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1Hunt for Information[Teru|Ayakashi|NK] Empty Hunt for Information[Teru|Ayakashi|NK] Tue May 30, 2017 2:17 am



Rogue stood quietly outside of the administration building in Kirigakure no sato, staring up at the daunting building. There was something he was here to do and he knew that he would not be able to return to the island without doing it. He was here to find information on the man known as Sero Osada, and to decide after learning about him whether or not he still wanted to train with the man. The problem would be finding the public information and then finding an Uchiha by the name of Teru. This was all so much for him to do and he didn't know the first thing about this village, so he decided to come to the one place that he knew for certain he'd get what he needed: the Mizukage. He had not long ago healed from the bout the two had, still a bit tender from the beating received. His right hand rubbed his chest where a large bruise had been not long ago and he sighed.

Rogue had left his jacket in the boat he used as his home for the time being, choosing only to have been dressed in his navy pants, socks and shoes, a white Tee shirt with a yellow dragon depicted upon it, and a sword in his left hand. The sword had the symbol of Sero Osada upon it, which he was to show to someone in the administration building, or wherever he'd gone to get the knowledge he needed, so that they could pull up the public records regarding the seal. Honestly it was quite strange to the wanderer to have someone he'd just met, let alone someone whose home he had intruded in, give him a sword in trust that he would take it to the right people to do some research. Quit the trust exercise, not that Rogue would dare betray someone he was looking to be mentored by.

With a sigh, the young man stepped into the building, stopped by a few guards who wanted to know why he had the weapon he was carrying. After a few minutes of trying to explain, he simply showed them the symbol and they pointed him in the direction of the Mizukage's office, instead of a public records department. Or were they in the same place? Rogue honestly had no idea. He'd only been here once and the last time he'd been here wasn't the most pleasant memory. Still, it was nice to be in the familiar looking waiting room again. He stepped up to the desk where a woman sat and waited for her to finish her paperwork signing and note writing to speak up.

"I need to see the Mizukage regarding this symbol, please. And I would possibly like a few of the public records on it."

After she studied the symbol, the receptionist looked at Rogue and pointed him to a chair to sit down. He did so and watched her ascend the stairs to the mizukage's office to inform her of his arrival. When she returned, it was alone, and she sat down, going back to work. The wanderer sighed, leaning his head back against the wall, waiting on Ayakashi to appear again. He'd still need to find the Uchiha girl, but the first step would have to be getting the information he was tasked with finding. Even if he didn't like what he found, he was insistent on completing his mission. Rogue laid the sword across his lap and looked around with his deep ocean blue hues, trying to find something to keep him busy to pass the time as he waited. It would have been better, probably, to just find the Uchiha girl first and get her to show him where the information on Sero Osada could be found. It was too late for that now, though, and he only hoped that finding her would be as easy as asking the Mizukage where she would be. Though he figured that was asking too much of simplicity.

Rogue noticed that a few onlookers were whispering and watching him, pointing in his direction. This was possibly due to the fact that not a week or two ago, he'd been tested by the Mizukage to prove his worth to the village. It was completely one sided and he'd taken heavy damage during the entire bout. From arrows, a kidney stab, shots to the chest, and not to mention fractures and internal bleeding. He was so completely worse for wear in that fight that many people were probably surprised that he was alive, much less moving around again. It was actually his immense will power that kept him going in the fight, and he had been able to land a hit, a single solitary hit, on the Mizukage before he passed out. Luckily for the wanderer, Lady Mizukage Ayakashi had a medic ninja by the name of Strafe Aisu who had made sure that his recovery was expedient. He was still a bit sore, but all in all he was almost completely healed up. He would probably be more healed if he'd taken the bed rest as he was advised, but he decided that time waited for no man and no ninja, and he had to get a move on trying to improve himself. With that thought in mind, he'd had his recover facilitated and pushed his body to grow stronger so that he could leave his hospital bed behind. Rogue turned to all the people who were looking at him, with worried glances and smiled, giving each of them a thumbs up in turn. He was not going to let something like a few bruises and bumps stop him from keeping his promise. He'd grow stronger and show the Mizukage that he wasn't going to let anyone down or allow anyone around him to die. He was stronger than people gave him credit for, and thanks to the Mizukage he knew that he could push himself if he tried hard enough. With that in mind he yawned, and laid his head back against the wall again, closing his eyes. For now, he'd have to wait.


Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

It was just another little exploration around the village as always, apparently. But, perhaps calling it a patrol would be better. There was nothing new for her to see, so treating it as a general service to the public seemed like a better idea. Teru met with and greeted the people from the shops, just as she usually did when she was younger. And, as usual, there was that one who was so ecstatic about seeing a familiar face visit their business, which resulted in Teru carrying around with her a small box of sweet dango. There was no refusing that, so she went along with keeping it in her possession. And then it was back to her casual patrol of the village to check for any shady happenings. 

Along the way, Teru bit into one of the sweets. Her eyes carefully scanned the area for anything unusual. It was almost a shame to see nothing out of the ordinary. But, the day was a rather peaceful one, so it was understandable to not see anyone shaken up. With a sigh, she made a turn down the road that led to the village's administration building. It was not the usual route she took, but something seemed to pull her in that direction anyway. Other than that, everything seemed to be going so very well. Not a single thing appeared to be out of place, except... Teru slowed down, sliding the stick of dango out of her mouth. Nothing was out of place, except for an individual standing outside the administration building. She was approaching him, a man who held a particular sword in his hand. Why was he standing in front of the administration building? she wondered. That sword looked quite familiar, but not the person who possessed it. Shifting her eyes and gazing around the area, Teru got the feeling that it was good she had gone down that road. 

Teru saw that he entered the building, which was where the village's Mizukage was usually stationed. To her, it was rather suspicious, so she followed after him in an effort to confirm if any of her thoughts were true. She needed to see what this person was up to and why he had that sword. Teru entered the building, catching sight of the unidentified individual walking down the hall. "Ah, are you here to make a delivery?" the woman who handled the front desk had called out to the Uchiha, who was too distracted to really understand what the woman was getting at. "What?" Teru cocked her head to the side, but then remembered the box in her hand. Well, she still had plenty of sweets in the box for someone else to enjoy. "Oh... I suppose I am. If you don't mind, I'd like to give these dango to Lady Ayakashi." 

"I see," the woman paused a moment and briefly glanced at the stares. She did not seem all that happy for some reason. Still, the receptionist remained seated and only smiled at Teru. "If you don't mind, could you please have a seat? You will be able to see the Mizukage shortly." The kunoichi was not entirely sure if that was true or not, but she gave a curt nod and turned to take one of the free seats. There were only a few open chairs in the room, but where was... that person. Teru had not noticed him immediately when she walked in, but now she could see his face and the sword in his lap quite clearly. Spotting an open spot next to him, Teru stepped along and sat down. There were other people around, but she wanted to know about that sword. At least they were all busy doing their own thing, chatting with others and whatnot. So, she kept her voice hushed and leaned back in the seat. "I hope you don't mind me asking you this out of the blue, but... would you please fill me in on where you got that sword?" Her hazel eyes occasionally looked at a certain symbol on it, which only made her curiosity grow more. Very peculiar

Word Count: 697




The sun would float into the west end of Ayakashi's office when she heard the two call-ins from downstairs, each of them appeared to be rather minor while she had a blueprint of the Daimyo manner having been charted by strafe and a missing genin while they were within the compound. Ayakashi had sent coded messages with the high general of the Daimyo's army with the evidence and medical files of Zhuge copied upon them in hidden ink. The depths of the advisors' depravity knew no bounds... The General was not able to take up arms against the Daimyo, it would cause a civil war within the ranks of the Samurai, but, what he was able to do was ensure that the path they had was clear, and that no man would raise a sword to aid the advisor... But that still left the honor guard. Ayakashi needed a way to deal with potentially hundreds of the best trained Samurai in the country who had been stationed to defend the Daimyo as well as the assassins, notably some of the most powerful fighters Ayakashi had ever met, save for perhaps the Aoi Bara... but not even they were here to help her at the moment... she'd already asked them to fight a war for her... she couldn't do any more...

'Oh Ayakashi, but you're so good at sending others to their deaths... '

Aya shook her head at the thoughts, no, she wasn't allowed to think that way, no matter how hard things got, sending innocents to die and tearing the nation apart was not the course of action that was right to take. Though, Ayakashi's tunneled world was broken into when she heard a buzz on the coms, it seemed the twins wanted her for something. So, leaning over and wiping some of the sleep from her baggy eyes, Ayakashi would reach over her desk and with maximum effort, grip the mic, answering it and asking what the twin wanted. "there are a couple of people down here waiting for you, one of them has bought you a package, the other... well... i think you want to handle this one yourself, he's asking for information of the head of the Osada clan, I think I will leave it to your discretion as to how much you want to divulge. He is your prodigee after-all."

Ayakashi would let out a groan and ask the receptionist inform them that she was on her way down. Picking herself up, she would drag herself into her basic equipment, her cloak, the two sword hilts to one side with the sheath to changeling on the other, arrows and a folded up fuuma on her back with her mask hooked to her hip covering the bladeless hilts. Much, if not all of the remainder of her equipment was within the office, but, as she took a strike out she would look to the bannister and the hole through the middle of the spiral stairway that led up to the top floor she resided on. Lazily she would plant a hand on it and allow herself once again to plummet to the earth, landing feet first on the ground and absorbing the shock with her knees as they bent, caught her, and extended back up like springs pushing her forward at a brisk pace. Looking over the room she could see Rogue and Teru seemingly talking to one another, adsressing Teru first, she would stretch her arms high above her head at an angle behind her that would not seem possible.

"I was told there was a package?" She spoke, a little sharper than usual, but it was because she was tired, which allowed her to get a little grouchier than she normally was, at least, she hoped it was because she was tired, she felt a little light headed, nothing too bad, like the beginnings of a head-cold, like her body was fighting something off but she didn't know what. As she would wait for what she was being handed she would look to Rogue, the little sea-horse that had come to her a few weeks ago and pleaded that she allow him to be trained in thier country as a genin. With utmost reluctance, Ayakashi had given the boy a near impossible task... to become the best, and prove them all wrong, however, he seemed to embody the unstoppable nature of the ocean itself... no matter how much it is punished, you cannot destroy it. Giving him a nod in acknowledgement, as if to say 'after Teru has spoken, you may say your piece.' Yet without saying so much as a word.

As they said, a picture could say a thousand.

4Hunt for Information[Teru|Ayakashi|NK] Empty Re: Hunt for Information[Teru|Ayakashi|NK] Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:41 am



Rogue quietly watched a young woman sit down next to him with a box in her hands. She was apparently here to deliver something, but that was none of the wanderer's business.  He simply stared at the stairs, quietly waiting and anticipating something he'd expected to happen from his first visit. The girl beside him casually leaned back in her chair and turned to look at the sword he held, quietly to him asking, where exactly he'd gotten such a thing. The wanderer looked from the sword to the girl, contemplating exactly how much to tell her. He was looking for information on his new mentor and would no doubt find people who knew a bit about him, should he show this sword with the symbol. Before he actually had a chance to reply, there was movement from the stairs and once more, Rogue watched the Mizukage land with grace and push forward at a brisk pace. This would be his chance to finally find information on the symbol and his new mentor, then perhaps he'd find out where this Uchiha girl was.

The mizukage first addressed the girl who'd sat beside him, inquiring about a delivery. Rogue looked over the box silently, ignoring their little exchange. He wasn't here to hear about a delivery. He was here to discover more about Sero Osada. The mizukage nodded to him for him to say his piece when the girl was done and the young ninja stood up quietly, twirling the sword around in his hands. When it was his turn, the male would silently stand and step forward to hold the sword out to the Mizukage, symbol first. He'd get on one knee, bowing as tradition went,  or so he was taught, and waited for the Mizukage to take the sword from his hands while he spoke. "A man I met on an island named Sero of the Osada clan has asked me to bring his sword with me to find information on him before he agrees to teach me what he can. I know that I am training under you as well, Mizukage-sama, but I met him before coming to you and I wish to challenge myself as much as possible. Your challenges are so different from his but I feel the experiences from both of you will be valuable and help me grow stronger."

The ninja stood quietly and nodded, tilting his head towards the girl. She would have heard everything he had to say, but that wasn't his prerogative at the moment. He only cared about getting the information he was tasked with and returning. He knew that soon he would be called on to train with the Mizukage as well and would no doubt be going through excruciating practices. This would not shake his determination, however, as he had a promise to keep and no one was going to stop him from fulfilling it. In his eyes, training under the Mizukage and this strange man would be quite the boon to him and he would ascend through the ranks of the ninja within the village, possibly becoming the strongest ninja in the land. If he could only pass his two new mentors in that respect, he'd succeed in his goals.


5Hunt for Information[Teru|Ayakashi|NK] Empty Re: Hunt for Information[Teru|Ayakashi|NK] Mon Jun 05, 2017 10:26 am

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

This was perhaps the very first time she had met the Mizukage in person, so there was a lot she expected to see. For example, because of how well-known the kage was, there must have been a personal bodyguard by her side at all times to fend off possible assailants or fans who were desperate to get close to the strongest ninja in all of Kirigakure. In addition to that, there must have been a ray of sunshine that always followed after the kage, intensifying that air of glory around her. Well, maybe that was just a little daydreaming and nothing realistic. There was still much to find out about this authoritative figure. Soon, Teru would be meeting with the Mizukage as soon as she got down to where they were. And then she could address this unfamiliar man who had ignored her. 

Teru was no stranger to being ignored. It came with daily life as another part of a usually unpredictable package. And, usually, she did not care if someone did choose not to respond to her inquiries, or anything for that matter. This, however, was a much different case. That sword he was in possession of was one that belonged to someone she looked up to as a mentor and comrade- Sero Osada. Whether he was willing to share with her this information or not. She would find out what she needed to in one way or another.

“Hm,” Teru sighed quietly, shifting her gaze to the other side of the reception area. As much as she wanted to question him further, she could not do so just yet. The timing would have been terrible if she had, so she decided that he would be confronted as soon as the business at the administration building was done with. Speaking of which, that business was just about to unfold. Teru’s ears caught on to the footsteps moving down the stairs. A womanly figure had approached, having come from the upper floor. A package? There was a certain tone in her voice as she spoke; one that pressed Teru to get on with what she claimed to be there for. Teru stood up and was prompted to bow respectfully to the kage. "I have this for you, Lady Mizukage. I hope it does you even a little good today."

Presenting the gift of dango to the Mizukage, Teru smiled a small smile in hopes that it would be accepted. It was not the worst, nor was it even close to being the best possible present for someone as high as the village head. As questionable as it might have been, the dango was there for delivery. Teru waited a moment for it to be taken out of her hands. But, if it was not, then that would not change a thing. Either way, Teru would step back and allow the one who had her sensei's sword to have at his business with the kage. 

He too had given his respects to the leader with the sword in his hands, and then he presented it to her. Teru watched carefully, not yet leaving. It made her wonder- his claims did. Sero had asked him to take that sword to the Mizukage? she wondered to herself. Well, while the business of Sero was nothing for her to be so concerned about, it was still a bit concerning. Again, she would inquire about it, but only after Lady Ayakashi and this stranger had their exchange of words. And after they did, Teru would confront him with words of her own for a second time. "If you are looking to train under Sero, then you might be interested in knowing how he handles his students, yeah? Apart from that, though... I do hope you know what it is you are getting yourself into. He will not go easy on you, even if you are just training."

Word Count: 655



The snacks were not what Aya was expecting.

The mizukage looked to the box and looked quizzically at her special jounin that had bought them for a moment, as if to ask if she was serious. But, after a brief moment simply gave in to the reality of the situation, plucking one of the snacks from the box and eating one of the coloured pom pom like balls in a single bite before turning to the second person, the one presenting the blade of Sero Osada. Ayakashi could tell it was one of the blades from his collection, and not strictly one of the blades that he was known for using, the weapon bore the seal of his clan, but otherwise seemed unremarkable. Plucking the blade from his hand Ayakashi would look over it... it had been used, but not often, the weapon was well made... probably a sword-smith who was a member of the iron banner. Ayakashi would swipe the weapon in the air and seemed to acknowledge the blade before handing it back and listening to the boys' question.

'Seemed like the Seahorse was making friends...'

"Sero..." Ayakashi would begin, "Sero is a dangerous man, but he is also fair... in his way. He's a man of little patience and high expectations, but he is far harsher than I. Many people believe him to be emotionally numb, but it's my belief that, that isn't true... I think his passions run far deeper than he lets on, yet he guards them closely in a fortress of unfeeling. Yet through all of this, he is one of the most brilliant ninja and tacticians I have ever met... Also, he is the newfound captain of the seven swordsmen of the mist, and Heisho of the Mizukage." Of all the things she would say, the first was recent news, she doubted many, if anyone had heard of this particular anointment yet. Sero as the Captain of the 7 swordsmen was a 'massive' deal, as few had claimed the title by default, but never had one wielded the first blade in the current generation.

But her latter point, was a whole other issue.

Ayakashi having just admitted that Sero as Heisho, or 'First Soldier' of the Kirigakure forces would place him directly under her as one of those who would replace her if she was ever missing... But, leaving that information there, Aya would look to Teru, as she would in turn confirming that information. Ayakashi would think to herself for a moment while she was talking, thinking about the seahorse being trained by the captain and leader of the Osada clan. "As for training under him, go wild, many of the best ninja in this country do, sero is the son of the former Mizukage after all, who was my teacher. He lives on an island not far off the coast, it's not hard to find, but it's not for the faint of heart. I'm sure Uchiha Teru would show you there. However... as training from me, I want you to bring something back for me... bring me back something from the Osada mansion, I don't care what, but without Sero knowing... That will be your first training task under me... So, if there's nothing else... I think you have a mansion to visit."

Ayakashi could not help but smile as she would then turn on her heel and move to exit the area, unless she was stopped on the way.

7Hunt for Information[Teru|Ayakashi|NK] Empty Re: Hunt for Information[Teru|Ayakashi|NK] Sat Jul 01, 2017 10:07 am



The Mizukage had taken the blade and swung it, studying some sort on intricacies that Rogue hadn't seen, or couldn't. He was no weapon master, nor user.  He assumed from the weapons and armours he'd seen in the office of the Mizukage that she was one or both of those. When she had acknowledged the blade and handed it back, speaking once more to Rogue. She spoke of some general information on Sero, something that one could assume from meeting him, but this would confirm anything he might not have truly known.  What she finished with was interesting news though. Captain of the Seven Swordsman and... Heisho? Rogue had no idea at all about what a Heisho was, he was still rather ignorant to the names of titles and the hierarchy around the village hidden in the mist. He'd heard quite a bit about the seven ninja swordsman though. They were said to be blade masters without equal. One swordsman was worth ten or so normal ninja. They wielded legendary blades that took time and patience to master. Have skill with one of these blades was no small feat. That was something that really stuck to the young dragon's mind. A blade master of the village hidden in the mist would have quite a bit of power. He was lost in thought at this idea.

The girl spoke up again and Rogue turned his attention towards her, tilting his head. It wasn't that he'd ignored her before but she certainly seemed miffed that he hadn't immediately chosen to respond to her. He should know how Sero treats his students? It wouldn't be easy? He hoped that it would not be easy, he didn't want easy. If he did, he would not have come straight to the Mizukage with his request of joining the village, nor wanted trained by her. If he wanted easy, he would not have chosen the strongest shinobi nation for his journey to power. He wanted results, and with easy, results were never to his standards. He knew his path was not that of an easy route, and someone telling him as much would not have him sway from his path. He made to speak to her about this, but then his other teacher decided it would be her turn to speak. His attention turned back to the Mizukage, listening intently as she spoke. She actually gave him her blessing to train under the captain of the seven swordsman and shocked the young genin with news that Sero's father was the previous Mizukage and her teacher. Quite the interesting turn of events. She told him a bit of information he knew about where the man lived and said Teru would be happy to show him. Which was good, since Sero had made that request as well. Then the Mizukage made a request which had his head spinning. Take.. take something from this man and then even do it without his knowing? The genin was flabbergasted as he watched the Mizukage walk away, his path set.

"I.. But. I don't.. yes Mizukage-sama."  He sighed and clenched the sword in his fist, bowing. It was one thing to give him this mission as is, it was another that she did it in front of someone else who apparently reported directly to the man he'd have to steal from. Which made this mission infinitely harder. He would not back down from this, however. He didn't want to disrespect either of his new teachers, and this mission had to be done. The problem would be in the doing then. The ninja turned quietly to the girl from before, Teru, and bowed once more. "I would be honoured if you would accompany me to the island. I have a dinghy at the docks that I use.. quite regularly. I'm an avid fan of the water, you could say.  At any point that you are ready, I'd appreciate you taking the time to journey with me. Just say the word, Lady Teru." He finished his speech and bow, then allowed his ocean blue eyes to look into her own. His eyes went from a light ocean blue to what looked like a sun kissed sky blue, a lighter colour than before.




OOC: Doing an exit post to close this due to inactivity.

Rogue watched the girl quietly and when it took her too long to respond he sighed and shrugged to himself. It seemed that she was intent on not coming back with him so he'd have to tell Sero himself what he learned and that she was less than willing to come with. With a yawn he bowed to the departing form of the Mizukage and the receptionist then made his way towards the doors. He looked back at the girl who only stared at him and wondered if he truly would see this.. Uchiha, Teru ever again. Not knowing the answer to such, Rogue made his way out of the administration building and back into the streets with the weapon of his teacher in hand. Soon would be the time for him to double his efforts on training and then he would figure out how to become much stronger for the sake of his clan. Rogue walked in the direction of the docks of Kirigakure no sato with the intent of boarding his dinghy for the island that Sero lived on to continue along with his training. Soon things would get a whole lot more interesting.




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