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1Yobadashi Empty Yobadashi Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:44 pm

Senju Airi

Senju Airi


Yobadashi Latest?cb=20130727181932

Yobadashi FAHfQ33
Clan Name: Yobadashi

"Yobadashi", meaning 'invoker, caller', is not so much a clan but rather a collective of people that have picked up the power of Voicecraft and raised it to new levels. Whlie it is true they origin from the Land of Demons, the Yobadashi generally teach their arts to everyone within the world they deem potential apprentices.

Location: Originally hailing from the Land of Demons (north-east on the world map), makes all Yobadashi wanderers, allowing them to start wherever they wish.


  • Chanter: Ninjutsu & Fuinjutsu (Both as Primary/Secondary)

    The Chanter focuses on two distinct abilities of the Yobadashi's arts: the chanting of magical phrases that will manifest in the form of various occult seals (fuinjutsu) which will eventually unleash the chanter's true powers, and the command of creatures to support it in combat - summons.

  • Soulsinger: Ninjutsu & Genjutsu (Both as Primary/Secondary)

    The Soulsinger, who tears down the physical vessels of the body and manipulates the souls within to their bidding. Hearing their chants is bound to warp the minds of the uninitiated and lift the spirits of his chosen allies.

Elements: All are free to be chosen.

Yobadashi HhU72Pp
Clan History: It is said that the very first Yobadashi signed a pact with an Akuma of Yomi, the otherworld, so she could be granted powers over Sound no other would ever match. While her name has since been long forgotten, the Song of Origins shared by the Yobadashi tells her tale.

In the first chapter, it states that she was driven by a heart brimming with rage and passion alike. Young, brazen and strong, she conquered the world as a reputed songstress. Her rising reputation invoked envy and adoration alike. While her voice opened many doors and offered many lovers in a world that seemed unbreakable, her nights were filled with doubt and insecurity as the whispers of jealousy reached her heart.

In the second chapter, the maiden grows older and permanently loses her voice to cold and strange diseases. Her fans fall away and ill tongues speak of poison and trickery. Her heart breaks, aching for the warmth of the people, and drives her in desperation into the hands of the Akuma - a sly seducer from the shadows of Yomi.

In the third chapter, her voice returns to her but her glory remains elusive still. She becomes a mother, bearing the child of Yomi. Melancholic she will never reach her childhood dream again, her voice takes on a different path and becomes the healing sooth-sayer of the young and wounded.

In the last chapter, the Akuma's bargain bears its fruits - a rift forms between the chanting crone who has learned all the chants of Yomi by now, and the shadow of Man her son has become. Having grown more cunning and powerful, she casts the Akuma out of her heart and of her shoulders, forcing each of the three to walk their own way: the Akuma is banished to the World of Yomi once more, the Songstress embraces the night for an eternity and the shadow of Man becomes the Yobadashi of today to find the verses of his own tale.

The people below might not be the founders of the Yobadashi, but each of them has played their own crucial role in the evolution of the collective. Whether for the good or the bad of the Yobadashi name, they set an example of what each Yobadashi could become and paved the road to many more options in the future.

  • Azakiel Delarue, Chanter. [x]
    A noble in search of dark secrets and even darker powers. When the Yobadashi passed, he forsook everything in pursuit of their secrets, believing that mastery over the Seika-no-Yomi would allow him to dig deeper still in Forbidden arts. He became a master in the invocation of occult seals, summoning various creatures to do his bidding - Skrielig, the Nightmare Raven, being his favourite. MIA, presumed dead.
  • 'Nightingale', Chanter. [x]
    Once a child stuck to a wheel chair due to a most unfortunate accident, she became the spark of hope for many people around her with her singing voice. Weaving song and KKG together, she bestowed upon others the healing she could receive no longer. She died peacefully in her sleep.
  • Soren, Soulsinger. [x]
    An androgynous Yobadashi with a voice of which was said to soothe the wounds and lift the spirits. As a bisexual charmer, he often lured and lulled people into a false sense of security, seemingly weaving the perfect dream in the minds of his opponents. Due to his name and appearance, he was often nicknamed 'The Siren' until his throat was slit by an assassin.
  • Rosh Severine, Soulsinger. [x]
    He crafted the very first 'words of power', making his voice boom through the battlefields like thunder with just a single word. His warcries bolstered the strength, speed and morale of his personal troops, his roars made the earth shake under the feet of his opponent and his shouts blasted 'puny people' away with the power of the Great Winds. He used to be a great leader, dying with his people during the Seven Bells period.

Yobadashi Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Seika-no-Yomi ("Chant of the Otherworld")

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Chants of Yomi are sound-based secrets not easily denied as they are said to have their origins from an inhumane world.

  • The Sound of Silence
    The otherworldly sound-based jutsu of the Yobadashi can not be blocked by deafness or similar sound-impairing effects. A requiem for the dead, if you will.

  • Orchestra of a Thousand Souls
    Yobadashi receive the Multitasker SC without needing a negative, as they are trained to maintain their singing voice even during labour and while performing.

  • Words of Power Beyond
    The Yobadashi may substitute hand seals with chanting. While chanting, the user is free to perform any sort of action as long as it doesn't require his voice. This effects causes genjutsu (only) to become sound-triggered instead of their default sense trigger.


  • Hear Yomi Whisper
    Targeting deafened people with a sound-based jutsu imposes a -1 rank in effectiveness to that jutsu. Even if their sounds can't be blocked, the deaf are not their biggest fans.

  • Vocal Expertise
    To train a singing voice is not meant for everyone. To push mastery beyond that of the mundane requires a lifetime of devotion. Yobadashi therefore must take the Hesitant (Specialisation) without a positive.

  • Crescendo
    All jutsu substituting hand seals with the Yobadashi's chanting require an additional post of preparation since chants require time to build up. Jutsu that formerly had no preparation require thus 1 post of preparation.

Last edited by Senju Airi on Wed Jul 26, 2017 2:18 am; edited 4 times in total

2Yobadashi Empty Re: Yobadashi Tue Jul 25, 2017 4:01 am



I think this draft looks wonderful and is such a cool idea for a clan. It seems balanced so far. Only thing I need you to clarify is what exactly happens when they use their chants for Fuuinjutsu; you briefly describe it as "[manifesting] in the form of various occult seals which will eventually unleash the chanter's true powers", so does this function the same way as substituting genjutsu triggers for sound-based triggers? Also, anything specific concerning summons or is that just flavor text?

3Yobadashi Empty Re: Yobadashi Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:46 am

Senju Airi

Senju Airi

Ah, no, the italic text is just fluff to fit with the clan. The chanting to create occult seals is inspired on typical 'anime magic' which often creates arcane symbols (fuinjutsu seals) when casting before unleashing its power, and on Goetia occultism (such as the Keys of Solomon) that are supposed to summon or trap evil spirits.

I'm still thinking if Summoning will really be a clan thing but I doubt I'll focus on that. It's just an option available with the chanter's nin+fuin combo.

- Added image, history, members.
- Changed a little on the substitution part to clarify only genjutsu have their trigger changed. All other jutsu simply remain as is, but instead of using hands to mold chakra they use their voice/song/chanting/... much like one would utter magical incantations.

4Yobadashi Empty Re: Yobadashi Tue Jul 25, 2017 7:07 pm



Looking good so far, I don't have any additional suggestions. Let me know when you're finished.

5Yobadashi Empty Re: Yobadashi Wed Jul 26, 2017 2:07 pm




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