some invite to the ball.

The mark was their ticket.

2Finding the Mask (Part Final) Empty Re: Finding the Mask (Part Final) Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:10 am




Exiting the building Hanbei felt good about herself, good enough that it seemed it was time to celebrate now that this whole ordeal was over. Taking to the streets as far away from the Oni's shop as possible the Guanyin would open a small tab for the beast at the local sweet shop as she had promised before moving on to new heights. A wondering group of spirit monks seemed to be sipping some kind of juice at a bar, Hanbei bowed low and welcomed each and every one of the noble wanderers who offered her to take a drink with all of them. Accepting graciously Hanbei would explain the trials and tribulations she had been going through with the ancient gentlemen who all seemed to understand and immediately discerned the gender of the young boy as he continued to drink. It seemed that one of them had known a nomadic member of his clan some time ago, and in doing that, they formed a bond.

'Alright guys, drinks on me!'

Drink after drink hanbei failed to understand the alcaholic nature of the juice he was drinking, sacred peach wine that had been poured by the monks themselves as they would laugh and make merry, hearing the stories told by the living boy as they would laugh through the night, their cheeks flushed red with mirth and joy until Hanbei would fall asleep, laying upon one of the larger monks who would hoist the boy up, taking him to the location of his next trial, knowing that on this path, the boy would make good choices from now on. His spirit seemed pure and untainted, though curious as any boy of his age...

But also lonely.

3Finding the Mask (Part Final) Empty Re: Finding the Mask (Part Final) Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:11 am




Hanbei would have much to do when he awoke. Although he was ready in some form for whatever this world could throw at him, to him, this was the land of the stories he was told growing up. It was the world of gods and spirits that he lived in every moment of every day. It was something he was used to, if was familiar. Little could take that away... but in doing so, that reminded him of his father back home, how worried he must be, and what actions he may have taken to find him... alas, those were all actions that needed to be taken in the future, in the now, it was time to sleep, hoping that when he awoke, he would face what lay before him.

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