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Sero had awoken in this place. This strange place and yet it was so familiar. His grey eyes had shifted to watch a catfish swim across the sky and he would narrow his gaze. Oh yes he knew this place very well. It was a place he had drawn blade and blood in before. The village of Yokai had come once more and seemed interested in him again. He would need to provide instruction to them once more of what a true monster was. Oh how they delighted in his aura though. Critters of varying size shifted and whispered as they gazed at him. The Dread lord had returned. A man so like a demon he belonged in this realm more so than he did in the human world. So cold and deadly he was the boogeyman of the world he lived in. He held rage and fear in each hand and toyed with them with those that would challenge him. Yet they knew he would not remain. He was visiting and they would be entertained by it. He didn't mind though. He was last years champion here. It didn't matter if they wished for him to repeat the process. He refused to lose a challenge.

He had risen from his place of arrival in dark, coal colored robes. Almost oily on the surface. When he shifted it seemed like fluid moving along to the walking path into the area. Shifting between Yokai and human alike in a black blur. Pressure shifting between them almost suffocating those who drew too close in a sense that something had clamped its jaws over their wind pipe and held on for a moment. Even the demons, the weaker among them would sweat and stare after him. If he were hunting something it was his to claim. Still he would draw closer to a particular challenge area. A small crowd had gathered for one challenge to take a peek at their might and tactical awareness. Or so the announcer was saying. Tickets were being drawn by nine other fairly large men when a shadow slipped among them. Those acting tough straightened up a little more while at the same time doubt entered all their eyes. Still it was a nice mixture of Yokai and humans. Each eager to prove themselves superior and already selecting targets and tactics. Only off to the side did Sero stand with a ticket pinched between blackened nails so akin to claws. White hair shifting about him as he examined the thin blue paper.



Sero watched as a seal activated on his ticket first and rose an eye brow. The seal was something simple. It was sealing an item away. As were the other tickets. He could recognize it wasn't harmful. Still in a moment the ground beneath all ten contenders was gone. A perfect square for them to battle within. At the bottom was a large mattress and even as sero landed he was bounced back upwards unable to resist the buoyancy. Even as he did a child like Yokai watched them all before exclaiming a gleeful noise. Above them pillows fell even as Sero bounced. He remained poised and upright while making his way to the center to gain more height. The little thing exclaimed something akin to pillow fight at that moment and Sero opted to observe what else could be going on. On the drop he didn't reach for a pillow but instead bounced again. Watching and observing as three others had done. The other six raced for pillows. However two of them that reached first were not prepared. On contact the pillows seemed to send out a pulse throwing the two hard against the walls out of bounds. Once there they faded away and back to the surface as if transferred there by a jutsu.

The other four took a second to brace themselves and angle right before grabbing their pillows. Each of them managing to get one without getting flung out of bounds. Now they were racing upwards as Sero and the other three were falling aiming to take them out before they could arm themselves. Sero noted this and shifting his right arm forward. From up his sleeve a kunai attached to a pool of wire shot out and slammed into the bed before he yanked on it. The force pulled the kunai free but yanked him down between the four hard. Sliding between them before they could react. He landed as the yokai running the game launched four pillows at him. Seemingly floating as Sero dodged to the side in a roll. Dispersing his weight for less bounce. On one roll he glanced up as the four collided with the three unarmed. Sending all three flying. Sero narrowed his gaze and shifted his right hand out. The kunai and wire going through five pillows. The five pillows for the fallen five. Quietly catching the kunai with his left hand as he bounced again. The four were dropping at him as he rose and preparing a combined attack. However his Eyes shot up and he spun as hard as he could. Even if the pillows were not special the force was audible as all four slammed into walls. He himself was falling towards an alarmed looking child demon with a maelstrom of pillows a mere blur around him when suddenly he flashed to the surface with ten tickets and no pillows on his wire. He had one this challenge it appeared.

800+/750 challenge completed.
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