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Mission details:

A slow, silent breath would evacuate her lungs through her parted lips. Her cold miss matched gaze would flicker to the iron door as the sound of footsteps approached, halting right on the other side, as though they stood face to face with jut the door between them. A short moment would pass before the sound of knuckles rasping against the door would fill the room, followed by a voice, “The boss wants to be showing off his little swan. He may even show you about if you’re a good little pet.” The words didn’t seem to hold all that much conviction at all, almost as though they had either been rehearsed or read from a piece of parchment. A smirk would play at her lips tugging the right corner up. Softening her voice, she would speak up, drenching her words in innocents as she forced her rough accent down, making so that she would only just be heard on the other side, “Just a moment please…” the innocents of her voice even surprising her, a tone she hadn’t used in so very long it sounded foreign even in her own ears. The sound the young male made would confirm that they would allow her that moment, knowing the male outside had opted to lean against the do as he waited.

It had been easier to get in than she had expected, simply a few days, but with a gang so large not everyone knew the other, right? The part that were the hardest were getting their leader to take the bait, but a single touch was all that it had taken. But once inside their compound it was time to gather much needed information before completing the mission. Drawing her hands up flickering through a hand sign, very simple yet elegant the transformation would be, casting the colour of her eyes to that if two tones of purple instead of their usual bloody coloured red and striking yellow colours of her eyes, her heterochromia still never failing to shine through even under the transformation technique, Taeru simply put this down to her own incompetence with ninjutsu, along with drawing her features to a tad bit more of a point, ageing her face just a little as her hands smoothed off allowing them to look well pampered, just how you would expect a geisha and so very far from what was expected of a shinobi.

With her small transformation complete her hands would run over the fabric of the regal kimono they had set out for her, the tone just a few shades darker than her hair, the colour of both her hair and the kimono matching the different hues of her Heterochromia eyes even with using the transformation technique. The kimono itself could only have been stolen from before they had actually acted on taking her or so she had deducted, as though they had been preparing to kidnap her. Gripping Amai and Tatsu within one of her hands she would place them and her hand against her stomach keeping them close, they had been foolish enough to leave her with her weapons, though they were made to seem like regular fans, and would they really want to part her from something that aided in the reason their boss had picked her? Taking a small breath, she would step up to the door raising her own hand to rasp her knuckles lightly against the door, the sound only just audible on the other side, more so for the waiting male as he lent against it, speaking up her accent would lace her sweet words a little thicker than usual, “Excuse me sir… I’m ready…” making sure to hang onto her pauses as she played out the role of sweet and innocent. Not only her time alone but her time living at the orphanage gave her all the experience in producing the needed personality at the time that she needed.

She would step back quickly creating a small amount of space between herself and the door as the handle shifted before the door opened. Her lips would part slightly as her head tilted back just a touch to look up at the tall lean form of the male as he lent in the doorway. A short moment would pass before drawing her gaze to the floor as a flush forced its way along her cheeks turning her porcelain pale flesh a deep rose pink as she bit down on the soft flesh of her painted lips. An easy step, showing a more reserved or shy person allowing for the deceit in the end, and sure enough the bait was taken. A smooth hand would cup along her jawline before raising her head to draw her gaze up before quickly removing his hand again. “Come on. He’s waiting.” He would turn to step away before the sound of the chain drew his attention back down to his hand that had remained at his side. Looking down he would sigh before turning back to her, her head still up as she watched him watch her for a moment as the realisation seemed to set in her facial features. Her hand would raise to the collar around her neck finding the loop at the front as her eyes closed for a moment. Holding back a sigh she would step closer tilting her head further up, ‘Just a little longer and the mission will be complete.’ As the male attached the chain to the collar he would keep his head tilted downwards muttering as he did so, “I’m sorry.” Her hand would raise to cup his jawline just long enough to raise his head a touch. For a moment, this would stump him before righting himself as he cleared his throat to turn and walk away leading the way to the main room where the boss sat at the head of the room. Placing her hands to her side she would follow the male along into the room keeping her head high, quite like she had during the performance she were abducted from, though her miss matched gaze would flicker over the people counting them from her perhibital vision now gauging the size of the room before setting her gaze on the male sat at the head of the room as he grinned leaning forwards to rest his elbows against his knees watching her, not really her face but her body and the way she walked, the feathers in the long strands of her hair flowing flawlessly with each step. The male at the head would speak up immediately capturing the attention of all within the room save for a couple that seemed to be hard at work tending to the others, “There’s my pretty little swan!” her gaze would flicker to the male holding on to the leash attached to the collar around her neck as he led her to the loud male handing over the leash, only now not meeting her gaze.

Inhaling lightly her gaze would shift to the male just in time for his lecherous gaze rose to meet her miss matched eyes. tugging on the collar her would draw her closer yet her resistance would remain making sure to keep her posture upright, yet still stepping into the movement as he slipped his hand to her hip now tilting his head back to gaze up at her before looking off to the crowd that were now staring as her. He would give a short nod and a chair would be brought forwards placed on the males left side, close to him. Allowing him to guide her she would step lightly from his touch to take seat with him still clutching the leash as he watched her. As he spoke up his attention would turn to another seated on the other side of him, his second in command by the looks of things, “Any news back from Suna about my little Otter?” the second would simply shake his head. Not the reaction he was hoping for as he grunted the turned back to Taeru. “Just you wait, my otter will be home soon then you’ll not get lonely when I’m away, My swan.” Pausing as the sound of music rose taking his attention a grin would spread along his plump lips, in honesty it could be said the man’s features were rather handsome, a pity really.  Leaning close once again his gaze this time wouldn’t shift to her as he spoke “Now my pet, relax and watch the show, you’ll be up shortly, I have business I need to discuss.” The time she had been waiting for, between listening and sealing a glance at those the male spoke with she would watch for now the show as she memorised each little detail.


Giving a light tug on the leash as to catch her attention as the male had finished his business, her miss matched orbs would turn to him as he rose a hand stopping a group mid performance before looking to her, “Your up. Now show them why your mine.” She would for the first time have to fight off rising a brow at him words glancing away before standing, taking a step, the leash would tug on her throat causing her lips to part. Turning back, he would wait for her to step closer before reaching up to fiddle with the least attempting to remove the collar becoming a little read in the face in the process. She would place Amai and Tatsu o the seat of her chair as the male that had taken her from the room would step up to assist just as her hand reached up, ending up with each of her hands resting atop one each of theirs. The touch all’s she needed to send a waving tingling sensation throughout their frames causing the one assisted to step back almost immediately only for her to increase the sensation just a tad as their gaze connected such sending a shiver along the male, quickly setting her sight back on the boss placing her now free hand atop his taking a moment to assist him to remove the leash. Giving a small smile, she would raise to her painted lips she would retrieve her weapons before stepping to the middle of the room as the space cleared for her. Slowly the music would raise in the air, the very performance she had performed a few nights in a row with the boss of this gang coming to see. Taking a deep breath she would take up her stance and begin captivating the room with ease, taking her time as she shifted through the movements before flaring her chakra up allowing it to flow up giving a slight hue from just behind her front fringe for a brief moment and he switched the sensation effecting the boss giving a deeper warmth causing him to stand with a grin as he took a step closer to her only to double over in pain as a gnarly tearing pain ripped through his abdomen causing people to take a collective deep breath stepping in as though to assist as the few medics came running over from one side In the attempt to help. As they moved her chakra would begin to ozze like an ominous sickness, turning around as she sent a charge of katon chakra down through Amai as she twisted the tessen between her fingers as an ominous green coal like glow along the weapons surface, before swiping their weapon in a diagonal motion sending a wave of harsh green ash towards the medics that attempted to assist for the time being blocking them from assisting as Taeru took to a knee in the turning motion as katon chakra charged into Tatsu raising it to face the few that had been surrounding the boss, clearly the stronger ones of the gang, loosing three tennis ball sized balls of glowing green flames as they unsheathed their swords ready to rush her for a few to be taken down the concussive force of the impacts created taking them for now out of the battle. She would turn her tessen to the boss only to find him fighting through the pain as he charged towards her already having grasped his halbard. Stepping back a few steps would cause some of the startled members to jump back giving her space now standing fully as she aimed for what seemed to be his stronger arm as the halbard rose, connecting two of her three shots on in his hand and the other in his shoulder having missed his elbow, ducking just in take to save her face from the slash of his weapon, a strength in him more so as his now broken hand becoming useless. His speed seemed lower than her own allowing for her to step off to his wounded side at first thinking he wouldn’t now be able to use the two handed weapon only to find as the weapon slashed back towards her again causing her to jump back slipping to her rump in the process, his strength appeared far more than she had expected as she rose Tatsu to loose the last of her katon bullets aiming for the center of his chest audibly hearing the bones crack and break under the impact sending him back a few meters giving her the chance to get back to her feet as he crumbled to his knees.

The sound of some scrambling to get away would full the air almost masking the sound of a few attempting to assist the medics as a couple charged her. Flicking Amai and Tatsu shut she would twist to meet one before the other opening tatsu enough for one’s blade to slip through the slots within her weapon before twisting to disarm the female attacker as Taeru lean in to connect her forehead with the females, the harsh sound, unpleasant, sending the female to the ground only just in time to block the others sword swing with Amai, drawing her foot up to bring it forwards catching the male in his privet area and pubic bone with a sickening force sending him straight to the ground dropping his weapon in the opting to grasp at his manhood. Raising she would wipe the sleeve of her kimono over her brow removing the residue of sweat before stepping up to the boss as he struggled to catch his breath. Her lips would part only for a far harsher voice than her usual tone and so much more than the voice she had been using, “Now my pet, don’t weep… Jashin awaits you.” A surge of ration chakra would flow into tatus as she dropped the blade from it before striking the male in the side of the head directly against his temple. Her job was to eliminate him, and that was exactly what she were going to do. Chucking Tatsu up after the strike she would catch it in her other hand flicking bot the tessen out using the one hand as she readied for any attack, as she removed her kuni. Kneeling beside the unconscious body of the boss she would without another thought drive the kuni into his neck two times allowing the blood to spill out before driving it in one more time the action causing blood to splatter up along the beautiful fabric of the kimono she wore and along her pale features, leaving the kuni there as the boss quickly bled out, before taking tatsu in her now free hand again raising to watch the member scramble about seeing their boss dead before them, now trying to get away from her. The cloud of ash would fade leaving a few assisting the medics away. Since her primary mission were done and still bleeding out his essence along the ground she would switch to her secondary, eliminating and capturing as many as she could before heading back to the village to hand in a report. Watching the male that had led her to the boss from where he had been keeping her assist a small rather burnt looking female to get away their gaze would meet once more as he disappeared through one of the doors.  Allowing a smirk to crawl along her lips as she opened out both her tessen, calculating who to go for first.

(Total word count: 2763.)

Chakra 130/200:

Exit thread.

Mission: 1500/1500
Word count remaining: 1263.

Training Reaction time from B2 to B3 - 900 word count.

Discarded word count: 363.

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