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Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Fear is but the beginning, fear is the end. Those who control it, use it, turn it into power and eventually overcome it, are the ones that truly have the potential to rise beyond the limitations of reality

It had been more than a year now, she had been hunting them, exterminating them. yet in the process, with every life she took, she lost something of what she once was and added something new to herself. More and more she lost those last remaining shreds of her innocence and in its place she added brutality, cruelty and lust. The young girl once known as Orochi risu, the shining star of the Ouroboros clan had turned into a vicious snake, ready to devour everything in her path, guided by but a singular goal: the destruction of every single remnant of her turbulent past.

She had left the village in silence, only once in a while sending a report to the ANBU headquarters to keep them informed, but by now, they had probably forgotten, save for maybe a few, that one of their own had gone on a mission that could've just as well cost her her life. However, while she had not lost her life, she HAD lost something.

One after another, she found the hidden bases of the Black ANBU scattered across the country of Fire and one after another, she killed the soldiers still loyal to her uncle without mercy, without remorse and without reprieve. Like a Boa Constrictor, she had been squeezing the old Black ANBU network, making sure that all of those who were part of it would know that they had only a singular choice: to die at her hand or to take the coward's way out.

There were a few things she did not destroy though, for despite how much she hated him, despite her rage and anger, she could not deny the fact that some of Enaka's projects had a certain merrit nor could she deny that his ways of gathering intel and storing it were second to none. So at every hideout, she made sure to gather all she could, all her had collected through the years was getting into her possession.

The time had come, time to return to Konoha and end her search, to add the last piece of information to her collection and take what she truly deserved: her freedom.

Present day, Konoha south gates

The moon was full, it's pale light shining upon the guardstation of the south gate, where two chuunin were doign their duty to guard the precious entrance to the village hidden in the leaf. They seemed content with their job, using it as an excuse to slack off, which meant they saw nothing coming in or out if the "thing" in question was capable of hiding its presence with ease.

Lamya was this thing, a trained ANBU, a by now former captain even and when it came to killing, she wasn't someone who refused to do it by herself, not after all she had done in the past years away from the village or even from what had happened before.

The air in the village was familiar, the wind caressing her skin, blowing through her hair made her feel slightly nostalgic, yet despite all of that, she only smiled once: a faint smile hidden behind an unusual ANBU mask. Same went for her armor, which was unusual both in its color and the fact that it had silver chains hanging from her collar to her left shoulderpad.

Silently, Lamya skipped towards the edge of the guardhouse's roof, using her lower legs as leverage, she hung down and pulled out two scalpels, which she used expertly to slice open the throats of both young men, cutting both their windpipes and vocal chords. When that was done, she let go of the roof, landing square on her feet and walked into the guard house to put the bodies of her two unfortunate victims away.

With that done, she only had two places to visit before doing what she came for in the first place. her first stop was the small apartment she had in town, the place where she had lived the entire time, even after she had become the so-called head of her clan, she still treasured that place and now she had to get something she treasured from that place, something that despite her unusual transformation still gave her that long lost sliver of humanity she had left a moment of peace and tranquility.

It was an easy run over the rooftops, silently jumping from roof to roof, avoiding the moonlight as much as possible, until she reached the apartment. using her key, she managed to enter it fairly easy, realizing that it had gotten a stale smell and had gathered lots of dust over time, yet finding what she came for wasn't hard, as she remembered it well, where she had put her magatama earrings and a single necklace given to her in a time when things were still easy and when she herself was still so unbelievably naïve.

After that, she went towards another place: the gravestone for the unnamed heroes, for those who had died in the line of duty and who's names were hidden. It was a place where she had been many times, the place where she honored her parents, but also those she didn't dare to face or simply couldn't bare to face in troubled times.

She placed the necklace near the monument with her magatama earrings and started to jump over the rooftops again towards the north gate, which lead to the place she needed to go: Konoha's prison.


Last edited by Lamya on Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:48 pm; edited 2 times in total

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

While she went from the graveyard's monument towards the northern gate of Konoha, jumping across the rooftops with effortless ease, Lamya did manage to stop once, looking at a tall appartment building she had visited quite a few times in the past, a past where she was still unbelievably naïve and easily influenced by others' thoughts and actions. Perhaps that past had died along with her naïvity, but there were still good moments in that past and a certain appartment in that entire building was one of those places in which she had managed to get some good memories. But she had to put it all behind her, Lamya had just a single goal she was trying to complete and with the final piece being so close within her grasp, she could not let her past interfere with her future.

"I'm sorry," A single phrase, a few simple words were all she managed to bring out, muttering them silently into the soft, chilly breeze of a late spring night. With those words having escaped her lips, Lamya set off yet again, jumping from one roof to another until she reached the northern gate, which seemed to be deserted, a good sign to her efforts, as it no doubt meant that they had already figured out someone had entered the village through the Southern gate and had taken out the guards over at that place.

It was a simple diversion, simple and briljant, for in a situation like this, there was no doubt everyone would be looking for an intruder IN the village, not outside of it. So with the northern gates deserted and without any guards, the former ANBU captain made her way beyond the northern gates, until she reached what she had come for: the high security prison which housed most of the land of Fire's greatest convicts. It was filled to the brim with dangerous individuals, but the one she was looking for, was probably the only one who would've been labeled the most dangerous shinobi the prison had and it couldn't have been a more fitting title for the very man who would've and could've thrown the shinobi world into an era of chaos and darkness.

Perhaps it was quite ironic that it would take the woman, the shinobi who hated this man the most to free him from his bonds, but then again, he wasn't someone who was easily taken in captivity and there was no doubt that even now he was still planning something. Perhaps he had already heard of what Lamya had done these past years, for even in that prison there was no doubt about the reach of his influence.

At the edge of the forest, silently waiting in one of the trees at the outline near the prison, Lamya inspected her target. There were some special jounin of the detainment corps present as guards at the gate and no doubt some ANBU were protecting the inside of the gate alongside the regular prison guards. It would be a drag if she had to be stealthy or worse, if she was but a bit weaker than she was at that point, because she had grown stronger, just enough to finally undertake this mission, to finally break her bonds, to taste true freedom. "Hmm, two guards... they've really been slacking off at this place, but then again I haven't heard of any dangerous individuals assaulting Konoha while I was gone."

Slowly, the former ANBU captain slid down from the tree, remaining hidden withing the forest's shadows, she started to weave her seals and ended with the yin sign, completely hiding herself from any but the best sensory jutsu to make it a bit easier on herself thanks to her armor and in the meantime she activated the jut she learned during her ANBU history, effectively extending her own senses to see wether or not she had missed any shinobi guarding the place on the outside.

When after a few moments she realized that the only number of shinobi she had to watch out for were on the inside of the building, Lamya grinned and stopped using her sensory jutsu, suddenly rushing towards the two special jounin from the detainment corps, stopping right in her tracks when she stood in between the two shinobi. "Hello boys, would you mind dying for me?"

The two guards at first didn't react much, as they were a bit dumbfounded by Lamya's sudden appearance, yet when they heard her request, they quickly reached for their weapons with the intent to as the name of their corps implied: detain her.

Alas, the two special jounin were immensely outclassed by the shinobi they intended to detain and their own swiftness of action was nothing compared to how fast Lamya managed to weave her hand signs and complete the requirements for her own way to "detain" or rather "deal" with the two guards.

In an instant, the two guards could feel their own movements become sluggish, as they struggled under a heavy pressure in the air, as if gravity had suddenly increased around them. However, as Lamya was the one casting this jutsu, she managed to control the area of effect, effectively making it so that only the two special jounin were having issues with their own movement and speed. This was perfect for her own intentions, as she slowly reached for her two scalpels again while walking closer towards the two, the moonlight in the air making it so that her own shadow was cast extraordinarily large upon her two victims. "If I remember correctly, I did ask you two to die for me."

In silence and with surgical precision, the former ANBU captain silenced the two unfortunate shinobi by cutting through their windpipes and vocal chords with her scalpels like a knife cutting through butter. Now all she had to do was to steal the keys from the guards and open the gates to the prison so she could do what she came for: to end an era and to start a new one. As she opened the gates, she took one last look behind her, noticing the pale moon before she went into the darkness of the prison.


Chakra: 330/370
jutsu used:

Last edited by Lamya on Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:48 pm; edited 1 time in total



“Do you ever go home?”

The sudden inquiry broke the otherwise undisturbed silence of the office tucked in the Northwestern corner of the detectives’ floor within Konohagakure HQ. The name embossed on the gold colored plate on he door’s exterior read “Uchiha, Kyohei”, denoting the office of the man who now sat at the desk, not so much as even raising his head in response to his colleague’s sudden intrusion into his office as he reviewed the documents pertaining to his ongoing case. The fellow detective crossed his arms and leaned his left shoulder into to doorway, awaiting the Uchiha’s reply.

“I’m working.”

“You’re always working.”

“You’re never working."

“Well excuse me if I don’t lock myself away in a cushy corner office day and night to read the same box of files over and over.”

“Well I do, so unless you have something important to say, get out of my office.”

“So cold. Well, we’re all drinking at the bat across tonight. You’re invited.”

“Can’t. I’m swamped.”

“Oh come on, do you know how hard it was to get the rest of the team to agree to invite you? You have been back for what, two months now? You haven’t tried to make friends with anyone. They all think you’re an asshole.”

“And they’d be correct. I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to do a job.”

“Fine, but don’t expect me to go out of my way to get you another invite.”

“Nothing would make me happier than you never again trying to ‘get me an invite’.”

“Hmph! Suit yourself! Sorry for trying to be friendly.”

“Get out.”

Without another word, Kyohei’s colleague would exit the office, pouting at the Uchiha’s rejection of his invitation. Turning his eyes towards the old manual clock on his office wall the detective shook his head at the time, not having realized how late it had become. Now that his focus had been taken off his work he was able to feel his body communicating its exhaustion to him, prompting him to pack up the documents he was currently reading and depart HQ,


The atmosphere was unusually pleasant that night, a cool breeze lowering the temperature just enough to avoid discomfort and a bright, full moon. Kyohei found these kinds of nights to be nostalgic, a reminder of a time where everything seemed so much more clear and secure. Perhaps it was that wistful feeling that guided the Uchiha’s feet to turn down the detour on his way home that would bring him past the apartment where he and Risu spent so many nights together. There was a time in his first weeks after returning where this detour was a regular occurrence, a part of him perhaps childishly hoping that he would pass by and see a light on through the window, that she would be home. That fantasy never came to be and as the days went on he stopped making that trip and fantasizing about that light peeking out from the window.

On this night, like every other night, the windows betrayed nothing but the darkness and emptiness of an abandoned home. Kyohei lingered on the street below, staring up at the empty window, for a few minutes, allowing himself time to reminisce. As he prepared to move on, however, a shadowy figure flickering over the rooftops like a blur caught his eye, darting away from the same building he had observed. The movement was out of the ordinary. He knew for a fact that there was no member of the Konoha Military Police Force who would be moving in such a manner by himself, nor would an ANBU operative hurry about out in the open and risk blowing their cover unless there was a more urgent matter demanding their presence. Perhaps out of curiosity and a sense of duty, but also because the man was in no rush to get home and replay his past in his head over and over, Kyohei took to the rooftops and followed in pursuit, keeping a fair bit of distance between the rooftops that his subject and he ran across as to not give away his position.

715 | 715

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

A silent shadow slid through the prison's first level, with one senbon after another being flung into the locks of each and every containment cell and releasing the prisoners inside. While chaos started to erupt, with the freed convicts running amok and escaping the place and others following the one responsible for their freedom, a handful of detainment corps shinobi arrived at the scene and drew their weapons, readying themselves to quell the uprising before it even began.

One of the guards was being swarmed by a handful of inmates, while the others were in the middle of making a decision: stopping the inmates from causing more chaos or stopping the strangely familiar looking ANBU in her tracks. With their weapons at the ready, they took less time than Lamya had expected to make their choice, with two of the shinobi coming at her, while the other two went over to help their fallen comrade.

"Well boys, let's make this quick, shall we?" Lamya wasn't being coy or arrogant, she was being serious. Things had to speed up, which was why she had decided to let loose all of the inmates rather than just the one man she was looking for. Her words did spur the detainment corps members into action, as she had to sidestep an incoming spear and block the other shinobi's sword with her bracers. "Finally you guys are getting it through your heads what's happening, but... it's too little too late."

With her free hand, she grabbed the spear that had been thrust into her direction, pulling it backwards, while she redirected the sword which got stuck on her bracers towards the shaft of the long weapon, effectively breaking it and using the momentum of her action to jump back a bit and create a few hand seals.

In an instant, two massive snakes comprised out of rock and water rose from the ground and crashed upon the two detainment corps members, their armors pierced by the snakes' teeth and as the two shinobi struggled, their pain and their wounds only increased, yet during their struggle they did not notice that Lamya had long since passed both of them, until they sank to the ground like lifeless puppets, their life and their warm blood running out of their throats and staining the concrete floor of the prison.

She took another look behind her, noticing that the prisoners had basically torn apart the two other guards, running amok with their own jutsu and freeing other inmates. Lamya was a bit wary though, having the feeling someone had been following her, but as she could not even see the front gates from where she was standing, she advanced further into the rabbit hole, until she reached the elevator which would lead her to the next level. The plan was not to go all the way down, but to free every single prisoner from every single level of the complex, the distraction had to be big enough after all and if it required her to kill a dozen shinobi standing in her way, so be it.


Chakra: 310/370
jutsu used:

Last edited by Lamya on Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:49 pm; edited 1 time in total



rolling intervention

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Tsuyo' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Thread Intervention' :
A new era, a new Snake to slither [Nukenin thread/plot/NK] Succes10



Tsuyo had been spending some time settled in within the cabin plotting his next move and how to gain the information he did not have. The world seemed detached from him within that room aside from times spent training with the other two. Sayuri was growing nicely and Mitsuo was never a push over. However short of the meeting with the Hokage he wasn't entirely sure what to do next. He had an idea of where to go and who to target but that left too much unanswered. Too many eventualities uncalculated. He needed to know more. Capabilities, numbers, armories, schedules. His information network could only pry so far before it became dangerous for them. Simple merchants were overlooked for a passing phrase here and there but for serious information one needed a shinobi network. Of such only one man had ever surpassed him in such capabilities. He had forgotten him simply because he was captured once upon a time. His world turned inside out by his own member. A woman he had never learned the name of or her connection to him. All he did know was the man was alive.

Risky as it was to approach the man directly he needed his answers. One he was sure only that man could give. He knew if he entered the prison the man too wise for his own good would try to bend him, to mold him to his will. He would drive a knife into Tsuyo's past and perhaps try and rip his rage from him. To cause a scene big enough for his escape or make a deal for everything Tsuyo dreamed of knowing for his release. All of it was too risky. He took a breath and resolved himself to a calm demeanor with no bent morals that night. That man would sooner die by Tsuyo's hand then leave his prison. He had to be firm on that. On top of that he musn't go there with the intent to force his way in. No lives to be taken in the event of his rapid escape either. Still one thing he had learned for years on the run as possibly Konoha's most wanted. It rarely hurt a situation to be well armed. To be prepared was to stay alive.

So Tsuyo would wait until sundown to ready himself. Telling no one of where he was going or why. If anything his purpose that night was far to simple to need an entourage of the worlds greatest swordsman and too risky to involve someone as precious as Sayuri. So Tsuyo would dress in a dark suit. Black boots and black slacks tightened up at the waist with a crimson shirt tucked in. A black tie buttoned into the shirt with a black buttoned up vest over it. On either of his hips he slipped in his curved daggers into sheaths to settle there before tucking his hair back into a black cap. Lastly he would slip on the lord of fortune coat. The light of the moon catching on the fabric making the slightest of sparkles. Tightening his cuff links he picked up his cane and was out the door. Without a sound he moved outside the cabin. Forming a series of silent hand signs before touching his own chest. A humming noise emmited from him and then he was gone. Not a single sense could detect him.

Quietly Tsuyo avoided the village and chose to move around it as there appeared to be some sort of activity close to the south gate. A few more shinobi there than he would of liked to interact with. The village wasn't his goal for the night anyway. His destination was the prison. With some genuine speed he cut around the village and made his way to a place he feared was his destiny. However as he approached the gates he found the lack of guards disturbing. Quietly he would take in a breath of air before smelling blood. Listening to the faint sounds of excitement deeper within. With a step he moved over the gate still hidden from the world. There he landed and quickly noted two bodies on the ground. Bled out in the grass. The excitement within growing louder. Something was very wrong here. His silver eyes took in the prison with all its monumental glory and impatience took him more than he had expected. Someone was turning this night into a blood bath. For what purpose he wondered?

Still Tsuyo wouldn't have long to consider it as out of the front door to the prison a guard came stumbling out. His forehead bloodied as he stumbled and fell to his knees. Scrambling to get back up. Three shadows could bee seen approaching from the light source the way he had come. Dark chuckles coming forth. Three men in prison uniforms came out and grinned at the guard. Tsuyo could hear him plead and pray to see his family once more. Truthfully it would be best for Tsuyo to move passed them and keep up his stealth genjutsu but these boys were planning to murder a man doing his duty to the village. This he couldn't ignore. The first of the three men moved to stand over the guard and raised up a senbon in his right hand. He said some despicable words but Tsuyo wasn't listening. Instead he had already moved. His left hand reached out to grab the man by his weapon wrist in a vice grip. The genjutsu peeling away from him due to touching someone. Silver eyes looked into the eyes of the confused prisoner. A murderer and his friends. This would not be allowed here.

With a quick shift both the mans friends stepped forward to rush the new man that had appeared out of thin air. Only to find Tsuyo far stronger than they had anticipated. Like with a mace he dragged the first man by his wrist and batted him into the second. Slamming him with enough force to send him flying into the wall. The second man was caught in the returning downwards slam as he used the now unconcious body to knock him straight down into the ground. Releasing the now broken arm Tsuyo would sigh and brush himself off. Adjusting his tie as he looked down to the man, the guard he had saved. Speaking pleasantly with a smile. "Well go one then, alert the village as to whats happening here. Off with you now." With that Tsuyo turned away from the guard and his eyes narrowed. Someone was releasing prisoners. If Tsuyo had not been around to put a stop to this terrible things may have happened. His walk in appointment with a certain man would have to wait until this was settled. With his own two hands he was going to put every last man back in their cell or in the dirt. Then he was going to have words with the cause of all this.

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

The sounds of metal clicking into metal, iron clamps squeezing tightly upon steel wires resonated through the silence of the second level underground of the prison facility. It was strange, to hear not a single thing from the level above, even if the prison was constructed with concrete, the silence was rather foreboding and even managed to unsettle Lamya a bit. However, she was not in a position to dawdle and forego her plans, not yet at least.

As she stepped out of the elevator's cage, she was greated with a familiar sight: rows of locked and closed celldoors, each housing another prisoner of konoha. Murderers, thieves, even foreign shinobi were brought to this place. Sure the guards could handle some of the murderers and thieves, but the shinobi that was something else entirely.

Speaking of guards, the very instant she passed through the shimmering light that dimly lit the corridor that made up the second level, Lamya could hear the four guards that were on duty in this level of the complex yell at her and draw their weapons. She bit her lip for a moment, deciding it was best to conserve her chakra for now, after all she still had a very difficult task ahead, one which needed perfect timing and execution if she ever wanted to be free from all the bonds that weighed her down even to this day.

Letting out a soft sigh, the young woman decided that she'd rather get this over with quickly, so she bend through her knees, bracing herself before launching off with blinding speed towards the four guards that rushed her with their weapons bared and ready for a fight, but there would be no fight, not now, not ever. In an instant, Lamya had passed the four guards and had managed to get to the other side of the corridor, where she stood still and pointed towards the lever which opened all the doors of that level. "You have a chance to run, I count to three and I pull this lever. Run and live, stay and die...your choice."

The members of the detainment corps were commended for their bravery and their ideology of putting their duty above anything else, so their choice was quickly made, rushing towards Lamya as fast as they could, yet sadly not fast enough. When the third count passed her lips, her hand reached for the lever and pulled it, effectively unlocking all the doors of the second level. "And here I was being kind, ah well, it's your loss." As soon as she turned around, the doors of all the cells opened, with easily two dozen inmates swarming out of their confinements, eagerly tasting their freedom and attacking those that have stood in the way of said freedom for such a long time.

"Two levels down, four to go." This time, lamya decided to go with the stairs, since she wasn't really looking forward on getting into the elevator with all those prisoners in the way of her path back to it. She wasn't overly concerned though, as far as she knew, the village did not know who the intruder was, so they wouldn't send their best shinobi just yet and when they would decide to do so, it would probably already be too late.

While she opened the door to the staircase that lead to the level below, Lamya took another look back before moving on. After all, even with the chaos she had created now, she still had to be careful not to overlook anything.


Chakra: 310/370

Last edited by Lamya on Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:49 pm; edited 1 time in total



Whoever it was that Kyohei found himself pursuing across the village, they were fast. It was all the Uchiha could do to simply keep up well enough to be able to stay on the individual’s tracks, and even then he found the distance between them growing wider and wider with each passing minute. The movements of the individual he was following made no sense in the context of an on-duty ANBU from Konohagakure. He was familiar enough with standard formations and protocol of the village’s black operations forces to know that within village walls ANBU operatives virtually always moved in teams. Beyond that, the man had never known ANBU operations to move at any pace but their own, making such a conspicuous, hurried individual an anomaly for the organization. Whether this person was friend or foe, any situation that would cause ANBU to move in a manner so out of protocol was surely important enough to investigate.

Kyohei pursued the individual through the village, due north all the way beyond the northernmost walls and far away from the general population of Konohagakure. Once in the forest beyond the walls of Konohagakure the Uchiha would lose the trail of the individual they were following, not even the sharingan able to spot their chakra due to the distance they had created for themselves. Under normal circumstances the man would have simply given up pursuit once he lost track of his target beyond city limits, deeming it no longer a threat to the public if the presence had not committed any crimes nor remained within the walls of the village. Something about this just felt different, however, and the man continued, at least for a time.

Despite having lost his trail, the Uchiha knew that there was only one road leading in and out of the village in this direction, to the prison maintained by the Land of Fire and Konohagakure. The fact that this person forewent any typical routes of travel like gates or roads and went in the direction of the prison was only a larger red flag. People did not simply go to the prison, and both prisoners & guards were required to travel along the road and check in with the guards at each gate. That this individual skipped procedure entirely only made one thing evident to the man; whoever this was, they had questionable intentions and little to no reverence for the law.

Upon arriving at the entrance to the prison Kyohei would find two slain guards laying on the ground before the gate. The blood flowing from their bodies still appeared fresh, meaning that the person behind this had only just been at this location. Immediately the Uchiha reached down for a small scroll attached to one of the guards’ belts, recognizing the seal on the front of the scroll. It was a flare scroll, a specific tool used by emergency operators and law enforcement in the village to let others know that an issue has arisen and request help. Pointing the opening of the scroll up and away from his face he yanked the paper open, releasing a stream of fire into the sky in the shape of Konoha’s leaf symbol to let the guardsmen on the wall back in the village that there is an emergency at the prison. With that duty of his taken care of the man would cautiously proceed into the prison to inspect the situation further.

578 | 1,293



Rolling for intervention

Edit: The dice-master is an A-hole

Last edited by Tsuneo on Mon May 15, 2017 3:48 am; edited 1 time in total

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Tsuneo' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Thread Intervention' :
A new era, a new Snake to slither [Nukenin thread/plot/NK] Failur10



Tsuyo would progress down the dark stone steps dimly lit by torch light into the abyss of the prison he had feared for so long. As he walked he would tuck his cane up into the crook of his arm as he pulled a single cigarette from his chest pocket. Placing the thin addictive between his lips Tsuyo would quietly reach back within the pocket and pull forth a gold encased lighter. Flicking it open as the smell of the gas fumes within filled the small space before a click of his thumb lit the tiny flame. Using it to light his cigarette before clicking it closed and smothering the fire within. Placing it back within his pocket Tsuyo would take a nice long inhale before taking the smoke into his left hand and the cane dropping into his right. Tapping every other step as me made his way down to the open double doors. Heavy metals fused together. As sturdy as it was it hadn't held up to such an invasive force. As of yet however Tsuyo had only discovered the three would be escaped prisoners.

Still he would pause a the open doors and gaze inside. Turmoil and havok was playing itself out within. Fighters of little skill or talent were overwhelming the guards within based on sheer numbers. Already he could see a couple of them dead from the prisoners and a couple more impaled on some sort of stone construct. It was good to know who ever it was invading the place favored the doton element. After all if he had to fight the mysterious evil doer underground, knowing the very walls were their weapons was highly important. Still there was no hint of the trespasser or trespassers signifying nothing of the enemy forces size or capabilities. All he knew as of yet was they were in fact capable. It was a pity that they had chosen to bring harm about this place in such a crude way. However as much as it would benifit him to quickly catch up to the mystery group he could not let the prisoners finish of the guards and make their way out.

Luckily he could hear someone approaching behind him. Quiet as they were he was far to potent an individual to be snuck up on. Instead a pale haired handsome young man would approach from the way Tsuyo had just came. A stern expression upon his features and an air of authority about him. How interesting that someone would come by just now. However Tsuyo wasn't sure as of yet if the man would be considered friend or foe. He had no idea the cause of the disruption nor did the know the reasoning behind it. For all he knew this man now approaching him was a ring leader of sorts seeking to do away with the only force preventing escape. Or perhaps even worse yet they assumed him to be the source of the disturbance. Certainly that would not do wonders for his appearance with the village. Regardless Tsuyo would keep his manners in check. He would politely assume the man to be of some authority with the village and merely offer his humble services as needed.

"My dear sir, despite what appearances may seem, I stumbled upon this havoc just recently myself. While I understand this is the business of the village I might offer you my humble assistance. Seeing as there are so few around to help as it appears. I present to you but two possible choices. As you are the authority here I assume leadership falls to you. Would you prefer I leave the mess of prisoners to you and pursue the source of this or perhaps you would prefer the reverse? Shall I instead handle the masses and rescue the remaining guards while you handle business further within?"



Forgive me for my wrongs I have just begun
A new era, a new Snake to slither [Nukenin thread/plot/NK] Fd6613b41acf50f0280e029b0de90bb8
One by one they fell, those who stood before the kings, those who opposed the absolute power of kings, and there'd be no salvation for those that faced them. Tsuneo never stopped walking, not once did the young man halt his own progress. Always seeking new power to protect his loved ones, his one, and only family; the Aoi Bara. They were outcasts. Never doubt one's family, always believe in them, and never give them up. The Aoi Bara was his family. Tsuyo, Gin, and Mitsuo. Those three were his only family. Tsuneo attained more and more power to seek revenge, however, ever since joined the Aoi Bara he's fought and trained to attain new powers simply to protect them and fight for them. Death arrogantly knocked on the palaces of kings as it did the huts of poor, equally. However, they were no kings hiding behind palaces, nor did they hide behind huts. The four kings walked barefooted pacing the steps of their destinies embraced death, faced it head-on, and made it bow before them. Tsuneo had walked forward not stopping for a second, never faltering, arrogantly daring whatever stood before him and smashing it to the ground. The young boy of paper pale white skin and pitch black hair coupled with a silver and red pair of eyes never led his gaze astray. He looked forward ever so arrogantly, rebelling, and challenging all that ever hoped to stand in his path digging his pitch black tortured nails and his gleaming white fangs into his prey. Drowning in the blood of the wretched, the King of the Purgatory Dragon Gate, walked.

The young man left the ramen shop and as he walked around he noticed a figure hopping on top of houses one by on. Tsuneo made nothing big of it and continued. As Tsuneo black haired now, however,  pale as ever would enjoy his walk upon the silence of the night only to notice a guard running away. The man was in panic and as he  stumbled upon Tsuneo who gripped him by the collar his fear only increased, however, Tsuneo would only speak one word, and it was “Speak” The man terrified would speak of how a woman released the prisoners and the overwhelming numbers were nothing but monstrosity destroying them guards and the prison itself. The guard would beg Tsuneo for help. Tsuneo dropped the man down after asking for directions as he spoke one word again “Scram.” The man left in panic as he was also ordered by Tsuneo not to tell this to anyone. The centipede's thoughts made a connection between the figure jumping on top of houses and the man's words.  It could also be a trap to corner Tsuneo but has anything such as so ever worked for the strongest of fights? Tsuneo would just obliterate them.

The young centipede rushed to the area and as expected two dead guards on the ground. Someone had a different idea.  Two criminals rushed from inside Tsuneo simple grabbed their heads and with monstrous power smashed their two heads at the ground till blood filled his hands were red with blood. Tsuneo walked in and as he progressed he'd find someone pleasant. A calm smile  appeared as he spoke “Hello brother.” He stood beside a man of white hair similar to Tsuneo. Tsuneo would walk in as though his brother was watching the TV and  Tsuneo came to nab something from the room. Casually walking in he would see the prisoners tearing apart the guards overwhelming numbers of criminals attacking the guards. Sadly, those criminals were forced stuck here in a prison. If it was Tsuneo they'd be stuck in hell, a much more fun place. Tsuneo cracked his neck as he looked down at a lot of bastards as he let his immense chakra burst off covering the area. Terrifyingly dark chakra. He would thank whoever released those prisoners. Scum do not deserve to live, not even in prison. However, regardless of who they are they caused a couple of deaths by their actions. Tsuneo would make sure to pluck their head and as he imagined the feeling in his hands he cracked both hands.  This won't be a fight, this prison would become a slaughter house. 

Tsuneo would speak few words foreshadowing the darkness and massacre that would ensue. The centipede would speak with a devilish grin as his Chakra alerted the prisoners shifting their attention stopping the madness for a second to look at the man that stood above them.  The slaughter begins, and none survives Tsuneo's slaughters unless he's feeling lazy. Tsuneo pinned down the monster within, the centipede as he glared at each and every one of them with deathly eyes. Their deaths were inescapable. He had noticed the outfits of the guard earlier and could distinguish them from the criminals. Tsuneo would jump in

 “Forgive me for my wrongs, I HAVE JUST BEGUN.”

Surrounded by murderers Tsuneo grabbed the heads of two more as he smashed them to the ground till their heads were smothered which took Tsuneo three times of smashing them before they were a bloody mess. Tsuneo would rush and run between criminals as left and right criminals' heads were twisted upside down snapping their necks killing them one by one. Reaching a guard about to die Tsuneo would grab the man and throw him to where Tsuyo and the man were standing. The centipede continued his slaughter as three rushed at him with punches he shook his head as he ducked spreading his legs and rotating on the ground as he dropped all three to the ground Tsuneo would dig his teeth into the neck of  one man as he bit off his throat before spitting what remained in his mouth away with disgust only to  grab one by the hair and pull at his head as he stood on top of him with his other neck he kicked the nape of the man' neck tearing it as blood gushed out  one got up rushing at Tsuneo who intercepted his punch grabbing hold of the man's fist as he kicked him in  the stomach before  rushing to him and twisting his head around three hundred sixty degrees around. 

Tsuneo would rush as few gazed at him while others fought. A devilish smirk as the man with bloody hands launched himself towards the rest of the lot.  Head smashing, neck twisting, neck snapping, eyes gouging, throat ripping, neck tearing, and brutalizing the lot of the scum as he pleased. While throwing guards away to a safe spot as he brutalized the lot of criminals. Tsuneo spoke to his brother who's demeanor was calmer than a calm ocean. The ocean would be the right word as once his rage takes over. Tsuneo was sure not even a million of these bastards would scratch him, just as not one would survive. Tsuneo was concise with his words as he spoke to not only his brother but the man beside him indulged assuming he's here to do something about this mess.

“Don't we need to rush? Someone is the cause of this mess...” Tsuneo cracked his neck as he spoke while smashing the head of a man “Their purpose is not the prisoners' escape. This is a diversion. We should hurry, I feel like ripping heads tonight.” Tsuneo spoke with his devilishly cold voice knew nothing of the intent of this person or persons causing this havoc, but he knew damn well how he wanted to tear them apart. He looked at the two as he awaited a response from his brother at least, he knew not who the other person was. However, it would be wise to hear their piece on this before going any further.

Words: 1313
Chakra: 390/390

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

While she was walking down the stairs, she could hear it, beyond the sounds of the second level, something had been going on at the upper level, there was simply not enough noise. Or rather, there was first too much noise, followed by too little, as if someone or something had silenced all the prisoners upstairs at the ground level of the facility. It was a bit annoying, but also terrifying, because if someone had been send that could instantly silence all those people, things might've gotten more complicated.

Lamya could not let herself be distracted by all this, yet she was afraid that now she had to speed up her progress, because she would not and could not face two or more opponents at once, certainly not if one of them was her uncle. "Tsk," Biting her lower lip and letting out a soft hiss, the former ANBU captain ran down the flight of stairs, ready to do her job on the third level, before she would have the chance of getting caught, that was one thing she truly could not let happen, not now she was so close with only a few more levels to go before she'd reach the lowest level.

When she reached the third underground level of the prison, she was surprised to see that there were four guards at the ready, with their weapons already drawn and their determination visible on their faces. It seemed that though her actions had managed to stall any pursuers, she had also alerted the other guards with her actions and she couldn't just waltz through this time.

As soon as she passed the door which led to the staircase, the first guard instantly ran towards her, raising his sword in order to strike down at her, yet when he decided to do so, she managed to block his blade's swing by crossing her arms above her head and using her bracers to effectively absorb the impact. Within a single breath, she managed to use this moment of stopping the guard's momentum to strike back, kicking the guard against his left knee. This blow was devestating enough to break the poor guard's knee, which in a delirium of pain and agony made him lower his guard and loosen his grip on his sword. This granted Lamya an opening which she cleverly used to forego her earlier defensive stance against his swing, stretching her hand with her fingers tightly kept together, hitting the guard with her fingertips against his throat and crushing his larynx with apparent ease.

Though the other guards noticed their comrade falling to the ground, gurgling as he choked on his own blood, they did not falter or loosen their defense. In an instant, two other guards rushed towards the young woman, one with a spear, while the other wielded two tonfa.

In an effort to stop their attack, Lamya grabbed the spear and pushed it aside, using it as a leverage to aim a high roundhouse kick towards the other guard's face. To her surprise, she could feel two tonfa's blocking her kick, while the man wielding the spear pulled it back and thus made her loose her balance for a moment, a moment which was enough for them to try another attempt of their own. Alas they were up against someone who had gone through the past year by nothing else than struggling for survival and fighting almost every day. There was no way some mid ranked guards would be able to best her, let alone beat her outright.

While she seemingly lost her balance, the former ANBU captain was fast enough to regain it before the two guards' weapons could connect to her, as she tanked the hit to the side of her ribcage from the tonfas, the force perfectly mitigated and dispersed by her superior armor, she grabbed the other guard's spear yet again only to break it by hitting it with her fist. "My turn," Just as she said those words, she performed a simple trick by bending through her knees in between the two dumbfounded guards and instantly springing upwards again while pressing against both their chins and forcing them to fall backwards, by then instantly grabbing their lower jaws in a vice grip, she crushed the skull of both men on the concrete floor of the third level.

The fourth guard, visibly shaken by the ordeal, dropped his weapon and kneeled on the ground, praying and begging for mercy. Due to pathetic look this had, Lamye ignored the guard and moved on, pulling the lever which again opened the doors of those secured on this level, the third level, which housed dangerous serial killers and some mid-ranked shinobi, of which probably a few had some special skills, but she did not care, all was for the sake of her goal, no matter who she had to kill, no matter what she had to do. As the single sobbing guard didn't know what to do with the prisoners coming out of their cells, having smelled freedom, Lamya simply opened the door to the next staircase to get to the next level. Just a few left and she'd be where she wanted to be, the lowest level, she truly needed to be prepared for the moment she'd reach that place, for that one did not house some ordinary people nor did it house ordinary guards...


Last edited by Lamya on Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total



The man who had entered shortly after Tsuyo seemed prefectly content to ignore him. He seemed to care nothing for what was happening within which only brought a sigh to Tsuyo's lips. So if he was to be ignored then he too would ignore this one. He felt no threat from them as of yet and that aside something familiar was approaching. Something he left behind in Kumo and hadn't expected to see so soon within Konoha of all places. Not that he wasn't happy to see his would be little brother. If only there was one way to ensure a single thing. That the man didn't go beyond reason and slay all beyond that point. Konoha likely wouldn't like its prisoners masacred without trial or reason. However Tsuyo was having a hard time humanizing them. The way some of the guards had died was far from anything human. So he would nod to Tsuneo as he passed. Knowing the centipede would be as brutal as always. The youth these days. So quick to show boat.

Still Tsuyo would tap his cane on the floor once before calmly walking forward into the room. A smoke ring blowing from his lips as he continued his casual pace. His silver eyes watching as Tsuneo would drag all the attention and take them down with his bare hands. Tsuyo could practically taste the bloody chakra and even he felt the need to admit it was larger than his own. That was to be expected from an Uzumaki. There was a reason that Tsuyo was the big brother in the picture though beyond age. His own chakra however smaller was much more refined. Even Mitsuo had not refined his chakra to the levels Tsuyo had. A single drop of his golden chakra was enough to heal the wounded or chastise the wicked. The others in the Aoi Bara had so much to flex with but it simply made Tsuyo smile as he crossed the room. Even those that noticed him however would never reach him beyond Tsuneo's rampage. Still he was nearly to the door when Tsuneo spoke again. Looking over his shoulder at the young man before taking his hat off and setting it on his cane leaning against the wall.

"Very well young king. I shall clear the next floor promptly. Do be sure though to offer mercy to those who would have it. We musn't kill those who did not participate in the killing. Once you finish handling the rabble leave the rest to the guards still able. Be sure to be quick and join me below."

With a smile Tsuyo would flick his smoke up into the air and step with actual power put into his step this time. The floor would indent on the heel of his boot as he shifted straight down the stairs. Ignoring the elevator as it would only slow him down. In a moment he was on the next floor. His eyes took in the slaughter within and he would sigh. A second step and he was upon the next man. A tap to his chest sending him slamming into his cell or at least an empty cell with enough force to let dust fall from the wall. The next and the next after that. Every last one in the hall so much the same. In a moment before any of them had realized they were not alone they joined in unison in a groan. Half broken on the prison floor of their cells. With a remorseful look to the bodies on the floor Tsuyo would flip the switch. The cell doors closing before he stepped again.

This time he arrived just as Lamya was leaving. A sudden pressure filling the floor as he was suddenly standing on the end of the floor she had arrived from. Men just appearing out of their cells. His silver eyes took them in as he would adjust the cuffs of his coat. His gaze slowly settling on Lamya and she would know but one thing. This man was not someone the people on this floor could hope to hold back. He would be upon her in a moment. The sobbing guard staring at him in confusion as Tsuyo would finish with his cufflinks and bring a finger to his lips as if to shush him. Best not attract the predators to the plee of the prey. Still Tsuyo would allow his chakra to trickle out. A thin set of whisps trailed along his body as it appeared some long chinese golden dragon would coil itself around his torso and arms. His chakra was so pure it was almost inhuman. When he spoke he spoke to the room and his voice commanded attention and respect. It was a sensation as if to interrupt him meant an end to all things.

"Do wait there for me my dear mystery ANBU. I happen to have questions. As for you lot, I offer you a simple thing. Survive this night. Return to your cells before the nightmare arrives or I shall not keep him from you. Voluntarily do this and you shall be spared. If not, if you touch one hair upon that guard, if you try and speed passed me or dare to attempt to conquer me, well I certainly hope you kept up on your vitamins. Because I have conquered men and women who would be gods. I have torn down monsters greater than all of you combined and weathered storms beyond your comprehension. Challenge me now and your story ends here."



"Very well young king. I shall clear the next floor promptly. Do be sure though to offer mercy to those who would have it. We mustn't kill those who did not participate in the killing. Once you finish handling the rabble leave the rest to the guards still able. Be sure to be quick and join me below."

Following his brother's instructions, the young man offered mercy to those willing to receive it. They were here to pay for their crimes after all. Tsuneo smashed a couple of more heads soaking his hands with blood before rushing down his Chakra ever so powerful and wild. Unlike Tsuyo's refined and elegant Chakra, Tsuneo's was that of a beast or death. The mere feeling of Tsuneo destructive Chakra would choke those around him as though his hands on their necks. The young man placed his hand on his head gripping it for a mere second as the monstrosity within tore at his heart. The centipede, the second personality was thirsting to kill. It spoke to Tsuneo.  Tsuneo as he struggled to walk stumbled upon the corpse of a guard killed by the criminals, Tsuneo would lean down as his fist bumped the man's heart speaking few words “You did well.” Around the man's neck a small locker as Tsuneo  took it and opened it he would find a small picture fo the man and his daughter with small handwriting saying "I love dad!" Tsuneo's eyes widened for a second before putting the locker in his pocket and rushing towards his brother on the way, the centipede from within spoke,
“Poor man, was he a single parent? His daughter would sure look cute crying her eyes out when she hears this news. What are you going to do? Tell her that daddy died? The one responsible for all of this is the one unlocking the cages. Let me out! LET ME TOY WITH THEM PLUCK THEIR EYES, BITE OF THEIR TONGUE, CHEW THEIR EARS, TEAR THEIR LIMBS. LET US AVENGE.”
A new era, a new Snake to slither [Nukenin thread/plot/NK] B0e6465d8bbdec6a505ee6ef2f6ca269e48ed769_hq

Annoyed the man spoke quietly to himself “Shut up. Sit the fuck down.” It took the young black haired man a mere second to catch up to his brother. Arriving at the same floor, Tsuneo would hear his brother grant the unworthy a mighty speech, simply notifying the enemy of a mere small piece of information. It was a simple actualization of the choice theory  “The only person’s behavior you can control is your own. The only thing you can give is information.” Tsuyo gave them information, that is his behavior, their next action is theirs and as Tsuyo progressed Tsuneo watched from the stairs as one attempted to ambush Tsuyo. Tsuneo would land on the man as he smashed his head repeatedly, before getting up to his stance cracking his index finger with his thumb. Tsuneo spoke few more words.

“Trust me,” Tsuneo spoke to the corpse “That was merciful if I let you ambush my brother. It's not one death you will die.”

A thousand? A million? Regardless of the number, the man would've died over and over had he even came one step close to Tsuyo. Tsuneo simply looked at his brother “Let's go.” Tsuneo rushed not letting up for a second darting between stairs with insane speed as he reached a floor in which a couple of guards had fallen. A person's shadow going further down, Tsuneo rushed madly after the person. A woman, the aura cold as though a snake was before him. Her eyes lifeless filled with mere darkness, or so Tsuneo had interpreted the glare her eyes gave off. Tsuneo's Chakra would grow darker and colder, Tsuneo placed his hand one his chest as he prepared to activate a seal secretly under his clothes. His Chakra grew darker and darker as he stood before the woman. His left eye grew dark as his pupil turned to a vertical slit as a devilish smirk ripped his face. It was him, the mad centipede. Tear his limbs he'll bite you to death, tear his teeth away he'll stare you to death, smash his head he'll haunt you to death. The Centipede was a madman personality that would never give in till his target, his prey was torn to shreds and its remains ended up as his food. However, the Centipede feared one person, Tsuyo, and it was him who would keep him in check.

A new era, a new Snake to slither [Nukenin thread/plot/NK] 2f971d0b6fa374b64ec584f0e052a652

The mad centipede spoke to Tsuyo “Your cute little brother is asleep. Hehehehe.” He spoke with a scornful voice as he looked at the woman as he launched his chakra towards her glaring at her with a chakra holding the blood and darkness of the tens of thousands Tsuneo had murdered “Your eyes? Your ears? Your hair? Your limbs? Guts, lungs, throat, kidney, heart? Which one will I rip out first?” Tsuneo sanity was regained slightly calming the mad persona within, however, the blood thirst, the blood lust, the lust and obsession for destruction and his killing intent remained as he prepared his accursed chains. The accursed black chains protruded from his soul as he held his the chains letting an eerie dark cursed aura that promised nothing but death.  Tsuneo's slightly calmed eyes glared down at the woman before him as he rose his head slightly his eyes locked at every twitch of a muscle within her frame. 

Tsuneo's black chains released an even darker aura as he glared at the woman. The chains would beg and beg to be used as they raged with his chakra. Cracking his neck to the side as he cracked his index finger with his thumb simply stood there in silence. He would await his brother to speak or his brother's command. If they need to keep her alive Tsuneo would have to suppress the Centipede and his madness. Disfiguration, cannibalism and a brutal death are all that satiates the Centipede. It is all that awaited those who awoke the monstrosity. Tsuneo was barely keeping his sanity due to his rage. The man's daughter, because of this woman..... Tsuneo stood still armed in his stance not showing the slightest bit of an opening as his eyes remained fixated upon her not letting her slip his grasp. Should she attempt to move an inch he would rush with monstrous speed and hope he doesn't murder her if that was not their objective in this dark dim night. Tsuneo's dark eye signified that Tsuneo was barely holding back the Centipede. Tsuyo knows this darkness dwelling within Tsuneo and he knows of this sign. 

Words: 2429
Chakra: 390/390

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

The feeling of being followed was still there, yet the nagging sensation had turned into a thick, almost sickening pressure. It felt almost as if her uncle had unleashed his full power, yet she knew this was impossible, so Lamya turned around to look towards the other side of the corridor. With her mask on and her entire outfit signifying that she was indeed some sort of ANBU, there was almost no way for anyone else than those that truly knew her to be able to recognize her as Orochi Risu.

Lamya's eyes fell upon the cigaret smoking man, who's presence seemed so similar to her uncle's; calm and unfazed by anything happening around him, looking straight at her through the turmoil of the freed prisoners running wild. However, that wasn't all. A single man, his chakra so completely different from the calm and authorative looking figure, had arrived as well, looking at her with strange eyes which seemed akin to that of a bloodthirsty beast with hardly an ounce of selfcontrol.

For a moment, her lips curled behind her mask, as she knew any ordinary shinobi would most likely consider this new arrival the biggest threat, but her background and expertise in medical ninjutsu told her otherwise, the man with the calm, yet somewhat sinister chakra signature waswithout a doubt far more dangerous than the beastly figure that seemed hardly capable of restraining his chakra, almost as if she was facing a true master and a raging pet.

One thing was bothering Lamya, as she knew either of them. There were some things that seemed odd, but she was almost certain that these two were not Konoha-nin or at least not any of the regular kind. So given her background and the similarities each of them had in their own way with the members of the group she had been facing for so long, she took a single step towards the staircase behind her and straightened her back, tilting her head slightly backwards as she removed her mask and hung it at the belt around her waist. "Questions to be asked, hmm?"

Her golden, snake like eyes slowly turned from the calm and collected man towards the beastlike man who seemed to have problems refraining himself from attacking her, which led her to slowly reach for her Kirinketsu Ryoga just in case the fiend would try to do anything. This situation was unprecedented and completely the opposite of what she wanted to achieve, she only had a few more levels to go, but she could not turn her back to that sinister man.

Yet just like her uncle and this man as well apparently, her chakra hardly seeped out, with no unbearably overt emotions and an impressive control making it so that she would hardly even show signs of her rather large reserves of chakra, yet even so her control over her own chakra paled in comparison to this man who she figured was at least equal to her uncle using his full power, making it abundantly clear that this was far from a laughing matter and not at all something to be brushed off as but a minor setback.

"Stand down, you fould beast," Lamya's voice was smooth and cold, but filled with an authority only a clanhead and person used to a position of power could have. With her head slightly tilted backwards, even from the distance between her and the two strangers, she was obviously still looking down from a higher place at the ghoulish person. It was Obvious that the beast was keeping himself somewhat in check, no doubt obliged to do so in the presence of the other, more civilized presence. Yet she could not take any risks just yet, if she moved too much the brazen, unrefined presence would no doubt act and start a fight that could easily end up with the entire prison being destroyed.

"Though I had prefered to do this quick and quietly, I suppose I might have some time for a conversation with someone as interesting as yourself, sir..." Again, her lips curled into a soft, slightly faint smile, though she did not lower her guard at all, keeping an eye on both of them. "Well then, mind calling your pet back or do I need to slit open the poor thing's throat before it calms down? It's chakra is simply deplorable and sickening, so do please make sure that with all this...tension he doesn't make a sudden move that would ruin this moment of reprieve for the both of us."

Again she took a moment to look at Tsuneo, her eyes not showing anger or any emotion in that spectrum, only a mixture of disgust and literal desinterest seemed to fuel the glint in her eyes as she grinned slightly, as if she was mocking the beastly man with hardly any apparent self control. "So... why do I have the feeling you need something from me?"


Last edited by Lamya on Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total



For the moment the hallway seemed almost still. There was the guard on the floor and ten men around him fresh from their confines. A mixture of glances to freedom with glances to their savior and consideration to the guard. Some simply wanted to flee, others to know more and lastly there were those who wished to simply bring the world to its knees. However Tsuyo's arrival and words had all eyes moving between himself, the guard and the woman. For a moment they considered options. Tsuyo certainly put off an air of confidence but could he handle them all at once? What kind of man could do such a thing in a suit? However five men did shift slowly back into the protective walls of their cells even before Tsuneo arrived. Three simply because they could read a room but the fourth because he recognized Tsuyo. As Akira Kazako. The retired Tsuchikage.

The remaining six however grinned and shifted each in turn. Glancing at each other for either reassurance that they would have back up or simply wishing to show off some abilities. However they did not charge simply because Tsuneo stepped in next. His dark aura causing their breath to catch and even Tsuneo shifted his head a little to watch the young man entering next to him. He chuckled something about the little brother being asleep and for a moment Tsuyo considering pulling him by the ear. Teaching him manners maketh man. Madness was for the sick and desperate. A calm mind was a prepared one. Still The boy went on about different ways to kill the ANBU and Tsuyo would but sigh impatiently. Really a broken neck was plenty for this situation. She was but a criminal on the job killing men who swore to defend against people just like her. Did that excuse her? Of course not. However it did not enrage him. They were not helpless men but equals to those they guarded. Men he had feared he would meet in chains. However it appeared the deeper they went the stronger the guards. Just how deep did the girl wish to go?

Still she would remove her mask and Tsuyo would smile at the pretty woman beneath. Even blood stained and dangerous she was stunning. It was too bad that she had chosen this path. Still as per her request Tsuyo would stick his arm out barring Tsuneo's path. His gaze glancing to him with a stern look. The boy already had his chains out and plans to murder. In these close quarters jutsu were dangerous. It was best not to taunt fate. Still Tsuyo would speak with a tone that did not leave room for questions or interruptions. "Be still. Do not cross the room or harm those who have surrendered. Do not assault her either in any way unless she raises a weapon to me. If we move you of course are free to do so as well but respect a ladies wish and give her space. Oh and do keep the rabble off me."

With that Tsuyo would lower his arm and turn to walk calmly down the hallway to the woman. His stance seemed casual with his left hand only having his thumb in his vest pocket and his right hand hanging at his side. He paid the others no mind as he only seemed to have eyes for Lamya. Moving at a walk and not even a brisk one. As he did the men in the room thought it a chance to test him. Moving in with rage and speed filled with killing intent. However Tsuyo didn't pay them a single glance as not a one of them would reach him. He was sure of it. With Tsuneo behind him they would all pay the price of their intent. Not a hair, not a scream, not a spot of blood would reach Tsuyo as Tsuneo would hopefully wipe out all of them with those dark chains. Once Tsuyo got to the otherside of the hall Lamya and him would be at a comfortable speaking range. He would smile and bow his head before glancing back at the mess of guards. Even though he seemed so casual something about him would scream danger on the horizon to her. So relaxed and yet if she moved in a hostile way he seemed ready. As if a perfect martial arts stance.

"Truly a pity you didn't come to me first. We could of gotten you all the way to where ever you might be going without raising a single alarm or shedding a drop of blood. As for needing something from you, I would like an introduction. As such I will begin. My name is Dr. Hyuga Tsuyo. It is a pleasure to witness a vision such as you my fair lady."



Tsuneo unleashed his chains, three chains as he hurled them at the female not to attack, but to rush at her with a speed exceeding madness, his brother was still beside him beginning to walk. Tsuneo rushed towards her and with an insane speed far exceeding anyone in the room, a speed of forty-seven meters a second. He positioned his hands properly to where his attack would land as he reached her. as he reached her to the side he had his beloved lightning lance launched and with that, he would cut off both of her legs rendering her immobile while sealing in any defensive, offensive, or supplementary Jutsu she may attempt to use with her swallowing seal. However, it is not all he had done. He had sealed her little S-rank scalpel in his swallowing seal. As she remained beneath him he looked down at her, turned around, and walked towards his brother whom would surely punish him later for what he had done. However, it was not Tsuneo that which moved. It was the dreadful centipede, or what managed to slip from him.

Is what he had wanted to do so badly, but he didn't, and why?

Tsuneo's respect and love for Tsuyo far more outweighed his inner demons. Being called his pet was nothing more than funny and as Tsuneo chuckled closing his eyes slightly opening them right away to look at the task before him. Tsuneo had regained his body. The centipede was gone. Tsuneo's white hair had returned instantly as his chakra had calmed down, and before long disappeared. Tsuneo gripped his head as a slight headache washed over for a mere fraction of a second signifying the slumber of his madman personality, the Centipede. Tsuneo turned to the six guards as he spoke to the woman as he threw the locket of the man and his daughter in the picture. “One of the prisoners you released had killed a father. To me, you're less than scum. Calling you trash would be an insult to trash. However, if it is my brother's wish to treat you as a lady, then you'll be treated as such.” He spoke with disgust only to continue “You're also free to come and try to kill me, I assure you my brother won't interfere, and I? Forgiveness is between you and god. It's my job to arrange the meeting.”  He concluded his sentence with a small smirk that faded as he turned his attention to the six gentlemen “Let's dance.”

Tsuneo having regained control of his body had nothing emitting out of him. As he usually was and as once Sayuri witnessed. Nothing emitted from him. The Centipede would always make his Chakra rage wildly and promise death. Few resisted and few were strong. Through that Tsuneo knew, this woman that spoke to Tsuyo was without a doubt powerful. However, should she attempt at Tsuyo's life. It is not only her, but all that existed in this prison would die. Tsuneo rushed at the six as he was intercepted with a swordsman for his first opponent, however, the guards were not going to play politely. Tsuneo was intercepted by another man that launched a low sweeping kick as the swordsman struck downwards. Tsuneo threw himself in the middle of the man's blade and the other's leg, as he grabbed the man's hands holding the handle of the sword while he pushed down the other's thigh. Taking control of their movements Tsuneo planted the man's blade through the other's leg. As one suffered in pain the man previously holding the sword rushed at Tsuneo with a punch as the white haired held his wrist went under his arm landed a solid and powerful punch at the man's stomach and flipped him over. Only to see a third come towards Tsuneo with an Axe enhanced by Chakra Tsuneo would burst off and reappear behind the man, grab him by the hair as he pushed his head down focusing his strength in one hand and striking at the man's nape breaking his neck and knocking him out without killing him. The man pinned to the ground with a blade through his leg had gotten up with the intent of destroying Tsuneo who dashed towards him and swept the man off his feet, grabbing hold of his arm rotating it behind his back and struck another on the nape of his neck knocking him out. Tsuneo turned his attention to the third as he seemed completely passed out from the strikes Tsuneo had dealt to the man's stomach and chest. Three people didn't agree to accept loss and let them be and rushed at Tsuneo with fierce power one released a powerful lightning lance Whom Tsuneo dashed below reaching the man's collar and grabbing it as he landed a fierce Rasengan to his chest breaking his ribs, and quickly grabbing his arm as he rotated it slightly and struck with his knee at the man's elbow breaking it. Tsuneo kicked the man away as one launched a blast of wind towards Tsuneo. Launching back a firing dragon would kill the man and not only that it would cause quite the stir enough for the  "lady" to escape. Tsuneo had forced himself to jump to the wall beside him and towards the man as the blast of wind faded noticing a two inch cut on his own leg as he tried to bounce away from the blast, however, still. Tsuneo rushed to the man as he grabbed his head and smashed it to the ground holding back as to not actually smash the man's head to pieces, but only to knock him out.

One remained, and that one would feel a bit of pain that Tsuneo apologized for. He rushed at the remaining single man as he launched needles towards Tsuneo who used the man knocked out below him as a shield. Kicking the knocked out man's body towards the needle thrower only to burst with maximum speed and reappear behind the man punching his face and grabbing his head striking it to the wall holding back again only to knock him out. The man hit with needless awoke and Tsuneo replied by striking his face with his knee, sending him back to his dream land.

However only the man hit by the Rasengan remained knocked out. The young white haired man had rushed to whoever awoke and punched some of his power into them with a few solid kicks to make sure they're knocked out for the next hour. Tsuneo dusted his hands and himself as he looked at the two. Taking out those guards took him merely three quick seconds before looking back at his brother. “Konoha needs an update.” referring to the guards' weakness in combating Tsuneo. The young man was much better coordinated and used nothing of his Jutsu. He would keep his cards hidden in case the woman before them was to be taken out. Unlike the Centipede whose personality was to kill all that is in his path. 

Upon a closer look, the woman was indeed beautiful, but what she did was nevertheless inexcusable. Tsuneo noticed her resistance to the centipede's aura. She is strong. Fighting her would be no simple task but Tsuneo was no mere weakling. His destructive power was far beyond many and he would show nothing of it, nor would his Chakra be obvious. In the state which Tsuneo combats the Centipede dark dreadful Chakra rages. In the state Tsuneo has control, nothing existed. Looking at the white haired man right now would feel as though looking through glass. Transparent. It was how he wished to appear. Empty. Tsuneo stood beside his brother, silent and bored. Someone such as her would feel no remorse, however, despite that Tsuneo still gave her the locket. Tsuneo kept an eye on her and the guards laying away knocked out. He would protect them and his brother. Tsuneo thought of Mitsuo, and wondered if he was here what would have happened. His fellow men killed by this woman's actions and a father killed for simply doing his job. It would bring them honor to have died in the fight. However, Mitsuo was a man that sacrificed all for the sake of his village and his comrades. Had it been Mitsuo in Tsuneo's stead. He wouldn't be calmed by Tsuyo's orders. This prison would have been a burning oven.

Jutsu used: Rasengan
Chakra: 365/390

(Will fix everything once I get home including adding jutsu, stats, and other things.)

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

The former ANBU captain silently watched as the polite stranger held back to raging beast, which surprisingly lead to the man who had been raging like an animal before to forego practically all of that wild and uncontrolled chakra, in stead showing an emptiness that showed a decent level of chakra control, but then again it would never be the same as those who had learned to use medical ninjutsu, not those who knew it to the extreme like her uncle or apparently the man who was now so casually walking towards her.

The other, formerly raging guy seemed to suddenly have a different persona though, making Lamya wonder what the use would be of such a volatile, untrustworthy and basically liable person. Mental liability was a thing the kunoichi had some experience with, though in her case it was caused by the seal which her uncle's former right hand man Hataro had placed on her a long time ago and though the seal had been destroyed, the man's chakra still lingered weakly within her, giving her a headache once in a while, but luckily no more than just a headache.

Anyway, now that she had no choice but to stand still and await what would happen, the former ANBU captain decided to use that moment of reprieve in a productive manner, calmly focusing on the nature chakra surrounding the place and beyond. If she couldn't move, at least she'd be making it useful enough for herself to catch her breath again. In the meantime, she simply awaited the man who had introduced himself as Hyuga Tsuyo, a doctor no less. The name seemed familiar, but she couldn't place it, so even though she had the gnawing feeling that she should know the man or at least the name from something, without an actual real memory linked to the name, she couldn't pintpoint what exactly it was that bothered her so much about the name Hyuga Tsuyo.

"I think that will do, you're close enough," The kunoichi suddenly reacted by raising her hand in a motion to tell Tsuyo to come no closer. He had almost gotten within five meters of her and she hadn't even noticed that he had moved so close in such a fluid matter, it must've been the fact that she was keeping an eye on two people at once which nearly made her forget about the fact that one of them was actually approaching her. "Orochi Risu by the way, it's not polite from me to just leave a man hanging and xaiting for a proper response to an introduction."

She watched as the now rather calm other man started bashing and beating on the poor guards, letting out a sigh as she noticed that he was indeed only knocking them out and not outright killing them in a quick and merciful fashion compared to the brutal ways he was beating them. "Quite a violent man, that partner of yours... Tsuyo-dono."

Lamya gave the man a faint smile, her eyes taking it whatever she could see about Tsuyo, her nose taking in his smell, her ears taking in the sound of his breath and the sound of his movement. She knew she had to be careful, especially with someone who gave her the same feeling as her uncle, the feeling of facing not a man, but a void, an abyss of secrets and shadows. "Forgive me, but I do not know you, so coming to you would've never been possible, Tsuyo-dono. There is reason within this bloodshed, a decent diversion, a fun distraction and at the same time a bloody, unforgettable statement to Konoha. One must have the will to break some eggs to make an omelet after all, in this case... a few guards from the detainment squad."

When Tsuneo came closer as well, Lamya thought he'd throw the locket, but in stead he seemed to ignore her wishes and just walked straight up to her, making her feel uncomfortable and threatened, as she had clearly stated to Tsuyo not to come closer, but this one dared to just ignore everything?

Her fingers twitched, her eyes showed visible annoyance and it was Obvious that she really wanted to grab her Kirinketsu to slice op the white haired man's throat, but then long as he behaved, she'd behave as per the agreement made with the more civilized gentleman who obviously seemed to be the brains in the group. "So... I'm responsible for killing a father. How many fathers have you killed on the first floor, how many have you killed while in that mindless state of yours? Don't you try to force a feeling of guilt or remorse upon me, while it is Obvious that the blood on yor hands is more significant than mine. How many petty thieves and minor criminals have you killed today, how many of those sobs have been stuck in this prison for years because of Konoha's inability to govern itself and how many of those do you think were fathers and sons?"

Letting out a deep sigh, lamya placed her hand against her forehead and let it slid across her face, showing that she was quite astonished by the mentally liable man's behavior. "Now then... with the introductions made, why are you strangers getting in my way?"


Chakra: 310+20/370

Last edited by Lamya on Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total



Tsuyo would listen as she introduced herself. The escaped PRISONERS behind him dealt with in a surprisingly non lethal way. The sobbing and paralyzed guard that had survived her until now simply stared into space unable to comprehend what had happened. His comrades and long time friends, people he knew simply torn down on just another random night. There was of course risk to working in the prisons but no one could of predicted someone so powerful approaching with malice intent for them. No one would want anyone this level and below freed anyway. It was asking for disaster and chaos. How could he cope with this then? This failure bound to cause some PTSD. He wanted to scream even when it became clear he would survive. However a single touch to the top of his head made the mans eyes go blank. A whispered command between Lamya's words. "Go home and forget" was a simple thing and yet the man responded. Rising up and moving methodically. The genjutsu specialty hypnotizing the man to forget and not with much difficulty either. His mind wanted to block it out.

Still her comment to his partners violent nature was not unfounded. He wondered at times if Tsuneo was truly someone who could bring about the future for the Aoi Bara. He seemed to have control over the madness at least. A significant change. Though Tsuyo had honestly expected more after the suggested seal he was going to experience. Years spent within it he had said. Or at least as far as Tsuyo could recall. Back in Kumo he had revealed his intentions. However he was young and bolsterous. If only he would mature into something less chaotic he would be a truly advantageous friend. For now even as Tsuneo moved passed him into the space keeping the peace in order to shove a locket into her hands he did not bother to stop him. He was capable so if she took it as an attack he could defend himself. After all he had disobeyed the request to stay back. His neck on the line was his doing. However an explenation was given. A statement made.

She continued to explore Tsuneo's resistance to being bated. Something Tsuyo wasn't sure would hold out much longer. However there was more to be gained here than simple blood shed. His silver eyes shifted from Tsuneo to Lamya before he cleared his throat. They had been asked as to why they had come. For now he would reach out with some effort to grab Tsuneo by the shirt collar and pull him to stand next to him. Really the boy needed to simply play along for the moment. This was the majority of the Aoi Bara though. Few of them thought things through and many simply avenged without question. Pure warriors the lot of them. However Tsuyo was a politician at heart. His eyes would shift to Lamya before he would speak his tone was calm but dangerous. His grip releasing on Tsuneo so they could both move as needed. Negotiations were about to break down in a moment likely. She thought highly of herself. But he could not simply allow her to continue. Instead he spoke. His voice only to be heard by herself and Tsuneo.

"Konoha's attention or not, You have obtained ours. Truth is Konoha will be flooding this place with reinforcements soon. You haven't the time to continue down for whatever purpose you had in mind. Nor would we allow further blood shed. As it stands we must see judgement passed for the lives you have taken tonight regardless of anyones past. So I offer you but two choices. Fight us and die down here with nothing acheived but further blood shed, or, If you will provide the files the ANBU have on each politician in Konoha to be picked up at a different location later, I will but take from you the thing which makes you more than a civilian. I will take but a part of you and your heart will beat on. What happens next is entirely up to you."



She blabbered on and on as though she had seen what he had done. The centipede never killed an innocent man. Minor criminals are excused from his to kill list unless they killed, raped, or abducted. Tsuneo interrupted her words with a stern tone “To kill is to be prepared to be killed. The ones I've killed have spilled blood. All that's left is a blabbering snake. A feeling of remorse? No. I am giving you information. A reason as to why I will chew off your throat.” A slight smirk on the man's face devilish as ever as he rose his head exposing his neck “Go on, try and cut me. I would for you to slit my throat with that cute knife of yours.” He waited a moment before lowering his head back to a normal position. Should she attempt to cut his throat or even move a muscle. Ten chains would rush from every bit of Tsuneo's body to pierce every inch ripping her apart, not only that, he'd gain a cute weapon to sell on the black market.

Tsuneo almost puked with disgust, she could run her mouth quite well while hiding behind his brother. Still, she was needed for Tsuneo's older brother and his ambitions.  Tsuneo had no intentions of ruining his brother's plans. However, Tsuneo did need to rush back into the seal. His training remains incomplete. His true potential remains untapped. Tsuneo head rang but his focus never shattered, the time his previous senjutsu activation with Sayuri had proved useful for maintaining his memories to an extent. Tsuneo would focus on his stance and as Tsuyo pulled him closer to his side from his collar Tsuneo remained silent, a slight bit of a grumpy face appeared before fading right away the young white-haired boy's eyes glaring directly into her eyes not letting his gaze rest away from her despite a ringing headache.

It was then that his older brother spoke. Tsuyo spoke of the situation and his terms and conditions, what would occur to her, and what he would take of her. Tsuneo lacked a proper idea of what Tsuyo required, however, Tsuneo was never the less prepared. In case she attempted to run away his Uzumaki chains would launch towards her at a speed enough to cover the distance and capture her. Should she attempt an attack weapon or Jutsu he would seal and she would kiss the world goodbye as he unleashes his dark chains. Should the situation require so, Matoryoshika was there to protect and remove any hostages she may take from her grasp. Tsuneo imagined what would the Sword said, the god of the blade do had he been here. There was no talking the mighty man out of his way. His men, comrades, students, and fans. He would have melted the flesh and bone of her limbs and dragged her to the hell that his fires are. Not that Tsuneo would do anything different, however, he would enjoy inflicting her a bit of the torture he had suffered through in thirty-two days. The thirty-two days of madness. Once he accomplishes his training in the seal. Tsuneo will be free of that madness dwelling within. Tsuneo will have become a new far more powerful being.

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Turning her attention to Tsuyo, the former Anbu captain listened to his words, which despite the very hypocrisy these two seemed to stand for, still had some merrit and still showed that this man was still the one in charge, despite the fact that the other one, who seemed to be more... taunting, to say the least, continued to try and reel her in for a fight, obviously mocking her with his smile and the fact while she had been civilized enough to make herself known, he had yet to do so. It was a pity, for she'd been anxious to know the name of someone with such a dogmatic and narrow vision, let alone what kind of illness plagued the man's mental capacities.

Lamya wasn't the person to flaunt her own strengths, let alone be so cocky and arrogant to think she could easily beat even just one of them without being severely crippled herself, that was only how a foolish child with no actual experience in life would think.

So, rather than answer the bystander's taunts towards her, the kunoichi spimply sheathed her scalpel and decided it was for the better to just completely ignore the taunting, dogmatic and even ignorant fool who had handed over the locker without obviously having thought through the words that poured out of his mouth. There was no need, nor any merrit in continuing to debate something with someone who had the mindset of a child and the mental liability of someone ripe for the asylum.

"I beg to differ, Tsuyo-dono," The woman gave the Hyuga shinobi a soft smile, tilting her head a bit, while her eyes shifted a bit towards Tsuneo for a single moment. "By all accounts, I'm still a konoha shinobi and you two... well let's just say that given the fact I know only your name Tsuyo dono and not in a good way and the other one over here doesn't seem familiar in any way to me, that would make you either outsiders or worse. In such a case, should this place finally been figured out as where my diversion was leading to, I could simply blame you two and feign my innocence. "

Lamya started to chuckle and waved her hand in the air for a bit, showing that she really liked the situation she was in, because by all means she had the absolute advantage. Well, at least if it didn't come to a fight, that would've probably been a bad thing. Alas, her chuckle was also for another reason: the demand of Tsuyo was simply ridiculous and quite frankly prepostrous. Konoha's Anbu hardly had any files on the village's politicians, at least not when she was part of them and as she was no longer part of them, getting new information would be hard considering the threat the man made. "You want detailed files, I reckon. Yet you threaten to cut off that which makes memore than an ordinary person, which I can believe to be my jutsu, no?"

Raising her hand and pointing towards the door behind her, leading to the next level down, she gave Tsuyo a smile. "What we both apparently seek, is down there, Tsuyo-dono. You sadly won't get what you want without me and I probably won't get what I want without you watching over we're at an impasse, wouldn't you agree?"


Chakra: 330+20/370

Last edited by Lamya on Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total



Tsuyo would listen to the woman before him. Observing her for the moment as he felt out to Tsuneo next to him. He could feel the malice building in the young man. It was a pity how quickly he opted to kill. Still the situation wasn't exactly begging for forgiviness over retribution. Blood had been spilled in droves. For the moment Tsuyo was patient but how long that would last was up to the direction of the conversation. He truly had hopes the violence would end with this meeting. That some sort of compromise would come to pass. He wasn't looking to end a life but the truth was there were witnesses to Tsuneo and he arriving. The only decent part is they had witnessed the two helping. Guards either injured or fighting still that Tsuneo had saved however violently he did it. Silver eyes studied the woman too. Her chakra gathering within her as if she were regaining something she had lost. She was more potent when it came to chakra than he as well. Besides that he knew of only one way to regain chakra. She was a sage.

Still it was concern in his eyes mixed with an annoyed frown when she spoke her piece. Mentioning framing them for all this. Oh how he hated the very notion. How often had they been framed before? How often had the Aoi Bara or those within it faced fault for things not their doing? That aside if she intended the frame to work then by all means she had to eliminate the witnesses that said otherwise. She was implying the willingness to continue her killing spree. What was more was she denied even having what Tsuyo was after. For ANBU not to have detailed files on someone of influence disturbed him. He thought that of all people ANBU would keep as much tabs as possible on those of importance. Especially those who surrounded themselves in power. Slowly he would roll his neck and adjust his fingers by letting them stretch out to their full flexibility and back to normal a couple of times. Matching his breathing to it. Slowly his golden chakra would build up as he readied the chakra for a defense. He doubted she would respond well to his words.

"The ANBU must not train well when it comes to negotiations. Probably more focused on kill and eliminate. First you mark yourself as a threat by offering to frame me, then you claim not to have what I want before telling me who does. Of those I know of down below, Enaka is the most likely to have such a thing. Oh yes, I have met him before. I look forward to seeing what I can obtain from him myself. So do tell Lamya, what reason could there be now to let you live? Offer still stands of course. Your chakra, only with that taken and your weapons claimed until you are released outside, We will take you too him without another drop of blood."



As they stood side by side in front of her. Tsuneo would hear her blabber on and on about her being a Konoha Shinobi after all she had done. Except, not for the guards that they saved who saw her coming and saw the two kings save them from their demise. Multiple guards were saved by Tsuneo and Tsuyo's appearance as well many guards witnessed Tsuneo put an end to those that attempted to kill them. Had she planned to end them later on? Because Tsuneo would allow her to do such a thing. Not to his former comrades no she won't. It was almost funny watching her speak. Tsuneo watched her speak and didn't reply with a word. When she finished speaking, Tsuneo looked to his brother while keeping an eye on her. He would listen to what his brother has to say. Tsuneo would hear him go on and on repeating his offer.

She has given them what they need. They had no need for her and she was nothing but a murder. How many fathers had she killed only tonight, how many children would cry their tears when their fathers who were just died mercilessly. The blood of the innocent has been spilled and Tsuyo had taught Tsuneo one thing, and he remembers his words as though he had heard them just yesterday. He would never forget those words nor would he erase them from his memory, not while he was still who he is. The Aoi Bara serves one purpose, protect the innocent, and kill the wretched. Had this purpose been blurred to his older brother? Had it been information that he desires, Tsuneo would have given him far beyond anything he'd ever hope to get from her. How? Simple, through Kageshi.

Kageshi, an organization considered by the people of the organization as the descendant organization of the Root organization. However, Kageshi was far more powerful. None knew of its existence, and not even the members knew much of the organization. Except for a few, the organization has kept absolute secrecy and contains all information regarding politicians from all over the Ninja world and spies of Konohagakure and spies of other villages that are within Konohagakure. While within the organization information reached Tsuneo that they also contain information regarding other villages and their spies within other villages. However, as to whether that is a rumor or truth. Tsuneo had no idea. Yet they remain a treasure trove far bigger than any other source of information within Konohagakure.

Never the less this "Enaka" might prove to be a nice provider for information Kageshi most probably have. Tsuneo humored her level of intelligence for an Anbu. Had she thought him to be an actual beast with no brain? Underestimation was very much welcomed. It is that which gives the shinobi the correct moment to strike back. After his brother had finished speaking, Tsuneo placed his hand in his pocket and clicked a button signifying the end of a recording. He would raise his hand and sport the device before speaking “Thank you for letting me record your plan of framing us. Anything else you intend to tell me so I can start recording again?” Tsuneo simply grinned as he looked at the female. Thinking she was in any form of advantage was far from correct. Not only is the recording proof of her betrayal. However, their memories could be extracted and researched and her betrayal would still be found out. It was almost sad to see that someone such as her was an Anbu, to begin with, lacking the ability to negotiate and remain hidden despite all circumstances and remain deceptive. She looked like a snake but she was no Cobra, simply a frail weak snake with dulled fangs and hardly a poison to kill an ant.

He looked at her with his calm eyes as his smile faded. Whatever her response was it was something Tsuneo didn't care to hear, whatever her response it mattered nothing to Tsuneo. He would kill her, he would. End her. Tsuyo, big brother, if you've forgotten the Aoi Bara's motto. I have not. Tsuneo spoke to himself, reminding himself of his older brother's words. Tsuneo knew he wouldn't kill her because it is what he offered and he never goes back on a deal, he never deceives in deals. In that sense, his sincerity and power could be sensed. The Aoi Bara has a motto, and it shall not betray that motto. Tsuyo's words, he shall never ever forget.

“The longer you let an opponent survive the longer he has to come up with a strategy. This battle should of ended within the first strike. I advise you be much more decisive with the energy you exert. There is to much evil for light to shine brightly for only a moment.”

“We will never be viewed as hero's but what we do does make the world a better place. No one will thank us for the blood and sweat we give but the innocent will live better lives. But you and I are not alone in this. Our brothers and sisters share your passion young knight. We would rather stand by your side and fight then watch you die to save us. Come then. ”

We are the arrow to pierce down the darkness and the vile, we are the blue rose.

Tsuneo could do a chain of forty hand seals in a single second performing three was far too quick for the average and the trained eye, and it is that which he did in the speed of thunder. The young man would have her die, even if it was the last thing he'd do. Initiate assault, the centipede launched his darkness as he released five chains of pitch black darkness. The young man would release his pitch black chains of death and she would not live to tell of his power. He would kill her. He released five dark chains with an enchanting god-like feeling as one rushed towards her heart aiming to kill her and end her existence while others rushed at each one of her limbs and aimed to kill her and end her miserable life. His sealer's path activated as he strengthened a different Jutsu; swallowing seal. Should she attempt to run away a chain would rush from below her and pierce her back and exit through her chest or stomach. Should she attempt to use Jutsu his strengthened swallowing seal would devour it. Should his brother attempt to use a Jutsu Tsuneo would devour it. He would absorb every ability she'd attempt to use. Anything that requires her to use her Chakra would be absorbed. She would not escape. With six meters between them and his chains capable of covering that distance and more with a speed crossing forty-five meters a second.  He would not let her escape. Should she attempt to use any technique ranging from SS-Rank to E. Tsuneo would command his swallowing seal to absorb any Jutsu she attempts to use as he let his chains rush at her his chains would tear off her feet and rip off her arms as they rushed with full speed at her. His one chain headed for her heart would aim to kill her and end her pitiful existence.
They know all they needed to know, there was no use in keeping a murderer alive. A recording of her voice and the two shinobi's memories would serve as enough proof. Anbu could recover their memories and if not. Tsuneo would take the blame for her murder and leave Konohagakure after giving Tsuyo the whereabouts of Kageshi. Tsuneo would not show mercy to a murderer. If his brother's sense of justice has dulled, Tsuneo's hadn't. Taking away her Jutsu might be a fate worse than death, however, for the sake of those who can never take a second breath. She will draw her last breath. Tsuneo expected a reply from her and despite them being within close quarters, if she somehow with a speed Tsuneo could not perceive attempts to attack Tsuyo, he would kill her himself and if Tsuyo was in danger Tsuneo's Matoryoshika technique would be put to use and save him. Tsuneo would never let harm come to his brother. Tsuneo would never let a murderer go.

However that was not all, if he kills her, he'd be betraying his brother. For him to stand within a prison and even talk it out with the woman. Killing this woman would satiate his blood thirst. Tsuneo, however, was eternally loyal to his brother. Even if it meant death and betrayal to his ways.  Tsuneo would halt the Chain to her heart and with draw it speeding his four chains as they pierced her hands and legs pinning her down as Tsuneo got on top of her one leg resting at her stomach as he leaned down to her face glaring into her eyes, and before long he inserted three fingers as he ripped out her eye and squashed it within his hand. He merely spoke “Carve this terror within your heart. Those that spill the blood of innocent will be torn apart at my hands.” After stating so he removed his chains from her as blood rushed out. Tsuneo glared at her as he had his back to her walking back to his brother standing beside him.

Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: S
Type: Offensive||Defensive||Supplementary 
Element: N/A
Range: 80 Meters
Specialty: Fuuinjutsu/ (A-Rank Ninjutsu required to shape Jutsu.)
Duration: Maintainable (-10 chakra per post)
Cooldown: 5+Maintained posts
Description: The ultimate reality, otherwise known as: Death. The user does the handseals: Monkey, Bird, Ox. Activating the jutsu that creates chains made of sealing symbols, ten chains hail from wherever the user wants, from his body or from a close by object can be the ground, these chains are jet black in color, and move at the speed of 50m/s, a slight black glow gives them an enchanting feeling and an intimidating one. Each chain is capable of piercing through flesh, grabbing and pulling objects/people, the chains may also pierce through flesh and bone, aside from that for each chain brought out, their range is decreased by five Meters (Bringing out ten chains will limit the range of the chains' reach to thirty meters, speed is decreased by one meter for each chain, meaning if all ten chains are out speed is limited to 40m/s). The user may use the chains to pull themselves towards something however that only works depending on how many chains are out. EXAMPLE: 5 chains out limit the user to pull themselves to any place at a speed of 45m/s and the user may only do this to any position within 55 meters NOTE: Using even on chain to burst to a position due to the high speed will make the user unable to use the chains for attack or defense for the remainder of the post. On the next post, the user may use the chains normally unless they decide to use the burst movement again. Using a chain for movement destroys the chain lessening the amount of chains available. This can be done only five times.
The user may bring the chains out of his own body, or out of non-living objects, however, the user can't bring the chains out of anywhere he wants, to successfully bring out a chain from another non-living object, the non-living object must be within fifteen meters of the user, the chain can be increased in length but the object must remain within fifteen meters radius otherwise the chain fades, and can't be brought back, the user can also attack with the chains in a different manner, by bringing out merely one chain(meaning other chains can't be brought out until second use after cool down) bringing out one chain the user can attack the victim and once the chain makes contact it explodes into thousands of chains that rips anyone within ten meters radius apart.
 The way these chains are brought out, is by having the user transform an enormous amount of chakra into another location in a distance that maintains the connection between the user and the chakra(15 meters radius) the moved chakra is transformed into seals strengthened and gathered by the user which gives it the appearance of a chain. These chains can be broken by a jutsu of equal rank, or by Jutsu of SS-Rank. The chains if hit together will break together, however, if an individual chain is broken only that chain is broken not all other chains that didn't get hit.

Last edited by Tsuneo on Mon May 29, 2017 11:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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