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1Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Empty Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Wed Jul 12, 2017 2:59 am



Oberon woke up to the sound of the hard rain hitting the roof of his house, the house's roof being made of metal rather than the normal shingles made the sound of the rain hitting it sound like thunder inside the house. "Damn it!" he shouted over the deafening sound of the rain hitting the roof, though the house was empty and so there was no one that could of heard his outburst. Oberon looked over to the clock beside his bed, seen that it was four in the morning he let out a loud groan as he stood there was no going back to sleep now. He stretched and headed into the bathroom and started the shower, coming out drying his dark red hair he looked into the mirror hanging on the wall his amber eyes seemed to glow in the low light of the room. Oberon smirked as he began to dress in his normal attire a plain black sleeveless shirt and black pants completed with his black shoes, Oberon loved black viewing it as it making it harder for him to be seen when he needed to be stealthy. Once he finished dressing and tying his headband to his right arm just below the shoulder making it easy for anyone to see that he was a shinobi of the hidden mist, he liked wearing it on his arm rather than his head due to the fact that some times it would get in the way of his line of site messing with his peripheral vision and it would cost him. Usually he would only do it when he was training however he found himself doing it more and more here lately and he was not sure why.

He grabbed his dao on his way out of the house, he never left home with out it, it was a part of him now like an extension of his own body. It was still in the early morning so he doubted that he would see very many people walking around, and as he began his stroll around the village he saw that he was right hardly a soul in the streets save for the few that patrolled. The rain was still coming down hard but that did not bother him it was more of the sound of it hitting his roof that bothered him the rain he actually found to be rather enjoyable. Oberon walked the streets for hours, until the rain started to lighten up. He was completely soaked from head to toe from walking around but that did not bother him any more than walking around in the rain did anyway. He continued his walk, getting the occasional stares from the newly crowded street of people who were probably wondering why he did not have am umbrella or something to that effect.


2Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Empty Re: Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:02 am

Kaguya Athena

Kaguya Athena

Right now Athena was in her home the children were asleep, the house was more like a mansion it was big that is the reason she picked to live here with them so they felt like it was more of a home environment, and if she was staying in her old home, they couldn't have that. But it didn't matter to her both places where big because she had the wealth as a noble. Being one of the few people that knew Ninjutsu yet not a ninja was annoying at times, don't have it wrong, she liked knowing her skills could keep them safe, but the people in her Clan wished for her to become a ninja and be trained and rank up so they could have more noticeability, what will happen if they knew she was starting to learn how to use the Kekkei Genkai, the bone manipulation. They would never leave her alone.

She was in the shower right now, but would soon be out getting changed into her Principal outfit, today was good because her clan said they would allow her to have some free time after winning that fight, but she knew after this week, they would annoy her even more because she was trained enough on her own to beat a Genin rank ninja. She wears a white blouse which has the style of a high collar lace over that is a silver jacket that has long sleeves, with a matching long skirt. Finishing this outfit is high heels that are also silver. She does have her hair tied up when wearing this.

She needed to do the shopping she did hire cooks as well she couldn't do all that on her own, but she was not the type to pay people to do things that could be done on her own. As she was heading out the children started to wake up. "Miss Athena where are you going?" They would ask, rubbing their eye's from being tired. "I am going out to buy stuff we need for breakfast and dinner, get dressed by the time I get back." She would say with a smile getting down to their level. They wished to go out with her, but she told them no because it was way too early for them and it was raining.

She did go shopping, going to many stores as they just opened having many bags in her hands. But then seen someone that was a little odd as she was carrying her umbrella it was raining down hard, but that was an everyday thing if you live in this village, well even the whole nation. She noticed one thing right away and that was the headband, but it was on his arm. He was a ninja. Athena would walk up towards the young ninja in training, holding the umbrella over his head, she had a smile looking right at him, she knew the ninja life was something that could make anyone lonely and focus on nothing but training. She looked at him, she had a smile. "How come you're out here alone at this time in the rain without an umbrella?" She would ask waiting for him to answer. The way she asked was not pushy but she did wish to know.

WC 551

3Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Empty Re: Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:18 pm



"Oberon? Oberon where are you?"

"I'm here mother" called the boy from the yard

"What are you doing in the rain? Get inside now before you catch a cold!" his mother yell to him from the porch of their house as he ran through the yard playing in the rain.


Oberon was snapped out of his daydream by the sudden stop of rain, followed shortly by a voice. The voice was kind and reminded Oberon of how his mother would often speak to him, especially when she knew that something was wrong with him but he did not want to talk about it. He looked to the source of the voice as she finished speaking, the woman was holding not only an umbrella but she was also carrying a lot of different bags. Her clothes were definitely not that of a shinobi, more like a secretary or a teacher. She did not look much older than himself, despite her outfit Oberon found himself thinking that the woman did look rather attractive. Oberon usually hated speaking with villagers whether they were shinobi or not, mainly due to his trust issues as well as him not really being a people person, even the attractive ones were met with his rudeness for the simple fact that he prefer to be alone. He found it hard to connect to them and so he usually shut them out or make them dislike him because of him being rude to them, and he knew they were just interested in his money or some kind of free hand out. Yet he did not get the urge to distance himself from this woman, there was something different about her, something that set her apart from all the others, perhaps it was the fact that she spoke like a mother. For whatever reason he did not want to be rude to this woman, yet he did not know why.

"Uh.. Well to be honest with you I could not sleep because of the rain, the sound of it hitting the roof of my house woke me up. So I decided to come walk around in it, I rather enjoy the rain ever since I can remember the feel of it hitting my skin feels refreshing" he paused looking down to the woman's arms, "I can help you with that if you like, ma'am I am not doing anything right now anyways." he said offering to help the woman with her bags. He waited for a few seconds for the answer before slapping himself in the forehead when he realized how weird the offer might be coming from a total stranger, "where are my manners I am terribly sorry for my rudeness ma'am. My name is Oberon Matarashi, I am a genin of the mist village and I promise I mean you no harm I am merely wishing to be polite." he added with a smile on his face. Why was he acting this way? Usually by now he would be doing his best to annoy the villager foolish enough to try to talk to him so that they would never try to talk to him again and he can be alone to have his peace that he enjoyed, even if she is kind of attractive looking.


4Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Empty Re: Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Thu Jul 13, 2017 10:23 am

Kaguya Athena

Kaguya Athena

She hadn't seen the point in being in the rain for so long, well she could see someone wishing to be in the rain for a few seconds or minutes of time, but well just by looking at him you could see it was around hours he has been out here alone. He could catch a cold by doing so. She would for that moment place her hand onto his forehead, feeling for a cold he might have for being out in the rain for so long, seeing if he was heating up, well she was no medical ninja, but anyone would be able to tell this much. He did sound polite, as she gave him one load off her bags.

"Oh, thank you." She would say with a smile. She would let out a small laugh that didn't cross her mind. "It's okay, I knew you were a Ninja right away from your headband, and I'm not worried about you running away with them." It was not one Genin who could beat her to this day. "But my name is Athena I am from the Kaguya clan it's a pleasure to meet you." She would say as they both would start to walk towards her place.

"Well by looking at you, you're all wet from the rain, so I doubt you have only been out here for a few minutes, was it some type of training or something like that because even for someone that knows how to be a ninja they shouldn't be out for this long?" She would say looking at him sounding a little worried, but also like she was speaking to him like a mother would. She then had an idea, most ninjas stay alone so she didn't think he had anyone, but one thing he could tell was being able to know Athena had some skills, able to tell how long he has been out, noticing things like his headband, all of this was not impossible for your everyday civilian, but she did notice things really fast.

"Thank you for helping me, you can have breakfast at my place if you like, it's many children there who would be happy to meet a ninja. Just because your a ninja doesn't mean you have to train yourself not to eat." She would say thinking all ninja were the type to push themselves past their limits, something she didn't like for children to do and he was the same.

WC 413

TWC 964

5Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Empty Re: Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Thu Jul 13, 2017 12:47 pm



As she placed the back of her hand against his forehead, despite the fact that her hand was snow-white it was not cold like snow and he could feel the warmth of her hand against his head, maybe I have been out here too long he thought to himself though he had no sign of weakness or not feeling well. Still no one had shown him any interest as far as his well being since his mother died, they would ask of he was ok but he could always tell by the tone in their voice that they did not truly care whether he was well or not. The woman handed him some of the bags thanking him with a small laugh, it was a cute laugh however Oberon dismissed it as quickly as it was. Of course she knew you were a shinobi you idiot your headband tells everyone that he thought as the woman spoke, the she introduced herself as Athena of the Kaguya clan. Of course a Kaguya that explains why her skin is so white, he thought to himself as they began their walk to the woman's house he had never met a Kaguya however over the years he had heard many stories about them from his grandfather and his father of the powerful and deadly warriors of the Kaguya clan. The appearance of this woman went against every story that he had ever heard about the clan though, in all the stories the Kaguya were ruthless and merciless caring for nothing other than blood shed and fighting. But by looking at this woman and how she was dressed she did not look like a fighter nor did she look like a blood crazed killer like the stories said, however Oberon knew looks could be deceiving and he should not judge a person based solely off their appearance, still the woman was kind and that was something that his families stories never talked about, causing his interest to be peaked a little more as the walked down the street. She ask if it was some kind of training he had been doing which caused Oberon to chuckle lightly, it had been a long time since he met someone who genuinely sounded worried about him, and this woman did not even know him it became clear to him that the woman had a kind soul just as his mother had. "Well I guess it could be considered training, however that is not how it started I merely lost track of time and did not realize I had been out in the rain for a long." he would say in response to the woman's question, for someone who is not a shinobi she is pretty perceptive he thought to himself taking another look at her, maybe she was more than just some secretary or whatever.

So she is a mother he thought to himself when she mentioned having breakfast at her house and there being children, no wonder he thought her voice sounded like that of a mother. His clothes were soaked and his shoes were covered in mud from him not caring where he was walking earlier and he did not want to intrude on the woman, yet he did feel the hunger of having not eaten this morning. "Thank you for the offer ma'am, however I would not want to intrude on you and your children, nor would I want to mess up your nice home with my current situation" he said motioning to his shoes and clothing. There were actually too reasons he said what he said and one of them was because his shoes were covered in mud and he was soaked from head to toe, the second reason was because he did not do very well around children it was not that he was scared of them or anything it was more that he was always saying the wrong thing and did not want to upset this kind woman that he just met by being rude to her children. However if the woman insisted on the fact of him joining them for breakfast then he would reluctantly accept and do his utmost best not to come off as rude to anyone.


6Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Empty Re: Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:59 pm

Kaguya Athena

Kaguya Athena

He didn't feel hot at all, but maybe his body was made to handle that type of thing, ninja's do train in really odd ways to other people. That story was so long ago, the Kaguya's now were not peaceful as her, but many of them were calmer and what the stories said, being more along the lines of the greatest member Kimimaro. She got to see the war and murder of the world so you could say she doesn't wish to be a part of it. She was trained a long time ago by her uncle in the way of being a Shinobi, and over the years learned more on her own, it's why members of the clan do not leave her be, many ninjas have skill but not everyone has the talent to become stronger they believe she can.

She would smile at him, but her children, she was not a mother, but many could think of her as being a mother figure as she does take care of a lot of them. "Oh, I am not really a mother, I do look after many children, but they are not my own. I run a school well more like an academy for children that lost their home from war, murder or many other reasons, it's not easy growing up on your own even when you're an adult, so I take them in and give them a place they can stay some of them even enter the ninja academy or do anything else they wish. But no I am not their mother." She was not that old.

She would see him all wet from the rain. "Don't worry, I'm sure many of them would like to see a ninja, but please come I know being a ninja you have to hide how you act and don't wish to bother anyone, but in the end, you're only human. And it's big enough, the help with give you something less wet to wear." She would hope he would. "Many of them have grown up without a family, and some of them could look up to someone like you, I find it's good for a child to find someone they can see as a role model." Life was not easy for her as a child but she did get past it all because of her Uncle.

She would soon be at her home as the door opened, it would be really big it was easy to see Athena had a lot of wealth, as many of the children would start to run up towards them.

WC 432

TWC 1396

7Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Empty Re: Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Fri Jul 14, 2017 12:08 am



Oh so it is like an orphanage Oberon thought to himself as the woman described the circumstances of the situation with the children. The woman offered again about him joining them and how the kids would love to see a shinobi, and how the kids needed a good role model. Oberon thought about joining them for breakfast as the woman had asked, however he had never liked taking hand outs even if they were done in kindness and he was definitely not someone a kid should find a role model in. The fact of the matter was that he preferred his solitude, he took care of himself answered to no one did not have to look after anyone else or have anyone looking after him, and he liked it that way. Upon reaching the woman's mansion Oberon saw that what she had said was right it was big enough, at least three times the size of his family home if not more he had never seen an orphanage of this size or quality she was definitely taking care of those kids. As they drew closer to the giant home of the woman several small children came running out of the house to meet with the woman, followed by what Oberon could only assume to be the help of which the woman had spoke of. Upon reaching the pair, the help, took the bags from them and scurried back into the mansion, while the children surrounded them many of them asking who he was. "Well I am Oberon of the mist, I was just helping this beautiful woman you have here with some of the bags" he said in response to their questions, "Miss Athena it has been a pleasure meeting you and I hope our paths may cross again however for now I must be off." and before another word could be said he took off down the road, turning back briefly to wave goodbye to the lot of them.

Oberon smiled as he walked down the road, it was very out of character for him to be like this however it gave him a feeling like he had not had since he was a young boy. Perhaps he was not the ass that he tried to make people believe he was, maybe just maybe there was something to this whole thing of being nice to others. Oberon shook his head, maybe some people deserve the kindness but he knew that not everyone was the same. Athena was definitely different and with as hard as she works for those kids she deserves the kindness, but there are others out there that he could never see showing kindness to and those people were the ones that would one day be met by the edge of his blade. Oberon stopped at a food stand as he passed by and bought himself something to eat, though the food at the mansion probably would of been better than this he felt better knowing he was not taking away from a kid with no resources of their own even if they were provided for by a wealthy woman. After he finished his food his next stop was for his house he needed to get cleaned up before he went to get some training done, it was one thing to leave the training grounds dirty it was a whole nother story to show up there dirty. Not that he cared what others thought about his appearance, but more for the sake of his family name, he had the entire families reputation on his shoulders and he had to make sure it stayed favorable with the mist that he kept his home so he was going to make sure no one else saw him in this condition that Athena had.

{Exit Thread}


Strength trained from D-Rank to D-3: 1175
Endurance trained fronD-Rank to D-3: 1175
Total used: 2350
Total cost: 300 Ryo

8Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Empty Re: Discovery of Truth (Athena/NK) Fri Jul 14, 2017 9:41 am

Kaguya Athena

Kaguya Athena

If anything Athena didn't ask that for the kids, it was more for him, it was a reason he walked out in the rain for so long, and she could tell somehow he was the type to not really talk much and be on his own, it was by the way he walked and talked, she didn't know if he lives with anyone, but most ninjas in her mind was like this young boy in front of her right now. Being a noble of power meant you had all and most of what you needed in life. If she wished, her life could be simple enough as to sitting on a chair having people wait on her all day. She would speak as he was going away. "Okay, I understand stay safe." That boy something about him, but she guessed it was too much for him. She would say as he was gone giving her own small wave towards him.

Athena knew it was fine with him leaving the children would have their breakfast as many of them were taken to school, But much like this young boy Athena also was going to head to her training, but unlike him the honor of the clan didn't really mean that much to her, she talked to her family but had no reason to become a ninja just so they could gain more fame. Right now she would be getting changed into her Kimono that was long and more formal for someone that was a noble like herself, she still did many other things like talking to big time people and her clan, she was more and just a Principal, she was still a noble of power. She would now be heading towards the training ground to try and learn her Kekkei Genkai but she already had an understanding of it, she just needed to learn more.


WC 315

TWC 1711

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