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1Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Empty Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:18 pm



Morning had come and was nearly gone on the streets of Kirigakure. It was fast approaching noon and the morning mist was lifting leaving only a thin veil in the streets letting one see at least shapes as far as the eye could see. The village itself was shrouded in mist at all hours but within the village the mist had a tendency to lift around noon. Most productivity outside was done around that time. People of course handled business as needed prior to but if it didn't need to be attended to it was left until such a time. The human mind associated mist with the unseen and the unseen was feared. Monsters just beyond the veil and blood dripping where drainage pipes let loose their waters. Of course most discounted this as paranoia. Left over fears from the war and the almost war. The civilians had not forgotten their strife over the last decade. Victims or survivors they knew that men were the true monsters out there. However they were learning something crucial to the survival of the village. Their shinobi were the most capable in the world. They would defend them and to any who would do them harm, vengeance would be without mercy and slow.

Of these the Kage was the most trusted and known. Her power evident and believed in. She had displayed it and even overcome death. None doubted she was the strongest in the world. Yet there were those who whispered of another. Were Ayakashi the light they followed like a beacon there was a man that was the shadow that light cast over. Brought to power partially because that light had burned so bright. Without light one could not know of the darkness. They whispered of a man no bandit survived, no murderer didn't fear, no pirate didn't sail clear of. They knew of his island and spoke of him like legends and myth and yet they knew he was real. The head of the Osada clan was man no living creature dared cross. If Ayakashi were ever to find herself pressed her second in command would press against that force and blood would spill. Yet so few knew his face. More rumor and tale told to child to keep them well behaved. Go to sleep or Sero will come for you. Sero comes for all the bad boys and girls. Don't stay out too late or Sero will hunt for you. In the end he didn't mind being the villages boogeyman. His work was to cast fear in the hearts of the cruel and his legend spreading did just that.

However his new position had forced him out of the seclusion of his island. Away from his reverie of studies and practice. Piles of scrolls studying sealing, sage mode, Ninjutsu and weapons all organized and put away for the time being. Instead he had been given a task and set about researching that. Now that the research was done he had business in the village and had made his way towards the administration building. His Grey cloak kept tight to him with Wolf fur running over his right shoulder and down his front and back on only the right side. His long hair shifting as if sunken under water as he seemed to glide along the pavement. The nearly departed fog rolling in with him like a blanket and though he attempted to suppress it without his anbu gear it felt to all on the street that a great beast had come to swallow them all up. As he moved down the street people avoided eye contact unsure of what Sero could be doing in town. Here and there some bowed but none met those cold eyes. Grey as the dead and never blinking. No weapon adorned his form and yet all knew a blade was never far from the man.

After he had passed the whispers began. Sero was in the village. This was a rare occasion. Nearly unheard of. Perhaps he was hunting some poor soul? Rumors spread over what possible person had incurred his wrath and yet he ignored them all. In his right hand was two files. Both thick in nature but marked with a seal. Two files that required a high rank to access. Only he and a couple of others including Ayakashi could open those files without them bursting into flame. He held them tightly in pale, long fingers as he approached one building in particular. Moving inside the administration building as if gliding. The dull murmur of day to day business sliding into dead silence as the doors creaked open. His form moving through like a specter as they watched him. Moving to the stairs and up them as a long held breath was released. Even his allies were careful of him. Still he would step onto the floor of the Mizukage's office and stand before the receptionist. Glancing at her as he spoke. His words dull and yet commanding her full attention as his eyes seemed to drown her within them in their empty pits if she stared too long.

"I require a moment in private with the lady Mizukage when she has a moment."


2Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Empty Re: Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Sat Aug 12, 2017 9:45 am



'As soon as he passed the precipice, the tone changed’

The twins who sat at the head of the administration building's first floor would look up as the man entered the building, while others in and around them would fall into a hushed silence, the two special jounin communication ninja would stand in near perfect synchronization and bow with utmost respect and humility at his presence, in almost the same manner as they would to the mizukage most mornings that she entered, at least at the beginning of her regime before her more relaxed nature became known to the two of them. Holding their position until they were spoken to, they rose after his words so they could give him all the attention that he deserved as a ninja of his station. Sero was no longer a boogyman hiding in the shadows of the village, he was the Mizukage's second, and the captain of the seven swordsman. While his legend in the light was young, it had already made waves that the captains' sword had been taken by the leader of the osada clan and the son of the former mizukage.

Though there was still some disconnect from the prodigal son that everyone knew to be Sero, and the masked leader and protector of the village who was a nightmare made manifest. Though slowly the two separate legends were molding together into a single masterwork. One of the twins would speak up quickly in reply to his words, not wanting to keep the man waiting a second longer than he needed to. "Yes Master Osada! I'll contact her immediately sir." While there was definitely some degree of fear in her tone, most of it was simply respect of his station more than the fear of his reputation. Obviously Ayakashi had spoken to her receptionists in great detail about the decision and they were on the same page as her about the whole thing. While the one twin retreated to deliver the message to Ayakashi, the other would step up to the plate. "Master Osada, would there be anything I could get for you in the meantime? Perhaps a tea to your liking or anything else you require?"


Ayakashi herself was in her office when she received word that Sero was calling for her. Looking out to the horizon, she grabbed her things and told the ninja that it was fine and that she would begin to make her way to the Osada mansion soon, assuming that the invitation was sent for her to meet him at his usual abode. It was then that the correction called in. "Uhh, no ma'am, he's here in the administration foyer asking for you in person." There were a few emotions that ran through the Mizukage's head at this point, surprise and confusion being the first, before a sly smile as she could only imagine the stir that he would have caused downstairs showing up out of the blue, especially if he bought one of his spider-lings with him.The thought almost made Ayakashi cackle in mirth before telling them to send up the captain, saying that she was free now and to bring up tea.

Acknowledging the request they did as they were told, and tea was bought to the room quickly by servants in the area in a platter with assorted loose leaf formulations as well as milk, whiskey, honey, and other essentials of tea making. As Sero entered the room, Ayakashi would stand in greeting, another sign of respect as she would offer him a seat and not sit until he did. Albiet a small gesture, Ayakashi was glad to finally be dealing with someone she honestly considered on her level.

"Sero, Welcome! It's nice to see you. So tell me, how are you finding your new life in the light?"

Although the question was a little mundane, it was a start to things, she knew that Sero was not likely the most social of people, but it was a skill that he was going to at least be able to pretend to do should he come into power as the next Mizukage. Ayakashi wondered what had bought him in, but she was sure he would be explaining that shortly, he did seem the kind to want to move to the point of matters quickly and Ayakashi would await him doing so, pouring herself a tea in the mean-time and offering him one if he looked at all interested. Using fruit based ingrediants, Ayakashi would pour the steaming hot water over them as she added a couple of mint-leaves for that nice after-taste. Finally, with a touch of her steel clad fingers she would flow her chakra into the glass, cooling the liquid near freezing into a refreshing iced tea which she would sip happily in the mean time as she would listen to what the master of the Osada Clan had to say.

3Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Empty Re: Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:48 am



Sero would let his grey gaze fall upon the twins. For the most part he didn't appear to let his eyes waver from that point. He did not blink or shift in any way outside of his graceful steps forward towards the two. Yet to everyone else within the room it was like those dead grey orbs studied their souls. As if his gaze encompassed them and swallowed them whole. Daring them to speak a lie. To utter a single false sound. Breathing caught in throats as he would be made real. A figment of rumor and legend walking in front of them. They had heard stories but surely walking among his presence couldn't be so terrifying. He hadn't expected this level of formality himself. His mind still partially accustomed to being just another shinobi doing his duty. His station never really gathering his attention as perhaps it should. He was focused on being a formidable man in the battle field. Politics never really being his specialty. He inspired fear of death and agony in his enemies. It was considered poor form to do so in politics he had been informed. Still he would pause in front of the twins. His head inclined ever so slightly as his eyes studied them blankly. The feeling of a starved beast examining his next meal as his words rang out as dry as leaves in autumn.

One of them would speak in reply to his request as if an order had been issued. Prompt and obedient. He could respect these twins for those features. That aside they were very useful to the mizukage and had survived a great deal having stood next to her. Their service even longer than his own. Their records and capabilities were not to be so easily discarded. Still the one would leave and slowly his eyes would follow them. Studying their movements and keeping a record of it as he did with all things in his mind. Already debating how they might preform in combat and how to defeat them. As he had done with the entire room when he entered. Never leaving such things to chance. Each visual person accounted for. There were others hidden he was sure. Even from his expert gaze without the use of jutsu it was possible. It mattered little since most the scenarios involved him being attacked in mass. In which case he would eliminate the entire room in a moments notice. However his thoughts were snapped to the other as his eyes snapped back to the other twin almost viciously. Speaking after a moment of studying them again.

"My scheduled diet has already been attended to. I am fine thank you."

It was only a moment before his request for entrance was accepted. He was guided up to the office and allowed in where he found Ayakashi standing. Waiting for him with a smile on her face. He was finding the formality of it all so odd and new. However he had always found the way she accepted him to be odd. Always granting him responsibility and when he passed another marker granting him one more step closer to his dream. Now that he had found it he felt so odd. A king of his own domain in a way and yet unfamiliar with it. One thing was sure. He would focus on this new duty diligently and defend it. Still his new station did not put him on the same level or above it of that of the Mizukage in his mind. His bow was still low enough to be one of respect. Even the captain of the seven would show respect when due. Still he would take the offered seat before her and listen as she spoke. His grey eyes watching her. An occasional slow and methodical blink now and then to keep his eyes moistened. She would finish speaking and offer him tea but he would shake his head no and hold up his free hand. The other placing two files down in front of him on the desk between them. A glowing blue seal made of sage chakra that she should recognize as a layer of security. One ready to respond to her chakra and unlock the folders. Still his pale hand would retreat from the folder as both his hands returned to his form. Fingers interlocking before he rested them on his chest. Speaking in a tone that was cold but calm. No anger or really any emotion in his voice.

"The light has proven revealing. There is not much change in my day to day however I hear rumor of some older enemies packing up and moving out of our borders. It appears given my new station they fear being made example of. Mere speculation but a purpose well served. I did not come here so much for discussion on how to settle into this new role however as I did to fulfill it. You gave me a task and this my dear leader is the first step."


4Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Empty Re: Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:25 am



’Ayakashi would nod, and sit legs crossed’

"The light has proven revealing. There is not much change in my day to day however I hear rumor of some older enemies packing up and moving out of our borders. It appears given my new station they fear being made example of. Mere speculation but a purpose well served. I did not come here so much for discussion on how to settle into this new role however as I did to fulfill it. You gave me a task and this my dear leader is the first step."

My, the man had been busy, it hadn't been long since Sero had inherited the title of Captain of the 7 Swordsmen, it was a prestigious title to be sure, and one that he well deserved more perhaps than any other swordsman other than herself should she decide to shirk her own position. Though as he mentioned that several old enemies had decided to leave, the Mizukage could not help but wonder who they were, and why they had not fled before, perhaps the demon ice witch and her presence was a known unknown, rather than the position of this new player coming to light. Everything seemed to be moving along well, and when it came to the two scrolls being placed down on the table, Ayakashi would allow her sage chakra to well up within her, flickering it on as she would use the chakra signature in an attempt to unwind the seals and open both of the scrolls before her in an attempt to look at their contents. Sero seemed to be forward and formal, though at the heart of this decision he had come to her for guidance, Ayakashi had trusted him in making this decision on his own, but it seemed that he still sought her approval in one form or another. This spoke to her that perhaps he was not yet comfortable in a position of leadership, perhaps nervous, and not wanting to make a mistake of some kind... Though the reasons were plentiful, the means needed to be resolved.

"Well met, though with your ascension while old enemies would flee there may be challengers to test themselves against you. Martial arts has always been coy that way so I would not be surprised with the formation of the swordsmen becoming complete, that our enemies may multiply for a time... So... I would assume that these are the two candidates you've found for becoming members of the 7 swordsmen, am I to be offended that I wasn't considered...? " Ayakashi would linger for a moment, hoping to put Sero on edge as she would raise an eyebrow before the subtle smirk crept across her face. "I jest, of course. So, who do we have here, and what makes you believe that these two ninja have what it takes to take on the mantle of one of the greatest honors, privileges and burdens our country can bestow upon them?"

Ayakashi while allowing him to explain would look over all of the information in each of the documents, beginning with one and then moving over to the other, her eye straining a little to read the fine printed details. While she was a ninja of incredible renown and the Byakugan in her eye was of exceptional value, she did suffer from only having one eye. Her depth perception was not as good as it used to be making tiny fine lines that moved as her focus changed as she read a page to be a little more difficult than it used to be. But such were the prices that one had to pay for their country. Surely enough, Ayakashi would manage to get her way through the two documents, each of the ninja that Sero seemed to want to appoint were definately accomplished and loyal ninja of the country. One of them she knew more intimately than the other due to more recent events, however that didn't mean that his exploits had not gone unheard of to the Mizukage, she tended to keep tabs on most ninja at one point or another, although there were thousands of them... it could get a little more than difficult on occasion.

As soon as ayakashi finished, she would look back up to sero, her eyes focused on him as she would monitor his face for any micro-expressions, whether he found something distasteful or was particularly serious or even worried about anything. She would hope to be able to pinpoint it and point it out later, though, Sero of all the ninja she had known, was ironically notoriously hard to read as he kept so much of his emotional state buried so deeply within itself she would have to burrow into his soul with 'the dream' just to get a glimpse of it. And even then she didn't particularly want to see his soul yet again, and the darkness that seemed to lurk under the surface that she had spent some time and effort holding back so vehemently.

5Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Empty Re: Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:30 pm



Sero would watch as she sat down and contemplated his position there. He was being treated with high honors. He had fought to get to his position that he held now and in truth it was in a large part thanks to the woman across from him in that moment. His grey eyes betrayed nothing of emotions because they served no purpose in the given moment. His dull eyes rarely revealed much and yet he seemed to be a beast in control of itself for the moment. A predator at rest without need to defend its territory or hunt its prey in the moment. It was obvious that if threatened the beast would rear its head and open its frightening maw but it was comfortable for now. Yet there was something else within the room. As if a part of it had already touched this place far more than Sero ever had. He found it an odd sensation as the darkness on the walls seemed to swim for a moment without his bidding or any surge of emotion. It wasn't a hostile feeling so much as it was simply something familiar to him. Regardless it was more likely brought on by deja vu. He had business to attend to.

She would speak in regards to his enemies making tracks. It made sense to him that with Sero being granted command over the strongest squad in Kiri history they would grow in fear far more. However her words rang out in a warning to him. Speaking of how new enemies would rise to the challenge as true warriors did against combatants. The stronger the challenge the stronger and more numerous the enemies would come to try and overcome it. Be for name in fame, or to prove something to themselves or even to overcome their limits. He would speak in return in a dull tone. His eyes studying hers as she studied him. "A man can fight a thousand enemies and win every battle. However the true battle for a warrior happens with himself. Thanks to you I have overcome that fights largest battle. While there is still room to grow, I fear no man for even should I bleed, should my skin blacken with burns or should breath be ripped from my lungs, I will halt any threat that comes to our walls. That is my pledge. No man will conquer this village while I live."

She would speak again. Making a joke of why she wasn't considered. Of course her office at the current moment prevented as much though she had access to any of the seven swords anyway. He may be the captain but he answered to her all the same. He had no issues with following orders from a higher ranked individual. Still she would inquire of what had driven him to choose the two before her in the files. He would watch her unseal them with a small surge of her nature chakra and again the shadows would shift. As she studied the files he would study the shadows around them with a slowly shifting gaze. Commanding them inwardly to be still and yet they seemed to almost writhe within their containment. He was almost certain the shadows acting out was not his doing now. Something else was at work within the Mizukage's office. Still when she set the files down his attention would be drawn back to her with a blank expression as always and yet their eyes met without his wavering. He was not afraid of her power any longer. Even when he had reason to be still. He would lean forward and glance to both files even though they were facing away from him. Having missed her strained eye sight. Speaking with a hint of hesitation.

"Nozomi you already know of. I trained her personally in Bukijutsu and taught her to use a whip blade. It is obvious to both of us how potent a candidate a petal dancer would be fore that weapon. Nigh an equal even to you or me. She has her personal issues but I have studied her since her return. Her power is immense and her jutsu matching it. As for the other candidate. He too is very potent and learned Bukijutsu from me. His power is more subtle but there all the same. However there is one incident that makes me select him above all others for the childs blade. An incident that left the only blade cut upon my person I have ever received."


6Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Empty Re: Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Tue Sep 05, 2017 12:39 am




'Ayakashi would almost look shocked.'

"A man can fight a thousand enemies and win every battle. However the true battle for a warrior happens with himself. Thanks to you I have overcome that fights largest battle. While there is still room to grow, I fear no man for even should I bleed, should my skin blacken with burns or should breath be ripped from my lungs, I will halt any threat that comes to our walls. That is my pledge. No man will conquer this village while I live... Nozomi you already know of. I trained her personally in Bukijutsu and taught her to use a whip blade. It is obvious to both of us how potent a candidate a petal dancer would be fore that weapon. Nigh an equal even to you or me. She has her personal issues but I have studied her since her return. Her power is immense and her jutsu matching it. As for the other candidate. He too is very potent and learned Bukijutsu from me. His power is more subtle but there all the same. However there is one incident that makes me select him above all others for the childs blade. An incident that left the only blade cut upon my person I have ever received."

It was something that was almost unheard of, Ayakashi had landed a blow on Sero with a shock-wave, sure, she had thrown him against walls and through trees. She'd done as much against the former Tsuchikage. But, the thought that he had a blow land on him against an opponent that was lesser than Ayakashi only made her think of the potential of the person at hand. She would look to the file and see that the person that he was speaking of was Maigo. Ayakashi had never met Maigo in person, though she knew that he was a ninja who had risen through the ranks. Ayakashi should have perhaps put a little more effort in paying attention to him. Within the files there was some word of the battle in which Sero had been wounded, Ayakashi would read it eagerly, devouring the words as he spoke and looking up once again.

"Well then, I see no reason why these two should not be bought into the fold of the swordsmen, the nation and themselves I feel will likely benefit greatly from their presence... Though... as much as I admire you thinking of and seeking my opinion, I feel that I should relay, that while you may consider me your superior. I delegated this task to you. So, I have to ask, are you bringing this to my attention just to keep me in the loop? Or, are you unsure about your decisions, and you are asking me to confirm them for you? Think hard on this, if it is the latter I want you to know that I trust your decisions, and if I felt you had made a mistake, I would let you know. One day, I may not be here to confer with... so you'll need to learn to think deeply and make decisions on your own and be confident that you've made the right choice."

Aya would look sternly, almost mirroring Sero as she would hope that he would soak in this information. He was being groomed for leadership. But it was only at this point, while she had made her small speech, Ayakashi came to the realization that knowing to ask others for help was also a profoundly positive part of leadership. And if Sero had indeed done that, she didn't want him to think that he was not supposed to do as such as a leader.

"Though, that being said, it's good you came to me if you are unsure, as it pleases me that you might go to others if you are in need of help. Something that makes our nation so powerful is our ability to band together in times of peril or uncertainty. I may be overthinking your motive, but I thought it would be a good time to give this, albeit small lesson. I apologize for droning on and on.

So, was there anything else you were in need of?"

7Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Empty Re: Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:52 pm



"Well then, I see no reason why these two should not be bought into the fold of the swordsmen, the nation and themselves I feel will likely benefit greatly from their presence... Though... as much as I admire you thinking of and seeking my opinion, I feel that I should relay, that while you may consider me your superior. I delegated this task to you. So, I have to ask, are you bringing this to my attention just to keep me in the loop? Or, are you unsure about your decisions, and you are asking me to confirm them for you? Think hard on this, if it is the latter I want you to know that I trust your decisions, and if I felt you had made a mistake, I would let you know. One day, I may not be here to confer with... so you'll need to learn to think deeply and make decisions on your own and be confident that you've made the right choice."

She had spoken while reviewing the file in question of the one who had wounded him. Even though it had been the furthest from fatal as a cut could get it still had required healing. More so than his training wounds had taken. If any of his training marks were left they were small things by now as his body had grown to reduce them. However that scar on his right shoulder was still prominent and stretching from the front to the back like some angry centipede. He had burned it closed with acid at the time to staunch the bleeding so he could continue onward to a mission hunting some fairly stealthy individuals that had taken a couple of days. The pain it would of caused on another not hindering him even slightly since he felt nothing of the sort. However there had been a small amount of muscle damage limiting that arm slightly more. He had aggravated it to the point that when it was looked at the med nin couldn't remove the scar. They could barely recover the damage. In that file was the incident leading to that point. How he had been asked personally by Maigo to clean up some brutalized bandits too close to the village. Sero being a specialist in body removal. Seeking to protect the image of the shinobi as guardians and not berserk mad men he had done so. However another bandit had been an old friend of Maigo's. Maigo had tried to stop Sero from slaying her but when she threatened to reveal the cover up she became a threat to the village. He had eliminated her in front of Maigo's eyes after virtually nailing and chaining him to the ground. Even pinned in every way Maigo had managed to break free and using his teeth had managed to cut Sero with his own weapon. It had impressed him at the time. Still she wasn't finished as of yet. She continued speaking to him.

"Though, that being said, it's good you came to me if you are unsure, as it pleases me that you might go to others if you are in need of help. Something that makes our nation so powerful is our ability to band together in times of peril or uncertainty. I may be overthinking your motive, but I thought it would be a good time to give this, albeit small lesson. I apologize for droning on and on.

So, was there anything else you were in need of?"

If he were unsure? Had that been why he had presented this to her? He contemplated if there was some inner hidden sense driving him to seek her out in such matters. Perhaps it was possible he surmised. He had very little political experience other than power moves within his clan leading to a hostile take over. He was aware some intended to rebel but were still gathering allies. However that was an issue of his own to deal with at a later date. Her input on the matter was appreciated though he had brought it in more as a report of his findings. He had never known himself to be unsure and yet this new office was a foreign thing to him. He had made his choices and yet there was something else there. She mentioned how it was good to go to others loyal to the nation in times of uncertainty. Which brought to mind the larger purpose for him being her. Those within his seven were his to command, Jounin and even special Jounin answered to him on occasion as well. However he had not the authority to enact what he was about to propose without repercussions. For a moment he was silent as a hint of his eyes drifting to the side seemed to almost suggest human doubt. Only for a moment though before he collected himself and his gaze returned to hers with confidence. His reasoning was logical. She would see that.

"Nozomi is within the village and will accept the trial I present her. I am sure of it. However the other candidate poses more of a prominent issue. Kumogakure is still on edge with us and our borders. Most of our ranked shinobi have made some sort of name for themselves. They are known and watched for in Kumo after the incident. Including myself. I also suggest against sending in a stealth unit. If they are so much as observed once it could show hostile action from Kiri without provocation. For some reason despite all that Uchiha Maigo has remained there. What I suggest is simple. Send up to three unknown genin with nothing tying them back to the village. Have them approach as travelers from Konoha and seek Maigo out. Inform him his presence has been demanded back home. All in secret. I ask that you give me liberty to assign this dangerous task."


8Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Empty Re: Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Sat Sep 23, 2017 9:50 am



Ayakashi thought deeply on his words...’’

"Nozomi is within the village and will accept the trial I present her. I am sure of it. However the other candidate poses more of a prominent issue. Kumogakure is still on edge with us and our borders. Most of our ranked shinobi have made some sort of name for themselves. They are known and watched for in Kumo after the incident. Including myself. I also suggest against sending in a stealth unit. If they are so much as observed once it could show hostile action from Kiri without provocation. For some reason despite all that Uchiha Maigo has remained there. What I suggest is simple. Send up to three unknown genin with nothing tying them back to the village. Have them approach as travelers from Konoha and seek Maigo out. Inform him his presence has been demanded back home. All in secret. I ask that you give me liberty to assign this dangerous task."

Each of the words he spoke were a simple truth followed by a simple plan, though it was not like Ayakashi to sanction something so risky especially into a nation that had such a volatile state. There was no telling if the information on this would leak. So, she would turn on her sage mode mind, allowing her senses to expand far beyond those of normal, able to sense every entity that fell within the scope of the jutsu, be they as little as a mite within the carpet or the horses that casually ate hey outside. She would ensure with each and every one of them that they were chakra signatures she verified and knew well ensuring they were inactive in such a way that they would be able to hear this conversation as well as the order that was about to follow. Ayakashi doubted that she had spies in her nation in the same sense that she had spies in the others, though there was always the chance, and if she was capable of ordering it to be so, then it was possible others had also.

'However, for now, it seemed the area was populated, though no chakra was active so she gave her answer as she wrote.'

"My answer is no, I cannot allow kirigakure or any of its administration especially not you or I be linked to something that could cause war between our nations. I have a mind to, soon, return to Kumogakure and attempt to bring around some calm between us, but until then, that nation and its ninja are to be considered hostile in this nation and monitored publicly for any signs of risk or espionage."

Though the words that came out of her mouth were those of objective denial, it was the pen strokes that Aya had been writing on one of her own scrolls that would have relayed a message with almost the opposite meaning. 'Ensure that none of this leads back to Kirigakure, if they happen to be captured, they are alone, for now.' And with that, Ayakashi would meet Sero with a stern nod, dismissing him for now so that he could set the wheels into motion. However, should the Genin manage to make it back, they would be able to perhaps give them some insight on the nature of Kumogakure's opinion on kirigakure citizens. Though it was more likely they would be getting that information from Maigo when he ultimately returned to claim his sword... Today had been a short day, but one where she had managed to get more done than she would have expected. It seemed the project to restore the seven swordsmen was well underway, it seemed that Sero had a sound strategic mind and the support of those underneath him. He definately had their respect, he'd earned it...

It was a hard thing to do almost, to feel as though you were  training your own replacement, though, there was one quality that Ayakashi knew that Sero had more than anyone else in this nation, more than even her, he had a strength of resolve that she had never known. Ayakashi underneath her mask of steel was never born to be a military leader who acted as god on a battlefield. She was a fighter, a martial artist, perhaps even a hero. But she was no general. It was never within her repertoire to make a sacrifice play and feel okay about it afterwards. Though that pressure seemed to barely effect Sero, his absolute calm rationale was faultless, his composure like forged steel by comparison to her own which at times felt like a sheet of paper being torn in two. Whatever the man chose to do, he was made to be a leader of men.


Last edited by Ayakashi on Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:30 am; edited 1 time in total

9Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Empty Re: Fulfillment of duty (invite only) Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:07 am



He would await her answer with anticipation building within his form. He felt almost anxious to begin the rebuilding of the most famous of all the divisions in the world. His goal to make captain of it was achieved and his name was no longer his fathers. However without it back in its full glory he could not see himself as complete. Nozomi was the obvious step to take but with Maigo, it was considerably more complicated. The man and he parted on poor terms. Sero being the devil the man had signed his soul too without knowing. If nothing else the man wanted his soul back and likely avoiding his return. Sero would be having none of that though. Still he would pay attention to his master when she spoke. Her words clear as day even as he felt her feeling out around them for those listening. How covert a thing to do when denying subterfuge.

"My answer is no, I cannot allow kirigakure or any of its administration especially not you or I be linked to something that could cause war between our nations. I have a mind to, soon, return to Kumogakure and attempt to bring around some calm between us, but until then, that nation and its ninja are to be considered hostile in this nation and monitored publicly for any signs of risk or espionage."

Of course her words and expressions left little to be interpreted. If one were listening Sero was conspiring and she had denied it. At worst now the caught genin would lead to him disobeying orders. Kiri had just washed itself clean of any involvement of it even as her pen scribbled on the parchment. His eyes would shift down to observe it even as the plans crawled inside his mind. His grey orbs would shift to meet her gaze even as he finished reading the real answer she had given. He would consider this as he would with any black op but with one thing to consider. He was using the untrained for this. He was going to use genin in a risky situation in order to avoid a war coming to full flare. A lot was riding on the youth and even for him this was a gamble. What was he willing to risk in order to obtain his goals? Or rather more importantly what was he willing to sacrifice. Leadership or no he had all of Kiri in a measuring table with him ambition now.

Still he would rise as she nodded to dismiss him. His head would bow with his shoulders as he did. A sigh escaping his lips as if resigning to defeat followed with a polite "By your leave then." His tone even suggested he were unhappy with her decision but still respect and honor bid him to bow before her. He would rise up and turn before something would give him pause. He was a master of sabotage and subterfuge. An Assassin like none could compare. The shadows as much a part of him as air in his lungs. Yet his equal in manipulating the worlds events around them might actually be sitting across the desk from him. She had toppled regimes set against her and led Kiri into war more than once over matters of the office and manipulated each situation with a cunning mind. Had he not noticed he may have left the room assuming she would destroy the document for her own safety. Yet something within his instincts spoke of not trusting such idle things. With a soft movement his pale hand would reach out on the desk and his finger tip would touch the paper. It wouldn't burn and yet it would seem to peel away like ashes from his touch until it was no more. With that done Sero would Leave the office. He had his research to attend to, His selections to make. Two came to mind as potentials and yet there was something missing. He needed someone with reason for this to succeed. Someone with connections strong enough to force the hands of fate if needed to benefit them.

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S-2 ~> S-3, 2250/2250 Strength

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