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Tsuyo would sit back in his chair a little bit. No longer resting his form on the edge of the seat as if anticipating something happening. She wasn't appearing as much of a threat to him though he knew less of her then he might like. For Mitsuo being so close to him they didn't speak of family or outside relationships much. Then again Mitsuo and he only worked together on cases that needed some serious firepower. Otherwise the two of them in a room was far from necessary. In Tsuyo's mind nothing could survive the two of them. If enough outsiders thought the same thing they would eventually target the two of them separately or try to turn them against one another. Too great a threat to them for whatever reason to be left alone. That aside Mitsuo and he found themselves as opposite sides of the same coin. Mitsuo was a firebrand and master of the sword with honor in his heart and a straightforward attitude towards the world. Tsuyo was hot tempered at times but chose when to strike carefully and was often reserved. When his top did blow though it was time for a reckoning. His specialties were more touch based and his fighting style as well as his life style were far more devious.

Still Tsuyo would watch the girl in front of him with silver eyes. Wondering just what she was like. So far she was pleasant and polite though direct. He had seen Strafe before but never interacted with him. Did she take more after that man? Either way she had a good start now to her shinobi career. Influence in two of the strongest nations with just her parents alone. If he were to add his own influence to that he wondered just what frightening heights this girl could reach and how quickly. Had he known that he only touched the surface though he might have been more cautious. However if nothing else Tsuyo was a confident man. As she raised an eye brow and nonchalantly agreed before asking about the nature of the challenge he chuckled before finishing his drink. Setting it on the table next to him. It had tasted lovely. However what he was about to ask of her would likely lead to their surroundings being damaged or even destroyed. So he had finished his drink in order to keep it from being wasted. Had it spilled he might of been a little disheartened about it. The warmth of it still tugging at his throat. So he cleared his throat and spoke. Smiling still.

"My dear I have no intentions of hurting you though rest assured I could mend you good as new had that been the case. Instead I would like you to attempt the opposite. I want you in three moves or less to attack me with your taijutsu while I remain seated. Feel free to use any jutsu you see fit. Simply put I want to see your taijutsu young lady."

With that he smiled. His hands folding in his lap as he tilted his head. Would she be willing to use jutsu on him? Would she doubt his confidence or perhaps suspect a trap? There were dozens of reasons for her to relent to the challenge and decide against it. Though there were a few reasons to attempt it too. She had heard of him and hopefully thought him capable. If he was friends with her father he wouldn't be trying to trap her would he? His smile and his eyes hid it all from her. Whatever his intentions were, there was but one way to find out.


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