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Mission name: Doesn’t Anyone Around Here Work?
Mission rank: Event
Objective: Locate the ceramist.
Location: Namahage Festival
Reward: 10 Tickets.
Mission Description: Locate the ceramist shirking his duties around the festival and convince him to make you a mask for the Masquerade Ball.
Mission Details: While skilled in his craft, there is not a soul familiar with the ceramist that would describe the lazy, obese Oni as reliable or dedicated. As per usual his shop will be found empty, abandoned by the ogre in order to laze about and greedily eat his full. He could be anywhere (Player Choice), but places with food (especially sweets) would be where we suggest you begin your search. When you find him, he will be none too pleased at the prospect of being asked to labor over his kiln and clay. We’re sure you can find a way to convince him (Player Choice).



When Kiriya woke up his memories of the night before were covered in mist. He couldn’t remember what he did exactly the previous night. There were some strange memories in the back of his mind about fish with glowing eyes and sharp teeth. Must have been a bad dream, he thought to himself. But Kiriya couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was wrong. The so-called dream seemed a little bit too real. Kiriya decided to go back to the place of the festival. He had a strange feeling that he would only find it in the night. After waiting for the day to come to its end he set out.

He barely remembered the location of the mysterious festival he had seen the night before. As he was walking through the village he heard the echo of cheerful music coming from the distance. He knew that he had to follow it. As he was following the echo it lead him to a dark street on the outskirts of the village. In the distance he saw the bright lights of what looked like a festival. The Namahage festival was the first thought he had when he saw it. Somehow the name that popped into his mind perfectly matched the scene.

Kiriya entered through the gates and started looking around. From every part of the festival music was coming but it wasn’t the cheerful tone he had heard earlier but a rather more sinister one. The place looked empty, Kiriya didn’t see anybody but he had a feeling that somebody was watching him from a distance.

WC - 270



As Kiriya was walking through the festival area he didn’t see any other villagers. Nobody seemed to be there except him and the stand owners. After quite some time of lurking around he saw a rather peculiar flyer on a pillar next to him. The flyer had an invitation to a masquerade ball that was apparently held every year. The masquerade ball was that type of event that Kiriya never had been to. The only requirements that it had were the formal attire and a ceramic mask. Kiriya’s clothes weren’t exactly the fancy type so he decided to go and change.

After he changed his clothes he hurried back. Nevertheless, he still lacked the ceramic mask for the ball. When he was lurking through the festival area he saw a stand for ceramic things but there was nobody there. Kiriya knew that the best chance he had was to go back there and look for the stand owner. It didn’t take him long to get there but the owner still hadn’t appeared. The only person that was there was the owner of the stand next to it. Kiriya decided to try his chances with him.

“Excuse me, do you know where I can find the owner of the ceramic stand?” Kiriya tried to speak with a voice that was friendly enough to get a honest answer.

“Hello there young man, isn’t it a little bit too late for you to be wandering alone. You know these streets can sometimes be dangerous. You must be talking about that lazy Oni. I suppose you can find him where there are sweets around. Try looking at the stand for chocolate sweets on the opposite side of the festival.”

“Thank you for everything, I hope you have a wonderful evening!” Were the words that Kiriya said to him as he was running to the location he pointed him to.

The stall owner was right. As Kiriya appeared there he saw a mid-aged and chubby man sitting on a chair with sweets all over him. From the description the man gave him it was definitely the ceramic mask maker.

“Hello, I’m in desperate need of a ceramic mask for the masquerade ball. I have been told that your masks are one of the utmost craftsmanship. I would be eternally grateful if you could help me.” Kiriya knew how to talk to somebody when he wanted a favor.

“Huh, boy?! Are you talking to me? What makes you think that I’ll leave these delicious sweets just to make a mask for you? Do you think I’m that stupid? Go away now when you have the chance!”

Kiriya knew what he had to do. He waited patiently in silence as the chubby man had eaten away all his sweets and right before he ordered new ones Kiriya had bought all them of the stand.

“If you make me a ceramic mask I’ll give you all these delicious sweets.”

“Are you trying to make a fool out of me boy?! But on the other hand, those sweets really do look marvelous. Come to my shop and I’ll make you a mask in no time.”

Kiriya patiently followed him to his shop and waited for the mask. After he was done Kiriya gave him the bag of sweets and left with the mask.

WC - 270 + 566
= 836

[Exit thread]
WC needed for completion - 750
words left - 86

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