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1"Mhm." [Travel - Kumo -> Iwa] Empty "Mhm." [Travel - Kumo -> Iwa] Tue May 02, 2017 10:25 pm



Arthir, his red hair pulled back, sat inside of a populated wagon. Said wagon was being pulled by two bulls, a rock symbol branded on their sides. The afternoon sun proved to be an annoyance for the young man as its rays started to sting. His skin was turning red, and sweat was being soaked by the very loose green shirt he wore. Of course, Arthir would use the term 'shirt' loosely. It felt like he was wearing a tent almost, the shirt was so large! He did admire the orange triangle pattern going on at the edges of said shirt. He had gotten this outfit from a local store in Kumo, being advised by the shinobi captain to buy such a thing. They told him that the shirt provided ventilation for the windy nature of Sunagakure, where he was headed.

"Very useful," he commented, his arms still holding onto his normal clothes.

He was also advised to not wear his usual attire underneath this new piece of clothing. Something about the ventilation being pointless if the skin isn't exposed or something.

As he was still looking over his clothes, something caught his eye. Outside, being passed by the wagon, was a wooden sign with black writing. It basically informed that the way this wagon was going was to a place called...'Iwagakure'. Well that doesn't sound right. Arthir decided to talk to the driver of the wagon, coming to a stand and leaving his casual clothes folded where he was once seated. He cautiously walking over to the driver. The moving cart proved to be a bit difficult to balance on, but eventually he made it.

"H-hey, excuse me," Arthir started, holding onto the side of the cart.

"Mhm?" the driver said, turning their head to the side towards the young man, but keeping their eyes on the road.

"Is this-...? This is going to Sunagakure, right?"

"Mhm," the man replied.

Just as he was about to speak again, Arthir saw another sign. The wagon passed by it, it having 'Iwagakure' written on it just like the other one.

"Are you sure? Because that sign-"

"Mhm," replied the driver.

"Th-that sign said...'Iwagakure'."


"So-... So, that's not Sunagakure."


Arthir's pink eyes looked to the side, waiting for something other than another 'mhm' from the man. Unfortunately, nothing came.

"Should we turn around?"


"So, we're going to turn around then?"


Arthir waited. The wagon...was still on the same path to Iwagakure. He assumed that the driver was waiting for an intersection of sorts to come, so that he could make a big enough turn. When something close to such a thing came, the driver...kept going.

"We-..." Arthir looked back at the intersection they were leaving. "We didn't turn around."


"You said we'd turn around!"


"But we didn't!"


The red-haired man scratched his head with raised eyebrows. It seemed to matter what he said, the driver would just reply with the same response. So, he decided to test something.

"Hey," Arthir started, smiling.


"I don't have money on me."

The driver...didn't respond, which led Arthir to believe he had gotten through to the man! If this was the case, he'd be able to finally inform him of the error at hand, the driver's attention finally being his!


The wagon drove on, going further to 'Iwagakure'. Arthir, on the other hand, was left standing by the roadside.

"I-I actually had money on me! I just-!"

"Mhm!" the driver replied.

Arthir tilted his head to the side, greatly confused. It wasn't so much the fact that he was kicked off the wagon for saying he had no money which confused him, no. What confused him was that the driver would take the time to reply with an audible 'mhm', even when off the cart. It kind of made him wonder...if they do that on purpose to passengers.

"Well-...!" Arthir stood there, his green tablecloth of a shirt blowing in the wind. Then, he turned to his right. As if to rub salt into the wound, Arthir saw a sign that said 'Iwagakure, one mile away.' Huh, talk about irony.



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