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1New here Empty New here Sat Sep 09, 2017 10:54 pm


New here and I just have a few questions to be answered before I'm officially ready to start getting serious. I see this is a big site so their a few things I'm expecting, I'll look more into the guidelines after this is answered by any kind person:

1. Is there chuunin exams? Are they every six months or?

2. Once again this is a big site, are there any wars ever here? Do we actually have wide scale plot development of any sort or is it just all between us creating whatever?

3. Are there direct Kage's we receive missions from? Do these missions ever involve opposing another village?

Hopefully someone can give me some quick answers to these questions.

2New here Empty Re: New here Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:02 pm



Hey there, welcome to saga! Glad that you're interested in our site. I'm still a bit of a greenhorn myself but I'll try to answer some of your questions. ^_^

1. There have been chuunin exams, periodically. Last was actually was about six months of so if i recall correctly.

2. I'd say a mix of both but I'm not in the best position to give ya an accurate answer.

3. Yep! Every nation has a kage, who can give specific missions. Though these are limited mostly to the likes of chuunin and higher it really depends on that nations kage. As for directly opposing a village, not that I've heard. (But who knows what our leaders are planning behind closed doors.)

hopefully I helped you some. So once again, welcome to Saga!

3New here Empty Re: New here Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:15 pm


Okay, story development between villages in important to me. I also have a friend joining, if anyone else can clarify a little better and confirm that wars take place (maybe not regularly but they CAN happen) and the chuunin exams are every six months, that would be appreciated.

4New here Empty Re: New here Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:22 pm


What's up with these stats? Can we even hurt a person above us? Doesn't seem realistically done?

5New here Empty Re: New here Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:30 pm


I see in the stat rules you don't even start off with 20/20 vision? Lmao

6New here Empty Re: New here Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:57 pm



Good questions. Hope the higher ups notice.

Its nice that this site has a lot of freedom in your own character development but I think it should be more engaging into group events and bigger plot movements.

7New here Empty Re: New here Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:12 am


I'm a little thrown off with the stat descriptions, makes me feel like I'd be almost irrelevant as a genin. 20/20 vision should not be something you have to acquire and things like strength seem a little strange as well. Has this never been questioned? 20/20 VISION? I mean, lol.

8New here Empty Re: New here Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:23 am



Welcome to the site unfortunately I am too new to be able to answer your question but I am sure one of the mods or admins will drop a line when they get online. Again welcome to the site hope to see you around

9New here Empty Re: New here Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:54 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

I'm a little thrown off with the stat descriptions, makes me feel like I'd be almost irrelevant as a genin.
I like to think of it more like we not the main characters with plot armor, so we should not really be able to go around taking on super high level Jounin without training and having a random beast or super magic eyes. Genin are suppose to be really weak or at least i have to feel like they should be weak, otherwise its not fair to those who had to work their way up to Jounin only for a genin to take them out

20/20 vision should not be something you have to acquire and things like strength seem a little strange as well. Has this never been questioned? 20/20 VISION? I mean, lol.
In real life most people do not have 20/20 vision, i think the average in my area is around 15 or lower. At least we have the option of getting better vision through training. If you start off epic strong, why bother training at all?

What's up with these stats? Can we even hurt a person above us? Doesn't seem realistically done?
If i get them by surprise I actually can kill anyone up to I think Jounin rank if they simply stand there and let me hit a full combo on them, though they will probably pop up a random jutsu shield to or DODGE!!!
Though it does not really have to be realistic right, if it was realistic we would either all be moving at the speed of sound or light speed while performing a hundred hand seals in one second.

My opinion is this is a Naruto RP, the stats may be weird, the modding might be a mission, but if you look around for any other Naruto RP you will find people posting once a week or once a month because it turns to chaos with the strong people being unreachable and the weak people getting lost cause some naruto sites have like 20+ starting villages and you just happen to end up accidentally in an empty one.

Here we have five active villages with... some cool kage and the village activity jumps from village to village so gives you a reason to travel. Anyways if you need help with anything try asking the mods nicely since they can be very helpful. If you looking for the best naruto rp i would say you found the right place, but that is my opinion.

Please try not to SPAM your introduction, you can just edit the last post rather then post three small posts...

Feel free to use the chatbox, some mods venture there from time to time, they can answer a lot of your questions

10New here Empty Re: New here Sun Sep 10, 2017 7:22 am



Hello! Kazekage here, and welcome to Saga~ I'll try answer the questions you have as best as I can, although if a staff corrects me on anything, take their answer over mine~

  • Question 1: There are Chuunin exams, however due to the difficulties of running such events, they don't happen often: The last one being in 2015. This is a mixture of the difficulty of running events, as it relies on being both inclusive, yet by this nature, is weak to failure if people drop activity for whatever reason, and it requires a lot more moderation than the site has had staff to do.
  • Question 2: There are wide scale plots every now and again, for example not long ago, Kirigakure invaded Kumogakure. I also have reason to believe there are plot things in the works, but, I can't say officially, just as a rumour. Still, given that things are player run, plot is also player decided: So long as it's realistic and, not say, a genin waging war.
  • Question 3: As a Kazekage, yes, there are Kage, however, we don't directly assign missions except in rare circumstances. Missions are found under the mission section, at least in terms of OOC location, where they can be requested to be taken, and then taken, although for all In Character purposes: Yes, we assign you missions. As for sending you off to invade other countries, it's a thing that can happen as an unofficial mission should something plot wise demand it.
  • Question 4: Stats! You can indeed hurt a person above you, but, the stats are designed as a progression system. Before, the stat system was just "You are a genin. You have genin stats. You are a Special Jounin. You have Special Jounin stats". While it is a bit harsh starting off, it's done so that people of genin-status don't just steam roller and slaughter. You can hurt those above you, but, you have to bare in mind that they aren't going to just stand still. Think of it like when Naruto/ Sasuke / Sakura tried to attack Kakashi when their squad was first formed: completley outmatched, and outpowered. Same sort of system. But a genin can give a chuunin difficulty, a chuunin a spec jounin, etc.
  • Question 5: Yeah, I can't really say for sure on the perception 20/20 vision thing. It's just kind of there, and I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  • Question 6: See my answer before on stats~

If you have any other questions feel free to ask, and we'll give an answer as best we can~ Welcome to Saga!

11New here Empty Re: New here Sun Sep 10, 2017 7:43 am



Welcome to saga! It looks like Midori answered those questions as best she could!

Good luck and I hope to see you around!

12New here Empty Re: New here Sun Sep 10, 2017 7:47 am



Welcome to the site and good luck.

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