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Hanbei hadn't been here long.

Although the boy had moved into the country and handed over a summary of Konohagakure's list of missing ninja that they had an APB on, Hanbei would have hoped to go out and see the village a little before the caravan looked towards moving back home. The great and mountainous nation was the pinnacle of craftsmanship and artistic innovation. Hanbei could almost feel the energy radiating from this immense place of worship to the gods of the arts. She was certain that shuten Doji and Ippondatara had made their homes here, and somewhere among the sounds of clanging that seemed to linger permanently across the winds of the city, one of them was one of the legendary spirits of the forge hammering away on yet another legendary creation. So, it was beaming with anticipation and excitement that Hanbei moved into the greater city, looking to find something to do, laughing at the man who was unable to get into his house, an eye opening on his door as he had fallen ill of a Nurikabe.

'Prankster wall spirits that they were.'

Buying himself a parasol, as they were closer to the sun for Hanbei's fairer skin, she looked around to see the local administration building and the mission office. It was hard to think that such a closed in space such as Iwa, being high above the ground and within such solid walls would have an issue with a criminal element to begin with. A chord struck in the Kumogakure ninja as she looked quizzically at the mission boards to see what may be there, the old and antique parasol basking lovingly in the sunlight, happy once again to be used, though deliberating about pranking the young ninja that had foolishly gripped its foot in the meantime. Of all the missions that the boy saw, much of it had to do with missing ninja or live-stock that seemed to be harassing the nearby villages. However, there was one mission that caught Hanbei's eye.


A newfound gang within the city of Iwagakure have been caught in raids selling slaves from the cities homeless to outside sources. The smuggling operation has been cemented in the city for some time and we're looking for ninja to hunt down and end the syndicates operation once and for all. Last known sightings include:

  • The Bazaar
  • Aqueducts
  • Warehouse District.

Seeing the fact that such a heinous crime was committed in such a noble nation was a start to the young Guanyin. Due to his own experiences she wasn't going to allow something like this to continue on her watch, so, writing down the details of the mission, she resolved to at least do this little bit of good for the nation before she had to leave. Iwagakure was a big place, but she was sure that with the power of her medical sight, she may be able to sense people who were around at night after curfew, and with that sight she would be able to sense distress and people clustered together in such a way that she would be able to determine just who were the slaves that she was looking for were. If she could do that, she would surely be able to break apart at least a decent chunk of their illegal operation in the village! Hanbei was excited, anxious, angry and hopeful all at once, to the point that he thought he was going to burst, yet, he thought it best that he actually find his way to an enrollment office somewhere around here and sign up for the hunt in person.

The search took some time, orienting himself to the layout and ways of the people here, ultimately asking for directions, the Guanyin girl found herself at the head of the line asking to take the mission that had been described. It seemed that, it was recommended for Hanbei in particular, to her chagrin, that she was recommended to work in a team of at least 2 to tackle the nature of this mission, and that the office would get a hold of someone so that the two of them would be able to deal with this threat together. Henbei didn't mind working with another person, but she knew the look the person had given her, she thought that because of her size and stature that she was little more than a fresh genin from right out of the academy... Grumbling to herself for a moment, Hanbei took a seat and waited for the ninja she was to be working with to arrive at the office and meet her.

"Why do i feel like this is all going to end in tears..." Hanbei mumbled, folding her arms in a huff as the Parasol chuckled heartily, Hanbei's eyes shooting wide open as she would slowly turn to come face to face with the solitary eye and prehensile tongue of the Tsukumogami of his umbrella that lashed out and licked her across the face, right on Hanbei's lips causing her to splutter and cough in disgust at the slimy warm texture of the creature's tongue, causing some of the people around the guanyin to stare up in alarm before Hanbei would wave their concerns away.

'hopefully today got better soon.'

Uzumaki Ilya

Uzumaki Ilya

For months now, Yomi had been wandering around, doing some odd jobs and minding her own business. She didn't care much for how the village or the world worked, as long as she had her fun and her excitement, she was fine with anything. Playing a bouncer for a tavern, security detail for a local crimelord, retrieving peculiar pets, it was all good as long as she got paid and had some fun. However, this string of thought, this mindset practically alienated her from her fellow shinobi and actually prevented her from reaching much further than chuunin in the past years. Not that being a chuunin was bad, but she had at least hoped to be a spec jounin or to at least be recognized as such in due time.

"Lowsy bartender with his foul mouth," The woman walked out of a slezy looking bar, pulling her gloves and straightening her jacket before lighting a cigarette, looking at the cloudy sky with her moody demeanor and walking away from the sleezy bar in which she had had a word with the bartender regarding her pay for fixing some of his 'issues'.

It was her intention to go and have a look at the mission boards again, to hopefully find a mission that would be more up her alley and would perhaps allow her to at least keep her chuunin rank within the village, which had been heavily contested after the disaster of her reconnaisance mission a year prior. If she had not beaten up those two genin from the village hidden in the waterfalls, the entire thing would've gone smoothly, but then again she just hated those snot nosed brats and their annoyingly ignorant way of thinking.

Yomi noticed a young kid next to her when she was looking at the mission boards, letting out a soft chuckle when noticing the frail appearance of the kid. She instantly knew it was a boy, but so effeminate that it was almost laughable. nodding her head and completely disregarding the kid's presence, she exhaled smoke into his direction when she noticed an intriguingly interesting mission on the mission board.

"Hmm, human trafficking...haven't done that before, but might as well be fun to bash some skulls while I'm at it," Letting out a chuckle, the Yamada clanmember looked at Hanbei again, smirking a bit when she followed his eyes and noticed that he as well had been looking at the same mission. "You know kid, a pretty boy like yourself would be perfect bait for a mission like this, interested?"




The jarring sensation of a harsh voice stirred the boy.

"Hmm, human trafficking...haven't done that before, but might as well be fun to bash some skulls while I'm at it...You know kid, a pretty boy like yourself would be perfect bait for a mission like this, interested?"

He didn't know how, but through him basically wearing the robes of a priestess and his medical condition, the woman that was to Hanbei's side seemed to see through him instantly. A point that would be noted, as whoever this woman seemed to be, she had an acute sense for biology or was simply able to read people far better than most others. Whoever this person was, they seemed to be interested in the mission that Hanbei was intending to take. Though the idea of luring the people into some form of trap, using himself to cast the bait was likely a good idea. Hanbei would be able to dress up and walk at night in an attempt to lure them out of hiding, then, without a moments notice, the trap would spring and they would be able to take them all out in one go. However, it seemed that the woman here was more interested in a fight than to save the civilian people that they intended to be harming. So, struggling to raise his voice for a moment, Hanbei would swallow and sum up his courage before nodding and saying his piece.

"It's a good idea..." he would mumble before the excitement overwhelmed him in the heat of the moment. "Lets do it! I can dress down and wander the streets, I'm sure they'll fall for the trap. Just, we can't kill em all, we have to keep some of them around so that they can take us to any people they have locked away, kay?" He spoke with an amount of explosive childlike enthusiasm that would catch most off guard. All that was left now was to decide where they two of them would strike from and where they would have the best chance of catching the most of them. The bazaar at night was a busy place, hanging out the back alleys where the scum most often liked to settle. The warehouse district was mostly owned by businesses and was often patrolled by ninja, so, it would be risky for them to likely grab someone from there. The bazaar was probably the best bet of the options so, Hanbei would race ahead with a mock plan.

"So, I'll meet you at the Bazar tonight? I'm sure you'll recognize me! I'll try and put up a little bit of a struggle to call some attention to myself before we make our big reveal about our honeypot scheme." hanbei laughed, covering his mouth as he did so in sheer glee. Monsters needed to be taken care of, but death to hanbei had not yet sunk in as a concept into his youthful mind. For the moment, life and death were much like that of a videogame. He'd never known anyone who had died, not in his life-time. He knew his parents were dead, but they had died shortly after he was born, so, he never got to know them.

The decision would rest upon the shoulders of the person he was about to do the mission with,
if they wanted a smarter plan they would have to be the one who thought it up. Hanbei was not in the frame of mind to act like an adult when his mischievous side began to take hold. It had been so long since he was able to relax and just be a child, play jokes, pranks and play with others. So, even if the people that he was going to play this particular joke on were criminals, it was hilarious to the Kumogakure Chuunin. Though, a better idea would be likely to allow hanbei to be captured and have him be taken and followed to their base of operations so they could hit them all at once. But, that would require thought. a Commodity that the Guanyin was sorely lacking at this particular moment.

900+735 = 1635 / 2500

Uzumaki Ilya

Uzumaki Ilya

So the kid agreed with Yomi's initial assessment, quite nice to have someone who understood how her train of thoughts worked. After all, that was actually something rare in the world, to have someone who understood one's ideas. However, Yomi was still wondering about the kid and why or how he'd be able to help beyond being a good bait in a mission like this, at first sight he didn't look exactly someone of great strength or confidence, but then again judging a book by its cover was something that could bite someone in the beehive on a later date.

"So, we're agreeing on you being bait...neat," The woman exhaled some teal smoke from between her lips, smiling to Hanbei with a naughty twinkle in her eyes. This was going to be some fun way of handling herself a bit. She needed a decent mission after all and the kid was right, there was no need to kill everyone, plus it wasn't exactly her style to kill people, it just happened on a lot of occassions. "Well, seeing you in a dress would be pretty amusing if I say so myself, so let's get going with that, heheh."


With a smile on her face, Yomi walked through the streets of Iwagakure, calmly thinking about what they'd be doing that night, not to mention the amusement she'd have with seeing a kid crossdress and hopefully look convincingly like a weak little girl, since in all honesty, Yomi would've probably failed at being a convincing bait for a mission like this.

When she reached the bazaar, she looked around, settling herself quite out of sight for the ordinary people, by leaning against the back of a lamp post near a shadowy alley, she needed to remain unseen for those who were part of the human trafficking ring without being invisible to the probably soon to arrive crossdresser. "Let's get this show on the road shall we?"

The bazaar at night, exactly the place to have some sleazy people with bad thoughts to walk around and look for a good haul in either cash or contents...




And so a plan formed.

Slyness, craft, intelligence and wit were the tools that were required to complete such a task, though they were not up against ninja, these were brigands, criminals... deceitful cowards that in spite of the ninja nation had managed to operate and live long enough to create something that could be called an operation. Though, ninja, especially in Iwa, had a particular... feel about them. They were rougher, tougher, working the stone definitely made them paragons of strength in the ninja world, however it did allow them to be seen coming a mile away when it came to the criminal underworld. This was much unlike the ninja of Sunagakure and Konoha, people who hid from the sun, a great variety due to the vastly different climates that covered the independent lands. Hanbei surmised it was probably the reason such groups didn't exist around there... or perhaps the reasoning was a little more sinister. He couldn't tell upon his initial inspection. As his companion seemed to like the sound of him being in a dress, Hanbei took a look at the long baggy almost priestly robes he was already wearing that, to the untrained eye would have been considered a rather formal dress already.

"It wouldn't be too different from what I'm wearing now, but, I'll find something then brush up before tonight, just you wait. "

Hanbei finished with a light giggle as he would then move to inspect the rest of the village, he needed to find some decent silks, a kimono or a yukata would be the best for the job, but not something too expensive. Hanbei didn't want to give off the profile of being too high class. Criminals may think him to be too high profile, therefore not worth grabbing due to the public attention. As he skimmed through the wares of the salesmen he managed to find something relatively cheap, but pretty none the less. It was a heavier kimono with purples and blues and a deep purple obi to go with it. Hanbei's wooden shoes would fit it just fine as he would purchase the garb. Holding it under arm as she would scurry off into the distance to change into it. The material, although silk, had a hidiously low thread count, and the silk wasn't exactly of the finest weave. It made the boy feel itchy to the point that he almost felt like using his chakra to numb himself to the horrible sensation until he thought...

'Am i really this spoilt?'

Night came, Hanbei would meet up with his partner at the Bazaar, running into view and performing a twirl. The egregiously long sleeves twirling behind him as he danced. Hanbei had also put on some light make up simply for the image, though he often wore some basic concealer and eye-shadow. This time he'd paid some special attention to his appearance, he wanted to look special. A butterfly clip in his hair that would catch the open moonlight, even though it was just a cheap crystal piece of rose quartz segments strung together to create a butterfly, it was something to complete the image. Finishing her twirl, Hanbei would pose, bringing a finger to the corner of her lips curled in a slightly sinister smirk allowing one of his legs to pop up behind her coyly to complete the image, failing miserably at not laughing as he would step quickly over to Yomi.

"Whaddya think!? I don't think I did too badly myself. The purples go with my hair i feel. I don't think these guys are gonna know what hit em."

Hanbei could not help but laugh at the scenario, what came next was going to be fun! As soon as his companion gave the go ahead, Hanbei would be unleashed into the bazaar at night, fumbling with and kicking a kemari ball around. Kicking it off the side of houses and weaving playfully around the Bazaar in the open moonlight, making a little bit of noise so not to be too inconspicuous. Truth be told, Hanbei made a rather attractive girl when he wanted to, and often did. The slightly cruel and malicious side of a child acting up in the same manner that twins would be compelled to switch positions and fool their peers occasionally. There was a thrill to being in disguise and being able to live and act as another person. He couldn't deny it and he didn't think he would were he ever asked to. So, he would run around the Bazaar foolishly, as eyes would begin to gather and move around. These eyes would leer and watch from the shadows, but the fact of the matter was, Hanbei was a little too out in the open for their liking... but like vultures, they awaited a single mistake, and everything would be over.

'So it was time to engineer that mistake.'

With a single 'fumbled' kick, Hanbei would ensure that the ball rolled off into one of the alleys that he was certain he heard movement from, falling over flat on his face as he did so with an Oompf. Letting out an audible sign of pain he would stand to his feet and dust off his clothing as he looked around for the ball, but couldn't see it. Feigning worry, he would begin to search, pretending not to know where it had gone to. The prize was too perfect, and it didn't take long for some of the eyes to disappear. Hanbei muttering all along lines like 'oh no, where did it go? Oh, my dad's going to kill me... oh no... is it over here?' Mumbling frantically like an air-headed ditz as he gave the criminals everything they needed to have. Sure enough, there was a 'psst' heard from one of the alleys that attracted Hanbei's ear, as he turned to face the man who had picked up the ball and held it in his hand.

"Looking for this kid?"

Like a cat presented with the threat, but also wanting what had been taken, would lower his tone, slump his shoulders and walk forward cautiously, the group behind the man beginning to snicker. Hopefully, Yomi had gotten into position, or was near it, cos surely things were about to happen soon. The men would loom over hanbei and jeer as Hanbei would look up them, pleading for the ball back as they would respond with snide remarks about how she could get it back, after she came with them to see something. Hanbei looked uncomfortable before rejecting, saying no and asking again for them to just give it back. This time a little firmer, stamping his foot and straightening his arms at his sides in balled fists. The group could barely hold their hysteria before finally levelling with her. Saying to either come with them, or she'd never see it again... soon after they began to leave. Looking anxiously to either side, Hanbei would begin to follow. Thinking to himself...

'Oh dear, this is going to hurt... the things i do for countries.'

As soon as he passed the threshold into the shadows, Hanbei was hit in the back of the head with something that seemd to be made of wood. Hitting the ground like a sack of bricks as the group would pick him up and begin to cart him away quickly. Attempting to disappear into the night and retreat to their base.

1326 + 1635 = 2961 / 2500.

461 words remaining.

Uzumaki Ilya

Uzumaki Ilya

When some time had passed, with the rather rowdy Yomi practically tired of waiting for her new partner to arrive in a dress of some kind, the woman had already started smoking a cigarette, twirling her square, metal lighter in her hand and playing with it as she was still counting the seconds that passed as slow as hours in her own opinion, flicking it open now and then, looking at the sputtering flame that erupted every time she did so, realizing she'd better refill the small object with lighter fluid soon enough.

As she let out a sigh, the smoke silently floated into the air, passing the relatively dim light of the lantern near her position, yet the silence was soon broken when after quite some time Hanbei; Yomi's new partner for this certain mission finally arrived, completely unrecognisable as a boy and convincingly girlish and feminine in appearance. "Very nice outfit, kid," She chuckled, throwing down her cigarette and stomping it out to retreat to the shadows away from the lantern.

Hanbei seemed to be the perfect actor in a case as this, playing his part wonderfully by living the role of a innocent and ignorant child playing with her ball in the late evening. It was interesting to watch the entire thing, how Hanbei "accidentally" fumbled a kick against the ball and how "coincidentally" a certain man previously hidden in a nearby dark alley would be able to find and retrieve it for the "poor" little girl. In short, it was quite the hilarious sight in Yomi's eyes, who truly enjoyed the act, especially when she had the knowledge that though the man thought he was playing the girl, it was in fact Hanbei who was simply following the plan to the letter by acting as bait and purposely being captured.

When the men started to load Hanbei up to a cart, Yomi had long vanished, having climbed up on the roof to be able to count the group's members and follow them out of sight, but close enough should things go awry. After all, despite the fact she wouldn't easily doubt other's abilities, she was fairly certain that Hanbei was not exactly the physical type of shinobi, not like she was at least.

The group lead the cart to a large warehouse near the village's stone quarries, which Yomi knew to be the perfect place to smuggle people over the mountains, especially with all the mines and tunnels near the quarries leading throughout the entire region and connecting many of the abandoned mines and quarries in other parts of the country.

When the men finally arrived at the warehouse, the gate opened and two men came out to grab Hanbei and to put her onto a chain with other young kids and potential slaves and workers. The very sight of it was disgusting, but a welcome lesson to Yomi concerning the darker side of the village she lived in and was a part of. This was without a doubt worse than some unlicensed fighter ring or a simple turf war. "Well, let's get on the damn roof and start this mission's second part."

She ran around the roof she was standing on, landing silently on the street's stones and quickly moved towards the warehouse with the intention to climb the drain and look what was happening through one of the open windows in the roof of the rather spaceous building. Witha single kunai in her hand, she waited for Hanbei to either wake up or at least quit his faking so she could throw the kunai at the chain that shackled the boy's feet. "Part two, here we go."




There was something chilling at the heart of relinquishing all control

When Hanbei awoke he was being carried off somewhere, coming to life was hard, Hanbei would groan and raise a hand to his head as he did so as he would begin to hear the laughs from the others, clamping hanbei's feet in chains as they did so before throwing her into a room with a group of other children all younger than Hanbei, but at about the same age he looked in this particular facade. The fact of the matter was simple, Hanbei knew that his companion would not be far behind, so, looking to the other children, Hanbei would crack a smile, using chakra in an inward healing pulse to recover the concussion that he had suffered and looking to the others as he did so. Each of them saw in turn that Hanbei was a ninja as the bright bruise on her head faded into nothing, but, Hanbei hushed each and every one of them as they began to work themselves up in excitement. A guard coming by and shouting them down.

'Everything had been perfect.'

Within the next few minutes there was the sound of a Kunai slamming into his chains as Hanbei was freed from the shackles of their enemies' oppression. It was time to have some fun now, that much was certain... but Hanbei had to look at the other children, taking out several of his Senbon and working on their locks quickly, clicking them open one by one with precision as he did so as he knew that they would have to be let out first and taken to safety. As he did so, he would speak out loud behind himself to his companion. "Don't worry about me, im fine...You begin the action, I'll make sure that these people get to safety!" Hanbei would say with some loudness in his voice to attract some level of attention from around the area. They weren't ninja after all, so, there was no use in letting them not prepare at all... one of the guards came to the door, seeing Yomi and shouting in response.

'Hey! You! What are you doing here!'

With that, the jailbreak began. Hanbei had loosed all the kids moving from one to the other in turn before ordering them all to gather up in a group and follow him. As soon as they were free they were to run in a group towards the administration building in the middle of the city or until a bunch of ninja stopped them... then to explain everything. They agreed. So, Hanbei would break out and make his way for the exit, moving around Yomi and looking for his way out. Reaching into the strands of his kimono and drawing several sharp chakra needles from the threads. Racing down the hall as quickly as the mob could move. It didn't take long for one of the smugglers to break free from the main conflict and attempt to head off their precious cargo. coming from around a blind corner, the man, weapon overhead would let out a strike for Hanbei's head. Dropping to the ground with his hands planting firmly on the ground, Hanbei would sweep out the mans' leading leg with power and precision.

The follow up would be equally fierce. As the man fell, Hanbei would, almost run up his body from a crouching position, sommersaulting backwards as he reached the apex of the run, twisting his body as he left the ground for a moment as he would spin like a top. Each hand now free from the ground would let out three of his needles for the man who was in their way, striking him deeply in core meridian points crippling him for life. Landing on his feet, Hanbei would use one of the chakra needles to strike at a lock on the door as he would move to get the others into open ground, freeing them. Although there were more smugglers in the den... many more.

Uzumaki Ilya

Uzumaki Ilya

It seemed that Hanbei had been the perfect partner for more than one reason, not only did the kid appear to be as cute as the most feminine possible little girl, but he seemed to hide a certain daring demeanor which made Yomi chuckle when she got to watch how he reacted to the situation in which he had been placed after the initial step as a bait had been succesfully rounded off. Not to mention the fact that the kid seemed to be quite handy when it came to picking locks with a few senbon, which would be a useful skill in many other unpredictable and unpredicted situations in life.

Having jumped down from the roof, Yomi just made a quick glance towards Hanbei and the in the meantime easily unshackled and freed kids that made up what had to be a full load for another sale on the black market. It made the Yamada clansmember shiver at the very thought what they'd do if they had her in chains and shackles like those kids.

While she heard Hanbei say that it was time for action, Yomi's lips curled into an eerie looking smirk. She grabbed her pack of cigarettes and pulled one out, lighting it with her signature square, metal lighter and blowing out the smoke to enjoy the moment to its fullest.

'Hey! You! What are you doing here!'

"Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum and I'm all out of bubble gum," With her leg rising into the air, Yomi suddenly dropped the heel of her boot onto the door that stood between them and the guards in the building. The sound of wood shattering and ripping like if it were just cardboard alarmed the other guards as well, drawing the attention of most of the people that had been waiting in the large warehouse. "Oh...I'm going to enjoy this moment."

A few handseals were made by the rowdy woman, followed by her boots bursting open, when a layer of jagged crystal started to quickly creep up her legs, looking like spiky purple colored boots. While the sight thereof seemed to not only distract, but also intimidate the guards Yomi turned her face towards Hanbei and smiled while holding up her thumb. It was time for the bait to become the guide in the kids' escape, while the roughneck rowdy would be the distraction for once and Yomi just plain and simple loved this plan.

The first guard who finally started to move at her, had already gotten his hands on a knife and moved in to cut her up, thrusting his knife towards Yomi's chest, which she managed to narrowly avoid by sidestepping and raising her knee until it was as high as her own head, with a swift high kneestrike against the man's left temple, he was knocked out, completely tuckered out like a ragdoll on the ground, yet he wasn't alone, as when she had taken down one guard, two more seemed to gain the courage to move at her.

With two guys now rushing over at her, trying to land some punches, Yomi decided to take a more defensive stance, making a few handseals to put her hands forward and have crystals jut out of those hands into the form of a shield, which not only blocked their punches, but also cut open their arms and when their fists connected with the shield, the building was filled with the sickening sound of bone breaking an sinews snapping.

As the crystals dissipated, the woman threw her cigarette towards another guard and while he swiped the cigarette away, she jumped upwards, crashing her left knee against his nose and obviously breaking, if not shattering it in the most painful way possible.

Yet by the time she stood back onto her feet, Yomi realized that easily half of the smugglers had decided to go after Hanbei, meaning she had to work her way towards the boy as well, to prevent the mission from failing. This sadly also meant that she could no longer be holding back, which would mean that not everyone was going to be as lucky as the few guards she had taken out by now, 'just' knocking out was no longer a priority.

Without regrds for her own safety, she started running through the building, using the jagged crystals protecting her feet to either kick some of the unfortunate guards against their head or face for a quick take down or she simply swiped at the with her fists, just to get through them.

Alas as she almost reached the exit, there were three guys with swords ready to move out, but they noticed Yomi and seemed to decide that it was smarter to take her down first, while their partners moved out to get the kids.

Letting out a deep sigh, Yomi stomped her both feet on the ground, crashing the crystals that had been protecting her legs to dust, while in a mere moment, two dark purple blades seemed to grow into her hands. It was her favorite jutsu, allowing her to have a near unlimited supply of weapons to be used at any situation.

While she liked the jutsu though, the three smugglers seemed to be annoyed by the fact that she had leveled the playing field so easily and instantly ran over to her.

They seemed to be trained better in the way of the sword, as with the three of them they managed to push Yomi into the defensive, as she had to use her two blades to halt two of theirs, only to narrowly avoid a lethal cut through her shoulders when the third guy moved in to slice his blade down.

The result was that Yomi yet again had to have her jacket being ruined by someone else's weapons. This alone was enough to piss her off and push her over the edge.

With a swift flick of both her wrists, she managed to hook both her swords behind those of the two guys she had managed to defend against, slicing her swords down towards the guards protecting their hands, easily crashing through them and cutting painfully through their fingers.

As the two dropped their inferior blades, screaming in pain and agony, The woman turned a quarter to the side, raised her leg and swiped her heel through the air, hitting one of them against the side of his head and the other against his lower jaw, silencing them instantly as one was knocked out and the other couldn't speak properly with a dislocated jaw. However, she wasn't done yet, turning her attention towards the guy who had ruined her jacket and smiling at him.

With just a few handseals, she covered her legs yet again with jagged crystals and lunched herself towards the poor guy, rotating through the air like a drill as she crashed upon his chest with her spiky feet, kicking him outside of the building right in the middle of the group that had managed to follow Hanbei. "I think we've made our point, right kid?"




''I think we've made our point, right kid?

Hanbei had to think about that or a moment. Had they really made their point? Or was there still something that they needed to say to the people within the building. There was likely still some people standing that decided they had not wanted to fight, and some of the men that she had taken out were crippled more than dead, Hanbei wanted to put the fear of god back in the for a moment. So, without further adieu, he would look back at the building and and begin to perform hand seals one after the other, raiton crackling at his finger-tips as the chakra developed before he would finally hold out his hands, hundreds of needles per second would explode from his palms as they would penetrate through the building at waist height, shredding the building like swiss cheese as a couple of cries would ring out. The singing bright raiton needles from his stream of needle hell would rip everything within the factory apart to the point past its ability to use... after a couple of moments, and just before Hanbei thought the building was going to collapse, he ended the techniques with a smile and nodded to Yomi

"Yup, time to go i think. Thanks for having my back. Had to put the fear of god in them a little more."

Hanbei laughed heartily, beaming with an open smile as he would make his way back to the admin building, and finally cash in the mission... It wouldn't be long before he would need to leave to head back to konoha, he had some business there that he needed to deal with in the mean time and he could not leave the place for long quite yet.

"I leave for konoha in the morning with my caravan, but it was nice working with you miss, should you ever need a partner, maybe you and I could team up again! I'll buy you a drink." Hanbei would finish, listening in turn before bidding goodbye to his new found acquaintance, maybe one day, their working together could develop into a friendship.

maybe, one day


Uzumaki Ilya

Uzumaki Ilya

"Hmm, fear of god...nice idea," Yomi smirked when she noticed the lightning crashing down upon the building, making a nice statement for what Hanbei had intended to do. It was quite interesting to see the jutsu at work though and at the same time terrifying, for Yomi did not have any skills in ninjutsu and was worrying that if she did not step up her game, she might actually have a rough time keeping up with the people around her.

"Just call me Yomi, kid," The rowdy woman laughed, as she grabbed a new cigarette and lit it with her lighter. "It would indeed be quite fun to have another team up one day, Hanbei."

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