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1Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Empty Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Sun May 28, 2017 4:08 pm



Issei left his home that morning with a purpose. He had been working practically all night on finishing the last touches on his chakra armor sets, and created an outfit and rebreather based on the cultures he'd studied. The dream of his organization was slowly coming together piece by piece, after being established with Rogue earlier in the week. But, any great organization was nothing without its members, and Issei and Rogue were just two people. They needed more numbers, both to bolster their forces and to establish more variety and diversity. The Chuunin strapped on a large shoulder bag and slipped the armor prototypes into it, followed by the robes and finally the masks. It was terribly heavy, but Issei was a strong man and he could manage the weight. The clouds and fog of the village greeted him as he left the house.

Now, Issei had been advertising the group actively. Talking to other shinobi, posting flyers around the village, explaining to local shop owners about his recreation of chakra armor. Despite these best efforts, the group's start hadn't gotten much attention and thus wasn't creating much buzz, so Issei figured the best thing to do next was to take to the streets, go out into the city and show off his prototypes. By the time he reached the shopping district of Kirigakure no Sato, the clouds had parted and let the summer sunlight through, and the streets were bustling with activity. He kept his bag around his shoulder for fear that someone would attempt to steal from him, but reached in and retrieved a chakra gauntlet from within. He equipped it to his left hand and as soon as it was in contact with his skin and integrated with his chakra system, it lit up like a star.

"Good citizens of Kirigakure! My name is Issei, and I would like to demonstrate something for you." he called out into the crowds, hoping he would gain an audience by taking advantage of people's curiosity.


2Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Empty Re: Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Sun May 28, 2017 6:47 pm

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

The feeling just never left…

In spite of it still being very early in the week, Teru found herself in a fit of eagerness to get out of the manor. This need to leave was so very sudden, and she could not quite explain it. Putting it into words was far too difficult for her to do. Well, only for the time being. At some point, there would be a clear explanation that she could muster. It would be the very best she would have ever come up with, and as truthful as she could possibly make it. But, that meant that she herself would have to figure out exactly what the deal was. If she was having a problem, then the answer was to find a way to solve it. Yet, the more she thought about her dilemma, the more she wanted to groan and go back to bed…

Whatever it was, it did not prevent her from getting dressed and preparing her ninja gear, nor did it stop her from walking out the front doors to the Osada manor. So, it was safe to say that she still had the motivation to go out and see the rest of the world… that was her village. Teru departed from the islands a short while ago and traveled by boat to reach the main part of Kirigakure. A plain smile appeared on the soft features of her face. The residents who were always roaming around soon came into view. There was nothing amazing about it. Seeing all of them from day to day became the usual routine. Leave the manor, briefly explore the village, see the folks, and so on. There was nothing more to it than that. The lack of excitement was unthinkably killing her from the inside out.

Teru’s eyes softened, taking note of the fact that this same old routine was becoming duller as the time passed. She walked off the boat with a deep sigh. What could she do to get rid of this icky feeling? Kirigakure was the home she always held dearly. There was never a dull moment, usually, but it was clear that things were changing. Rather, something in her was changing. It was not scary, but it was a little worrying. She did not want to be ready to lash out on anyone in the village. Not against the ones that she was fond of. 

As she walked through the village, the common talk drifted by. It floated into one ear and quickly out the other. So, it was becoming apparent to her that she was getting tired of those simple conversations, too. That used to be her favorite thing to hear everyday. Folding her arms across her chest, Teru sighed again and wondered to herself about what there might be to make the day pass by even faster. “Hm?” Something flying through the air caught Teru’s attention. It weaved through the growing crowds of people without a problem, just as though it was possessed by some unknown force. A document? Perhaps it was a flyer of some sort. Those were often seen around the village, and it was often that they were blown away by some random gust of wind. 

Picking it out of the air with a swift hand, Teru straightened out the flyer to read its contents. “An opportunity like no other?” Teru raised a brow, curious by what she had just read. Keeping it all to herself, she folded the flyer into a small square before tucking it away in one of her pockets. Regardless of it being a possible scam, she would still hold onto it for future thought. She wanted to look into it a bit more later on. At least it would be something to get her head out of the clouds. And on she walked through the village streets, keeping to herself the whole time. 

Today was going to be another plain one, she thought. There would be nothing to encourage her to… Teru’s pace slowed all of a sudden. This time, it was not some flyer that was stopping her dead in her tracks. Something that she had not been expecting to see did the honors. A radiant light that stood out. Of course it would stand out! It was not one of the many lamp lights produced around the village. Not at all. From where she stood, it looked like the light was physically apart of the individual holding it up. "Good citizens of Kirigakure! My name is Issei, and I would like to demonstrate something for you." Teru watched on with great curiosity as the man announced to everyone around. Even though the people were passing him by, she could not bring herself to do the same. Rather, Teru approached the man to see what it was he had to offer.

A demonstration? That was something new.

Teru’s eyes fell to his wrist- the piece of equipment that had been the source of the light. It was a gauntlet of some sort, but not like any of the ones sold within the village. Where did he get it from? Was it obtained through illegal means, or did he craft it himself? This man, Issei, was turning out to be a person of interest. But, it was yet to be determined if he was one of the good ones.

Word Count: 901

3Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Empty Re: Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Sun May 28, 2017 11:04 pm



As Issei put himself out in front of the crowd, he attracted the attention of a few people, especially those who had seen the device on his wrist activate. This was just the beginning of the demonstration he had planned. He made a soft smile out of relief, because he wasn't sure if he would get a good reaction out of his fellow citizens, if any at all. "I have recently started an organization called Ninshiki, intended to be a group of travelers, historians, and shinobi alike, with the purpose of preserving culture, knowledge, and relics of the past. Our first goal is to find the lost village of Yukigakure, where this device was originally invented." The Chuunin held his arm out to display the device, turning it slowly. The light had dimmed a bit since it had activated because there was no jutsu within range to absorb. It seemed to be of metal composition, a bit heavy but not unbearable, with wires going across the back of the hand and up the forearm. The palm is where the light source was and where the chakra was absorbed. It hadn't been an easy task creating this armor; Issei had spend hours going between research of old blueprints and documents and local weapon and armor shops to get it modified and enhanced as best he could, and it had cost him a hefty sum of the money he had saved working for the last year. It was worth it though, because much to his own surprise, it had worked flawlessly, which was almost unheard of for a prototype. Thus, he felt a great sense of pride as he continued.

"In Yukigakure, such devices as this were commonly worn across the entire body, and referred to as Chakra Armor. It was an ingenious invention that gave shinobi of Yukigakure an upper hand against their foes, who lacked such advanced technology. It is powered by the wearer's own chakra, and is capable of absorbing other jutsu; this model is one that I created myself using what I could find about the ancient versions of chakra armor, and it functions slightly differently." He closed his hand and funneled chakra into the gauntlet, causing its light to intensify once more. He nodded, glad that things were running smoothly. "Now, it is time for the grand demonstration. I will require one volunteer from the crowd. Do not worry, if you are shy, you may remain in place and you do not need to come up here and face the audience. However, my one requirement is that you have to be a shinobi who is capable of using ninjutsu, even if only one jutsu. That will provide the best demonstration of this device's capabilities." Issei waited a moment, letting his eyes scan over the crowd, but there were no immediate volunteers, which was a bit disappointing. Nonetheless, they all seemed intrigued, their eyes following the gauntlet with every movement Issei made. He put his opposite hand on his hip and smiled.

"No need to be afraid; in fact, the whole purpose of this model, Chakra Absorber Type 0 as I have named it, is to act defensively, and when it is used properly, safety is guaranteed."


4Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Empty Re: Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Mon May 29, 2017 2:53 pm

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

The shine of the gauntlet’s light reflected in Teru’s eyes. It was surprisingly fascinating and made her wonder greatly about what it was for. Certainly, this was nothing she had ever seen before in her entire life. She wanted to laugh at herself, really. Becoming so interested in a simple looking mechanism as this? It felt like childish behavior, but this was too interesting to just pass by. A more prominent smile was forming as Teru studied it for a moment longer, until the man, Issei would speak about it. "I have recently started an organization called Ninshiki, intended to be a group of travelers, historians, and shinobi alike, with the purpose of preserving culture, knowledge, and relics of the past. Our first goal is to find the lost village of Yukigakure, where this device was originally invented." Cocking her head to the left slightly, Teru looked on with much wonder in her eyes. An organization that was called… Ninshiki? This was quite new to her. Well, she knew that there were those who had a tendency to never stay in one place for very long. Those were the wandering ninja, or simple people without any ties to the ninja villages whatsoever. Now that she thought about wandering ninja, hadn’t she met one before? She highly doubted that that person had any ties to this group, for he may have been long gone from the village considering the amount of time that had passed since meeting him.

Her attention returned to this man and his explanation concerning this organization. So, the goal of this group was to make sure that nothing from the past was lost. That seemed like an incredibly difficult goal. No, most of all, it seemed to be impossible. This day and age would likely put all of those “relics of the past” in a void of forgottenness. Oblivion. How could he ever manage to do that? Without a team, it would be an impassable obstacle. And… as far as she knew, this lost village he mentioned was one that was very far off. Yukigakure. This was the most she had ever heard of regarding the village. And, that was where this gauntlet of his originated? Ah, but it must have been some other form. This one looked very new, polished and not ancient. Bringing her fingers up to her chin, Teru thought about what all could possibly be discovered. The history behind Yukigakure and its old glory, if it had any. There must have been a unique civilization that resided there. So, if he was going to journey out of the village to find Yukigakure, what exactly would he do when he got there? 

Teru gripped the end of her chin with her index and thumb fingers, thinking a little harder on the matter. Her eyes were so focused on the device and the light that shined from the palm of it while her thoughts were devoted to secretively investigating Issei and his organization. "In Yukigakure, such devices as this were commonly worn across the entire body, and referred to as Chakra Armor. It was an ingenious invention that gave shinobi of Yukigakure an upper hand against their foes, who lacked such advanced technology. It is powered by the wearer's own chakra, and is capable of absorbing other jutsu; this model is one that I created myself using what I could find about the ancient versions of chakra armor, and it functions slightly differently." That was what he said, and she believed that at least a portion of it was true. However, she would need more than just words to be convinced. He claimed that it absorbed jutsu, but Teru quietly demanded harder evidence than that. Yes, a live demonstration of such a feat would be needed to confirm if what he said was truth. Lowering her hand back to its resting position on her elbow, Teru gazed at the closed gauntlet. It was a spectacular show he performed with the light, which had grown in intensity, enough that Teru had to close her eyes a moment to adjust to it. 
Well, he certainly grabbed her attention now. Teru would buy into his performance for a little while longer, having taken a strong interest in this crafted product. The moment he had called out for a volunteer, Teru did not take the chance to offer herself up as the volunteer. But, the other people who were also taken in by his act were, no doubt, regular citizens who had not an ounce of skill in the Ninjutsu he sought out. That was a shame. She wanted to see it with her own eyes rather than being the one to help the show go on. It was not like she was going to get hurt. After all, he did say that the… whatever the name he called it… was used defensively. And, safety guaranteed? He as the creator should have known how to use it, so surely he would be fine if she did a jutsu of, at least, a moderate scale. 
Teru stifled a giggle and took a step forward, mostly because no one else would. “Excuse me, but I’d be glad to give you a hand,” she said with a smile, unfolding her arms and letting them drop to her sides. Surprisingly, this was getting to be quite exciting. She was eager to see the end result. Would the gauntlet do as he said and absorb the jutsu she used? She hoped that it would. She did not want to be the one responsible for hospitalizing a man who was only trying to do his part in advertising one of his products. “To be honest… Issei, I’m just not sure if this is the real deal. So, enlighten me. What do I have to do exactly to see if this thing can actually works?” Teru did have something else to say to Issei, but she kept that to herself. For that moment, anyway.

Word Count: 1004

5Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Empty Re: Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Mon May 29, 2017 7:42 pm



Between the whispers in the audience, Issei scanned with his eyes, looking for anyone who wanted to help. No one volunteered at first, which could either mean his reassurances were disregarded, or simply a number of people in the crowd could not use Ninjutsu. Finally, slightly to the left of Issei's line of sight, came a young, blonde haired woman who stepped forward. The crowd, one by one, moved around her and stared, waiting for something big to happen. She started to speak, politely offering to be Issei's volunteer. She expressed her doubt of it all, claiming that she wasn't sure if it was the "real deal", a concern that made Issei smile and nod, and lastly she asked what she needed to do. Issei didn't need all too much from her aside from a little bit of effort. He held his glove out and pointed it directly at her, still alight with raw energy. "Alright! My lovely assistant here. I am going to need you to use a Ninjutsu technique. Feel free to make it as strong as you'd like; I've formulated this device to be able to withstand intense amounts of chakra, meaning that the only things that could overpower it are jutsu classified as A-Rank or even higher." He hoped that she wouldn't purposefully use an A-Rank jutsu in hopes of testing the armor's limits, since if the device broke, it would be terribly expensive to repair. Regardless, he wasn't sure what her general power level was, so it was hard to predict what she was capable of.

"And before you attack, I just want to ask, what is your name?" Issei felt the girl's sense of curiosity, her willingness to learn, her interest in the whole demonstration, in Issei's invention, in Ninshiki. He hoped that, if the demonstration went to her liking and if he managed to impress her, that he could get a chance alone with her and offer her the opportunity to join Ninshiki. It was still a small group by all means, so Issei was happy about every potential member he could attract. She looked back at him with bright, hazel eyes, and he knew that he was ready to get this going.


6Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Empty Re: Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Wed May 31, 2017 1:36 am

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

The man noticed her after a moment of searching through the crowd, not that she minded. Rather, she was pleased that he was accepting to the idea of her being his assistant for the moment. Having locked eyes with him, Teru took note of his older appearance. He seemed like a smart person who knew what he was doing, too. So, here was her chance to see what sort of project he had started. Teru's eyes watched carefully as the hand equipped with the gauntlet was lifted to point directly at her. She was cautious of any attempts on her, but allowed for this to go on. "Alright! My lovely assistant here. I am going to need you to use a Ninjutsu technique. Feel free to make it as strong as you'd like; I've formulated this device to be able to withstand intense amounts of chakra, meaning that the only things that could overpower it are jutsu classified as A-Rank or even higher." Teru stifled a giggle. It was flattering to hear him call her his "lovely assistant". It seemed to her that he was someone who knew how to pick his words.

"Ninjutsu... got it," Teru nodded with a smile. Lucky for him, that particular art was a major specialty of hers. Although, her experience with it was at a bit of a limit. Again, it was lucky for him. She had not yet gained any training in any jutsu that went beyond that of B-Rank. But, she would not be needing to use any of the strongest jutsu she knew. There was no need for that. If she did, then it probably would have seemed to be more for show than anything else. A simple C-Rank technique would serve the moment best, she thought. It would not be the most outstanding, but it would be enough to get the show rolling and reveal just what sort of tricks Issei had up his sleeve. However, before she was to perform the jutsu, he had made a request for her name. Seeing no harm in such a simple and harmless question as that, she willingly gave an answer to this question of his. "My name is Teru Uchiha, glad to be of service."

Teru chose not to ask for his name, for he had already revealed part of it. In fact, if she ever did need the rest of his name, she always had the chance to ask for it after the performance. Well, not allowing for the excitement to wither away, Teru moved back some so that she was at a more reasonable distance from Issei. The crowd controlled itself and moved with her, attempting to stay out of the way. Taking a quick breath, Teru clasped her hands together and formed the 'Tiger' hand seal. Again, she breathed in, filling her lungs with enough air and exhaled a stream of fire at Issei's armored palm. In the back of her mind, she hoped for him to be prepared for this technique, for she did not wish for him to be seriously hurt by it. 

Word Count: 523

7Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Empty Re: Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Wed May 31, 2017 4:15 am



The girl assessed her options after Issei explained exactly what needed to be done, confirming her understanding by repeating "ninjutsu" and then "got it". Issei flashed a toothy grin, letting his brilliant white smile captivate the audience further. He had never considered himself to be a performer or someone who worked well in front of an audience, but in this case, his skill was enough to surprise himself. Before she let loose her ninjutsu, she formally introduced herself just as Issei had, this time including a last name. "My name is Teru Uchiha, glad to be of service." This blonde shinobi before him, this Teru, had caught Issei entirely off guard with the announcement of Uchiha. It only increased his interest in her; he couldn't recall ever meeting another Uchiha in person, so this was a first for him just as this was her first time seeing chakra armor. In everything he'd heard of the clan, they tended to have dominant traits: black hair, pale skin, and dark eyes that held a dormant dojutsu, the famous Sharingan. Teru was something else, and Issei liked it.

Teru had started to back away and the crowd was splitting around her, giving her ample space both so that they could see better and for their own safety, as well. Issei was preparing to make another comment when his eye caught sight of her Tiger hand seal, so he pursed his lips and kept his open palm poised forward. A fire-based ninjutsu? Just my style... the Kaguya thought to himself as he watched the flames spout from her mouth in a frenzy. They moved toward him fast, but he was trained for combat and confident in his invention's capabilities, so he did not flinch or feel any fear as the fire approached. Mere feet away then, the jutsu was close enough that Issei could feel its heat, and the light of its flame combined with the chakra armor's light painted his face a hundred different shades of orange, yellow, and white. Mechanical noises buzzed beneath the gasps and cries of the audience, who, due to their skepticism, had assumed Issei would be consumed in flame and be sent away to the hospital.

But they were all wrong in this assumption.

The white light overpowered everything else, followed by blue streams of chakra pouring out of the flames and into the gauntlet. Issei's own chakra willed it so, like a game master deconstructing a complex puzzle, piece by piece, and putting it away in a chest. Within seconds, the gauntlet had slowed, weakened, and finally consumed the ninjutsu and left nothing behind, no light, no sound, no heat. The crowd's awe and, less favorably, disbelief were evident in all of their faces, but Issei had expected there to be unwillingness to accept such bounding technological advances. The one person he had his eyes focused on was Teru, hoping that her reaction to the feat was enough to sway her to joining the cause, or at least want to ask a few questions one on one after Issei's concluding babble and flyers. "And this chakra armor? This is only the beginning of what I hope to accomplish with Ninshiki."



8Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Empty Re: Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Sat Jun 03, 2017 6:24 pm

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

The flames should have swallowed him up, she thought. That must have been what everyone was thinking at that point, the moment in time when Teru had released the jutsu. The bystanders, even though they were not at risk of getting burned, had felt the heat from her fire jutsu. Some of them winced and grimaced, thinking that this man was about to meet his end. But, no, that was not going to be the case. All of them were proved wrong the very moment the light on Issei's gauntlet intensified, and a blue substance flowed out around the flames of her jutsu. Very soon, her flames were gone- completely vanished. It was the gauntlet. She knew that it had to be the gauntlet that did it. "Incredible..." she mumbled. 

Teru blinked once and then twice. It was a shock to see that his words had been given evidence which would prove them to be true. The corner of her mouth twitched, but eventually curved into a smile. She was amazed by his act of absorbing her jutsu. And, admittedly, she was wrong about him in the sense that she thought it was just some joke. Issei had made a comment about his chakra armor, prompting Teru to bring a closed fist to her mouth. She was so very impressed by this. It was only the beginning, he had claimed. But, what else could the man possibly accomplish? she wondered. It had to be a lot. He was able to prove her wrong in this matter, so maybe there was a lot more he had to offer. 

Her thoughts were becoming plagued by this idea of the Ninshiki. This equipment presented in the general public, it was all Ninshiki. She could not stop thinking about them. But... that was not so much of a bad thing, was it? Preservers of the relics of time was what they were, and not instigators of trouble or crime. That seemed to be it. So, there would be a lot of traveling with this developing organization, she thought. Teru closed her eyes for a moment and thought about something a friend of hers had told her. Actually, a couple of friends. In a couple of ways, they encouraged her to travel out and explore the world outside of Kirigakure. One believed in the idea of a justice of sorts, while the other believed in taking in the new experiences. Both were to Teru's liking. 

Opening her eyes again, Teru gazed at Issei. He was doing the same thing as they did, but she saw nothing wrong with that. In fact, Teru was liking the idea of checking out what this organization had and not as a simple bystander. No, she wanted to get a deeper look and see what the Ninshiki was as someone of its ranks. Teru took a few steps closer to Issei with a smile forming on her face. "You must have put a lot of thought into this," she said, still impressed. For a moment, she thought about the village and everyone at the Osada manor. If she was to take this opportunity to look into the Ninshiki, that would mean leaving. She was someone who had pledged her loyalty, so how could she ever leave it all behind? Unless... she could join for a certain cause. Perhaps she could venture into the lost villages that were forgotten by the current era and bring forth new allies to Kirigakure. Then there would not be an issue if she did join the Ninshiki's cause. 

Ah, it was hard to refrain from being excited. She just could not fight it any longer, much to her own surprise. This was exactly what she was looking for. "If you don't mind, I'd like to see this through for myself," Teru began. "The Ninshiki doesn't seem all that bad, so... I guess what I mean is- I want to join." She paid no mind to what the people around her thought about this. It was her decision, and she was old enough to make her own. "Where do I sign up?"

Word Count: 692

9Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Empty Re: Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:16 pm



There Issei stood, standing on his makeshift stage, still feeling quite out of his own element. People had started to leave once his demonstration finished, though a few came up and took flyers from the pile he'd left near his feet. Teru was who was important, and she approached Issei slowly at first, saying that he must have put a lot of thought into this, this being his recreation of chakra armor. "Yes, it's consumed most of my days for the last few weeks, but it was manageable." She continued, a bit hesitant, finally asking him exactly what he wanted to hear and what she'd probably been wanting to say since she watched the chakra armor at work. She said that Ninshiki didn't seem so bad, and in fact, she wanted to join, so she asked where to sign up. Issei let out a lighthearted chuckle, half-relieved that someone was interested enough to join his cause. "You're in the right place, Teru! I'm the guy you talk to to sign up. Here, I just need you to write down some personal information for me..." Sadly, this was a step that Issei hadn't prepared for so quickly. In fact, he thought that nobody would want to join on the spot; he was just hoping to build gather some attention for the group, so he hadn't brought any formally printed applications, only flyers. Luckily, he was a writer, which meant that he always carried a notepad and a pen on him, and that would have to suffice for the time being. He took out a sheet and his pen and started to write in elegant letters.

The form he drafted was simple. He already knew Teru's full name, so he omitted that, only creating spaces for her occupation, rank in the village, her age, and her address so that he could get in contact with her in the future if he needed to. From there, he tore the page from the pad and handed it to her gently, along with the pen. "You can fill this out for me and hand it back to me and that'll be it for the formal side of things. I do have a gift for you, too." Issei turned to the bag behind him which contained the gear, containing four pieces of chakra armor and five sets of robes and masks. He'd forgotten that he was still wearing the gauntlet, so he took it off and put it back into the bag before lifting it up to show her its contents. "Ninshiki is a small group for the time being, and you're our official third member. As such, I expect you to try and attract some attention to it, tell your friends about us, help grow our numbers and all. But, to show you my appreciation for joining, I'm offering you chakra armor, a set of robes, and a rebreather mask. The robes and masks are all standardized across the board, one size fits all, but I have vests, pauldrons, and gauntlets for the chakra armor, so take your pick. I hope you like it."


These are officially yours! Don't forget to add them to your locker:

10Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Empty Re: Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:39 pm

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

By the time the show was over, just about everyone had walked away to go and take care of their own business. It was just Teru and Issei now, but that gave them enough room to talk over about this particular topic. How determined he must have been while working on this project. Days and days of trying to perfect this gear. And all that hard work paid off. Well, she was grateful that he was so willing to let her join his organization. It was, more or less, an unexpected happening that she never thought would take place in her life. But, it was something good. And the name had a nice ring to it- Ninshiki

Teru watched as Issei took out a pen and notebook, which was for the personal information that he needed from her. Taking the torn out page and pen from him, Teru skimmed over the neatly written document. All of the required fields were simple to fill in. The first one, for her occupation, there really was not much that she could put. She was simply a kunoichi. As for her rank within the village, she was a Special Jounin. Teru quietly filled in the rest of the information for her age and address, the Osada Manor within the surrounding islands outside the village. In her neatest handwriting, she finished writing down her information on the page and handed it back to Issei. That was it for the formal business, he had told her. But, what was this gift he spoke of?

Her eyes watched the man as he moved back to where his belongings were. When he showed her what it was he had, Teru blinked away her surprise. "Ninshiki is a small group for the time being, and you're our official third member. As such, I expect you to try and attract some attention to it, tell your friends about us, help grow our numbers and all. But, to show you my appreciation for joining, I'm offering you chakra armor, a set of robes, and a rebreather mask. The robes and masks are all standardized across the board, one size fits all, but I have vests, pauldrons, and gauntlets for the chakra armor, so take your pick. I hope you like it." He was granting her the Ninshiki gear for her service as one of his allies within the organization. 

"This is great," Teru smiled brightly, accepting all of the items he had to give. She took one of the robes, mask, and chakra armor for herself. The other members must have already gotten their own gear. Although, she was curious about who they were, except for Issei. He was obviously one of the members. But, who was this other person? "Well, Issei, I am glad to be apart of your cause. I'll do my part as best I can, so let's work hard together. May we find others to expand the Ninshiki." Teru gave him a respectful bow. "Well, Issei, I should be going now. There are a few things I need to take care of. But, you know where to find me. I'll be seeing you around." She turned on her heels and made way for the manor. As soon as she got there, she would don her Ninshiki gear now that she was an official member. Apart from that, there were some duties around the village that she needed to take care of before anything else. They would meet again, for sure. Now that they were connected as comrades, there would be much that they would need to accomplish. Until their next meeting...

Word Count: 609
Total Word Count: 3729
Thread Status: Exiting

~Ninshiki Gear Accepted~

Training Summary:

11Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Empty Re: Ninshiki finds its tempo [Teru | NK] Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:43 pm



Teru filled out the form and excitedly accepted the items as Issei offered them, the sparkle in her eye something that Issei would never forget. He was surprised to find that she was a Special Jounin, but that only assured him that she was even more qualified to be a part of the organization than anyone else. He felt good about the future, and how this would all play out. She assured him that he was glad to be a part of the cause, and she would do her best. She bowed politely, before explaining that she had other duties to attend to and as such she would have to leave. Issei nodded, understanding that as a shinobi, there were a number of responsibilities that came with the title. "Of course. It was wonderful meeting you, Teru. Until next time." And with that, she departed, as had most of the crowd before her, leaving Issei to pick up what was left of his flyers and put them in his bag along with the armor and robes and masks. He slung the bag over his shoulder and started the trek to another area of the village, where he planned to do another demonstration and pass out more flyers before going home.

With every small step that he took, Issei only became more motivated and worked harder. Ninshiki was coming together nicely.

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