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1Ice Spears Training Empty Ice Spears Training Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:41 am



With determination Tenshi maneuvered her way through the forest surrounding the Naka river and into a clearing, perfect for what she had intended. She had made sure to go to bed early last night and wake up early today, slipping out of bed before Shuiro had even stirred. She had spending all her time lately with Shuiro, in library’s studying various techniques, in woods training, it didn’t matter what the two had been inseparable and that wasn’t going to work for what she had planned for today at all. Making her way to the library she quickly looked up all books having to do with the Hyouton element. Finding only one book she wasn’t surprised though there wasn’t that much on it in Kirigakure even. Finding the nearest table she sat down, opened the book and immersed herself in the interesting, well to her, topic over the advanced element that ran through her body. Hunching herself over the book in front of her, reading every word focusing deeply, without movement, once finishing the book she stood and stretched. As she turned and walked away from the table, she stopped only on her exit to put the book back in place.

After leaving the library she instantly headed to the Naka River, logically deciding that this would be the best place for learning her newest trick. Finding her way to the area surrounding the river without getting lost, which was a feat for her, she was struck by the beauty. Walking forward she set forth looking for a empty, slightly guarded area to stop and use. Making her way forward still she, after much searching finally found a nice clearing right next to the river.

Sitting down she watched the water run through the lake closely, memorizing it. Closing her eyes she took in a deep breath, startled not for the first time, by the dry, hot air that had entered her mouth and lungs, coughing a bit she shook her head irritated, again not for the first time while being here. Relaxing with the sounds of water, so familiar with her own home, she felt herself reaching out for the ice in her. Slowing her breathing, she felt her body fall backwards, white hair splayed on the forest floor, the appearance of death taking over the small Aisu girl while her body temperature begins to cool instantly and unknowingly invoking her Inner Freeze. Breathing slowed until there was almost nothing left, no way to tell her breathing without touch.

Inside her mind the girl opened indigo blue eyes, to see a world of ice surrounding her. She felt nothing but confusion, she had heard of people doing mental training before but they had always seen, well nothing actually, they all described their worlds as dark and black. Looking around she took in the world, realizing it was exactly how the clearing her physical self was in at this very moment. Taking everything in she looked from the, beautiful, frozen trees to the, beautiful, frozen lake to the, again beautiful, ground below her. Gasping at the sheer beauty and obvious power to create this frozen wonderland she wandered around before hearing a chilling voice. “Are you really so surprised at what your power can do?” The voice called. Whipping her body around she saw no one, only tensing herself more she looked around, waiting for them to show themselves. “Do not be afraid of me child, I am one like you, one with power, but unlike you I can wield it.” She heard, growing angry she called out “I can wield my power, and at least I don’t hide.” Hearing a chuckle echo around her, she pushed down the anger mounting in her body knowing it was only giving this woman power, she went back to surveying the land ignoring her. “You came here for me, my secrets of your power.” Nodding slowly she understood that this was true she had come here for the secrets of hyouton element had she not? “Maybe I did, but that doesn’t make it write for you to call me weak, and hide yourself from me.” She said confidently. In a flash of whiteish blue color a girl stood in front of her squinting her eyes she gasped in shock to see… herself. “I am the, you, with power, without fear, without regrets, without restraint.” Only staring in shock she could not process what this meant, before it slowly coming together in her mind, this was the her she could be, gazing around the wonderland she realized She could create this one day, one day soon. Looking in the ice blue eyes, the only difference in her other self she said the only words she could think of “Teach me.” Nodding slowly her other self watched her carefully, appearing as if she was chewing over her words very cautiously. “You must give into that rage, and hatred you feel to have this.” Upon hearing these words her eyes hardened instantly on the other Tenshi. Though her other self rushed on quickly. “Not completely just a little bit to tap into the power of anger.” Nodding at these words she understood what this meant, give into the dark side that was, well, standing right in front of her, for moments, just enough to protect Shuiro and herself from harm that could otherwise come to them.
In the real world, Tenshi’s body shot up gasping for a better control on air. Looking around she was shocked by the difference that the area was in this world and in her mental world. As she stood up slowly she closed her eyes drawing on her darker emotions and looked around this area, the place she had become trapped in since her own home was destroyed. Feeling the hatred wash over her at being trapped, Again, she growled drawing the Hyouton chakra out of her body and kicking the water upinto the air, as she made ice spears at her own will sending them crashing into the forest floor. Finishing this she looked around surveying her work and gave a single smirk, turned and left.

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