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1Wasting Time! [Open, No Kill] Empty Wasting Time! [Open, No Kill] Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:21 pm

Avery Tatsumaki

Avery Tatsumaki

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeee~", came the child-like voice, followed by the sounds of rushing air. Yeaaah, bored Air Sage was bored. So what had she taken to doing while taking a break of being clan head of the Tatsumaki? Simple...she was riding around in a swirling mass of air, positioned Indian style on top of this ball of sorts with a slender wood staff balanced on her lap. Long brown hair in the breeze as she rode the ball up one empty street and down another, kicking up a small bit of sand in the process. Her rather flowy clothing, which consisted of a mixture of earth tones and that looked more like robes than anything else blew around her in the breeze as well.

She really wasn't one to stir up trouble, though a few passersby had grumbled at her sudden and fast approach, let alone the fact that she was acting far more childish then her age permitted. But whatever, what else was she to be doing? Her giggles filled the air along with another bout of the "Weeeeeeeeee!" as she continued her so far undisturbed path down the sand filled street.


Chakra: 65/80

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