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1Jamie [Training, Threads and Mini Profile] Empty Jamie [Training, Threads and Mini Profile] Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:52 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

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Jutsu Learning


Thread Links
2. Peron
4. Squad Four

0/2 Missions


Name: Jamie
True Name: 斗人 Akito (Autumn Person)
Age Gender: 12 Male
Rank: Genin
Status: Konoha Nin

Missions Record
D - 15/15 Complete
C - 2/2 Complete
Advanced Mission's Tracker



Ninjutsu S-Rank
Bukijutsu A-Rank

Kunai(E), 3-Shuriken(E), Rusty Tanto(C), Glaive Shuriken(C)
Flashy Flash(C), Sakura Petal Shirt(E)

Elemental Affinities
Wind S-Rank
Fire A-Rank


ON HIATUS - Jamie and Arashi
NULL?? - Anon Brier, Hizomi, Zeref EVENT


This cannot fully blind a person, and especially not make the blade of any weapon it's 'attached' to unable to be seen.

A small unnoticeable round object that can be triggered through the most minute addition of chakra by the user. They release a blinding light a lot brighter then the normal flash bomb and when you look at them directly upon them first exploding you go blind for a post, if you try and look around it you will feel pain in your eyes and only see light during the post when its flash has been released, even if avoiding this the user will be unable to see the blade of the weapon it was triggered on making it unclear where the exact point of cutting or impact will be as all you would see is a blinding light. May be attached to an object due to a mild adhesive as it can be stuck on the hilts of blades or on varied items in general.

Note that these can be nullified by wearing eye protection[must be purchased] of C-rank or higher. D-rank eye protection will prevent pain caused by looking at the flash.

Jamie WIP Items

Name: Autumn Leaf Tail
Type Of Weapon: Kunai x Chain
Rank: B
Elemental Alignment: None
Quantity: 1
Ability/Function:  This long kunai is larger then the regular issue having a ten inch blade instead of a six inch blade with a five inch long handle. The length of the chain is ten meters. The kunai portion can pierce or cut two and a quarter inches into flesh. The chain portion of the kunai may cause major bruising through grinding against an enemy or being whipped by it. Can also fracture bones as well in the process.

The other end of the chain as a special wrapping that goes around the arm.
The chain remains linked to the arm wrapping on the other end, unless the user removes the bindings himself or they get broken apart. The kunai can grip the ground or a surface it hits into allowing the user to pull himself towards the item, or pull it towards him if his strength or weight are enough to do this. The wrapping allows him to keep the chain around his arm without getting hurt.

B-rank strength is required to remove the kunai from the target, C-3 rank strength can remove it after two posts.

The kunai has a link on the one end of the wrapping to keep it in place. A skillful user can reset the chain around his arm again with a single pull as long as the chain or kunai is not obstructed or interfered with by enemy forces.

Type Of Weapon:
Elemental Alignment:

Type Of Weapon:
Elemental Alignment:

Type Of Weapon:
Elemental Alignment:

Type Of Weapon:
Elemental Alignment:

Bonus Jutsu Creator In Progress Section

Name: Ōra kabe - Aura Wall
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: E
Type: Defensive
Element: None
Range: Self
Specialty: Ninjutsu/Bukijutsu(optional)
Duration: 2 posts maintainable
Cooldown: 4 posts + maintained posts
Description: By concentrating on manipulating chakra uniformly around his entire body, which may also include encompassing his weapon as well the user is able to prevent alterations to his own chakra by outside sources, this applies to genjutsu as well as normal jutsu, however it does not prevent normal damage. Should someone coat their weapon with chakra, the coating will not pass through but the weapon or normal attack still can. An elemental, chakra based or non physical jutsu of D-rank will not pass the barrier, but will break it.

Name: Ōra kabe kaiten-en - Aura wall revolution flame
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary Defensive Offensive
Element: Katon
Range: 5m radius
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 3 posts
Cooldown: 6 posts
Description: When using the aura wall defense, the user may infuse it with fire to add an extra layer of defense and expands the defensive barrier to up to a five meter radius pushing back and burning targets within the range. The defensive strength of aura wall is increased by two ranks effectively making it able to block up to one B-rank as well as an increase in range. The flames do not add much offense resulting in only minor first degree burns, this technique can only be used while aura wall defense is active. The push back only occurs upon first casting the technique.

Name: Ōra kabe Senpū - Aura Wall Whirlwind
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary Defensive
Element: Fuuton
Range: 5m radius
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 4 posts
Cooldown: 8 posts
Description: When using the aura wall defense, the user may infuse it with wind to add an extra layer of defense and expands the defensive barrier to up to a five meter radius pushing back targets within the range. The defensive strength of aura wall is increased by two ranks effectively making it able to block up to one B-rank as well as an increase in range. The wind does no damage, but continually pushes back anything within range. This technique can only be used while aura wall defense is active. Upon first activation the knock back will push back targets within the range by up to twenty meters.


Name: Hi no ishi - Will of Fire
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Defensive
Element: Fire
Range: Self
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 2 posts
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: Concentrating on the control of his chakra starting from the core of his heart and spreading it out through his entire body, it removes any unnatural effects to his chakra by resetting the flow which essentially breaks genjutsu, fuuinjutsu as well as upon just barely exiting his body on a minor range will break any bindings which are not solid-physical meaning only Earth binding techniques can resist this technique. This technique will break free from a single B-rank binding mental or physical, or up to two of equal rank.

This technique will end on first post if breaking free from a B-rank binding technique. During the second post the effect is reduced regardless of breaking free from a technique or not lowering the rank it can block by one and matching what is left.

If it blocks an equal C-rank jutsu in the first post, in the second post it can only block a D-rank or two E-ranks.

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