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Kahou Karisuma

Kahou Karisuma

The Hippocratic oath [Invite Only | Eishi | NK] UV8SVDJ

The Kirigakure hospital was an enormous building that had no rival in town when it came to size. It was standing tall, visible to all citizen regardless in which part of town they were located, inspiring each and every one of them. Despite its humongous size, the building was always full and when inside one could not even comprehend how such a large building could feel so small. Rooms had multiple beds divided by curtains and all in all it was very modest when it came to comfort. However, thanks to the Solstice golden age, the village had enough to invest in technological improvement of the hospital and it had all the necessary tools to heal the patients.

Maybe the greatness of the building had attracted Kahou but she did not sign up in the medical service just for that. Growing up in the noble's mansion she had many duties including caring for the eldest member of the family, whom she was fond of. He was the only family, or the closest thing to home, she had ever had and time spent looking after him was the second best time spent after reading books of marvelous adventures. On top of that, she despised killing and torture and the only thing the military service offered that was the exact opposite - medical ninjutsu. So here she was running up and down the halls, assisting with whatever she can the nurses and the senior doctors, learning as much as possible from them.

The Hippocratic oath [Invite Only | Eishi | NK] XnmAJDU

She entered the next-in-line room where only one of the curtains was spread, meaning only one patient was to be treated. Although there were huge closed windows in order to let the light in, the place still felt empty for the city was almost always covered in mist. Without paying much attention and following her routine, Kahou stepped forward to the curtain and pushed it away....
WC: 318



Eishi froze in midmotion. He was just finishing his second cup of noodles offered to him by a generous nurse. Since the hospital was rather empty on such a busy day, it could, as a large institution funded by the Village, spare more food for its registered patients. And since the system lagged off a bit, that is - throttled to register the unexpected death of an old man who went by the name of Dushio, the boy took advantage of the possibility to devastate an additional meal - or, so to say, decided to exploit the system while having the chance. After all, he was economizing for a good weapon and some spare pocket ryo couldn't really hurt his cause.
Noodle halfway swallowed, still hanging from his lip, the boy ceased his breathing, eyes glazed on his silly face. He didn't expect to meet her here, the stunning girl from back then, when he had to chase his umbrella on the streets. And to be captured in such a shameful act (again) - it was a second round of embarrassment. So he decided to be as diplomatic as possible, starting with a short slurp (the needle was siphoned into his mouth) that continued with the humble placement of the brown cup on the nearby table. Then the sheets - Eishi, sitting in his underwear, pulled them over his white thighs, clearing his throat in the process. He settled his pillow comfortably behind his head, tested its pliability (by doing a couple of funny headbangs) and after everything seemed secure, he closed his eyes, acting as if asleep. "Have you tried pulling the curtain off and on again?", he asked, having sensed the confusion in Kahou. "I've heard that some magicians could erase bad sights by doing that. I can wait patient-ly (the bad pun was on point) and...perhaps you can help me out thereafter."

WC: 316

Kahou Karisuma

Kahou Karisuma

Kahou could not have imagined the scene she was witnessing at the moment. "Eishi... so this is the name of the umbrella fool" she thought to herself as the white-haired boy was practicing his odd ritual of "try-not-to-be-awkward". After he had cleared his throat a couple of times, something she noticed as a doctor immediately, she was stunned by his choice of words. Unwillingly she let out a girly giggle that he had managed to get out of her for the second time so far. The boy kind of reminded her of the old chap at the noble's house that she cared for as part of her "slave" duties. He was always trying to be funny but unlike Eishi was smart enough not to be the root cause of all awkward situations.

After she calmed her senses and returned back to her original doctor-mood (emotionless, serious and focused on the work), she continued with the standard procedure:
"What are your complaints?" she asked as she was skipping through the medical file for the details. She let out a long sigh, followed by her annoyed stare at the boy who was pretending to be dead, probably out of shame.

"You didn't get in a fight with that other boy, what was his name... Mura, did you?"
she tried to gather more information but her interest was not one of consideration but she rather wanted to know if he could be one of her next patients. A surprise she would prefer avoiding. On top of that, as a doctor it would be best to know the cause of the injury so she does not treat the symptom but the problem that caused it.

Kahou, dressed in long white medical uniform, stood by the bed waiting for Eishi's answers so she could determine how best to approach the issue, although she already had a certain option in mind.
WC: 324
TWC: 318 + 324 = 642



"The other creep? No, haven't seen him", Eishi pouted. He felt uneasy for he was being closely observed by a professional (or soon to be a professional) which - by itself - was not the best feeling one could endure. Or was that the real reason for this unpleasant ordeal? No, who was he kidding, of course it wasn't. If a real professional was standing next to him (in waiting), Eishi would've felt a deep relief, but talking about his injury to another genin? A genin in training? One he could be assigned on a mission with? That put things in a whole different perspective. It wasn't only the lack of experience, it was the very act of sharing shameful secrets with his fellow subordinates that was keeping the white-haired menace at bay. For how was the boy supposed to explain his condition to a beautiful young girl? To a theoretically possible wife? TO A PREDESTINED SOULMATE?! No chance. No chance.!

Yet there she was, on the job. Standing. And it was starting to get really, really troublesome. So the master of jokes got a plan. Rather, he got a solution.
"You know what's the difference between the bear and the beer?", he asked. "I barely", accent underlining the adverb, "do..."

And just like that everything bad was supposed to pass for Eishi was once again at the top of his game. And there was, he thought, absolutely no need to talk about his butt being bitten by a stray dog. For laughter could cure it all (or at least make people forget about their duties)...

WC: 272
TWC: 588

Kahou Karisuma

Kahou Karisuma

Kahou could feel the boy getting more and more frustrated and it was understandable for she had read the description of the problem in the file. "Who would have thought that you will be one too shy to share with a doctor..." she pondered on the situation. The blonde took a step closer to his head as she noticed his unease increasing tremendously so she put down a smile for him so she could lift of at least some of the strain.

"No need to worry. I am a doctor after all!" she slowly moved her right hand towards his head, an action that could be suspected as some sort of harassment or affection, but...

*PLUCK" she had actually taken a piece of hair from the patient and within the next few seconds she had formed a series of hand-signs, infusing the thread with her chakra. Slowly, a second Eishi materialized right next to the Karisuma but he was obviously different. Not smiling, not talking and his hands appeared more masculine, more trained.

"Apologies for the inconvenience, however, immediate action is required in order to avoid rabies." Kahou calmly explained to the baffled white-haired boy. The clone had disappeared from next to her and had appeared on the other side of the genin, immediately turning him around with his back upside. The "silent" Eishi used his strength to restrain the unsuspecting white-haired patient.

"You might feel a slight pierce" following the procedure she warned Eishi as she picked up a syringe and prepared it with the antidote. There is a thing about hospitals - all patients wore specific clothing that was split in the back bottom area, so the boys buttox was clear for procedure. The Karisuma sat on the bed beside the boy in order to have a steady position for the next step. Although the method she decided to use to get the job done was questionable, Kahou carefully injected the antidote in Eishi's bottom, avoiding as much pain as possible. It is not widely known that this is one of the most sensitive body parts and a wrong pierce might cause immense pain so for this reason the clone was needed to restrain the body movement in order to avoid any possibilities of hitting these nerves.

"Done. See, nothing so bad?" she used the most common of common doctor kick lines. "However, I would also need to heal the wound before putting the gauze and bandage. Please keep still for a little while" Kahou asked politely giving a sign to the clone to continue restraining Eishi's movement. The blond stood up and forming a few signs she had began concentrating chakra in her hands and they started glowing green. She put them near the bitten part of the body and began healing the tissue damage. Kahou was not skillful enough to completely heal the wound but her powers would at least speed up the process.
WC: 492
TWC: 642 + 492 = 1134

Chakra: 120/150

Reflection Clone Jutsu:

Basic Recovery Method:



Eishi didn't notice the traitorous smile on Kahou's face - a grieve mistake for he would've suspected what was to come afterwards. Instead, the pluck got him by surprise. Curiosity aside, the boy almost screamed before finding out that there was actually no reason to worry. What can a simple strand of hair possibly do? "Perhaps", thought the naive Eishi, "she is going to use something innovative, something harmless, painless; a fortune of science in the New Age! Curing somebody's wounds from a distance? Oh, man, what a time to be alive! And what a luck!".

Sadly, the boy was wrong. Wrong and disappointed. For what occurred in the hospital room could only be described in simple terms such as...barbaric, inhumane, gruesome. Terrific.  

First off, Eishi was being held by a mockery of himself - a wild fitness instructor who only resembled the distant image of the lean genin. For he, the cloning, was far stronger (and superior, as Eishi disapprovingly noted) than the original. Then came the sting - it was like a large mosquito bite in the tropical forest, only difference being - it sensibly injected something cold in the boy's buttock. It made his thigh go numb. And last, but not least, the Yuki was forced to remain lying, face buried in the pillow, his snowy behind being vigilantly serviced by the medical jutsu as if everything that happened already wasn't ignominious enough. Oh, how he hated dogs, he did. Starting from today. He also hated hospitals. Starting from today. And medical ninjutsu - screw medical ninjutsu! Starting from today.

To be honest...Eishi was kind of hating his whole existence right now. And thus, busy with the enumeration of various important and sudden realizations, the time passed. Slowly.

WC: 294
TWC: 882

Kahou Karisuma

Kahou Karisuma

A busy day it was in the hospital and time was of the essence. These were Kahou's motivations at the moment and these were Eishi's biggest nightmares from now on. She had a smug smirk on her face because she understood the situation her fellow shinobi had been put into and if not embarrassing for showing his spinal "extension", then at least for not being able to defend himself against a medical kunoichi. Honestly, the smile was not for that - she finally started feeling strong for herself and a subconscious feeling had made its way. "I can finally defend myself..." were her thoughts as she healed Eishi's bitten butt.

"That should do it for now." Kahou spoke clearly as she drew her arms away from the boy. "Now only to patch-up. This will not hurt at all." she tried to calm him, but to be honest - at this stage if he still believed her, that would be more troublesome than the fact that a shinobi was bitten by a dog. The Karisuma pulled one of the drawers of the medical cabinet that was beside the bed. She pulled out gauze and medical tape so she close the wound to avoid outside contamination.

"Unless you find a way to re-open the wound, it should heal in about a week of time. I recommend staying in the bed for a few more hours before leaving the hospital but there is no need for hospitalization." she explained thoroughly the situation to the boy, hoping he would get the hint that additional stay would amount to additional pay. She put her signature on the medical file, including the medical procedures, omitting of course the "assistant"'s participation.

"Get well, Eishi"
the Karisuma said as she left the room as the clone dissipated on top of the white-haired boy. The single hair thread fell down slowly, landing in front of the boy's eyes on the pillow he had burried his head this whole time.

The day had passed very quickly for the Karisuma as people always came in requesting medical assistance and the hospital was all buzzing despite it's enormous size. Returning back home she felt tired but still pleasent, fulfilled in a way for she had spent the whole day helping others. So many stories, so many people - a whole new world she was still exploring and although it did not have the romance from the books, it still captivated her. Some could argue that it is odd for her to be as happy from basically seeing wounded people whole day, but it would not acknowledge the fact - she saw them healed as well and she made that possible. This was the true meaning to the Hippocratic oath.
WC: 463
TWC: 1134 + 463 = 1597

[Exit Thread]

SPD: E2 -> D0 1597/525
REA: E2 -> D0 1082/525
PER: E2 -> D0 547/525



"Oh well, the worst part is over", Eishi sighed before feeling a slight itch on his nose. "A...ah", he contorted. "cho-hoo", the powerful sneeze finished the rest. The curtains were moved by this grand display of power. And then everything drowned in tedious silence once again; the boy was left alone with his recent traumas.


"Thank you very much", he bowed at the reception after having signed the appropriate documents. Twice. "I am going home now. Oh, and if possible, would you please not tell my parents about this whole accident? The dog thing? Oh, you already have. I understand. Okay then, be well. And I hope not to see you soon, eh? Heh-heh-heh. Right? 'cause...oh, never mind. I'm off."

The white haired boy sighed and walked towards the exit. It was a good joke wasted on a motionless face. Before he opened the portal to freedom however, he stopped, his face becoming serious as if deciding on something important. Without saying a word, Eishi returned to the secretary's desk, staring at the floor, focused on a question. "I would like to ask you about the name of the girl that treated me. Sorry if that's a problem. No, no, she did just fine, more than fine, really, I just...being curios and all that? Yes, please. Thank you. No, I am not going to murder her. What do you mean suspicious? My face is...hey! That's insulting! Wha-? You know what? Forget I even asked. Jeez!"

The boy walked away, furious at the short encounter with the phone lady. Oh well. After all, it could be for the best.


As he set foot on the street, all that was left of Eishi's anger was a distant memory. It was a misty day, dull and cold, so the boy decided to enjoy the meteorological stereotype as much as possible. Thus - with a casual cheerful hum - he traced his route back to his parents' house, carefully avoiding a particular district (by chance known for its loud barking during the early morning).

He had learned, if nothing else, a valuable lesson of survival.

WC: 361
TWC: 1243



1. Endurance from E-1 to D-0 for 675 words and 0 ryo
1243 words - 675 words = 568 words left

2. Perception from E-1 to E-3 for 375 words and 0 ryo
568 words - 375 words = 193 words left

3. Strength from E-1 to E-2 for 150 words and 0 ryo
193 words - 150 words = 43 words left

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