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1Testing out an Ogre [Mission] Empty Testing out an Ogre [Mission] Mon Dec 25, 2017 2:02 pm



Mission name: Our Bread and Butter: Basic Needs.
Mission rank: D.
Objective: Forage for food, etc.
Location: Wilderness - Kaze no Kuni.
Reward: 150 Ryo.

Mission description: As a desert state, we've always been reliant on other countries to export goods, that we might simply survive. This marks the beginning of our endeavors to become self-sufficient, and embrace our culture.

Mission details: Quite simply, this mission entails going out and finding plants, hunting animals, and collecting resources that are useful in keeping the citizens of the Hidden Sand well-fed. Finding specific items of interest that the infirmary can use will net you a small bonus. You're unlikely to find any major threats while you're in the designated areas.

Last edited by Yasubei on Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:01 am; edited 2 times in total

2Testing out an Ogre [Mission] Empty Re: Testing out an Ogre [Mission] Thu Dec 28, 2017 6:04 pm



Yasu found that he did his best work at night time when, it was when the sand was the most like himself. It was also when the mongrels who travelled the desert were out of his way making his life exponentially easier. There was no one in the way of his missions, and more importantly he could act more freely. Yasu looked over the nearby area, and when he couldn’t see any sign of people nearby, no noise or light pollution in the area. Yasu reached down into the sand finding grip on a bit of stone submerged beneath the sand. He turned the attatched wheel before moving his hands to make the appropriate signs.

“Hare, Bird, Serpent.” He silently mouthed to himself before he placed his hand on the grip once more funneling in his own chakra. Sand would be forced away in a 2 and a half meter radius of Yasu revealing a layer stone beneath it. An iron grip with the kanji for lock on it in the stone slab slowly began turning causing the slab to move away in tandem revealing a long, deep, dark hallway. With a beckon of his finger Ogre slowly made his way out of the hall, a chakra string attached to him. Thick leather straps anchored a large wodden barrel on his back and he had another one in each of his other hands. Yasu went to each barrel and checked the straps one by one just to insure they were secure. He lit an oil lamp illuminating the area in front of himself and Ogre, and with a half rat seal “Kai!” the sand would fall back over the seal. Yasu held a battered journal in his hands, and was going through its notes, the instructions within led the two as if they were voyaging across the sea.

[WC= 310]


3Testing out an Ogre [Mission] Empty Re: Testing out an Ogre [Mission] Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:18 pm



There was journal entry after journal entry detailing the flora, fauna, and topograhy of these vast dunes. Ventiring through the sand by lamp light was nothing new to him though he hated doing it. A crack that split the night piercing maybe sixty or so feet out, the focused beam of light from the hooded lantern guided the two through the recesses of the dunes. It’s reach never cresting over the waves of sand that danced around them. For hours they stitched through the like gold sealing a cracked porcelain cup. The duo began picking up their pace, and Ogre, even with all the weight on him, staying just behind with large crunching blows as his feet plowed into the sand. Yasu removed the hood from the lantern marring the sky. For a moment silence remained draped over the cold sand the a large blast of wind picked up as the dunes rolled away leaving this area a plateau with a group of twenty person sized bees in the epicenter. Yasu re-ignited the lantern with a match before he sheathed the journal.  A long, obsidian katana fell from his right sleeve into his hand followed by ten feet of chain, and Yasubei sprinted through the gust tossing the lantern at one of the creatures as his opening move igniting one of the insects. Ogre tightened his grip on the two barrels in his hands and raced past Yasu leaping into a spinning kick that cracked the carapace of one of the bees as it launched it into a second bee. Yasu followed directly behind the opening that Ogre created as the slowly diminishing cluster of bees followed in behind them, keeping pace just behind Yasu. Twenty meters more and they reached a hole in the ground that dropped  down into a cylindrical room that contained a massive flower that held hundreds of gallons of honey. As Ogre jumped down into the room the massive petals of the flower barely gave as they supported his massive weight. While his he used his puppet to collect the honey the bees seemed hesitant to attack.

“Good, it’s as the notes said. This must not be where there colony is.” One of the insects, either through bravery or anger, mustered the courage to fly at Yasu in an attempt to sting him but it was easily batted away with the unsharpened side of Red Moon. Half an hour of this would pass as he stopped them from interfering with Ogre while he still gave occasional glance that was all Yasu needed to keep him on task. Ogre would jump out of the hole and the two would leave the way they came, leaving the bees to go about their own business once more.

[WC= 461/761]
[Chakra= 130/140]

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