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1Work In Progress Empty Work In Progress Fri May 19, 2017 10:15 am



Symbol: Google is failing me.

Work In Progress FAHfQ33
Clan Name: Something Japanese.
Location: In the clan's section.
Specialization: Bukijutsu(Kenjutsu/Swordsmanship.) Taijutsu.
Elements: N/A

Work In Progress HhU72Pp
Clan History: Once upon a time, the end.
Members: Me

Work In Progress Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Secret Technique: Breathing Blade
Kekkei Genkai Description: The breathing blade is a foundation technique unlocking the many styles of an advanced Specialization. The advanced specialization referred to as  Karada No Bukijutsu. Karada No Bukijutsu utilizes the basics of body techniques into weapon techniques. Allowing clan members to use Jutsu offensive, Defensive, and supplementary to aid them in battle without the use of Chakra. The clansmen command multiple breathing techniques that can be used.

Karada No Bukijutsu: Blade techniques incorporating the strength of a physical stance, and the physical attributes of Taijutsu. These techniques may be able to (with the strike of a sword) destroy fifty meters in front of the user at the correct rank. However, these techniques heavily stress the body of the user. While they do not cost Chakra, these techniques are as powerful as normal Jutsu, and in cases more powerful. However, they remain a danger to the user's body.

Similar to Chakra,  the clansmen have a pool of stamina. These techniques use up stamina points. The clansmen's stamina increases once every three posts by 10 points. Using any rank from D to B  of these techniques will cost 10 points. Techniques from rank A to S require 15. However, as for SS-Rank techniques, the cost of points depends on the strength of the Technique.

Chart of Ranks and Stamina points.

Miru~(見る; Literally meaning "See.")
The first of the breathing techniques. The user adjusts their breathing, further adjusting the rate of their heartbeat and strengthening their senses; allowing them to feel the slightest change in the air around them. In this mode, the user can feel/track motion occurring around them within 15 meters radius. Even the slightest bit of movement can be sensed. If the enemy uses a speed 4 tiers higher than the user's perception, the motion sensing is rendered useless. 

Yūbi~(優美; Literally meaning "Grace.")
The second of the breathing techniques. The user adjusts their breathing, further adjusting the flow of oxygen within their body enhancing their body. Through this breathing technique, the user strengthens their body gaining three tiers to distribute however they like. (Note: These tiers are accessible only during this breathing technique.) The user can switch these stats as they see fit once a post.

Kokoro~(心; Literally meaning "Heart.")
The third of the breathing techniques. The user adjusts their breathing, further adjusting the flow of the air around their very body surrounding them as though a shield. During this technique, the user's body is heavily protected from Chakra and physical attacks. Attacks against the user receive -1 in effectiveness. Genjutsu, as it attacks the mind, is as effective as it normally is. This will only occur if the technique attacking the clansman is the same rank as the clansman or one rank higher or If the technique is lower in rank than the clansman. If a technique is 2 ranks below the clansman it is completely blocked. A technique that is 2 ranks higher than the clansman will have full effectiveness. Unlike other stances, this technique once it defends the user "once", it will go into a cooldown of three posts in which the user cannot use any other breathing technique.

Shi No Ken~(死の剣; Literally meaning "Sword of Death.")
The final breathing technique, and the most deadly of the breathing techniques. The user adjusts their breathing, further adjusting the flow of air within their body strengthening their body to extreme limits. The user's basic strikes can decimate anything within 20 meters. The blade can with extreme ease tear limbs. Defenses equal to A-rank or lower cannot defend unless they state absorption of force. Techniques of A-rank and lower can be decimated. For each technique decimated, 15 Chakra is paid. This is not thought of as a Jutsu, the mere stress of this technique forces the body to let go of some of its Chakra. Up to 4 techniques can be destroyed regardless if A-rank or lower.

Unlike other breathing techniques, this breathing technique cannot be maintained without paying a dear price. The technique pressures the body forcing it to exceed its normal strength. After four posts of usage, the user loses 1 tier in each stat. After 6 posts, the user loses 2 tiers in all stats. On the 9th post, the user loses all physical strength and is knocked out unconscious. This breathing technique is only available for use if the user is an A-Ranked Shinobi with all A-Rank stats.

Drawbacks: You cannot under any circumstances eat fish.

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