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Mission Details:

After twenty three years studying in the Academy, Nissan knew every single jutsu and training to the most advanced level of performance. He was even more proficient than the chuunins who teached, keeping in mind that usually the weakest, non experienced chunin was assinged as teachers.
Thats why the oldest genin in Kiri was perfectly suited for this job - substituting the Academy teacher.
Mizukage-sama called her right hand and asked:
"Did you find someone suited for this job?"
"Yes, Mizukage-sama!" - answered shortly without adding details. The mission was D-rank so it should not overwhelm her.
"Action! Why are you still sitting here!" - The Mizukage irritated and stared at his subordinate with serious look.
In the next momment, the right hand dissapeared...
It was early morning, when Nissan already did his morning training in his backyard. After that he walked infront and checked the mail. He expected some appetizing check payment but instead he recieved new mission. “ Even better! “ – he said to himself with excitement and with that ripped the paper. “ Training the Academy, huh… irony again! “. His mood turned down, the Academy did not bring good memories to him. Not accepting a mission is worse than oversleeping for work tho, so he did. Signed the sheet and putting his official clothes made him look stylish grown man instead of a bandit. Light blue shirt with a black tie, accessory glasses and a decent black leather watch – that was his best clothes which he wear only on very special occasions. This was his first time wearing these clothes. You may be surprised why he is keeping clothes that he never wears. The answer is simple - “Every man should have at least one official suit”.
Nissan pack his suitcase with some notes from the Academy in case of need. He walked on the Kirigakure’s main road and everyone turned to look at him. The people used to see him in different light, now they were shocked from the drastic change.
- Hey, dude, have you won from the lottery or something? – the neighborhood shopkeeper asked.
- Better! I am genin now and teacher in the Academy, can’t you see the bandana? – asked Nissan with a fake offended voice. The shiny metal plate of Kirigakure changed places from his forehead to his waist, now being a belt buckle. The shopkeeper just nodded as If he had swallowed his tongue, a real smile of pleasure stuck on Nissan’s face.
Final destination reached – The Academy casted a shadow over the newbie teacher. A great building, rised on the ashes of the Bloody Mist. “If it was the old times, I would graduate on the first year” – he gripped his fist and sweared his bad luck. Nissan was from the first generation of the “New era” of Kirigakure, a fact he haited so much. Anyways he believed that it might be “А blessing in disguise” rather “A curse”.
Leaving the bad emotions behind the door, he stepped proud and steady inside…

WC: 498



But the big open space - the hallway, reminded how small he really is. And the many people running around on their tasks, dressed similary, made him feel important as much as a little dust. Him, I mean the recessive one, the Yangie, he was so deeply sinked in Nissan's conciousness that his pressence did not feel at all.
The whole atmoshpere did not promote confidence, but now our main character was full of it. This was his second home he had, even if he hated so much. The barrier between hate and love is so tiny that he just felt the border...
- Niidashi! - yeild a known voice. That was the director of the Academy, who broke the silience in the hall. - You have the eight years old students! Watch out how you will interact with them! If I hear that you raised your voice... or even...
- Directoru-sama... but you...
- Do not interupt me when I talk! - his echo pierced even through walls. - I am watching you, Niidashi!
- Hai! - he said with little less confidence, knowing his place in front of him. Not wasting more time, realizing he is almost late for class, Nissan rushed towards the classoroom.
“Almost there…” – nearing the door, he could hear the spoiled kid’s voices who break the rules.
He opened the door with confidence and entered. Just for a second there was complete silence, every kid was staring at Nissan. Then they continue to chat to each other even louder. He could hear that they were discussing if he is the famous guy who repeated 23 times the academy.
- Yes, I am! Now shut your mouths or you will get to know why! – his voice was dead serious and it was obvious that he did not care about the age difference. – I might not care that you are eight years old, but you should care that I am thirty or… - he popped his knuckles. “Actually it is more than enough” – his Yang side intervene.
- So cool! Ha-ha-ha! – everyone laughed and clapped wildly. For a moment Nissan felt like a performer, a star. – Teacher, can you sign this? – a little girl asked and passed a piece of paper.
If he had the time to process everything, he would had found it offensive and disrespectful. The moment of glory toss a sand in his eyes and he signed immediately.
- Thank you! – her sweet voice cooled his aggression from before.
- Ok, ok… Now let’s get to the point! – he brought back his serious voice but now was professional with zero aggression notes. – Today’s lesson will be “Supernatural Walking practice”! – everyone started listening with interest, even the naughtiest boys was into it. – We will start with the tree climbing and we will finish with walking on water surface. Follow me! – Nissan said and head to the back door which leads to the backyard.
The kids were loud again but because of excitement, they jumped left and right like their legs were springs. Some of them had no patience to show their talent in controlling chakra. There was kids from all the famous clans of Kirigakure – Momochi, Kaguya, Hozuki, Hoshigaki and many other.

WC: 538
TWC: 1036



Following the kids, memories drag Nissan deeply. He remembered his first time of entering the backyard for the training. Back then he was dumb enough to not rely on ninjutsu.
" Why should I climb a wall using chakra, but not my own strenght? Why should I walk on lake rather than swim? " - after understanding the basic of ninja warfare the questions were easily explained but Nissan was not a quick learner so it took him a year.
" These talanted bastards... I will bust their asses out of training, a physical training, let's see how the genes will help then... " - he was thinking with a cruel smille on his face.
Going outside, kids gone wild - talking, screaming, running all over the place.
- Ten push ups! - said Nissan with a calm cold voice.
- But teacher! - a boy rebelled.
- Tewenty for you and fifteen for your class mates! - he cutted him right away. The result - complete silence. The kids look eachother and their teacher. They got the game fast, they were smart and talanted also with a decent behavior, they just needed a little touch.
The kids did their punishment without saying a word, knowing that Nissan will increase the reps once they open their mouths.
- Ok, now we can move to the real training, you just did the warm up!
For him it was a real pleasure being listened by people... in this case just a bunch of kids but sometimes it is harder to make children listen to you rathar than adults.
Nissan made a sign with his hands called "tiger". It helped to move his chackra even easier, not that he needed it but that was the basics and he was told to teach them like that. The real mastery he could not show them visually. He focused his chakra to his feet slowly, making his feet stickier and glowing in blue light. With the touch of the tree he bent it like a string. "Woops, too strong I have becomer... ". He pushed it back and touched just the bark with his chakra layer. Step after step, he reached the top, finishing with a backflip and landing gracefully like an acrobat. He expected a wild applouse but he did not recieved it. The kids were expecting a lecture, not just a showoff, they have seen ninjas do this many times in different scenarios.
- You have to test it first! I will corect your mistakes! - Nissan explained after performing his example. - Your turn!

WC: 413
TWC: 1447



First stepped a Momochi successor, real tough kid, who reminded a lot to Nissan himself. " My father admired Zabuza so much... so you are part of his legacy? Interesting..." - spoke out loud the substitute teacher. With confident steps on the tree, the kid managed to halve it from his first try. On his last step, the chakra control was lost so he slipped and lost it's balance. " Should I catch him... nah " - thought Nissan while watching his student fall. The kid was not a cat and could not roll mid air, so it dropped very bad on the ground, even hit his head pretty bad. There was blood, not from a simple scratch. " You gonna cry, kiddo? " - laughed Nissan to the boy's misery. It was very mean of him but it suited perfectly to his Yin personality. Instead of crying, young Momochi stand up, covered with blood with a serious, determinded look and smile, almost laugh to Nissan's question.
So Momochi took over his chakra control and stepped on the tree for a second time. With calmness and concentration he walked forward, I mean upward. This time, Nissan was down with his hands open and ready to catch the kid. " Do not worry, keep going! " - he said to encourage him. The result - success. The kid reached the top of the tree and with that finished the first part of the training. Nissan cleared his throat and spoke to all of his students: " This is it Momochi, you got this! Next one, please... we have a lake to cross! "
The second one was a tiny little girl with a white hair. " She might be from Aisu clan... like my friend Eishi. Did I said friend? Oh, well... " - thought Nissan while watching the girl facing the tree. Not an easy battle for an academy level shinobi. The girl stepped preciesely, before that forming a tiger hand sign. Slowly but surely she started making steps perpendicularly to the bark. Everyone was impressed that he managed to do this from her first try.
" She has done it before! " - some kid said, making excuses about his future failure.
Some kids made it from the first time, someone from the twentieth, eventually everyone succeed with a little bit of Nissan's help.
Next step of the training was water surface walking. That was the real deal here, the more difficult one, in many ways more useful. The weather was cold, so was the water, poor kids.
- This time, your chakra flow should be much more intense in order to push the water and keep you on top of it! – said Nissan before announce the start. Someone hesitant already rush forward to the water surface, he did not wanted to see anyone before him succeed. He totally ignored the advice of the teacher, thinking that it would be the same as climbing the tree. So he did failed pretty pathetic, running into water, sinking eventually.
- I cannot swim, help! – started screaming the poor kiddo.
- One more reason to learn the chakra molding to the perfection! – said Nissan with a smile on his face. Eventually he helped the kid, an incident in class will be the end of his career.
The confidence in kids drops drastically after the bad start of the tryouts – almost a drowned student. Aisu girl stepped forward again. Her tiny feet touched the water surface and never dropped more than an inch below. She crossed the whole lake without even performing a seal, with her eyes closed. Nissan was very impressed once again, so were all the classmates.
Chakra flow is very hard to master,  but seeing the girl from a distance, she made it look like it is something natural. In some ways it Is for the talented students, the other ones just cannot escape the failure before the success. Sometime when you experience that you become at least equal to the talented if not even stronger in some ways. Let the pool party begins! A fail after fail brought a lot of fun in the kids rather than sadness. They laughed at each other but from mocking – motivation was born. After some decent dedicated time and effort, the success was reached by all the students. Nissan was proud that he gave a little bit to the kids in order to learn something new. He knew that if they did not put enough work and they do not chase after success, nobody would ever help them reach it.
With that his lesson was finished. Everyone jump over his neck filled with emotions:
- Thank you, Nii-san! – they all screamed, it was kind of funny “Nii-san equals Nissan”, almost…
The director shows off just at the end of the lesson:
-       Why you finished so late, and why are you in the backyard? - interupted them with serious tone of voice.
- The kids just mastered the supernatural walking on both surfaces – vertical and water. – explained Nissan with a calm voice and proud posture.
- What are you saying?! You should only teach them the theory today! They cannot learn all at once! - with an angry voice the director raised fear in the eight years old children, even if he did yield at their teacher not at them.
- My apologize, sir, but they were ready! – answered Nissan without stepping back of his point of view.
Gossiping to each other, all of the kids decided to show what they have learnt. All of them, one after another, started to climb the tree, running upwards, and from the top they jumped right on top of the lake, without sinking. That performance showed a lot of advanced skill. Seeing that, the director could not say anything more. He was amused by the young talented students so he hit Nissan’s shoulder showing him respect:
-       You all did well! I acknowledge you! – said the old guy with respect and walk away.
Everyone was happy, even Nissan showed some emotions in the end. Happy end and Academy, that was a rare occasion.
With that mission was completed so Nissan should head to Mizukage’s office, but before that he decided to pass by home for a second. Uppon arrival he entered his house very fast and started throwing all his modern clothes. They were so uncomfortable compared to his casual sport outfit. “I am glad that I do not need it the whole time. Teaching is not bad but sucks in so many ways… Not for me” – thought Nissan, while freeing himself from the clothes. “Aa-h, freedom… finally!” – he took a deep breath and put his favorite outfit. “Now that is way better” – he smiled from pleasure. Without loosing more time he head to the Mizukage’s office. Walking in his casual clothes, the people again stared at him, because of the drastic change in a few hours.
- I was just a substitute teacher! I have much more important things to do! – said Nissan to the neighborhood shopkeeper as soon as he saw him. In response, the guy just nodded, probably forgot their little chat a while ago...

TWC: 2677

[Exit Thread]

1) 2677 words - 750 words = 1927 words left => D-rank mission complete!

2) Reward: 150 ryo

3) Training

Strenght from D-0 to D-1 for 325 words and 25 ryo
1927 words - 325 words = 1602
Speed from E-2 to D-0 for 525 words and 0 ryo
1602 words - 525 words = 1077 words let
Perception from E-2 to D-0 for 525 words and 0 ryo
1077 words - 525 words = 552 words left
Reaction time from E-2 to D-0 for 525 words and 0 ryo
552 words - 525 words = 27 words left

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