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1A Familiar Foe Reappears [Plot/Private] Empty A Familiar Foe Reappears [Plot/Private] Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:49 am



"Okay I need to get past the hills and I should be able to do some training near the top" I say in my head. I decide to slowly make my way up on top of the hills but decide to stop half way to catch my breath. While stopping I decide to eat lunch and pack my bags to keep going up the hill but before I can I hear a noise at the bottom of the hill. It sounds like a cry for help, I keep packing my bags and come to the conclusion that its fine as I don't want to get involved with anything and exposing that I'm in the area but as I finish packing all my bags I look in the same direction again and notice that a fire has started within the forest and there is more sounds from below the hill.
Before I start to slowly make my way down the hill just to have a look I notice a huge fireball is headed my direction from the top of the hill. "Buragan" I quickly react towards the firewall and negate the jutsu as if it hadn't been there in the first place. I notice four men standing behind the Fireball as soon as I dismiss the flames I noticed one of the people had been someone I met a long time ago. "Wait your that man that tried to capture me a long time ago!" I yell. The men start to smirk and notice I have caught on before they can do anything I quickly grab my bag and start running down the hill at full pace. I notice the men are all making their way towards me and are slowly catching up before I can do anything the flames from down the hill have become massive and that it may become impassable so I stand my ground being cornered due to the fire surrounding me.

"With those eyes, you can stop any jutsu we have to throw at you, thats the reason they are so famed yet such a kekkai genkai like that is pretty much not attainable anymore due to the fact most people of your clan died, isn't that right Masu?" The man I noticed before says. His henchmen move a bit closer and I notice that the flames behind me are starting to heat up more, but before anyone can do anything theres more screams coming from those flames. The henchmen slowly mark their ground as they hear the screams as well leaving all of us into an ultimate deadlock. "Don't just stand there do something, shes just a girl!" The man yells. The henchman start to make their move and one of them decides to cast a lighting jutsu "Lightning Blast Technique!" He yells. Before it can even get close to me I activate my eyes again and negate the jutsu "Baragan!". I notice the two other henchmen have gone missing and I start to question where they went, I take a quick glance at the trees and sky yet still nothing. "I'm starting to become tired due to my eyes" I say in my head. I notice the flames behind me in the trees are starting to settle down but before I could react the two men that went missing attempt to attack me from the ground below. They both pop up at off the ground but yet don't cast any signs so I decide to quickly step back to avoid any physical attack, one of the men lunges at me and I quickly evade it and strike him in his chest rendering unable to move and paralysed on the ground. "Hey GETUP, How could you be so weak to be knocked out by this girl!" The guy yells at his henchmen again. "If they are so weak then I guess we could call you useless as all you do is talk all day." I respond. "Why you little brat!" The man replies. He starts to cast his jutsu, "Fire Style Fireball Jutsu!" He casts it as quickly as he can and aims directly for me, I quickly start to try and activate my eyes but it doesn't work. I dodge and try and keep my feet ready but before I can do anything else the lightning style ninja jumps at me again I quickly duck and he attacks the tree behind me trapping his hand in the tree, I quickly try and strike him and land it but as soon as I do it was a substitution jutsu. "Ugh, you guys are really becoming annoying." I say to them. Before they can even respond the screams from behind us have gotten louder and the fire has died down, I take this as an opportunity to run again into the forest where the screams were coming from. "Hey come back here!" The man yells, he looks at his henchmen still knocked out and says to the other two "Leave him, if he can't even stay up after copping one blow then he isn't strong enough to be a part of our group." I quickly start to head over to the screams and notice a village blackened out due to the flames with all the villagers crowded up and surrounded by bandits. Bodies lying on the floor lifeless the village is filled with people young, old yet these bandits treat them with utter disrespect. I look behind me to notice that the rebels haven't tracked me completely yet and are still trying to make their way to me. "I don't have much time but I might have enough time to stop these bandits from ruining this village anymore." I say in my head.

The head bandit starts to lift up his sword as if he's gonna take a swing at some of the villages and quickly swings his sword down on the villages but before he can hurt anyone I quickly get in the way and hit his hands to knock the sword out of the way. All the bandits and villages lock eyes onto me and their leader, "Get out the way little girl if you know whats good for you!" He snarls at me. "You don't know what you are messing with." I say, he quickly tries to cast a jutsu and I quickly attack him yet he blocks himself interrupting his jutsu cast. "Your quick on you're feet but are you strong?" He smirks after saying this. We start to fight going from fists and kicks being blocked, I take a swoop at kicking his feet he jumps up and starts to cast a jutsu at me. "Water Release: Large Projectile" He yells. I quickly activate my Baragan again, "Baragan!" His jutsu dismantles its self mid air and I pop through the water to hit him he falls to the ground but is still able to talk all his other henchmen start to quickly run towards me and start to attack me but every time one starts to run towards me I quickly dodge and attack them and knock them to the ground. All of his henchmen are rendered useless and start to lie down resting after being hurt. The bandit leader looks at me and says "Your.. one of the Shihana clan arn't you. Your clan is ... meant to be dead! Those eyes render.. my jutsu useless." He starts to quickly try and get on his feet but he falls down each time he tries to get up. The villages look at each other and start to stand their ground surrounding the bandits to stop any attempts on trying to escape. But before anything else is able to happen the men from before reappear, "Leesui how did this happen you were meant to just destroy this village not get captured!" The man from before yells at the commander of the bandits. "Sahara .. that girl, she.. she attacked us.. And took us all out. It's those dam eyes .. I..I can't do anything about them" The commander says as he points towards me. "So not only have you been a nuisance but you've been a brat as well by ruining one of my top Shinobi, you will pay for this Masu, I knew I should have taken you out and taken your eyes when I got the chance!" He aggressively yells at me. He starts to charge at me I decide to quickly move and try and cast a jutsu yet I dont have much charka left so I need to conserve every bit, I might only be able to activate my eyes maybe one more time or only use one more jutsu. He comes charging at me we go head to head, locking each other up striking and blocking staring each other down to the point of a equal fight. I quickly try and charge at him one more time as he dodges I notice a weakness within his defence. We reset ourselves and are ready to go at each other again, he quickly lunges towards me but before he can I quickly dodge and punch his leg leaving him exposed as he drops his hands to try and help stop the wound in his leg. "YOU BRAT, Your nothing but a pest and I'm glad we wiped out your clan while we could!" Sahara spits his words out and starts to get frustrated as he seems to believe he might not be able to win yet he tries to believe nothing bad will happen to him, but for all he knows he has just made the biggest mistake of his life. "Don't you ever talk about my clan, like you could ever understand the feeling of that pain?" I scream as my eyes turn to the Baragan naturally due to all of the rage, and I start to look even more pissed. "Your clan was pathetic anyway!" Sahara yells again smirking. I start to rush him pretty much moving at the pace of unbelievable pace, I start to punch him as he moves back about five metres from each punch, he tries to cast a jutsu "Try and cast that jutsu and I will blow it up in your face!" I say to him. He continues his casting but I still stop it before he can even finish the signs. I punch him even more, I grab him by the shirt and chuck him over towards a tree, I chuck three Senbons into his lower ribs and both in his eyes. "MY EYES, YOU BITCH I'LL KILL YOU!" He screams in pain as he can barely contain himself from yelling, as soon as he lands onto the ground he starts to crawl on the floor and tries to move away from me. "I'm not done yet!" I yell. I start to pummel his face in to the point of his words becoming incomprehensible, he tries to say something but I punch him harder every time he tries to move, in between each punch I say a few woods. “DONT *punch* YOU *punch* EVER *punch* TALK *punch ABOUT MY FAMILY *punch*" as I keep punching to the point of my own body starting to feel out of energy. I lay over him as he lies there lifeless as he could ever be and just one hour before I was an innocent girl who didn't like to initiate violence and now I have just beaten a man to the point of him not being able to talk. I take the senbons out of his eyes and lower rib and stab him a few more times.
But before I can continue the villagers try and stop me and try and pull me off "IF YOU EVEN TOUCH ME I WILL KILL YOUR WHOLE VILLAGE!" I scream to the top of my lungs they all start to back off and hold their guard and are now frightened by me after I just saved their entire town. The bodyguards for Sahara shows up and see what I did to his body "Sah..ara how could this ... happen to you, of all people." One of the bodyguards of Sahara says as he starts to slowly look terrified at me as he can see me bloody as he looks really distressed by what happened to Sahara. "You'll be next if you try and go near me, and dont worry Ill make it quicker for you compared to this scum known as Sahara." I say in a more monotone whispered type of voice. They start to slowly help the rebel unit and the remaining members of the rebels try and all rally up with the bodyguards and start to make formations to try and contain me.

"NO STOP DON"T ATTACK HER ITS USELESS!" The commander yells but before anyone will listen to him all of them start to charge, "It's over" I whisper I activate my Baragan and start to strike all of them in repetitive strikes and start to strike them all in their vital points leaving all of them unconscious on the ground as most of them lay there agonizing in pain the villagers look at me like I'm the bad guy "If you even try and move I will kill all of your men Commander, look at how weak they are and so are you for trying to even think you are able to beat me is funny next time I will let you have a chance but sadly I don't think there will be a next time." I laugh over this and he starts to cower in fear, "Please  ... don't..don’t kill me I.. Can’t die now.. Please.. Ill do what.. Ever you want." As the commander tries to beg me for forgiveness he gets on his knees begging, "I have no need for you!" I strike him with one vital blow leaving him lifeless on the floor I stare at the villagers and start to walk away one of the villagers speaks out "Who.. Are you?" he says. "My nickname is The Eyes of the night or just Masu of the Shihana Clan, don't bother following me or asking for my help again." I say as I start to walk away into the forest.

I start to run back to the hills and by the time I make my way back to the same point I started at, I look back at to where I was just fighting at and can see the damage around the area as a quarter of the forest was black and the village had still been reckoned due to all the damage the rebels had done. I start to make my way up the hill taking in a great deep breath of air and trying to spot things within the land to identify the land and see what the best place to go to next, "If I start making my way to Kiri it might take a while but Suna but be a bit better due to all the damage there as of recent, and I might be able to lay low there for some time, I guess Suna it is." By the time I get to the top of the hills it's a pretty sight with the woods and grass all around the forest. I decide to take some time up here to rest but before I can I need to do something. I activate my Baragan and start to look around the world and see the Charka flowing throughout the world due to this I can understand how Charka works and spend a decent amount of time sitting down trying to maintain my eyes for as long as I can so I'm able to control them in fights for more time. But before I can continue my stomach starts to grumble, "Oh I have forgotten to eat, that might be a good idea." As I start to pull out food I hear noises behind me, I quickly turn around and activate my eyes. "Come out I can see you from here." I yell at the bushes behind me. The two children come out "Please miss we need food I beg we haven't eaten in days." The kids are about 14-15 and look like they haven't showered for days. "If I give you some food will you go away?" I ask. They nod in response I decide to chuck them a bag of chips and a few apples they thank me and start to leave. A few hours pass.

"The night looks so beautiful at this time" I start to take a break and sleep in as I need to continue training for tomorrow as I start to try and sleep each time I keep having visions of people I can’t really distinguish who these people are but they seem to be calling out to me. The next time I try and fall asleep it happens again, but after a few more times I fall asleep. Throughout the night I sleep and have a few disgruntled noises as if its a nightmare of some sort. I start to envision and hear screaming I hear it call out "Masuuu..." I wake up in a panic out of breath and sweating, I start to try and dismiss it but something outside of where I'm sleeping is making a noise, I pan over and see bushes moving I suddenly spring into action and jump up taking guard but I'm extremely tired and my body is limp but before I can even attack the noises from the bush emerge and it was the same two kids from before. "What are you doing here, Didnt I say you should go away?" I say as I'm extremely disgruntled from being woken up, but before I can say another word they leap at me and start trying to attack me, I'm caught off guard and jump back quickly. "What are you doing? I helped you before." I yell. "Well we were thinking that you might have more food for us and were gonna take it by force." One of them replies with. "Trust me you don't want to fight me I wont go easy on you." I say, They dismiss me my words again and attack I quickly move back again and activate my eyes and I start to scream in pain, "Stop come near me and I will come at you with no remorse and trust me, I've had a bad day" I start to menacing scream at the same time as saying this. They still dont listen, They both use Fire Ball Jutsu, "Too Slow!" I yell, my eyes quickly destroy the jutsu and I come at them quickly and hit both of them quickly in the vital points leading to one of them falling over and not even being able to speak while the other one can barely speak. "You what are you? You just destroyed my jutsu, before I even started it, you aren't human what are you?" The little boy says laying there, "I don't know what I am but you shouldn't have done this." I reply I quickly stab him in the heart with a Senbon to quickly ease his pain and do the same to the other one lying on the ground just so they don't need to suffer anymore.

I pack up again and start to become annoyed from all of these interruptions, "My eyes they are killing me." I say agonizing from the pain, I quickly try and cover my eye but I slowly start to stumble and everything becomes a bit blurry "I.. help me.." I faintly say and fall over passing out from the exhaustion and too much use of my eyes and movement. When I wake up I am still in the same spot nothing different both the bodies from last night still there, and I decide to quickly pack my stuff again and try and start moving but I struggle to properly move fast so I take it a bit slow and not go all out on it. As soon as I've packed all my bags I decide to go up to the top of the hill after all the delays and setbacks, I see the great view and can notice a few areas in the Land of Fire and can even see the Hokage face mountain. "Maybe I should set off to a new land to remain quiet about myself." I decide that if I should start moving out I need a bit more rest before I can stay moving. I quickly brew myself a few noodles and sit outside of my tent and enjoy the view noticing nature at its finest while eating some noodles. I notice that the weather my be raining in a few hours and decide to try and stay inside of my tent until the rain clears. I lie down and watch the clouds flow by as its the first time I've really had time to relax and enjoy all the scenery, I start to ponder what I want to accomplish and how I can have my name run throughout the whole of the Shinobi world. I take in considerations like saving people or starting a group of Shinobis for a greater cause. But the best idea for me right now might be to travel towards Suna or Kiri depending on what is better for my cause or if I can find people around there willing to join me. I think of the states of Suna and Kiri and decide on Suna as they are more desperate and might need some help due to the destruction around that area. I start packing my bag and a photo slips out of one of my clothes and I notice it's a picture of me as a child with both of my parents. I shed a tear knowing that I won't be able to see them again and fold the photo and put it into my back pocket. I finish packing and start walking off towards the area of Suna and hoping to meet new people and accomplish new things and now I don't have to worry about being chased by Sahara as much now.


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