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Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden


Ai would stand in the midst of the large underground stadium called Koudo Sutajiumj, looking around in light awe of this place. When he had previously traveled to Iwagakure, he didn't have the chance to truly explore the hidden village to its full potential, instead having only done a light mission and heading back home right away, a mistake he had regretted now that he stood within this underground stadium, right in the middle of the large stone platform, looking out towards the rows of seats and then to the shining green glowing gemstones hanging on the ceiling, illuminating the ceiling. When he has taken this opportunity, willing to show the Genin of Iwagakure a more unique experience of fighting someone from a different village in this battle simulation, he didn't expect to see a beautiful sight such as this. In a way, it nearly broke him out of his more serious mood for a few moments there, the Otter within him that craved wanderlust emerging, only for it to be pushed back down within his being.

He took this to simulate fighting multiple enemies at once, to practice for future battles, and while he can't go too far and these students are freshly made Genin, he feels that it should at least help him practice in keeping track of multiple enemies at once, which is a learning experience in itself. He needed this just in case his master has guards and while he may not be able to express his vengeful lethality upon these Genin, he can most certainly prepare and practice, and if he can defeat a group of twenty swarming Genin without getting hurt badly, then he knows for a fact that he is ready enough for Daiki. All in all, this isn't just a learning experience for these Genin that have yet to arrive, but for Ai himself, and the simple fact that he's not from Iwagakure, that he's not their future sensei or anything of the sort, should help them not hold back.

One by one, he would see their bodies enter the room, with he himself mentally counting them as they entered, formed their little groups, and began talking among themselves, and from there on he couldn't tell if it was either that they were talking about the weirdo wearing a pink short sleeved shirt and black pants that were looking at them or if they were just talking about other things, things of which held no true importance at all, whether it be their talking about being in a squad or what they saw recently on the television or anything else of the sort. Honestly, Ai didn't care, make your small groups of friends, he himself will just keep patiently waiting on, waiting to see when all twenty would arrive, thinking about what his first move will be against them. Soon enough, seventeen would be within the room, all talking and relaxing. Ai could hear laughter among the noise, and could see some brandishing their kunai. He could almost smell the confidence coming off of them, the surety that they could take him down, and he liked it.

As the last person had entered, though curiously enough wouldn't involve himself with any of the smaller groups, almost as though he was too shy to do so, Ai himself would step forward, and take another one, and another one, and another one until he was standing in the midst of these small groups of Genin, looking around at how they were around ten meters away from him at the most. At that moment, he got an idea. In an actual fight, at least in the experience he had within one, the enemy wouldn't just announce who they are, their intentions, their plans, and whatever else from the start, they would instead have a surprise attack, an ambush if they were outnumbered, and Ai, being a user of Suiton, or the water element, has the perfect means of getting their attention. Forming the Tiger hand seal for a short span of time, the Chuunin from Sunagakure would kneed his chakra within, his body feeling the cooling sensations of water inside of him, feeling the forming liquid dissolve, instead filling him with a mist, a feeling one would get when they stick a body part in their fizzy drink, really.

Then, almost as if he was going to attack all of those Genin right away, Ai would allow the mist to flow out of him, spreading quickly around him, covering the entire radius around him and then some, until the surrounding fifteen meters in radius was covered and filled with mist, enshrouding all within it. The chatter became confused exclamations, the laughter became surprised yelps, and there Ai would stand in the middle of it all, pleased with him. "Did you all forget why you are here?! You're here to get a taste of what a real fight is like. A real fight doesn't happen with an introduction, it can begin with you coming face to face with a jutsu, with you taking a kunai to the neck. You never know! Instead of attacking me though you waited, talking to each other almost as if I'm some teacher that's going to run you down. Guess what, I'm not extremely experienced either!"

He would say, pausing for a few short moments to listen to his surroundings before continuing. "I'm not one of your teachers, I'm not another student, I'm not even from this village! From here on out, act like a ninja from another village is attacking all of you jerks, because one is, and he's gonna beat you up unless you stab him!" He would say as he would begin blindly looking through the mist. Honestly, at this point, as long as he can hear them he would know the general directions they are in, but because he doesn't have some sort of super magical hearing Ai wasn't exactly one to be capable of directly pinpointing how many were where and the like, but considering his position, he could definitely get general directions and swiftly attack.

"Surprise!" He would exclaim as he would jump around two meters forwards, turning around in mid air and using his four foot long tail to hit one of a small group of three Genin in the back of the head, seeing their cloudy form fall to the ground, knocked away by about a meter and leaving two silhouettes left. Immediately as he landed Ai would use both hands to push the nearest one away before they can compose themselves and rush him, leaving one that was now behind him left. As he turned around, he would pull out his own kunai with his left hand, using it to swipe away the thrust that came for his mid-section, leaving them open for a counter attack. Immediately, the Chuunin would close in, dropping his own weapon into the foggy abyss and closing in on the Genin, using the extremely close range to help keep the stranger from swiftly attacking him again. Bringing his right knee up into their gut, following it up by tackling them to the ground, where he would pin them, his left claws just barely touching their throat. "You would've lost right there. Find your way out of the mist and wait there until this is over." He would tell the Genin as he would get off of him, backing away from the small group, leaving the other two, whom of which would have most likely recovered, inside this little game.

Wandering about once more, he would almost be taken off guard by the suddenly appearing shadow of one of the other Genin, whom of which would attempt to attack him from the right side, throwing the kunai at Ai. Thankfully, the Chuunin was a bit faster, being able to actually get on all fours, the sharp weapon only grazing the top of his head as he would lunge towards the approaching genin on all fours, tackling them to the ground, where he would pick them up, wrapping his left arm around their neck and positioning his right claws so they would just stop before touching their neck. While they struggled, Ai himself would attempt to keep a type grip on him, attempting to drag what was seemingly a him along and use him as a bodyshield of sorts. When the four other Genin arrived, which Ai could tell by his captive's telling them not to attack, calling on them by name, even, the Chuunin would stop in his tracks. "Like I said, I'm not a member of the village, I could easily dig my claws into his neck and escape. If you guys don't want that to happen, drop your weapons and find your way out of the mist."

Seemingly, only two out of the four would fall for Ai's bluff, as he would hear the clanking of their weapons along the ground, while the other two seemingly didn't, as when Ai had assumed they had all left, one of them ran directly towards him and his captive. Pushing the male into the approaching enemy, Ai would suddenly feel a sharp pain on his back, where one of the four Genin had approached him from behind, slashing him when the opportunity was available. Damn, he got overconfident and didn't figure that the mist was also a curse to him as well. Turning around just as the other Genin had approached, seemingly pushing Ai's captive out of the way and leaving them to walk out of the mist, the Otter's tail would swing around, striking him in the left side as he would grab the other Genin's right forearm, holding it away from her with some struggle as he would grab the kunai out of it with his left hand, pulling and letting go of the female, leaving her to stumble somewhat into the mist. 'That leaves fourteen, I think..' He would muse to himself as he took notice of the mist loosening, increasing visibility of the area.

Seemingly, some groups of Genin had actually begun to fight one another, and he could see at least three or four more having already left the surrounding silhouettes, leaving ten behind. The confusion of not being able to see must've caused them to assume they were fighting him, and as the mist was beginning to clear, he wanted to keep that illusion going. Casting the Tiger seal, he would transform with a light puff of smoke into an Iwagakure Genin, one with no tail and brown hair, with green eyes and the General Iwagakure shinobi colors adorning his clothing. As the mist finally subsided, that will be when Otter makes his move, seemingly walking towards a group of three Genin, a confused look on his face as he approached him, taking notice that two of them at least were ones that he had attacked out of the group of three earlier, making him realize that this is the perfect opportunity. Getting in close, he would act as though he was looking around just like the rest of them, and when he got close enough, he would with a puff of smoke return to his normal form, delivering an elbow to one of their backs and whipping his tail into the right thigh of another, leaving the third one remaining in the moment that was about to attack him.

As that Genin, whom of which had attempted to throw his kunai at Otter as he attacked the other two, went for a kick aimed for the Chuunin's right knee, Otter himself would lean backwards enough for the weapon to fly just over him, and for the kick to catch his foot, only knocking him off balance rather than stunning him. Otter would allow himself to fall down, performing a short reverse somersault and stumbling back up to his feet, facing the three Genin, two of which still has their kunai. No doubt the remaining seven will soon be upon them,  and so he had to handle this quickly. As the one on the left advanced first, Aiden would target the one on the right, lunging towards him and tackling him to the ground, raising up his left foot and kicking the other in the gut to help stun her.

Placing his claws against the downed Genin's neck, Ai would give a small smile. "You're out." He would say before feeling a kick delivered to his left side, making him get off of the downed Genin, whom of which would get up and begin making his way out, leaving nine left. Looking at the one that had kicked him, it was the Genin from before, whom of which had thrown his kunai, seemingly wishing to go hand-to-hand with the Chuunin. Ai wasn't exactly the type to get up and fight fairly, however, and so he laid there for a short moment before suddenly rolling towards the Genin, his tail slamming into the floor, creating an audible thud before he swiftly rolled back, quickly getting to his feet as the Genin had stepped away from the attempted attack. Otter would then advance, seemingly throwing a wider left hook, and as he had blocked it with his right arm, Aiden would lean in, bringing his left knee upwards and into his groin, knocking the Genin to the ground as a result, holding onto it. "Out."

Eight remained, and seven of those eight were now present. Ai would stand against them, heavily outnumbered. Just great, at least the only real injury he took was that slash with the kunai on his back, add that scar along with the others, but still, his ideal situation was only have five left, and now he was standing against seven. Two more than he wanted. Forming the Tiger seal, Otter would create an identical copy of himself, and clone, really, and the two of them would now stand off against the seven of the Genin, ready to fight. As they all seven closed in at once, both Otters would spin around, whipping their tails and striking the two at both ends of the group in the face, and both would follow it up with Otter's left and hand his clone's right hand grabbing the shirts of the ones that were right next to the struck Genin, pulling them both in and letting them stumble for a few moments.

His clone actually turned around, using the Water Gun technique to shoot his two Genin, knocking them both around three meters away and rendering them both as out, leaving five left. His clone would then turn around, only to get stabbed in the throat while Ai himself would receive a kick to the gut, followed by two different Genin trading blows with him. As his clone dissolved into water, Ai himself would be kicked in the stomach and head, while he would receive a piercing wound to his right shoulder. Using his left hand, he would backhand one of the two, striking him in the jaw and following it up with a direct kick with his right foot, knocking him backwards and effectively out, leaving four left, at least, until Aiden delivered a swift right elbow to her head, causing her to stumble and fall, leaving three left.

He had some light bruises forming and his back and right shoulder were both bleeding lightly, but thankfully he can still move well enough. The Genin of Iwagakure are certainly strong, to be able to do this much to a Chuunin, even when they have originally be caught off guard and ambushed. Charging forward, Ai would bring his right knee upwards, aiming to prevent the the right arm of one of the three to be used to stab him by striking it in her right bicep, following it up with his right hand pushing against her face, pushing her away as he would turn to face the other two, swinging his left hand and striking the male that was next to her in the left arm, following it up with a swift spin, using his tail once more to strike him in the face before pushing him away, leaving only two left as he would fall to the ground.

He would turn around once more, using his left hand to grab the female Genin's right wrist before she could stab him from behind and bringing his right fist in to hit her in the stomach, releasing her wrist so he can the grab her by the shirt, his right hand's claws already stopping near her neck. "Out" he would say as he raised his left leg backwards, kicking the other approaching Genin in the chest, knocking him back. "And out." He must admit, he was growing tired, especially considering the fact that this is still going on, though it felt like it was an eternity since it began. Looking around, he would see no one in the field anymore, instead all twenty would be lined up, with only one not even having minor bruises, while the remaining nineteen had relatively minor injuries, definitely the kind they could walk off. Composing himself, Aiden would face all twenty of the Genin. "I commend all nineteen of you for trying. Truly, if you're all this strong and only freshly out of the academy, Iwagakure is in extremely good hands. I am disappointed that one of you didn't wish to help even the odds, especially since I was wide open at the end there, but nonetheless, this was a great fight. You need to practice at preventing an ambush, but overall, I have no doubt that when a real fight rolls along, almost all of you will be ready."

With that, he would begin walking away as all twenty had broken up, returning to talk to each other, though this time, he was almost sure it was about the fight they underwent, with some talking about how they were caught off guard, and others bragging about their hitting the Chuunin. Ai himself would be leaving, aiming to find a place to tend to his light wounds so he himself can prepare for the real fight that's coming.

Wc 3085

Mission wc 1500/1500

1500 left over for training

Perception: C->C-1
Speed: C->C-1

435 wc left over

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