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1Could someone explain Empty Could someone explain Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:38 pm



Ok so I was reading through the guidelines and I came across this paragraph in the chakra guidelines section. I was wondering if someone could please explain it to me as far as what this means and what exactly would be considered a passive jutsu.

2Could someone explain Empty Re: Could someone explain Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:02 pm

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Hey Raphael.

A Passive jutsu is a jutsu that you are unable to control and that is always active, no matter when or what happens. As of current modding guidelines, they are E ranks and require most often than not a permanent -10 chakra cost. Aside from that cost, they need to remain balanced - so your permanent benefit will require an equally powerful permanent penalty.

Jutsu Mod,
Saga Staff

3Could someone explain Empty Re: Could someone explain Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:46 pm



Ok I'm still a little confused.

Would it be something like a healing factor that would normally require the use of chakra but with it as a passive it just happens automatically? Or would it be more like something of a boost to stats/techniques? Or would it be something that could effect other people around the person? Or could it be all of the above but you only get one of them per passive ability?

4Could someone explain Empty Re: Could someone explain Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:54 pm

Senju Airi

Senju Airi

Raphael Kozai wrote:Ok I'm still a little confused.

Would it be something like a healing factor that would normally require the use of chakra but with it as a passive it just happens automatically? Or would it be more like something of a boost to stats/techniques? Or would it be something that could effect other people around the person? Or could it be all of the above but you only get one of them per passive ability?

That depends what you make of it, really. Every jutsu you apply is judged in a case by case scenario. The minimum requirements would be that it is KKG related and that you have the specialisation for it - so no 'passive healing' if you don't have Medical Ninjutsu to warrant it.

Edit: you can see an example (part of) a passive jutsu in my signature.

5Could someone explain Empty Re: Could someone explain Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:10 pm



Ok thank you both for your help

6Could someone explain Empty Re: Could someone explain Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:21 am



Sorry but got another question.

I was reading through the SC's and had a question.

Does the SC strong will give a buff to the characters endurance? Like a +1 tier or anything like how ace eye gives a boost to perception or reflexes gives a boost to reaction time.

7Could someone explain Empty Re: Could someone explain Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:37 am

Senju Airi

Senju Airi

Not that I'm aware. Strong-willed gives you an IC reason to be 'fearless' so to speak.

8Could someone explain Empty Re: Could someone explain Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:52 pm



Ok I only ask because there was an SC that gave a boost to every other stat and strong will seemed to be the only one that would fit giving a boost to endurance. So is there not one that boosts Endurance?

9Could someone explain Empty Re: Could someone explain Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:00 pm

Senju Airi

Senju Airi

The positive for endurance is the "Stamina" SC.

It's true that the SCs aren't always clear on what exactly they influence, but especially those like Born Ill and Fatigue make it almost impossible to know unless you ask someone else.

10Could someone explain Empty Re: Could someone explain Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:03 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Will they be updating the SC's one day?

11Could someone explain Empty Re: Could someone explain Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:34 pm



I'm sorry for continuing bothering you all with questions but could someone please explain how nature chakra interacts with Taijutsu such as wind infused punches and can it be used to boost speed or jumping, etc. Also how wind reacts to other elements (I know wind is weak to fire and strong to lightning) but how does it react to earth and water? Can it cut through them? do they stop it? Do they clash?

12Could someone explain Empty Re: Could someone explain Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:56 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Taijutsu generally acts with chakra inside the body, so it is indeed mainly based on buffs, such as you said with raising speed, strength ,etc and pure martial arts moves that are significantly intensified by the use of chakra (like the primary lotus, konoha spinkick, and so on)

However, with a decent description, you should always be able to touch the limits of any specialty (for instance, you should be capable of coating yourself in chakra, expelling pure chakra (like the hyuga or how Guy and Lee do it)

As for how elements interact, you obviousl have a grasp of their strengths and weaknesses, but how they interact with other elements depends on what you put in the descriptions of your jutsu, however, in general: two jutsu of two different elements with no apparant elemental advantage or weakness over one another, will basically clash (though exceptions can be made in case of radius jutsu versus straight line jutsu for example).

Always remember that your description more or less makes or breaks a jutsu

13Could someone explain Empty Re: Could someone explain Wed Aug 16, 2017 10:43 pm



Thank you Lamya

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