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1Hyuuga, Ayato [Stats] Empty Hyuuga, Ayato [Stats] Sat Jun 17, 2017 11:34 am

Ayato H.

Ayato H.

Strength (STR): D - 0
Speed (SPD): D-2(2) (+1 Taijutsu Specilization, +1 Agile)
Reaction Time (REA): D-1 (1) (+1 Base Byakugan)
Perception (PER): D-1
Endurance (END): D-0

Last edited by Ayato H. on Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:48 am; edited 2 times in total

2Hyuuga, Ayato [Stats] Empty Re: Hyuuga, Ayato [Stats] Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:27 pm

Ayato H.

Ayato H.

Training all my stats from E-1 to D-0 here for 3750 words from the 4089 in the thread. And then Perception from D-0 to D-1 for 325 out of the 339 words remaining and 25 ryo. Discarding 18 remaining words. The link is here.

3Hyuuga, Ayato [Stats] Empty Re: Hyuuga, Ayato [Stats] Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:42 am



Ayato H. wrote:Training all my stats from E-1 to D-0 here for 3750 words from the 4089 in the thread. And then Perception from D-0 to D-1 for 325 out of the 339 words remaining and 25 ryo. Discarding 18 remaining words. The link is here.

Approved and Ryo Deducted~

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