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S'athmos Hadalis

S'athmos Hadalis

It's been two days since Watari has first trained Sathmos on a jutsu so he thought it was a good time to begin training once more. He had his rest and the daily supply of food. The day started out with Sathmos going outside to the same spot as last time, one mile away from the Konoha village. It was a pretty isolated location which was good because they didn't need to be bothered by anyone while training. Once Sath arrived at the destination, Watari is seen standing with his back facing him as he's looking in the other direction. All you can hear is Watari say "Tell me the next jutsu you'd want to master." Sath says "Fire Release Fire Wave, Sensei." Watari tilts his head to the side towards him, saying "Ah, this is something you might be more familiar with considering your dominant element seems to be Katon. Very well then. Let's start." Watari turns around and walks over to Sathmos, telling him to focus his chakra into the palms of his hands. He attempted to do that but it didn't work out so Watari told him to try once more.

Sathmos is seen trying once more, focusing his chakra into the palms of his hands and all of a sudden he aimed his hands towards a certain direction where no one was at for miles, shooting fire in that way, but not in the shape of a wave. Watari decides to have him try it on dummies so he has something to aim at and focus on rather than just attacking the air. The both of them walk over to where there are three dummies lined up in a row, not that close to each other so he has room for the flames to expand. Sathmos lines up in front of the first dummy whilst Watari stands behind him. He begins to focus his chakra again into his hands; this time trying harder to create a shape of a wave with the flames. It worked out successfully, having a wave of fire come towards and hit the dummy several feet in front of him. It was a great attack no doubt but he needed to make sure that he can do easily without hesitation on the spot so that agile ninjas don't get him off-guard trying to focus chakra.

Even though the jutsu worked out perfectly, Sath didn't think the blast radius of the attack was enough to his liking so he continued the training. Watari had him do the technique several times by himself so that he can learn from experience and not just by a demonstration because that's too easy to do. It's something you would do for younger ninjas instead, not for fast learners such as Sathmos. The training seemed to be working as he was improving the blast radius like he so wanted. However, there was of course much more progress to be made if he wanted to truly master the Jutsu technique. It takes tons of patience and practice to master most of the Jutsus that exist. Watari was really working the young ninja out with this rough training session. He was in the midst of the suns hot rays while practicing the technique on a small mountain. Sure, there were trees around but only a few here and there. Watari wasn't taking a break either though, he would be out there as well watching and analyzing his pupils every move.

Sathmos is seen doing the technique another couple of times to make sure he get's it right, with no complications. He was hesitant to continue though because it took a chunk of his chakra every time he did it successfully so he had to split the training into two separate days. With that being said, Sath decided it was best to stop training for the day as it was close to becoming night time. After doing the technique one last time for the day, Sath looks over at Watari awaiting a response from him. Watari says "That's excellent. I want you to be physically ready for tomorrow though, we're going to be taking no breaks so that we can get this Jutsu mastered quickly and get it out of the way. I know speeding things up isn't any good when it comes to learning things but I also know how much Jutsus you want to learn, quite a few." Sathmos sighs and says back "Yes, we must be quick and diligent for time is of the essence." Watari nods, making a statement, saying "We will. Believe me." The two stood there for a while in front of each other a few steps away. They both needed a break for they're not super humans with unlimited stamina and chakra.

The two continued to talk to each other whilst still on the mountain. They both saw some people entering and leaving the village of Konoha from a distance away. Watari says calmly "I'll make you what you want to become but don't take advantage of these Jutsus. Karma isn't ever a great thing to mess with you know?" He chuckled. Sathmos looks at him, saying "Karma? You think I'm worried about such a thing, that's foolish nonsense. I have nothing to worry about as of now, only have the future to think about instead." Watari nods, saying "Hmm I see. Your perspective on life is very different from most ninja's, Sath. That says something about you. You're unique." A nice breeze from the wind occurred right between the two men. It felt nice considering how hot it's been today. Sath starts to on a rant about his life. "I am unique. I've broken free from a certain mindset that most ninjas have. To me, they're stuck in an endless loop of hoping for the best and receiving the worst. Thinking that life is beautiful when it can be unremorsefully cruel. You can live that way but you won't achieve anything in the end, for death is waiting for you patiently at the end of the road. That's the whole reason I've changed my mind about it, I don't wanna be a mindless ninja. I want to make a name for myself, be part of an important label." Watari nods in agreement. The two talk for a little bit more then decided it was time to head home and get rest for the upcoming day.


S'athmos Hadalis

S'athmos Hadalis

Sathmos is seen walking home from the mountain he was on using a cement path as a walk way back to the village. The sun still continued to go further down as he walked away. He glanced back at the area he was just at, seeing Watari from a far go somewhere else. That was kind of odd. No one really thought about where he lived at, Sath actually thought he lived in Konoha but that must've been incorrect. Ignoring that occurrence, he continued to make his way back home. Once he get's inside of his house, Sathmos turns the lights on and closes the door behind him making his way towards his bed room. As he entered his room he just laid flat on the bed because he was so tired, he felt like he was gonna pass out. The ninja ends up sleeping for some hours until the next morning arrived. It was clear as broad daylight that he really needed that rest so that he can train non-stop the whole day today. The alarm clock nearby his bed went off at eight in the morning, beeping very loudly until he finally reached over and tapped the alarm clock to shut it off. All you can hear after that is Sath's groan and you can see him sitting up straight now, trying to put his shirt back on. He stands up, heads towards the windows and opens it so that he can get some fresh air into the house.

It wasn't too hot outside in the morning or at least for now anyway. Sathmos ends up getting outside sooner or later, starting his walk towards the same mountain range as before. Once he gets there, Watari is walking up towards him as he seemed like his usual self. For his old age, the Sensei doesn't even actually use a cane or anything which is great because he would be able to train Sath anything if he had any body problems. The two walked up to each other. Watari begins to say "I hope you're ready for today because it's going to be quite rough." Sathmos nods saying, "Yes, I'm ready." Watari goes over to a tree for shade telling the ninja to follow him. Sath followed the Sensei and ends up beginning his training already while Watari watches telling him what to work on. This whole training thing for the both of them made their bond even stronger than before. It's bringing them closer. That might be a bad thing though because Watari doesn't quite know Sathmos is a bad person yet so training him isn't doing anything good for society. He'll have to find that out later of course, either by Sath himself or by rumors going around.

Later on, if anybody found out that Watari was the one who trained Sathmos from the start, he might in major trouble. He might be interrogated or even worst, killed. Though that depends on how many illegal murders and crimes Sathmos will do. His mind races with evil thoughts every time he masters his Jutsus. Laying low was too easy of a thing for him to do because he's generally a neutral type of guy. All he's been doing is training every day which is average day-to-day ninja stuff. Whilst Sathmos does the technique one time, he thinks of his Zero Hokage plan some more but this time in a more complex way. A group of advanced ninjas is definitely a 'need to get' thing for the plan and a confident yet wise leader who makes great strategic choices for combat situations was need as well. It was a lot to think about at once so he let it go really go, brushing it off to the side for now so he can focus on training. Watari is seen in the background near a tree in the shade watching him from a distance shoot fire out of his hands in the form of a wave. Every time Sathmos would do the technique, he would waste a chunk of his chakra so he had to be careful about not using all of his chakra.

The day seemed long and rough. There are gonna be no breaks at all for the two because they stopped earlier yesterday, too early for their likings in fact. Sathmos is a perfectionist at heart, he will not stop until every jutsu he has becomes mastered so that he doesn't have any very weak attacks. One wrong choice of attack and you can end up getting killed from that. Not a lot of people like to take that chance nor did Sath so he's trying his best to unlock his jutsus full potential. Every single one of them, no matter if it's defensive, supplementary or offensive. This ninja was out here putting in some major work today and only some tourists saw him so he wasn't fully isolated. Word did end up going around about how Sathmos is out there training his butt off so it might've been one of those few tourists who saw him up in the mountain range with Watari, who was supposedly dead but he really wasn't. It appeared to be one of those false stories drunk people tell at the bar. Watari wasn't known for a lot but he was difenetely considered a myth or in other words, not real. Sathmos didn't think of his Sensei like that all though, he thought of him as just an eldery man whose been through a lot. Impressing Sath is probably one of the harddests things to do besides achieving ultimate power.

The day so far was very reptitive, it would be do the technique, listen to Watari tell him what he did wrong or right and then try again., repeating the whole process over again. All you see is flames going into the air and hear Watari say "Good." or "Horrible form, try again." This seemed like a Bruce Lee scene at this point. Soon thought after several attempts of the attack, Sathmos stops and says "Is this really helping me?" Watari crossed his arms as he looked at him from a distance saying "It only helps you if your learning from your mistakes. Listen I know your tired and everything but being the best ninja out there is much more tiring than this. So you'll have to man up and live with it. Do it a couple more times then and then I'll see if you've mastered it. Sathmos didn't know this about Watari but his Sensei actually knows every Jutsu there is besides the Forbidden ones. That's quite a lot of Jutsus. Even though it's been a while already the training had to continue.


S'athmos Hadalis

S'athmos Hadalis

Sathmos continues on, annoyed but agreeing with the Sensei's order. He gets some distance away from a dummy and proceeds to focus his chakra into the palm of his hands, firing out a wave of flames towards the dummy direction making contact with it; causing the dummy to burn to into black ashes soon. It was somewhat intense this time and had a larger radius than before which impressed him. Watari says "Now you're truly getting the hang of it. I can tell." Sathmos grinned whilst Watari said "Let me demonstrate really quick how it will look once you've mastered this fire release technique. Watari is seen walking up to a good location to do the technique and once he's there, he quickly focuses his chakra into the palms of his hands and shoots out a wave made of fire with a massive radius. It must've been roughly about five-teen meters away. Sathmos was even thinking about moving more back or a bit because of how large of an area the fire was covering.

He had known at this point there was a lot to learn about fire releases and how to control them. Seeing a visual demonstration had always helped him learn quicker so it was a good that he was doing that for Sathmos. Visual learning is considered the best type of learning there is. That's how a great number of ninjas learn from their Sensei's and in the Ninja Academy. Though Watari and Sath were too exceptional when they were younger, both at the top of their classes so maybe that's the reason why. Who really knows. Konoha is filled with ninjas who's made their mark on history but it's like that with every other village. Watari went on to brag about how he's learned all of the fire release jutsus in one single week which seems impossible. It was truly amazing to see, the work of an advanced ninja. Sathmos just stands there listening to the old and wise ninja. Soon enough, Watari says "You know what? Let me actually tell you some quick pointers on using fire releases. When using techniques like these you want to make sure you're aiming at the right thing with great control otherwise innocent people may get into the way. Fire shows no remorse, remember that. Also, I know you won't do this but don't be foolish and end up fighting fire with fire because that doesn't work at all. In fact, most elements besides water cannot beat fire releases, they can defend but they just don't over power fire so well. It's a dominant element."

Sathmos nods, saying "I understand, Sensei." Watari ends up walking closer to Sath saying "Don't end up like my brother. He was always making bad choices when battling others. Ones that could've been easily dodged in the first place and because of that, he got killed by another ninja. The other guy out-smarted him and used strong yet quick counter-attacks every time my brother tried to lay a finger on the guy using his weakness against him. So due to that, I want you to promise me that you'll study your opponents and their fighting strategies before fighting them. It's the best way to go at it." Watari ends up taking a small break for a while to tell his pupil important things to know about combat. Their conversation was soon stopped though because Sath needed to still master the technique. This was a hard-earned attack, one that will keep an opponent away for a while for sure unless that said opponent was just really overpowered. Because other than that, there's really no way to dodge it unless they teleported, went underneath the ground or dodged the attack completely.

Sathmos starts to do the technique just once more because he was hesitant to waste any more chakra for the day. He needs enough to still protect himself if someone ever tried to hurt him throughout the day. It was quite a smart thing to think about too so of course, Watari agreed to that statement. He cared about his safety and well being as he's still pretty young and has his whole life ahead of him. Watari stands back whilst looking at Sathmos do the attack successfully once more. He waits until the fire goes away and then walks up to his pupil. Watari grabs a hold of Sath's shoulder and says "You've done it. You've mastered this attack..." Sathmos grins a bit, looking back at him. He says with pride "I knew you were the perfect Sensei to have, without you I wouldn't be able to master attacks like these." Watari and the ninja stood there chuckling for a quick second whilst he took his hand off of Sath's shoulder.

Once they were finally finished with the long and rough training, a local townsperson ran up to Watari yelling some kind of gibberish it seemed. Watari told the lady to calm down and try saying that again. The lady says loudly, "THAT MAN! HE STOLE MY FOOD!" as she pointed over to the Konoha village where you can a young man running for his dear life deeper into the village. Sath looks towards Watari and the lady, saying "Don't worry, I'll get your food back." Sathmos is seen quickly taking off into the same direction as the man went. He jumps onto a tree then leaps off it, getting some major air, so much so that he landed in the village by then. The young thief has seen up ahead not too far away trying to dodge people. It was apparent that he stole a basket of apples in which he was holding with both hands, truly slowing the man down. He was slow enough that Sathmos had eventually caught up to him and tackled the young thief down to the ground. It was quite clear that Sath didn't plan to use any jutsus on him because that'd be a waste of chakra since he wasn't even a ninja. The man had no sense of combat nor possessions of chakra so why even use it against him. That seemed pointless to do and he might badly get hurt from his attacks so it was a risky idea in general.

All Sathmos did was get in front of the thief and aimed his hand at the guy, threatening the guy to give back her apples to him or else he'll get shot with a Ninjutsu blast. The man was scared, in fear for his life so of course he gave the basket of apples to Sath and took off into the other direction. He was just another crook of the village. Sathmos ends up walking back with the basket in his hands all the way to where the lady was. She ran up to him in shock and excitement because he got her apples back. Now, Sathmos never really would do hero-type stuff but this definitely improved his cloak as a good guy for now. Others who saw him give it back to her clapped for him whilst she hugged him. It was really too much of a scene for Sath. He didn't honestly enjoy it that much. Today was quite the day though, almost like too much stuff happened already. The lady ended up walking away happily with her lunch for later while everyone else just contiued what they were doing, minding their own business. It was really a sight to see Sathmos doing something good for a change, rather than just training with an old man.

After the dramatic scene, Watari glances over at Sathmos saying "Wise choice. It's the little things like that, that counts." Sathmos nods, saying "Of course. Anything for my village, you know that." Watari replies back "Yes, Yes I do." The day seemed to be about over as the training was well more then over a while ago now. Watari told him it's about time to go home so he did so. Sathmos starts to walk home in the other direction, making his way into Konoha. While Sathmos was walking through the village, he notices the same thief from earlier shaking in fear still. He ignores him because he's just trouble.The ninja enters his house, locks it and ends up eating a bowl of noodles on his couch. He was really glad to be done with training for this technique as now he can get to training another one already. Sath knew missions were needed soon because he doesn't have enough money to keep his house. Soon, he will start really soon. After swallowing and gulping the last bite of his noodles, he says "Whew, that was good." He wiped his lips off with his hand. The day seemed to be pretty much over, what was left is tons of rest and hydration. Sathmos already knows he needs to in tip top condition whenever he trains. Even though Watari never says that to him, it's basically a requirement. You wouldn't want yourself feeling dehadryated or feeling fatigued in the midst of a fight. That wouldn't end too well at all. Sath then puts his empty bowl into a sick and starts to drink some water from a cup on the his counter table. It was from earlier but some how it was still cold because of the ice in it. After drinking the water, he put that into the sick as well and went to his bed room so he can fall sleep.

The young ninja laid down in a comfortable position so that he can go to bed, starting to shut his eyelids after some minutes. He finally fell asleep soon. The day was pretty interesting; no doubt of that. It was no wonder why he was so tired, he's been up training since eight in the morning alll the way to ten in the night. It was literally pitch dark outside to the point where the village doesn't even have their lights on anymore. If you were outside right, you'd be either confused with a thief or someone whose drunk out on the streets. That's how Konoha worked. Sathmos wouldn't think of any other place as home, heck, even most of the clan's he didn't like. Not even his own. He much prefers to be in his own clan but that was up for discussion.


D Rank Fire Release: Fire Wave->S Rank Fire Release: Fire Wave
4000 wc

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