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1Kyodara Clan. Empty Kyodara Clan. Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:32 am



Kyodara Clan. KrC3qbD

Kyodara Clan. FAHfQ33
Clan Name: 虚打ら・一族, Kyodara Ichizoku
Location: Kumogakure no Sato.
Specialization: Bukijutsu (Kyūjutsu).
Elements: Raiton (Required primary or secondary)

Kyodara Clan. HhU72Pp
Clan History: The Kyodara clan has been known throughout history as the foremost in archery. The first official spotting, the flying of the clan emblem, was  during the First Shinobi World War. At that time, they were a small clan of mercenaries that specialized in guerrilla warfare. They were hired by other clans and nation-states to help in fights; through demonstration and the undeniable results of a skilled Kyūjutsu specialist, they quickly gained fame and reputation. They could pose as normal people while walking by an enemy supply route, then using their chakra bows and arrows, they would slaughter their unsuspecting foes. Once they had gained enough money from taking mercenary jobs they decided to merge with a village for protection. They quickly joined the village of Kumogakure and have lived there ever since.

They hold great pride and an intense sense of nationalism toward their clan and village; initially any mockery towards either of the two could cause these members to act extremely violent towards the person that mocked them. When they first joined Kumogakure, they acted like nobles even though they were just mercenaries that were needing a place to sleep without worry of being attacked. Over many years, the people of Kumogakure had just accepted their way of thinking they are nobility. Thus the clan became of high social status in Kumogakure, not through blood but in a more de facto fashion. The most honorable thing a clansman can do is rise to the rank of Kage and assume the position they think is rightfully theirs. A good deal of those who hail from this clan are arrogant snobs who always look down upon others, though not every member is like that. The Kyodara are first and foremost archers and guerrilla fighters, and as such instruct all of their kin to wear clothing appropriate as camouflage to the area. Training from this clan is started at a very young age, roughly 2-4 years of age the parents are required to make them train. Failure is not an option in this clan, as it brings dishonor towards their family and their name. Though, the thing that one can do that could hurt the pride of the clan the most would be to leave the Cloud, and thus one's own family and its people. Partially due to their own indoctrination or their own expertise at stealth, there has never been a report of a missing-nin Kyodara member. Those that escape do not see this as an option for life, but rather an escape from your responsibilities as a member of the Kyodara clan. Of course, the clan itself sees an escapee as nothing more than a smudge on their name, and attempts to dispose of anything that tarnishes their reputation promptly.

Members: Zetsume Zix (Former Clan Leader)

Kyodara Clan. Y4syLuV
Kekkei Genkai Name: Pinpoint: Houyi's Pedigree (的定・后羿血統, Jōmato: Kōgei Kettō)

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Kyodara are dedicated archers; their general standard for Kyūjutsu as an art in and of itself is second to none. The Kyodara can use Chakra Bow items of 1 rank higher than normally allowed by their ninja rank.

The Kyodara can apply for Chakra Bows as items.

Because Chakra Bows and Arrows are actively created by a Kyodara, and the latter dissipate on impact/after dealing damage, the items themselves are incredibly difficult, or in the case of the latter impossible, to damage like normal items. Even being made of chakra, Fūinjutsu and other effects can be applied to them as normal. Despite subtracting chakra from the chakra pools of those using them, these items and their abilities, to sensory techniques and powers, do not appear to be using any.

The initial Luminous Shard and Lightning Bolt (or whatever you decide to call them) cost no Ryo and are obtained upon character approval.

Upgrading existing bows and ammunition does not require training, but does require re-registration in one's Jutsu thread to subtract additional chakra from your maximum pool per rank up. Chakra Bows and Arrows can be upgraded any amount of times.


A Kyodara that existed before this revamp gains a Luminous Shard and Lightning Bolts of 1 rank lower than the maximum they can use, which do not cost Ryo. (A C-rank ninja would, therefore, get a B-rank bow and C-rank arrows.)

Drawbacks: As seen above, at-will archery comes at a cost. The majority of what makes the Kyodara so special has a permanent effect on their chakra pool that only increases as they continue to rank up and upgrade the effectiveness of their weapons.

Despite being formed from chakra, the arrows are not offensive jutsu unless granted a rank of interaction. If such is not done, they are blocked by any rank of defensive technique, and swallowed up by any rank of offense.

The Kyodara are dedicated specialists in long range. They may never learn Taijutsu, and it takes twice as many words to learn another sub-specialization aside from Kyūjutsu. Basic attacks from weapons or Taijutsu will act as if they are 1 item rank higher or 4 tiers of Strength higher for the purpose of damaging the Kyodara.

Devoting one's all to archery in such a manner leaves room to be desired in versatility. A Kyodara must take the "Hesitant (Specialization)" negative SC without balancing it with a positive.

2Kyodara Clan. Empty Re: Kyodara Clan. Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:55 pm




  • The Chakra bow as an item with a permanent chakra drain is conceptually fine, however the details are not.

  • The rising chakra cost needs to be explained a bit more. Is it 20+25+30 etc or is it just overall an increasing modifier?

  • What exactly do you mean by double rate of fire? Compared to what? Also the description sounds as though its not even really a bow but more akin to a crossbow or gun. This needs to be clarified.

  • Active chakra abilities are a no go on anything less than S rank.

  • The active ability on there is also a no go. It allows basically cooldown free A+ rank jutsu for reduced chakra cost.

  • The bow needs physical dimensions. The bow is either tangible or it doesn’t exist. It cannot be semi tangible. It doesn’t have to be solid, but it must be tangible.
    Bow can only be of one element.

  • All arrows overall are denied as they are in effect jutsu and should be categorized as such. They need to be applied for as jutsu and be modded by a jutsu mod.

  • Permanent chakra pool reduction, never being able to learn taijutsu, only Kyujuutsu Buki, and hesitant are fine for drawbacks.

Overall, This clan needs to have more clarification and be limited to the chakra bow

3Kyodara Clan. Empty Re: Kyodara Clan. Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:37 pm




The rising cost is dynamic but not compounding. It changes but does not stack.

Clarified rate of fire; I meant it to be 'nocking' multiple arrows.

So would I put the chakra ability that the item would grant in the Kekkei Genkai description instead? (The item writeup was meant to be a sort of culmination of 'what the KKG is'.)

To be clear, the arrow already has a speed and a damage factor. What would an appropriate cost be for granting pure jutsu interaction and nothing else to a chakra projectile?

That doesn't exactly make sense; why can it be non-solid but not intangible? (They reference the same premise; they don't interact with the sense of touch, and thus solid matter.)

Only kept the Lightning Bolt arrows. They are now steadily generated, but are finite in the sense that there is a stock to pull from.

4Kyodara Clan. Empty Re: Kyodara Clan. Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:24 pm



Kyodara Clan. Mitsuo%20Approval

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