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1Seeking the stalker [Private,NK] Empty Seeking the stalker [Private,NK] Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:04 am



Mission name: Seeking the Stalker
Mission rank: D
Objective: Find out who is the stalker.
Location: Kumogakure no Sato
Reward: 150 ryo
Mission description:
I have the feeling someone's stalking me. I can't sleep or have the constant urge to look over my shoulder. I would like to request a shinbone to follow my steps for a day and find out who is stalking me.
Mission details: You will follow a lady called Rinarata around Kumogakure. Be sure to find out who the stalker is. She will go to the Sky Bar in the evening and there you will find out who the stalker is. However, the stalker will have a few more friends watching around as well. It is up to you to pick the real one out of the three men.

2Seeking the stalker [Private,NK] Empty Re: Seeking the stalker [Private,NK] Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:46 am



Another day went by for Kiriya without getting appointed to a mission. Later that day, in the evening, he was preparing to go for a walk through and around the village. As he was right at the front door he received a mission letter. He was assigned to guard a young lady named Rinarata around Kumogakure. The letter stated that she was being followed. Kiriya’s job was to follow her for a day and find out if someone was really following her. He wasn’t pleased with the mission but it was better than doing nothing. Also it would make him 150 ryo, which wasn’t a very large sum but it would aid him in getting better equipment.

Kiriya started the next morning with his usual ten kilometer run. As he was running he thought about the mission he had to do. His mind wandering, what would happen later today? In the end he decided that this mission would be quite dull. There wasn’t any hard evidence that the lady was really being followed. On the other hand, a mission was a mission and he had to do his very best to complete it. When he finished the morning run he went home and prepared his backpack. After that he was off to the meeting point.

The meeting point was at the center of the village, more precisely the market district. Kiriya got the briefing from two junin. He had to tail Rinarata without being too close to her. The task was to avoid suspicion and lure out the possible stalkers. Not long after that he began to follow her.

Rinata was walking in front of him and going through her usual day. Kiriya was trying not to walk too close to her and not too far. If there really was someone that was stalking her a split second could cause her death. It was a simple following/guarding mission but Kiriya had to be on the task.

WC - 331

3Seeking the stalker [Private,NK] Empty Re: Seeking the stalker [Private,NK] Fri Sep 01, 2017 10:22 am



Kiriya followed her for the whole day but nothing interesting happened. If someone indeed was following her he was quite skillful. Kiriya was looking out for possible people that could’ve been the targets. But nobody stood out. Would it be possible if the stalker had seen Kiriya and decided not to appear today? He was confident in his skills and crossed off that alternative. He would’ve sensed if someone was watching him. At noon Rinata went to a restaurant, located not far from the Raikage’s office.

Kiriya entered the restaurant moments after her and sat at a central table. He was far enough from her as to not be suspicious. The other reason he chose this exact table was that he could watch all the people that were going in and out of the restaurant. If the stalker came he would definitely see him.

Nothing interesting happened in the restaurant. There were many people but none of them seemed to be the stalker. The rest of the day was pretty boring too. As it was getting dark, Rinata chose to go to the Sky bar. The sky bar was placed high in the sky with its balconies being a popular attraction amongst tourists and villagers. Kiriya had a bad feeling about this place. It was far too open and had too many people. The stalker would easily come in and out without being seen or causing any suspicion. Kiriya chose to sit on the bar where he had the perfect blending spot. Rinata started dancing on the large glass dance floor. Kiriya ordered a glass of water and started to wait. At first nothing suspicious happened. Suddenly from the door came three guys with black suits. Those suits reminded him of a thug’s appearance for some reason. Immediately after they walked in, they separated. One of them sat not far away from Kiriya on the bar, the other two went on the dance floor.

It was certainly possible that the two ones on the dancing floor were bait to see if someone approached them. If the stalker was amongst them he had to be very intelligent. If something happened to the two guys in suits the real one would definitely flee from the area. Kiriya was almost sure that the one on the bar was the real stalker. Suddenly the guy on the bar looked at Rinata and the two guys on the dance floor started to approach her. Kiriya had to act. He immediately dashed from his chair to the stalker’s one and pointed a kunai at his back, hiding in under his top.

“There are two ways this thing could go from now. The first is you and your buddies surrender. The second one is you try to escape and bear the consequences. The choice is yours.”

Kiriya’s words were barely audible but he made sure that the stalker would hear them. The man tried to grab his hand but suddenly stopped when he felt the sharp kunai pointed at his back. He saw that there was no clear way out and snapped with his fingers. That appeared to be some sort of a signal and the two guys started walking in this direction. As Kiriya accompanied them through the exit they saw the two junin waiting in front of the building. It was at that moment that they knew they were in big trouble. They would probably be sent to the Athos’ Keep for one or two months. The trip there would surely change their minds about stalking people.

Kiriya went inside and told Rinata what had happened. As she was dancing she leaned to his and kissed him on the cheek. “My hero!” Were the subtle words that came out from her mouth. Kiriya smiled lightly and started walking through to the exit.

The next thing that he did was to write a report about what happened during the mission. He handed it to the two junin that were in charge and left towards his home. As he was walking he realized how dangerous this mission really was. If he hadn’t notice the stalker there’s no thinking what they could’ve done to Rinata. In the end of the day Kiriya was happy that he was able to help Rinata.

As he went home in the night, he opened the door and immediately went toward his room. He quickly changed his clothes and went to the bathroom to get a shower. After that he went to sleep.

WC - 331 + 759
= 1090

[Exit thread]
WC needed for mission - 750
Training stats:strength from D-Rank to D-1 for 325 and 25 ryo
words left - 15

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