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1Unite! Chapter 2 [Ask to join] Empty Unite! Chapter 2 [Ask to join] Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:49 am


Unite! Chapter 2 [Ask to join] 15113156ur9o65LM
Shibirin then droped to his knees, before falling face first ont the ground-hard dirt. Within seconds, the massive amount of blood that was coming out of his shoulders soon made up the small pool of blood that formed around his body. Some blood came out of his mouth, his eyes got heavy and his heart slowed down. He struggled to keep his eyes open, as he was slowly loosing conscious. He took a memory picture of the last thing he saw: an old man walking towards him, surrounded by the white light his brain had imagined. he bent down and spoke a few words, though Shibirin's ears had stopped functioning adn all he heard was muffled noises. The guy reached his arms towards Shibirin, but then everything faded to black. Had Shibirin died? Who was this man?

~Begining of Chapter two: Awake!

Last edited by Shibirin on Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:04 am; edited 4 times in total

2Unite! Chapter 2 [Ask to join] Empty Re: Unite! Chapter 2 [Ask to join] Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:12 am


The sun was up, Shibirin could tell. His eye sight was still blury, but there definately was sunlight in the room. It was like a spectrum of colours, though for some reason, he could only see the colour white. He was laying down on something soft, was it a bed? He remembered falling onto the ground, the last time he was awake, so how could there be a bed? He remembered a guy called Sanosuke, yes, he was his partner, where was he?

Shibirin got up to look around where he was. He was in some sort of confined room. He could see Sanosuke sitting besides him. Shibirin was all bandaged up. Hie forehead was bandaged, along with his neck, shoulders, arms and abdonem. "Where, where are we?" he asked his mate, as he got out of bed. His three katanas were on top of the small table he had noticed, near the door. He had only his long, black pants on and his glasses.

Shibirin couldn't remember a thing, besides a bright light, illuminating the figure of a male he had seen just before passing out. Beyond that, his mind was as if someone had pressed a reset button on it. He made his way towards the small wooden table and picked up his three katana.

3Unite! Chapter 2 [Ask to join] Empty Re: Unite! Chapter 2 [Ask to join] Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:43 pm



Sanosuke looked at his now awakened partner Shirbirin, he was still a bit groggy as he walked towards his swords. Sanosuke stayed in his bed as he followed the other inhabitant of the room with his eyes. Sansosuke had a single bandage strip over his right eye to stop the bleeding of his cut. His right arm was no in a sling and his ribs were wrapped tightly with bandages. Unlike Shibirirn, he was not shirtless but instead he had his long black long sleeve shirt on him and his black diamond pendant. His sword laid on the bed in front of him.

"I don't know man, when I woke up you were still knocked out. I woke up 2 hours ago" Sanosuke informed Shibirin as he cracked his right arm socket. He let out a hiss in pain as he did so "The door over there is locked, I've been trying since I got up to get it open but it's sealed with chakra."

4Unite! Chapter 2 [Ask to join] Empty Re: Unite! Chapter 2 [Ask to join] Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:01 am


shibirin was just about to open his mouth to speak, but suddenly the door flew open. a strong, gush of wind came through and a young man in an Anbu uniform came rushing in. He walked into the room and stopped just in front of the entrance, before kneeling down on one knee and saying, "The game master wishes to speak to you," as if Shibirin and Sanosuke were supposed to know what the man was talking about.

Before giving the two boys the chance to reply, the Anbu ninja stood up and directed the two out the door. Shibirin hand't the slightest clue as to why this game master guy wanted to speak to them, but he decided to take the man's word for it and made his way out the door. He assumed his partner would follow, unless he liked being locked in that room.

When they had finally gotten outside, Shibirin noticed that they had been in a cave the whole time. He also noticed that he was still wearing just his pants and glasses, and of course his three swords by his left hip. "Where are we going?" he asked the Anbu, but he didn't answer. instead, he kept on leading the two down the mountin, til they started to see a rather large coliseum. They continued walking, til they reached its entrance which was guarded by another pair of Anbu ninja. They were allowed in, this being because they were being escorted by one of their own. inside, was the largest arena Shibirin had ever seen. It was as big as a village, but it was empty. Around the whole arena, were millions of seats, all empty at the moment.

The Anbu nin then lead the two boys up into some building, before directing them inside the main office of the building: the game master's office. He/She was sitting in a large chair, facing away from the three nin who had just entered. "Welcome," he began speaking, as he slowly turned his chair around to face them.

Last edited by Shibirin on Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:18 am; edited 1 time in total

5Unite! Chapter 2 [Ask to join] Empty Re: Unite! Chapter 2 [Ask to join] Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:00 pm



Before Sanosuke was ushered outside of the room, he grabbed his sword and slung it across his back. The effort caused ripples of pain in his arms, this was a broad sword it took a lot of energy to lift this sword with one hand. And the hand he used it with was still numb from the fight he had before passing out. Bottom line was this if those ANBU agents were leading him and Shirbirin into a fight, Sanosuke was in no condition to fight.

When they saw they entered the game master's office, the ANBU that guided them disappeared and reappeared at the flanks of the game master's chair. "Welcome...Flynt Sanosuke and Genko Shibirin" his voice boomed as he spoke. He slowly turned his chair to face the two. The man was the same man who rescued them from the cave. What the hell was going on here? He was no wearing a rather expensive black suit with an equally expensive black tie to match. "I go by many names; Father, Elder, hell even God. But please call me Game Master. I don't like giving out my official name"

Sanosuke rose an eyebrow, this guy was definitely an odd one. It was then Sanosuke noticed one thing about Game Master.....his eyes had no irisis. They were simply black instead of white. Sanosuke's blood began to frost over at the realization.

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