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1Spar Whohoo (mission,invite only) Empty Spar Whohoo (mission,invite only) Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:19 pm



Today Neci had been told to go and spar with another Genin from his village, and as it turned out it was another Bukijutsu user, he was told that his name was, Francos Sakil, a kid that he went to the academy with a long time ago he used a katana quite well, he had been a friends of Necis a long while ago though not that good friends they had hung out and messed with the teachers during class, but he hadnt seen him in a year so he would be meeting an old friend toady...and beating the crap out of him also apparently.
Neci met him in a Public courtyard looking his opponanat up and down, making a metal image of his form and how he would use it, Francos was around the same height as him, witch meant that they had around the same reach, and on his hip their was a katana that had a black hilt and a normal looking blade, it was probably the same quality as his blade but a lot differantly, it would be fun. His old buddy called out to him, Hey Neci, long time no see, eh? still using that funny looking weapon hmm, i picked up using a katana, but anyway i doubt youre into the old fucking around that we used to do and whatnot, but no jutsu for this fight ok bud, i want this to be blade skill is that ok? that sounded like a good idea, he was quite sure that his Arakh skill would be better then a kenjutsu user, he answered back to his buddy, Sounds...sick lets rock and roll and dont be a sore loser he took out his red arakh and did a practice swing getting ready for a fight, he then saw that his opponant was doing the same, Francos had taken out his katana, it was then that Neci noticed that the blade was black as ink and their was green veins going up and down the blade, it was very nice looking and at that time his friend went into a two handed grip with his blade.

Neci would be the one attacking first with this fight, he ran forward with his Aralkh trailing behind him using a one handed grip at the moment and the moment he got within a few feet of him swung out as fast as he could relishing the blades thiness and its speed that was caused from it. the blade met blade with a shower of sparks and as this was happening Neci started to chat, hey man hows it been lately? his friends attention was slightly caught off guard with the comment, but then Neci went back into the attack slicing with two hands slicing at his shoudler then his chest then his gut with sweeping fast swings, all of these being met with the katana, sparks flying around and his friend never answering his question. Then Francos went on the attack, slicing at his left shoudler with an overhead slash, Neci brought the Curved blade of his arakh over and spun the entire blade causing the Katana to spin and fly out of his friends hand, Neci then spun around and placed the blade of his Arakh on his neck and laughed as his opponants face laughed with him saying, Haha, youre still ferocious and love to talk while fighting dont you man, that blade is hard to fight...shit ahahaha Neci took the blade off his buddies neck and they started to talk of the old days, spar done and won.

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