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1Killin' Tools Empty Killin' Tools Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:31 am



Name: Shurikenx10
Type Of Weapon: Yes
Rank: E
Elemental Alignment: None
Ability/Function: Throw 'em, poke stuff
Appearance: Metal circle with pokey things on the outside
History: Hiromasa bought a pack of these at the store. Now the store has ten less shuriken and Hiromasa has ten.

Name: Kunaix2
Type Of Weapon: Kunai
Rank: E
Elemental Alignment: None
Ability/Function: I will cut you
Appearance: A simple kunai, nothing fancy
History: If the store has 20 kunai and Hiromasa buys two, how many kunai does Mary have?

310 Ryo total.

2Killin' Tools Empty Re: Killin' Tools Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:31 pm



1/2 Approved

3Killin' Tools Empty Re: Killin' Tools Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:25 pm



2/2 Approved. :3

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