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Yuki went through the motions to get prepared for his very first mission. Having yet to actually do anything vaguely ninja related, other than train, to yet he reveled at this opportunity to experience his very first mission even if it was  just a D-Rank Mission. As the sun crested into the afternoon he prepared and applied the bandage wraps he used to keep his face concealed, cleaned and shined his forehead protector, and read over the mission one last time, for no particular reason other than to just make sure he had completely internalized what he needed to accomplish.

"Kay, so it says here that there will be more than one stray, so I can probably expect two maybe three. Also they can frequently be found down at the Waterfall Point. This seems easy enough. No wonder it's only D-Rank mission. It looks like anyone can do this"

Yuki barefoot against the warm stone of the village navigated the streets with an expertise derived from his two years of living here. Slowing down only once he began to creep up on the mouth of the waterfall. He had never been here before and was surprised that he could hear the water battering the surface of the lake even before he could spot it. The closer he got the easier it was to hear the dogs bark and growl at each other, and about 100 meters out he ducked behind a rock peering around it for a better look.

"Woah!" The exclamation barely came out as a whisper as the awe stole his breath from him. The crystalline cascade of colors that caught most of the village were probably used to was almost sublime to Yuki. As his focused waned back to him he could tell even from this far away that there were a little over a dozen dogs, but no more than 15 that almost seemed to become an amorphous crowd as they struggled for dominance over something that Yuki could only hope was inanimate or deceased. As he tried to be like a liquid rolling across the topography he managed to inch within 15 meters of his targets. The dogs didn't seem all that big from this close, and it was easy to count all thirteen of them. Yuki weighing his odds figured he could catch one under each arm without any issue at all. With resolve he clenched his fist, and charged the group.

These dogs had obviously been through the motions before, and they knew that if a human got ahold of them they'd be taken away from this place and never seen again. Therefore when the small ninja began to run towards them they spread out for just a moment, before converging in intersecting paths with the precision of a gold medal ice skater. Some the dogs had the gall to cross paths just behind the boy, who, too overwhelmed by this astounding display was left nearly helpless as a dozen dogs ran pas his motionless frame.

Outdone by his underestimated targets Yuki was left alone with one last dog that was almost his size. It looked at him almost mockingly as it picked up the focal point of the cacophony earlier, a chunin's flak jacket. Taking its prize with it into the Lake.



[WC= 555]



[Exit Thread]
Total WC= 555
Strength E-> E-3 = 450 words
Perception E -> E-1 = 75 words

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