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1Beware the Devil Swine! (Katakirauwa) Empty Beware the Devil Swine! (Katakirauwa) Sun Oct 08, 2017 11:52 pm




The competitors will be dropped into one end of what appears to be a large, farm-like area, with the goalpost visible, off in the complete opposite direction from where the competitors entered. After a few seconds a giant set of wooden doors will open unleashing a swarm of Katakirauwa, black piglets with one ear that cast no shadow. These creatures will charge directly at the competitors, attempting to run between their legs. Those unfortunate or slow enough to allow this to happen will have their souls snatched from their bodies, resulting in their elimination from the competition.

The Katakirauwa are almost blindingly fast and are capable of leaping great heights to follow their targets. In addition, the creatures can run on any surface, following competitors onto walls, bodies of water, and whatever other obstacles competitors may attempt to use to their advantage. If violence is used to repel the Katakirauwa, another swarm of the yokai will be unleashed for every incident that occurred. The only means of attaining victory and safeguarding your soul is to make it to the goal post before one of the creatures manages to pass between your legs.

'Second to last, not bad.‘

Hanbei could hardly believe her eyes that she had gotten this far when it came to these obstacle trials, of all of the ones that she had done so far, from the race, to the rematch of that race, dealing with the massive spider and now this, it seemed that the Jounin was having a pretty easy time with each and every one of them solely due to the familiarity with the world and the inhabitants of it. But as Hanbei was dropped into what seemed to be a farm, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of Yokai would be found here. Kicking around in the dirt while the spirits got themselves ready was one thing, it seemed like that for one reason or another they were having an issue with this particular obstacle. Hanbei looked around at the other competitors, each of them seemed to be mulling around not really sure on what they wanted to do or what they should be ready for, but they were all rather close together. The guanyin couldn't help but smile, looking up at some of them as they smiled back... until it seemed that the people who were running the show were finally ready, an opening in the ground tore open like a rend in reality. A dark fog flowing from it...

'Hanbei would have never expected what came out.'

Katakirauwa, almost a dozen of younger ones, prone to be even more violent and protective were unleashed into the pen as a finish line opened at the end of them all as the young pigs began to rampage for each and every one of the sorry souls in the pen. There confusion at first as Hanbei stared on in horror. Some of them laughing as one person picked one up, wondering what they were meant to do with the one eared pigs. It was then that another one ran between that ninja's legs, the light immediately fading from their eyes as their soul was torn from their bodies, having the ninja slam into the ground violently, all life lost from their form. Katakirauwa weren't Yokai, they were DEMONS, eminating from naraka! What the hell were they all playing at. Hanbei would look around the others, a Hakutaku nearby smiling as the piglett that had taken the soul was levitated to the smiling face, the soul split from it and awaiting to be placed back into her proper body... so that was how, but for now, it was time to get away from these pigs, and the ninja in the area were beginning to panic.  

"Close your legs and don't let them through!" Hanbei would call out, hoping that the hint would be enough.




Hanbei would immediately channel chakra into his hands, creating a needle and throwing it for the exit as fast and hard as she could, Hanbei would appear from the needle in mid-sprint having covered half the ground to the exit, it seemed others were also using jutsu to fend off the pigs, though, with each aggressive jutsu more and more of them were being added to the pen, it seemed that violence was not a means to solve this puzzle and the spirits were having a grand old time laughing at the misfortunes of those who would drop like flies as their souls were torn from their mortal coils. It wasn't long before a host of the piscine creatures were close behind his quick moving feet, biting at his heels as he would try to think of a way out of this mess, taking to the air for a moment hanbei would quickly create a number of hand-seals as he would face his back to the gates that he was aiming for.

'This better work!'

With a flash, the bright white chakra wings of senbon that he had created many a time for the trials would reupt as he would run even more chakra through them of the fuuton nature, with the pigs leaping for the boy now he would bat the wings but once as a huge surge of wind would blow from them knocking all of them away, not in an aggressive manner but as a manner that would blow them away and blow himself away also as he would catapault in the direction of the gate, smashing through and rolling on the ground as she would lay there in a heap for a moment, not sure that she was alive or dead. Swarmed by people and picking him up as the pigs were rangled, it seemed that he was not the first one out but by and large it seemed as though not many had gotten to the finish line at all. Pats would be placed on his back as he had managed to get there and tickets would be handed to them as the next competitors would be prepared to take part...

Hanbei hoped that he never had to go through something like that again, or what if they had something stronger tied up somewhere around here... something that could break the rules and actually hurt someone.

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