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1Just a Spar (Konjiki Jin/Mission/IO) Empty Just a Spar (Konjiki Jin/Mission/IO) Fri Jun 09, 2017 11:36 pm




Zu learned more about training his unique powers, but had yet to use them in any real application. It was something that was on his mind. Even though he wanted to use them in combat and actually feel the rush of combat, he was afraid what would happen if he should lose control. Zu was within a training grounds on Sunagakure. The sun was high in the sky as his feet shifted on the sand slightly while roaming through it. The humid and blistering hot environment was quite the burden on a body. Zu's first time coming to Sunagakure he learned exactly how unforgiving this place could be. He gave small thought on the people that came to his aid, Rokumaru and Syekren. He would never forget their generosity. This time though, he came prepared with plenty of water for his journey through these sands. The two rather large canteens swayed from side to side hitting against his body. It was two of the few things he had owned besides his clothes. Zu perhaps would one day need to get some sort of protection. For now, his sleeveless hoodie, pants, and shoes were enough. Zu needed to train his body more than his wallet. Most of the money he gained while working for Sunagakure he gave away to those even less fortunate than himself. Those with bodies weaker but still were alive. Zu's body was in decent shape, if only he could use it better. In these harsh lands he would learn to do just that.

With each step, he trudged on until he made it towards an encampment deep within. Many tents were built, and a lot of people were in a circle yelling. Most of them were men, however a woman or two could be seen shouting in the crowd. Zu lives in the slums and a somewhat secret fighting grounds was rumored out here. At first, Zu was no interested, but the ryo prize was nothing to scoff for how much he was currently making. When he arrived he registered for the fight. It was a rather beautiful lady sitting in a chair with a piece of paper. Her voice was kind and clearly encouraged people to sign it. One had to pay a small fee in hopes they would win a lot. Zu payed his fee and signed for the fight. She wished him luck before he went into the crowd of people, pushing them a little as he went closer to the front of the arena. The bracket he was placed in was just about to start. Three rounds and all he had to do was win them all. Simple enough... He would like to think. The announcer was quite loud as he spoke two people's names and they came forward. The first match would start. One man was rather large, and bald headed. His height was nothing to laugh at neither, with only a blank face as he made a stance. The other man, was slightly smaller in height and muscle mass. The fight seemed to favor the larger man as it panned out.

The first fight was brutal, however, these people were clearly not trained fighters judging by the sloppy fight. They held a little form behind their hits. Not that Zu was anything trained, but it was noticeable that the men were below par. Zu did have his transformations and rules were not really there. As far as the rules went when he registered was that you fought until the enemy gave up, even if that means death. Zu stood there in the crowed as they cheered, he just watched the fight. Two men began to duke it out as the crowed road with excitement. With each blow landed on the other, the crowd's excitement rose. Finally a lucky hit was landed by one of the guys on the side of the other's head causing him to be knocked out. The entire crowd went silent for a moment until the unconscious man's body hit the ground and they began to shout again. The victor walked off with a cocky attitude as others cheered him, the unconscious man was carried off to make sure he would be alright at least. The announcer made mention towards the first fight's memorable moments before calling Zu's name along side another. Zu walked on the arena circle that was covered with blood as he removed his hoodie and his water bottles setting them to the ground. Another man across from him walked forward. Not wasting any time, the fight broke out between the two. Rushing towards his combatant, Zu transformed his body using Combat Transformation Technique. Both his arms turned a gray color as one inch spikes were formed in between his knuckles. He would only have to use two transformations one on each arm with spikes even though he could have made a blade on his arm if he wanted. He was hoping that the subtle transformation would not go noticed hopefully. As the Zu and the other clashed, Zu had the slight upper hand. With each hit he landed while taking a hit from the other man meant more. He made sure not to hit anywhere vital as he aimed for the man's arms causing the punctures to the man's muscles as soon it became apparent that he could no longer hold up his arms. Zu hit him a few more times in the abdomen, piercing his muscles as he collapsed from the lack of blood. It seems that Zu made the sands quite red in the arena pit.

Like that the crowed cheered and Zu stepped out of the arena as a group of men grabbed Zu's loser and carried him off to tend to him as much as possible. Zu hoped the man would be alright, almost to the point of a wish. People then went to congratulate him, but he shrugged it off and when they touched him he would shrug it off. His mind began to feel the change from using this jutsu and he would have to maintain it. The anger seemed to fill him, it seemed that these people were annoying him to no end along side using his blood limit. Zu knew better than to do that but needed to for the money. Perhaps it would lead him to a nice meal. The next match was soon to start, and Zu stood there trying not to get angry at the overly loud crowd. The next round would start soon, and he just wanted this ordeal to be over with. All he tried to focus on that it was worth it with the ryo and training he would receive. He would not have to feel bad about hurting these people as they signed up for such a thing. Though, he would try to keep it at a minimum if possible. It was not his intentions to boast and cause unneeded harm, however, he had to make sure he could keep his body in a decent shape for all the rounds. Part of this was also endurance. Zu had to end his fight as fast as possible, taking only minor bruises on his body. Zu picked up one of his water bottles and gave it a chug as he breathed a little heavy. A lot of anxiety rose through him for what future fights would hold.

WC: 1247/1500 Mission

Jutsu used (Rage:3/10):

2Just a Spar (Konjiki Jin/Mission/IO) Empty Re: Just a Spar (Konjiki Jin/Mission/IO) Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:32 pm

Konjiki Jin

Konjiki Jin

It was about time for the third round, the one before the semi-finals of this bracket. The announcer yelled with exuberance, though his voice was course and cracked with old age. The names of each was shouted in succession as they parted the crowd to gain entry to the sand-stricken ring now covered with speckles of a blackened, faded crimson. On the left side, a six foot tall behemoth with many scars on his exposed back. He wore a tattered black, loose trousers and was bare footed. He sported a black Mohawk and an eye-patch.  With both arms up with pointed index fingers to the sky, he roared, enticing the crowd into a frenzy. Then came his opponent, a rather shady five foot five man, who wore a large brown overcoat, a bandana over his heads, and round sunglasses over his eyes.

The battle was underway. The larger man seemed to have the upper hand as he threw his weight around, half-connecting punches and slams. Meanwhile, the coated person didn't even land a single blow. As the clock ticked however, the giant got slow and lethargic, now gasping for his breath. His fists seemed bruised and starting to bleed from pore-like holes, as if he was punching a shark. Then suddenly, he would collapse and go unconscious! To everyone's disbelief, the coated man was the victor. As the giant was carried out by four persons, upon further inspection, he body seemed peppered with small holes, indicative of needles. It was clear now that he was administered some sort of drug or even poison. The rules of this showdown was scarce to say, many things were permitted.

Minutes past and the forth round was about to begin. The announcer did his thing, announcing one of the previous winners to the stage. It was a muscular man with a red, sleeveless karate get-up with the accompanying purple belt. His hair was spiked, and he had a black goatee. The crowed cheered as he did some fancy forms...
Following, the other participant-- a ten year old with chestnut brown hair, also wearing a similar styled outfit, but black, and sporting a red cape-like cover-cloak. The people here didn't seem to care about age or gender, surely having prior experience with all manner of fighters on this very make-shift arena. His name? Konjiki Jin!
Jin took a wide stance, a single hand thrusted forward with its palm outwards towards his bearded foe.
"Best of luck, opponent of mine!" he said with a highly noble and respectful tone, though his voice was rather infant-like. The bearded man laughed, and the crowd followed in. The match began after a few exchanges of words. Jin was fast, and coupled with the fact that he occupied a small space, he slipped under many spin-kicks and round-houses, sliding band kicking up a lot of sand in the process. With just a few more dodged attacks, the sand was thick enough for him to counter with a concealed attack.
"Katon!" he shouted from the mist like cover, all you could see was the bearded man being flung out of the obscurity with his clothes charred and his face utterly disgruntled. He was down and in some pain. The round was over and it was time for the finals just after the break. Jin would give a respectful bow to his enemy, then venture to a water station, for he was rather thirsty and sweating a decent bit.

Chakra 135/150 (Fireball jutsu (C))
603/603 words
603/1000 mission

3Just a Spar (Konjiki Jin/Mission/IO) Empty Re: Just a Spar (Konjiki Jin/Mission/IO) Wed Jun 14, 2017 5:58 pm



The third fight was nothing out of the ordinary other than just basic hand to hand combat. Everyone in the crowd became more rowdy as each battle happened. Their excitement seemed to brush off on Zu as he was actually enjoying this. A small smile came from the corner of his mouth, in a subtle way. He did not want to admit he was enjoying combat, but deep down he was. Perhaps there was more to him than even he knew. Still though, his heart would be focused on just winning fights, and not killing anyone. Killing goes against his code of trying to be a doctor. Zu stood among the people as they roared with excitement. Zu would have to keep in mind the fellow that won, his strength did look intimidating to say the least. The only thing that actually peeked his interest was that one of the fighters used a ninjutsu, specifically a fireball. The fourth round seemed by far the quickest, as this person ended it in just one attack. Zu tapped his foot out of anxiety, as if the repetitious motion calmed him down. The one that had just fought using the fire ball got down from the arena and went for a drink. The semi-finals match started after a brief intermission. Zu was decently fine, he carefully took a drink of his water before setting it back on the ground. He tried not to show off his arms so no one would ask about what he did. Before too long the first semi-final match started and it was Zu, versus the first round winner. As Zu walked upon the stage he looked back at the one that used the ninjutsu for but a moment. He hoped he was fighting him next and also hoped that he would win his fight against the next person so he could have his chance. The announcer spoke in a loud voice that seemed to set Zu on edge. Then again he was using his keke genkai and it always made him angrier. Zu stood across from his opponent bowing slightly before the match started. Judging from the last fight this man was mostly upper body strength. For Zu to get a chance against him, he would have to disable his movement. As the two went towards each other, Zu was faster than he was and ducked his right handed punch. When he did so, he used the momentum from the  duck to punch the man's thigh muscles before jumping back again to compose himself and assess the damage dealt. The man was bleeding and limped a bit, but it did not stop him from coming at Zu with a pretty determined hobble. As he went in, Zu purposely took the hit the man threw towards him. The other man's fist connected with Zu's face, but when he did, Zu grabbed the arm he threw at him as he quickly put it behind the mans back with one arm as the other wrapped around his throat, putting him in a choke hold. With the man's main arm incapacitated, the fight seemed like it would not be much longer. The moment that happened the two of them collapsed down as Zu wrapped his legs around him to try to keep him still. The man thrashed around, trying to punch at Zu, but in moments the man was unconscious and Zu got off of him. Kneeling down, Zu checked his pulse to make sure he did not kill the man, after all, he was just here for the money. It meant he could sleep in a bed tonight instead of on the streets. He wanted to claim that was his reason, but perhaps it was his own deep rage desire that made him enjoy combat. The unconscious man was carried off as Zu stepped down, the announcer said that he would move on to the final match. People were now really hyped up from Zu's wins and all congratulated him for a good combat. It was more attention than he wanted but, luckily the second semi final match would be soon underway.

Zu would watch the next match against the other person that was a possible shinobi. Regardless if he fought him in the final round or not, Zu was eager to know more about him. During the second semi-final match, he would watch hoping that this possible shinobi won. He smiled a little while watching his fight. Zu would then walk onto the stage when it was time for the final match. As always he would bow before taking his stance with his arms up a little and close to his chest and feet apart. The crowd would be quiet at the start due to anticipation.

((OOC: Sorry for the late reply, friends flew in from out of state. Also, at the end, I stated that Zu would just walk onto the stage when the final match was underway and the announcer wanted to start. Thus, your next post you can make your attack. Not trying to make the mission much longer so sped it up a bit.))


Mission: 1000/1000 = 1048 left. (Unsure this post what stat to boost.)

4Just a Spar (Konjiki Jin/Mission/IO) Empty Re: Just a Spar (Konjiki Jin/Mission/IO) Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:49 pm

Konjiki Jin

Konjiki Jin

Just like that, the final semis were underway. They new pair of contenders took their places at either sides of the arena to gauge each other. In the left corner, the four foot tall child known only as Jin. In the right, the cloaked assailant whom used poisoned needles to take out the behemoth prior. This was quite a strange fight indeed, but the crowd didn't seem to care, thrilled at the spectacle no matter what shape or size the fighters came in.

Jin took a wide stance, wished his enemy good luck once again, and waited for him to make the first move. Seconds past, and the man do nothing, he simply stood there. It was a stalemate, as neither person wished to make the first move. Sweat dripped down the face of the child as he contemplated. The uneasiness of the crowd started to show, as they shouted, demanding that someone make the first move. Jin was reluctant, so he leant forward and run towards his masked enemy. Weaving seals, a single visual clone appeared in front of him, advancing a punch to the cloaked person. At the same time, Jin was behind his clone, and used it to conceal his first attack. He thrusted a kunai through the back of his clone and at the man's midsection.

The attack hit, but make a noise as if steel had struck steel. Jin recoiled with curiosity, then needed to duck a clothesline attack. He leant backwards, seeing the sleeve whiff over his face. At this range, it was plain to see the bristles that made up the fabric; it was a shark-like skin, made of sharpened pines dipped in poison. His was bad, for in his position he needed to make a physical attack. But attaching the man would mean touching his cloak, so that was out of the picture. Instead, he rolled backwards and regained his composure.

Thinking of a quick plan, he charged in again, wrapping the end of his red cape around his left first. Again in combat range, he punched the man's torso, to which he responded with a forearm block. Next, Jin with his right exposed hand did a palm thrust to the mans midsection. The man would not do a thing, knowing full well that his clock would poison the boy. At the last instant however, Jin's palm slowed, giving the coat a light tap, not enough force to let the needles pierce him. Confused, the cloaked man kicked him with his tattered boots. Jin flew back a few meters, skidding and kicking up a heap of sand before falling on his back. It wasn't over yet! The boy quickly sprang back up and charged in once again. He did the exact same thing! He wrapped his left hand in the cloth, punched, which was blocked again in the same way. Again, his right hand punched at the mans mid-section, and the man would similarly do nothing. At the last second, Jin smirked as the dust had cleared somewhat. This revealed a chakra string attached to the man's coat, exactly where the failed palm thrust was made. Suddenly, he tugged on the string with his left hand, thus opening the coat to reveal the man's exposed midsection. The right punch would hit, this time with much more force. The cloaked man would recoil, winded from the unexpected attack. Jin followed up with few more basic attacks to the man's head, knocking him flat on his back. The match was over...

Some minutes later, the finals were here! Jin stepped onto the blood soaked sand once more, a bit refreshed from the last fight. Again, he gauged the enemy; a built person who was much taller than himself. This was the person who used a very strange body modification, similar to what his clansmen can do, but more organic in nature.
"To you my opponent, the best of luck." said Jin politely, with his high pitched childish voice. About 4 meters away, he would jump about a few centimeters off the ground and spin quickly, extending his hand out. Two shrikens buzzed out in succession; the first aimed at the man's right foot, the second about a meter to his left aimed mid-height. They were positioned such that dodging left was easier, but in doing so, the second one would hit of sure. After landing, he would dash towards the opponent.

Chakra: 130/150 (chakra strings used previously (E))
1353/1000 mission WC.

5Just a Spar (Konjiki Jin/Mission/IO) Empty Re: Just a Spar (Konjiki Jin/Mission/IO) Fri Jun 16, 2017 8:22 pm



Zu was finally at the point that he was waiting for. To fight another shinobi in combat without fear of getting in trouble. He smiled at the notion of it all, this was the kind of training he had been looking for. Of all the places to find it, here, in this loud and dirty area. Even the air had a pungent smell of body odor that was not all that pleasant. Shockingly, this person spoke out to Zu, with gestures of needing luck. Zu replied in a similar friendly manner before the battle started as well, "Let's give them a show eh?". This made Zu's heart race even more with anticipation at what this person was possibly made of. Really he had minimal knowledge of him and what he could do, aside from the fireball he would not even had thought this person was indeed a shinobi. Though that was something he could not think about during this fight.  When the match started, his oppnent jumped lightly off the ground before spinning to let out shurikens that flew at Zu. It was not his intentions to get hurt during this fight, but it happened. As Zu went to dodge the closer shuriken aimed at his right foot by doing a slight leftward movement, the other shuriken soon followed towards his abdomen. Instinctively, he moved his left arm down to block it as the shuriken hit the back of his forearm on his left arm. Pain soon rushed in his body as his other arm pulled the shuriken that was slightly embedded  into him. The sudden rush of combat excited Zu to no ends. His heart raced even more at the feeling of his own blood trickling down his arm, a small and sinister smile formed on his face. Zu would then use his blood as a genetic code for Reflection Clone Jutsu (反射分身の術 ~ Hansha Bunshin no Jutsu). When the other shinobi began to charge at Zu, two of him were made and the two of them rushed their targets. The main difference between the two Zu's is that one had small spikes at the end of his knuckles while the other did not. Zu knew he could not fight this person without getting in close and pummeling him. The clone and Zu then rushed towards this shinobi, Zu gave a right jab towards the others arm in hopes of piercing his muscles enough to prohibit use, while his clone aimed for the shinobi's abdomen. Zu hoped that this person would give up before his clone and himself had to resort to even more punishment. Zu did not really enjoy hurting people, but this was more of trying to win than anything. At the very least should this shinobi not surrender before Zu would have to do anything drastic he would have to. It was not his intention to harm him to a medical degree. With that in mind, Zu went in on his target with only a little hesitation in his hits.

((Sorry if it is short, I dont want to write out you being hit despite the stat difference, ya know?"))


Mission complete 1000/1000=1554 left

Jutsu used (Chakra 130/170 (Forgot to mention the previous C rank -15 +5*2)+15=40:

6Just a Spar (Konjiki Jin/Mission/IO) Empty Re: Just a Spar (Konjiki Jin/Mission/IO) Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:13 pm

Konjiki Jin

Konjiki Jin

As Jin advanced, he watched as the enemy got hit by the secondary shuriken, blocking his midsection with his left forearm. To his chagrin, this enemy did not seem to flinch at the occurrence, now utilizing the exposed blood for some strange technique. Jin's eyes darted left and right at their sudden appearances, with a look of determination ever plastered on his face. He began making hand seals, but to his utter dismay, the enemy charged towards him as well at an alarming speed
"Too fast!" he said under his breath, for the enemy seemed to blur into melee range; he was gonna get hit for certain. It was time for a change of plan! In the heat of battle, as sweat dripped from his face, the young boy instinctively braced for impact while finishing up his hand seals, palms now facing outwards.

It was a swift jab from the looks of it, he couldn't tell where it would land, so he braced his arms in front of his face and upper body. A searing localized pain shot through his upper left arm. Grinding his teeth, it felt like a piping hot piece of iron pierced his flesh. His heart pounded, as if something was hitting his chest from the inside like a sledgehammer. He quickly mastered his emotions, eyeing the fist of the enemy with its weird deformities. Jin knew he was outclassed in speed and strength by this opponent, so only his ninjutsu could save him; therefore he needed to widen the gap once again. At this range, the momentum from throwing a jab would make this next move scarcely avoidable; Jin grabbed the wrist of Zu's extended hand with his left, injured one. His left arm was in a state of burning pain with the bicep muscle virtually out of working order-- but a grip was still doable. At the same time, his right hand grasped at the left side of the man's pants. In another fluid motion, before the clones could get to him, he dragged Zu along with himself into the earth. It was like an instant quicksand, as the ground imploded downwards into a sinkhole of sorts. This move used some of the momentum from Zu himself; for although it was a jab, Zu needed to aim it downwards slightly at the 4 foot tall boy.

If successful, Zu would be taken into the earth down to his neck alone, as earth hardened instantly the spaces around his body and limbs. Jin meanwhile would traverse a few meters underground before emerging 5 meters behind Zu's head, facing him, doing hand seals. His left sleeve was beginning to soak up a small patch of blood created from his small wound, and he panted a bit.

Chakra: 120/150
WC: 468
Mission WC: 1821/1000

Jutsu used:

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